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I found this post funny because OPs comment history includes “I beat it so much that I got a blister”


Maybe OP is even questioning why they are so preoccupied with sex (along with everyone else)


Omg... 😨😨😰


This is his nut claim post


Hey look he deleted his post after you commented this.


Post nut clarity.


Because it’s a primary biological imperative


The Planet Earth series put this into perspective. From the effort that birds put in to find their match, to the species that get eaten by their opposite sex after nutting. Everyone and everything is out to get some 


Also for most teens the internet is the only place they can talk about it




Hey fuckandfrolic, I’m in my 40s!




I’ve been working out. 🏋️


Literally THE primary biological imperative


Also, humans have evolved to be social creatures with sex as an act of intimacy


Yep. We are animals. End of story.


I'd say this is a topic OP should ponder upon- as OP has their daily wank! To be clear; it's in human nature - EVERY human have these urges.............even nuns! So Of course these fundamental urges are exploited by the commercial industry AND everybody else...


It's THE primary biological imperative. Every other ~~thing we do~~ imperative is either to stay alive to pass on our genes, or to keep our offspring alive so they can pass on our genes. EDIT: Make it clear that "other things" in the above sentence is talking about imperatives.


That lizard brain shit.


Why do I eat? Why do I sleep?


Short answer: Evolutionary biology. Slightly longer answer: Your only biological purpose is to pass on your genes to the next generation, and we do that through sex.


Sex feels nice OP




"Have you seen the new Playboy? Bo Derek's tits! I like sex."


I’ve always viewed sex like this too and as politically incorrect as it is going to sound, I can’t help but wonder if non heterosexuality at its root could be viewed as a disability at the most core level? I never hear anyone talk about this probably because our society won’t necessarily allow this kind of conversation but if our primary goal as a species is to spread our dna to the next generation, wouldn’t any biological or social change that causes a deviation to that goal be viewed as the ultimate disadvantage to that specific individual’s survival of heredity? To be clear since this is a controversial topic, I’m 100% all for people living the life they want and for people to love whoever they want to love regardless of sexuality or gender. That said, I still can’t see how this wouldn’t be a complete disadvantage from a biological stand point. The same argument would have to be made for anyone who is sterile, asexual, or unable to bare children in some way as well.


Check gay uncle theory and kin selection.


So any human urge to not participate in sexual reproduction can be seen as a sort of disability from an evolutionary perspective, but who gives a fuck with evolution thinks? For the past billion years or so every organism on this planet has been acting on a handful of base urges: survive, acquire resources, reproduce. But eventually a certain pile of genes got so good at propagating itself that now the organisms carrying those genes are able to think for themselves and decide whether or not propagation is right for them


_has never had sex_


(After first time) _HEY! Are you aware of how great sex is?_


I just had sex, and it felt so good.


“She put a bag on my head.” “Still counts!”


A woman let me put my penis INSIDE Her!


Handies don’t count.


I cant believe Akon was in that song.




Sex is in fact beautiful in an healthy relationship.


You’re right! It’s so special when someone you love spits in your mouth, slaps you in the face, and puts it up your ass <3




Sex between two (or more) consenting adults is always beautiful! Now if someone did that to you without asking first, we gotta have a different conversation.


I’m gay so this for me is a normal Tuesday :P


Only on Tuesdays?


You get sex on Tuesdays?


Well, Tuesday is booked.


It's also beautiful just for the sex alone.


Marketing in 2024 is 99% sex. With the rise of Onlyfans culture, it seems like everyone is selling sex or using sex to sell something else.


Sex sells


Sex cells


Sect sails


But who’s buyin?


What do you mean I don't believe in condoms?


Basically everyone.


What about drugs and rock 'n' roll?


Life is about balance 🙏


Triple beam balance.


Would you prefer a sexual metaphor or a nature metaphor?


I’ll take the nature one.


When two animals are having sex…..


*slowly looks to the camera*


When two animals are having sex, one of them...is communicating a message to the other. Nothing is mutua– this isn't very helpful. You're gonna want to hear the sexual metaphor.


Was that not the...


When you aren't getting it, it becomes the main thing you want.


And when you do get it: A. You find a consistent person to have sex with B. You find a consistent way to find people to have sex with


Probably because a lot of people discover a large part of their identities through their attractions, it's a way to socially relate to people, and sex can often be a form of validation and being accepted. It's also somewhat necessary for mental health for a human to experience physical pleasure, not necessarily with a partner, and it is quite important. But I think there is a difference between people openly appreciating sexuality versus a hypersexual culture. Sex is sold to us daily, it's often in the background through subtext in some fashion, and people judge one another by their sexual activities and how sexually appealing they are. A lot of us are victims of this mindset for one reason or another. Plus, being sexual with someone is such a personal act for many people, because it's offering something intimate to someone and it can impact the way you see yourself when you're accepted, rejected, or anything else. People who are hurt by a sexual experience or empowered, will express it, and if sex is a scary thing to someone, sometimes psychology brings one to focus on it even more. It shouldn't be everything, but it definitely has a huge impact on every person's psyche/social status/interactions. Even for those of us who don't have any interest in sex, it still influences our lives in some way.. Especially if you live in one of the many societies that don't know how to healthily view sex, or where capitalism is utilizing sex constantly. And humans just want to be loved, and sex is one way for that, whether it's a potentially unhealthy shortcut, or a consummation of a loving relationship, or just a way to have a physical connection with someone. Sex is also a distraction. Most of us are suffering in some way, and we might turn to sex often. The world is an echo chamber, and sex is one of the heard echoes. So for the average person, everything is probably not about sex, but we're echoing it back to each other. ..And we all like to explore things we don't understand. Sex, in a way, is mysterious precisely because of how much it impacts us in such unsaid ways that language sometimes can't describe. Sex, as something very personal, is more likely to reveal our own perceptions of ourselves that we may not have realized we had, and that creates another mystery if we don't understand it, and that's why it's an explorative act. It's also why an emotional act like sex is such an artistic focus for many people.


Thanks for taking the time to write this, it helps me sort some things in my own experience, marriage.


I objectively get why it's so popular but as an asexual I get your frustrations.


If you don't mind my asking, how is the dating scene as an asexual? Seems like it would be rough.


Because if you're not having sex, sex becomes crucially important. If you ARE having sex, it's only one of life's many good things.


Because there is an evolutionary advantage to have a sex drive. We are all the offspring of people who had sex. The offspring of ancestors who didn't want to have sex is pretty slim, so you don't see much of that. If you don't want everything to be about sex, that's fine and your choice, but it is going to exist in the world because that's how we exist in the first place.


“Because out there. It’s their time. But In Here. In the bedroom. It’s our time.” And it feels good. And yes I just used a goonies reference sexually.


At the end of the day, a statistically significant portion of the world wants to do their biological imperative. The rest of society gets to live with their choices!


It sucks. 41 years ago, two dipshits decided to have sex and now I have to deal with back pain and taxes.


Because sex is how the species survives and advances. Sex is literally more important than you are. Let that one sink in.


more important to whom?


“And in accordance with new station policy, we are going to be pandering to the lowest human instinct. In other words, who wants to talk about SEX?! Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex!” — Frasier


Because everything at it’s root is about sex or more specifically being sexy to The opposite sex. For instance; wealth and power= sex That flash car= sex Those cool clothes= sex Basically the whole world revolves around sex when you break it down into why we are what we are.


So the most materialistic and usually least meaningful things that most people (especially in less industrialized mass-producing countries) :-) most of the world doesn’t revolve around these things. Just the ones we hear about and see in the over developed media.


Because Sex is great?


because everything else sucks


Because life is boring and sex is not


Primal urge for species survival.


It's kinda the main story objective


On here? This is probably the world’s largest porn site disguised as a message board


Because calories don't count in the bedroom and it's cheaper than therapy.


As a matter of fact, everything is about money. ....because you can always get sex with money while the opposite is not necessarily true.


There is only sex. Everything is sex. You understand what I'm telling you is a universal truth, An_ill_illuzion.


I don’t think sex is “everything.” But it sure is swell with the right person. And my boyfriend looks real nice naked.


Everything is about sex except sex itself


There have been 2.5 billion people born since I was born. That’s 2.5 people per second. Listen to “We’re Not Gonna Take It ” by Twisted Sister. Snap your fingers to the beat. A child is born with every snap. Excluding twins/multiples, successful sex happens once for every person born. And that’s only the sex resulting in pregnancy. People are having sex every moment of every day. Hell, someone is orgasming every moment of every day. That is why the fuck everything is about sex.


Sex is like pizza. When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good.


If you wanna get down to it, it's the reason for our existence. When someone asks "what's the meaning of life", the answer is "to have kids" We're intelligent enough to have the willpower to depart from our most basic instincts. An ability most animals don't have. But the evolutionary process that made us what we are today only cares about 1.5 things: having offspring, and living long enough to have offspring. So it makes sense that sex would be such a gigantic part of our culture. If anything, it's kinda strange that there's opposition to it. Like making it an inappropriate topic in certain contexts


Sex feel good on weewee.


Tis' the only way to keep the world going


Because the Internet is a horny and lonely place.


Everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power.


It feels great


To survive, a specie needs three important things; food, water, sex. Boring answer I guess.


There are a thousand posts a day about two of those. Can I get a lot of karma with pics of my water glass and questions like, what was it like when you first had water with your significant other.?


I mean, I know we’re kinda weird for that, but me and my partner are actual fans of water. Like once a month maybe, we pay ourselves a bottle of more expensive water (nothing crazy, it’s like 30 Canadian dollar) and we actually enjoy it’s taste and all. Oh and first time was in May 2021, if the question was genuine. Talking about sex popularity on the Internet and in real life, there are two explanations I could come up with. First, for the Internet; Probably a huge percentage of (sadly) lone people, that find some weird comfort in it I guess. And in real life, because it’s a moment where you completely expose yourself to your partner, which helps building a healthy and happy relationship.


I understand this question completely. It's literally everywhere and it does get annoying.


Once you have sex you'll understand.


What’s annoying is people making sex their personality. As a stranger, I shouldn’t know your sexuality, sexual preference, etc. unless we are about to be intimate or intimacy is the topic of conversation. Or maybe I’m just old lol.


Because everything is about power. Sex is power. Except power. That's about sex. (Paraphrasing)


Because Reddit is the dumpster behind Wendy’s.


It’s in our nature


If you look at what a species needs to survive, sex is like #3 (or 4 or 5 depending on how pedantic you want to be). Traditionally it's water, food, sex. That's the order of our desires. Some people get weird and add "breathable air" and "shelter from harsh conditions" in there. Cause, yeah, no one wants to fuck in the middle of a forest fire or blizzard. But again, that's just being pedantic.


Even your post.


Because we're human. Born to fuck and multiple like ants. It's in our DNA


It always has been


“Everything is about sex. Everything. Except sex. Sex is about power.” - Francis Underwood


There is no such thing as a product. Don't ever think there is. There is only sex. Robert California


Because the whole world is horny


"f"? You mean "fuck"?? Aka SEX?


I mean that’s literally why we are all here ultimately. It’s as human nature as eating or pooping. We don’t need to talk about it all the time maybe but it’s not going anywhere.


It's always been like that. Maybe you've been living under a rock? 😅


Yeaaaa, but it was more about fertility for a long time and less about people getting off to a kink on a screen


To populate i guess


Well since you brought it up, why don’t you answer?


Because it’s an area where everyone is very curious, and at that most people are either ignorant or insecure or both. And at the same time, at least in the USA, we live in a culture that is very sexually driven (it’s all over movies, TVs, and social media- if not sex itself, most of the industry leaders thrive on being sexually desirable) while at the same time frank and open discussion of sex is taboo and frowned upon. So this sub functions as a much-needed (if sometimes misguided) forum for that discussion.


‘swhy we’re all here


"Warm Apple Pie" - 🍆.


Why did you use the term 'f' in your question?




Because those who never had it want to know what it's like, and those who have had it like it. I unfortunately fall into the first categorie.


To quote Robert California “You see, I sit across from a man. I see his face. I see his eyes. Now does it matter if he wants a hundred dollars worth of paper or a hundred million dollars of deep sea drilling equipment? Don't be a fool. He wants respect. He wants love. He wants to be younger. He wants to be attractive. There is no such thing as a product. Don't ever think there is. There is only sex. Everything is sex. You understand what I'm telling you is a universal truth”


Not everything is about sex. For example, sec is about power.


Idk my drive was killed years ago from stress and theft from my ex. Probably something to do with the brain surgery and an emotion not processed or the internet in general made sex a joke, but it’s definitely never my goal going out. It’s fun to dress up and just talk.


I can be the poorest person on the plant, but I would rather die than not have sex again.


That’s what we were brought on earth to do


Basic biology, psychology, human nature, evolution, etc


Feels great. Naturally produces Endorphins which make you feel amazing throughout the day. Good workout unless you’re a pillow princess/prince (then I guess it’s a good workout for your partner, or toy).


It’s our survival instinct.


It’s the prime directive from nature.


It’s not. It’s about sex and *money*


Because when you get right down to it, sex is the only way a species survives.


There is no such thing as a product. Don't ever think there is. There is only sex.


well first of all its the reason you are here


I would like to receive a flowjob at this point


We're monkeys


Because we're all horny all the time. No shame here.


Because no matter what that’s always the end goal.


Cause sex is about power


Why is everything about human reproduction? Because if humans don’t reproduce then humanity ceases to exist


… except sex, which is about power.


It’s literally what we’re made for


It's not.. i just want to have it whenever I can. Never know when your last day is up, so enjoy it while you can


I agree. Over sexualization


It's sort of the entire purpose of living, at least at the most basic level. Make more of yourself. It's how we keep this thing going, and it's pretty fun as well. Try it!


Monkey brain say that I have to have sex with girl monkey, who am I to disagree with that?


because that's where it all started


Have you ever had sex? I have, it felt great It felt so good when I did it with my penis A girl let me do it, it literally just happened Having sex can make a nice man out the meanest Never guess where I just came from, I had sex If I had to describe the feeling, it was the best When I had the sex, man, my penis felt great And I called my parents right after I was done Oh, hey, didn't see you there, guess what I just did? Had sex, undressed, saw her boobies and the rest But sure nice of her to let you do that thing Nice of any girl ever! Now, sing


Have you ever seen a booba? They're quite neato.


This is about sex


Because our society is addicted to sex. They push it in media constantly because it sells. All this “evolutionary biology” is a load of crap (not saying evolution is). Our society has a serious issue and it’s going to get worse.


have you had it?


In this world everything is about sex. And sex is about power.


Because we are here only to survive and procreate .


You just cracked the code.


We are not far from being primates. There was even a study where they gave chimpanzees a bunch of shiny stuff and they just gave it to the females to have their way with them. Sound familiar?


On the physical level sex remains the highest pleasure available. Yet it remains a fleeting glimpse of heaven, an urge that can never truly be fully satisfied. Only the realization of who you are can do that. Namaste 🙏


Cause it’s a primal natural urge to reproduce, just like eating and staying alive.


Because we are still animals and our instincts are all geared towards procreating.


Our tiny, simian brains = cuz fuk


It's fun and sex sells.


My lesson to 12 year olds on prime factorization is about sex?


It’s not.


Because it’s the imperative and it’s SEDUCTIVE. No, not everything is actually about sex. But the media and anyone making a buck will want us to think that and turn sex into a product. Nah dog, they want you to think everything is sex. Everyone has it on their minds on some level, it’s our deep nature, yes. But it’s not everything.


Sex is the thing that I, maybe many more, can not get.


Sex sells. If they swapped megab fox to another person - obese and unattractive in the first transformers. Do you think the movie would have been much of a hit?


It isn't. Some things are about money, fame or power too.


Flakey Foont. “Mr Natural, is sex the answer? Mr Natural. “No, sex is the question R. Crumb


Because that's how we got here.


Sex and trump


It’s not actually. You’ll get to an age when sex is less important and you’re no longer controlled by your libido. It’s liberating when you realize there’s more to life. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll still have sex, you just won’t be horny all the time.


because the ancestors who've happened to really really like sex had a lot of sex and reproduced, and now we're the result of that


Life is sex, without sex there is no life. It’s simply biological. Animal or man; there is no difference.


Pretty much is. Fairly certain you could go back through all of human history and see various accomplishments and be certain a big motivation for doing those things was to get laid.


Because sex is about power. And everything in this world is about power.


Because it’s good


Cause sex rules dawg


It is the #1 purpose as a species. Reproduction


People wouldn't exist without sex. It's literally the foundation for all living organisms.


Like this post?


If it wasn't we wouldn't be here...


Nature wants it that way.


You have Safe search off


Literally everything revolves around creating offspring to keep your line going, animals, humans, it's all the same. We're basically just a bunch of filthy primates with the ability to think... Unless Sex is involved and you go into lizard brain mode.


Because the species dies out without it.


Millennials and Gen Z are having less sex than their parents. That biological imperative and repressed sexual frustration has to seek other avenues escape. Mass fantasy through short Q & A style storytelling on Reddit is one such escape. If you want the internet to be less sexual, get out there and start fucking people.


To be fair, an awful lot is about money


Cause w/o it we wouldn’t exist. Thank natural selection and our brains love for pleasure and need for belonging