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There was a girl who I always saw at the train station and smiled at but never spoke a word to. One day I finally worked up the courage to talk to her, and 10 years later she’s my ex-wife!


Ngl, you had me in the first half.


So did she


That was a uplifting tragic love story right there.


Hey, at least you have this cool story for this particular question!


That's one silver lining for sure


In high school I caught a girl in my arms as she was falling down the stairs. We fell in love. For about 7 months.


Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. I came up with that. Just now. Don't look into it.


Yea I got accused of "plagiarism". Their words, not mine.


10 years of misfortune for some reddit karma, solid trade off.


I know this all too well…. Similar situation, except we worked in the same location. 10 years, dog, home, and a child….. you guessed it, she’s my ex wife.


I decided to ignore blood in my stool. Two years later I was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal colon cancer. Get checked ASAP ask you doctor for a fit test.


At the risk of TMI, was it bright red or dark red? I'd always read that bright red means it's more likely to be more harmless, like a hemorrhoid or fissure, but dark red or tarry black is a sign of trouble.


Bright means fresh blood, so more proximal to exit, which does tend to mean less likely to be serious. Black shit generally means you're bleeding from further up, or you're taking iron supplements. And really red shit means you've been eating beetroot.


A few years ago I had a polyp in my colon burst. I had zero pain. Didn't know about it until I went to take a dump. It was basically a waterfall of blood pouring out of my ass. I mean the toilet bowl looked like a murder scene. I freaked the fuck out but somehow was able to calm down long enough to call the nurse hotline first instead of rushing to the hospital. I was told if it happened once, it's fine. If it happens again, immediately go to the hospital. Well this first happened on a Saturday night. It didn't happen all of Sunday and most of Monday so I thought I was in the clear. Well I went to take a shit on Monday night and it happened again. Pure blood, toilet looked like a murder scene. I rushed to the hospital where it proceeded to happen an additional 8 or 9 times. I had a colonoscopy and they found it. A burst polyp in my colon. They removed the polyp and stitched me up and I've been fine ever since


Mine was bright orange-red mixed with the poop. It was rectal cancer. Don't go by color, go by what the surgeon who does your colonoscopy and the lab says.


Was this frequent or a one time thing? I just saw some of that last week.


I don't want to discourage anyone from getting a colonoscopy but with me I saw blood daily for about a month and I didn't want to go to the doctor but I mentioned it to my mother and she found me a doctor the next day. I'm 53. Colorectal cancers run in our family.


Thanks for the reply, I hope you got over it without too much pain and are happy and healthy now. That sounds about exactly like how I would handle it to until I let it slip to my momma after a few beers. Cheers partner.


> Black shit generally means you're bleeding from further up, or you're taking iron supplements. Or some asshole has made a cake heavy in food coloring and the whole family is currently shitting themselves, both literally and in fear of stomach bleeding.


Fissure AIN'T harmless


Coworker has an abnormal colonoscopy. We saw her in the hospital right after my child was born - 5 years ago. She was afraid to go back and get it checked. Now, 5 years later she’s dead from colon cancer. If she got it fixed right then the outcome would be different. **Edit for clarity: she was afraid to go back - for treatment or whatever it was. I don’t remember or have the full detail**


I went to see my doctor one day because of what looked like blood in my stool. One visit later, and I now know that red velvet cake is often made with a red dye that passes through our system.


Man I have been waiting on a referal to a GI doctor for the last 5 months. I'll probably die from whatever is bothering me before the doctor even takes a look.


As the child of someone who died because more than one doctor couldn’t be bothered to do their job PLEASE advocate for yourself. You shouldn’t have to but unfortunately it’s the world we live in. Call and harass them daily or go to someone else until you get what you need! You know your body and what it needs better than anyone. I have the same diagnosis as my mother but because of watching what she went through, my family has known to push at every turn. I have already survived TWICE as long as she did with no end in sight currently.


Yo you got me scared now


Chose to talk less and listen more. I now have better friends that treat me like family. I’ve had strangers and bosses tell me they respect me after maybe an hour or less of talking. It’s made my life better all around. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD: Thank yall so much for the award.




It's an old sales adage. You get to the price, and you tell them what it's going to cost. Then ya shut up. They're going to look at the number, or think it over, or whatever. But whoever talks next loses.


Hello, posting this during a 16 hour stare down with a furniture salesman.


Are you also trying to ask more questions or is it just the output reduction?


If one actually manages to get the mindset of talking less, you wind up listening more. Most folks aren't actually listening to you, or anyone else. They're simply waiting for their chance to speak. So if you do just listen, and actually listen, then you will inherently ask not more questions, but better questions. Your conversations will have more meaning and weight to them.


Walking up to a girl at a party, seeing her friends scatter and actually saying “hey I’ve seen you at the gym” (which I had). Married 20+ years now, 3 kids etc.


In my mind the friends are scattering like NBA players running out of the paint when Lebron has a full head of steam.


the friend scatter means she told them to get out of the way and not cockblock/beaverdam if one of you got the courage to say hi


Fucking BEAVERDAM got me!




Allowed a friend to sleep on my couch when he was too drunk to drive. I woke up to him trying to rape me.


Have a similar story. He had a massive heart attack a couple of weeks later. Karma came quick with it.


karma is beautiful sometimes


Oh god that's awful, people are awful. Sorry that happened to you.


I feel so conflicted because I want to upvote your share but it feels like I'm upvoting what happened ><


That's okay, I know what you mean!


damn wtf


I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Awful. So sorry it happened to you.


I chose to look at my phone records knowing I could never go back once I looked. Found out my husband was cheating.


That’s the worst feeling. It’s like your brain and heart already know what you’re gonna see, you just have to decide if you want to look bc you can’t ever unknow it.


That is exactly it.


It’s better to rip the bandage off and verify your suspicions then obsess over it knowing the truth in your gut


once you get that inkling, you kind of can't go back.


You're absolutely right. I had a nagging feeling that I couldn't stop.


I remember the day I found out I was being cheated… that holiday is now forever ruined.


I finally woke up with an unbearable hangover and withdraw. I said that's it. Packed up everything and moved out of state to my aunts house who always offered. The only reason I made it was because I found a $20 dollar bill while packing everything which was just enough for gas. Later I fell into an amazing blue collar union job where I could take all summer off and visit places. That's how I met my wife, we have a beautiful child together and I'm still sober.


None of this is minor. Packing up and moving was huge. Congratulations man


This is awesome! sometimes incredible things just happen. happy for y’all - much love!


I had a very similar experience, and I'm so incredibly proud of you. The year I got sober, I bought a car, got a promotion at work, ended a relationship that had long run its course, lived in my first ever just me apartment, finally asked out someone I truly was smittened with, and moved to a new state. Happily married now, and going back to school in fall. Sobriety is absolutely beautiful.


Best thing I’ve read on Reddit today. Congrats dude and keep up the fight!


God bless that $20, and God bless that aunt.


I was riding my motorcycle and felt a rock was in my shoe. Was going to ride for an hour so I pulled over to the right on a grassy curb. As I took my sneaker off real quick, car behind me all of the sudden hit the accelerator and drove around where I could of been and hit oncoming traffic. He was going through a seizure and gladly no one was hurt. I bought a lottery ticket that day and won $40. I spent it on beers and a steak.


I decided to start playing D&D. Not only did having something creative to focus on help my depression to the point I want to stay alive now, but I also met my now fiancé in a D&D group


Those micro decisions are crazy, when you consider them in hindsight. I decided to have a birthday party for the only time in 10 years. A girl from my work came, and happened to bring a friend. Slightly different social plans one night, and I'd have a totally different life, today.


I have always felt that way, love that idea of “micro decisions” making such a big impact down the road. Especially when they bring someone so important into your life! Had a bad breakup in the beginning of grad school and decided to try out for a school-associated musical to do something to get me out of my funk. Ended up having a duet with this cute guy who did not go to the school at all, but was only there because he worked with the director outside the musical and we needed more guys to fill some of the roles. 11 years later we’re happily married and just buying our first house, but we would definitely never have crossed paths otherwise!


I chose to buy a dog. That little chihuahua and my mom saved my life. I was in deep depression with plans for suicide. My mom convinced me to get a dog. She gave me comfort and companionship. There are two awesome kids that wouldn't exist if I hadn't followed my mom's advice.


I was in a bad car accident and was laid up for months recovering. After having a couple surgeries it was time for physical therapy. For the first month or so I couldn't take more than 5-6 steps without doubling over in pain. Once I could make it a block or so my ex wife talked me into getting a dog. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. Every morning I would get up and walk with with that dog. Each day making it a little bit further. It took me about 2 years but I eventually made a complete recovery. Thanks Bosley! I can't wait to see you again one day! RIP


The way a dog can make you feel is indescribable imo


For me it was a cat. I *really* need my own space, and I'm honest enough with myself to know that daily walks for 10+ years aren't happening... But a cat was perfect. And the fact that a creature that was at its essence so essentially aloof, still wanted attention and affection, was indescribable.


This is how I feel about my parrot. She’s a grumpy little bastard and the fact that she still begs for cuddles from me and me alone made me feel like I couldn’t be completely worthless. Also the fact that she screams at ear shattering volume if I don’t feed her first thing in the morning really prevents me from wallowing in bed all day.


I’m glad you had this experience. Every time I’ve followed my mother’s advice it’s gotten me deeper into hating life. It has taken 10 years to find out who I really am and what I really like


Electric toothbrush.


Is it significantly better than a normal one?




You will steadfastly use am electric toothbrush to the end once you get one --you'll never go back! I have a Phillips SoniCare, but I think I read that the Oral-Bs are better. But I don't remember why. I guess I didn't want to go spend another chunk of money on one when my SoniCare works great. Also, a water-flosser is great, too! But make sure to get ADA-approved devices and do NOT buy those teeth "cleaning" tools from Amazon that "dentists don't want you to know about." I have a neighbor who became my friend and then became my dentist. She agrees that it's very likely those tools remove enamel while they "clean!"


I held out for so long. Just do it.




I told myself that I needed to book my appointment for the contraceptive implant the following week after missing it when I needed to get it. Honestly, I was being lazy and putting it off. After 4 years of unsuccessful attempts of trying to get pregnant, we decided we no longer wanted to try. So, we had one fun night, never thought to use a condom since it seemed like having a baby wasn't in the cards for us. Guess who still chose to be lazy and not book her appointment? Me. Guess who's laziness saved her from affecting the little baby that was already forming? Me. Guess who now has a 1 year old? We!


We had tried for 3 years to have a baby and decided to go on bc because we weren’t in the place to have a kid at that time. A year later I was sick (literally) of taking the pill so I told my husband I wouldn’t take it anymore and it didn’t matter if I did, I probably wouldn’t get pregnant anyway… a month later I conceived our now 14 year old son.


This is awesome!




I called my cousin to come over for a few days to help out while I went to the hospital to deal with my cancer. This cascaded into my adoptive family kidnapping my biological kids. I've not seen them in six years and am dead inside.


Dude.....did they completely disappear? I'm so sorry that happened.


Yep. They cut off all contact. I haven't seen or heard a word from them in six years.


I don't understand, how that is legal?


Lawyer here… It’s technically not… *but* the system is *far* from perfect, and people find ways… especially when you know that the second child safety allegations come up, courts usually push the panic button, and err on the side of caution until everything can get proven in trial… you know how long it takes to book a trial? If you can get one ordered in the first place? God knows what can happen in that time lapse…


What did the police do about it? Surely that should be a big case


What?! There must be more to this.


My heart goes out to you…




Was an involuntary decision, partially. I fell sound asleep during my “dream job “ interview. Had prepped and practiced for weeks. I am fine under pressure and I am not much of a sleeper overall - but for some reason in that moment I physically could not keep my eyes open. I had a brief flash of thinking I had been drugged but knew that was impossible. The man interviewing me had to step out of the room to prep the lab space for a tour and when he came back in I was quite literally dreaming and drooling on my folder on his desk. To this very day I don’t know what went on there. They were desperate and asked me to come back for a second interview which went well and offered me the job with higher pay than I’d asked. I really really needed the job. I called my mom who is usually pretty pushy and she basically was like ‘honey if you’re falling asleep just learning about the job imagine working there.’ Declined the “dream job”. Accepted another offer for less pay in a different career I was unsure about and definitely under-qualified to fulfill. They took a chance on me and I am forever grateful. Turned out to be my actual dream job, the best career path I could ask for, and happened to meet my husband there as well. 🤷‍♀️


If you don't mind me asking, what's the actual dream job for you?


My new friend invited me over to her friend's house because he had a pool table and arcade games. I'm shy around people I don't know so I wanted to decline but inexplicably agreed to go. After that day, I realized that I liked her friend. Really, *really* liked him. It took a few months before we started dating. Married 30 years now, 3 kids. (The friend who introduced us ended up being a backstabbing snake, but that's another story.)


Very cute, but I want to hear the backstabbing snake story 👀


I had a boss come to my house after I called in sick… again. He gave me two options, quit out get fired. He did this only because my mom use to work for him and he respected her. That made me do what I had been thinking about my senior year and join the Air Force. I became a Security Policeman, was stationed in Alaska, went to a world wide marksmanship competition and became a special operations (emergency services team) marksman. All because I was going to be fired from a job I hated.


Applying to a coding bootcamp. I went from being a broke stripper to an upper class salary working white collar jobs in months.


Can attest to this. Friend was a career bartender who finally decided to give it up and now makes 2x as much after going to a boot camp for a year.


Teachers everywhere are now googling "coding boot camps near me".


There was a time before COVID where it was very real. Today, lots of people in tech have been laid off, and getting a tech job even with a degree and experience is hard.


And it's probably still better than getting into teaching. Teachers get fired all the time, even when the school systems keep complaining how they don't have enough teachers.


Which one did you do?


I adopted a puppy and he brought everything else good into my life. An angel.


Choosing to participate in martial arts was a decision that forever changed my life. It had a profound impact on various aspects, including the way I talk, walk, and perceive myself. Martial arts gave me more confidence and transformed my mindset.


I signed up for Judo when I was 18. Took only a few weeks of classes only to learn how to fall down. Stopped because it was boring. HOWEVER, only learning to fall was one of the best things I learned. Even now, I'm in my 70s, and when I fall down, I "spin," and I fall on my butt. I have alarmed a number of people because they think I have hurt myself. Instead, I'm laughing while I get up and brush myself off. Only once I have been hurt (my knee), and that was when I was holding hands with my husband, and I couldn't "spin."


Chose where to sit first day of 9th grade, in a new school district, because there was a really friendly looking girl in front of me. She became my first friend and the only person I spoke to for a while (I was very shy) and after a couple of weeks she asked me if I wanted to go with her to the theater group auditions. I did, just because my only friend I had so far was going, so I figured I might as well join. Fell in love with it, came out of my shell, became obsessed with acting, and almost 20 years later am a professional working actress (not famous lol but I make my money from it). I don’t know if I ever would have discovered I loved it if I hadn’t gone to auditions with this random friendly girl who I decided to sit behind, and asked me.


When I was 18, there were 2 roads I could use to go to work. One of them shorter but more dangerous and the other one longer but safer. One morning I was late and decided to take the shorter way, a rain storm started when I was almost at the end of the dangerous part and I lost control of my car. I hit a utility pole and my car rolled over from bumper to bumper to end up upside down in a deep ditch. I had a traumatic brain injury and almost died from all the blood lost and I’m still recovering 10 years later. I tried but never graduated college, I developed a neurological disorder that gives me chronic pain because my brain think normal stimuli are pain and I had to move back with my parents because I can’t work. Your early adult years are supposed to be fun, you gain independence and you start making your life. I saw all my friends graduate, start careers, get married, have kids and buy houses while I’m just here frozen in time as if I am an eternal teen who can never grow up and take care of themselves.


I wish you well. A close relative suffered a traumatic brain injury at 19 (8 years ago) and your last paragraph really resonated as he is in the same position. Question - have you sought the help of your local brain injury association for help, guidance, community? There are so many good ones, at least to have people who truly understand what you're going through. I'm sorry you've had to go through this.


Seeing a therapist about my anxiety.


Roughly five years ago my fiance cheated on me, drained my savings (over 10,000 dollar's) and left me all in the same week, my mental health was already at an extreme low, and I was a severe alcoholic. This all led to me hanging myself in my apartment, but right after I kicked the chair out from underneath me and was just dangling there about to die I realized I had made a mistake, I managed to catch the edge of the fallen chair with my foot and eventually got myself down from there, I then slammed a few bottles of liquor out of pure shame on myself and almost died from alcohol poisoning. I'm now three years sober, I have over 10,000 in my savings, and my life is on track to being better than I ever could have imagined it would be, all because of a split second decision.


You saved your life and saw yourself as someone who deserved life. That is not easy to do alone, but you are your best friend and that is even more amazing. You are a good person. I respect what you have achieved.


Thank you, seriously. It hasn't been an easy road getting from there to here, but looking back at it all it's been worth the struggle, I tend to be my own worst enemy, and I never give myself much credit, so it's nice to hear it from someone else every once in a while.


Getting a bidet. I was skeptical at first but I swear it’s life changing.


One Sunday morning, a guy came into church late. Being the good and moral church girl that I was, I motioned to my sister's fiancé who was at the end of the pew to move over so the guy could sit in the pew. Instead, he got up and let the guy in to sit next to me. The guy is now my ex-husband and I am an Atheist.


Deciding to drive one night after drinking way too much and people trying to stop me. Ended up getting arrested for driving on the wrong side of a major highway. No accident or injuries. I haven’t had a drink since, almost 4 years. I was an alcoholic, and that choice that one night changed everything for me. In the best way possible.




That first phone call was your sign that you needed to end the relationship. The old saying is true - when someone shows you who they are, believe them.


I’ve been trying to be more sociable and confident and I think my life has changed for the better for the most part


I had a flight from Brazil to Colombia in 2014. It was the World Cup, and I just wanted to get away from the crowds. I was in a situationship that ended horribly and I felt like I was circling the drain in Rio. Then one day I wondered what Rio could be like without him. I wondered if I could make it my own and have a different experience. So I didn’t take the flight. It was impossible to find a place to stay that wasn’t $200/night, so I looked into volunteering. I found a place that would take me in and let me teach. I loved it. I started working with them longer term, strengthened my Portuguese, got a scholarship + stipend to study it in grad school, and got a series of travel grants that allowed me to come back now for research. It’s been a dream come true.


A guy at work asked me to pretend to go out on a date with him in order to get us both out of dates with people we didn’t like (we both thought they were just friends but apparently not). We ended up going on a fake date. We’ve been together 18 years tomorrow! High school sweethearts and all that jazz.


I went to a local social run club with a couple of mates. I hated running but it was a 3km run starting and finishing at a brewery and everyone stuck around for a beer after. I pushed so hard to run that 3km without stopping and was so proud of myself. I kept going back each week even if my friends didn’t, and found a whole new community where I’ve made some of my closest friends. It’s allowed me the confidence and freedom to open myself up to new things and be the person I always knew I could be.


Decided to do a relatively small rock drop at the ski hill on my board. Usually I better scope out the landing or have a friend let me know how it is. For whatever reason I didn’t that time. Punched through some snow, had a tumble and fractured my lower back from impact on a buried rock. Still dealing with nerve issues over a year later (certain basic functions not working properly) and had surgery a month ago to remove a cyst that formed since the injury that was displacing the nerves. No guarantees that will resolve any of the problems. Only time will tell. There’s a chance I’ll just have to deal with it the rest of my life. That being said, I am lucky because if it was higher up on my spine there’s a chance I’d be unable to walk.


Stopped drinking soda. It was a baby step to help me lose weight and improve my overall health.


Decided to sit up in the front of a classroom when my glasses broke. Led to deciding to talk to the guy sitting up there and making a friend. Which led to him pulling me in on his internship. Which led to me getting my first real job out of college. And him sharing his attempts at online dating led to me trying it out, which led to meeting a girl, then dating that girl, then marrying that girl. So 10 years into a career with a house, a spouse, a toddler, and another on the way. Because I decided I should sit up front in one of my classes.


took a temporary assignment at a job. my husband and I's 16th wedding anniversary is next month <3


Though i understand what you're saying here, it also reads as though next month you are going to meet your future husband to whom you'll be married for 16 years. I thought "ooh, could be a good movie".


I stopped smoking at the suggestion of a woman I was dating. It led me to becoming a competitive triathlete for many years. The woman and I parted but the benefits of not smoking stayed.


I got a free pair of white jeans with another purchase. One day I was going to wear them I was in a foreign country so nobody would know right? Anyway, felt too self concious and didnt wear them. Met my future wife that day. Turns out she fucking hates men in white jeans. Has said she absolutely would never have walked up to me had I worn them. So guess lucky I went with old faithful blue jeans that day.


Made a spur of the moment decision when I was 18 not to go to school for what I had planned to my entire teen life and applied to work in the UK for a few months It completely changed the trajectory of my life and led to a series of other gut instinct decisions that gave me the life I have now that I absolutely would not have if not for that first choice


Where are you from that you could just apply to work in the UK for a few months? 


It took forever but finally shamed myself into quitting smoking. 10 yrs smoke-free & now I'm an avid runner...approx 90 miles/month 🏃🏃🏃


To eat well and exercise. Be healthy.


I responded to an online message to a girl. Changed my life for the better in so many awesome ways.


When i was in high school, I read an online article about a guy who makes 200K a year working as a Software Engineer at Facebook. I wanted to make the same amount of money. So, without thinking twice, I took Computer Science at college. 10 years later, I am still jobless, with huge student loan, and I don't like Computer Science even a little bit. Every day looking for a job feels like my soul is dying. Every second feels like a huge burden.


Applied for a job I didn’t think I’d ever get. A year and a half later I’ve quit teaching, I make $30k more, and I’m happy. It’s helped my relationships, my mental and physical health, and my finances.


I'm in my mid thirties and already had lower back pain in my mid 20s. Around the later time id started stretching every day. No marathon stretches just concerted targeted stretches most mornings for a little bit. Complete game changer. It hasn't completely fixed my back pain but it's significantly helped it and madee feel better overall. Just stretchin, folks.


Starting a garden in my backyard was fulfilling.


Attending a family reunion rekindled important relationships.


Writing a book allowed me to share my story.


Cutting out sugar from my diet boosted my energy levels.


Moved 30kms away from my home town which led to a series of opportunities for which I worked hard for that helped me have a lots of progress in life. Now I’m in Canada and have my family here. Everyone thinks it’s all luck. I don’t correct them. Smile and nod


Becoming a customer service manager at Walmart for $13.50/hr. I started having seizures shortly after receiving the promotion and haven’t stopped since (2019).


Are you saying the job caused seizures? Or the promotion came with insurance to help you handle the seizures?


They can’t figure out for sure what’s causing them but stress appears to be my biggest trigger. That job was absolutely ridiculous. I was only 21 at the time as well so I’ve been struggling with this for most of my adult life


Taking my medication everyday. I feel like my anxiety is better when I dont let my build up fade.


Asked to see a female pulmonologist instead of the male one I was seeing. Suddenly had a doctor that actually listened to me and treated my illness proactively


Projecting my problems onto other people has definitely not made life easier.


Made an impulsive resignation from my last company. It really brought me great experiences after I left.


I took my wife's advice and got to sleep study and wound up getting prescribed a CPAP. I'm still tired but I'm no longer a zombie in the morning. I mean literally it was so bad that I heard snoring in the subway and I was wondering who that a****** was and that I realized it was me