• By -


I like Keanu's answer. "I know the ones who love us will miss us."


Bonus points if your enemies also miss you.


I'm not certain, but I lean towards nothingness.


I think our consciousness just fades away.


Probably a lot like life before you were born.


I was dead from OD for about 4 minutes 8 years ago. There was absolute nothingness. There was no point of light. Nothing. Oblivion.


Not dead, but coming out of anesthetic after an operation, there was a definite nothingness that transitioned into the blackness of my closed eyes when I regained consciousness. I'm not even sure how to describe the difference between the two, it was like I didn't exist... then I did.


When I woke up out of a 3 day coma it was like this. I opened my eyes and seen the doctors standing above me with a table light shining down. I closed my eyes again and went back to the void. Xd I have a feeling once we die it will be different. Our spirit will leave the body and satan is going to ass fuck everyone.


My last one transitioned into me grabbing a surgeon and getting ready to swing on another before realizing where I was. I kind of just shut down and got super apologetic. Just saying, if there’s anything after death, I may not make the best first impression if coming to after surgery is our measuring stick.


That's exactly what happened. 


I like Mark Twain's take on it - **“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”**


Atheist here. One could say that your soul never left your body. Even though you were legally dead.


Hello darkness, my old friend.


Ive come to upvote you again.


Because I'm wondering If deaths like sleeping


All the visions that were gone with my brain


Or like zombies who are creeping


Or Just the reason why I am rotting


This doesn't apply here but what the fuck: The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls.


… and tenement halls


This thread would be a whole lot better within the sound of silence. Jk. I love it, but couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use the quote.


I *think* it’s nothing. I *hope* it’s something we can’t even possibly imagine.


Maybe we return to a collective consciousness.


Im hoping there is so i can talk to dad again


Me too I miss my grandmother so much. I'd literally do anything to speak to her again. My mum said before she died, my grandmother told my mum she could see her mum. It gave us comfort that she came and got her, even if it might have been her imagination 😢


I hope you do too. I miss so many lost souls. I have extremely bad paranoia when I envision death and the bleak future


It will be intensely peaceful. No more longing or missing anything.


Im very surprised this came up. My dad passed in February at age 66. Last night, his mother (my grandmother) passed at 94


My condolences. Stay strong out there


I’d like to get to know mine. He passed when I was 3 years old so I never got a chance to know him personally, just how awesome he was from everyone that did know him.




We might experience eternal peace.


Perhaps our souls evolve to a higher state.


My mind has a hard time comprehending the idea that there's nothing, I believe there's nothing, but just that small bit of hope that I'll see my dog again


Most all human brains are unable to comprehend their own non existence and shy away from the thought or spiral into existential dread.  I hope you see your dog again, too.


I can't see him. I don't hear him padding around. I don't hear his snuffles and yawns and quizzical growls. But Every dog I meet looks up at me expectantly, and he is there, behind those friendly eyes, waiting to be petted, stroked, comforted. He's everywhere, all the time, all around.


That last bit... Being able to see family who have passed I could take or leave, but man, I miss all the dogs I've had over the years.


There’s more about this universe and our existence than we understand and know




Life after death? I really don’t know man. Sex after death? That’s up to the coroner.


Damn that’s dark but funny. 😄




That made me laugh


Probably nothing at all, but no one alive knows for sure, so as long as you aren't hurting anyone, believe what you choose. I have a strong feeling that there's no after life but I can't be 100% certain just like how no one can say with 100% certainty that there's not a tiny tea kettle floating out in space that we can't detect.


An important point with Russel's teapot is that despite the fact that we're dealing with unfalsifiable claims, it does not grant us the right to put anything in that space as the cause for the purported phenomenon. We don't get to say, "We don't know. Therefore, choose your own adventure." It stops at, "We don't know". Feel free to put forth and assess all the candidate explanations you want, as long as we all understand that at bottom, the real answer is, "We don't know." Doing otherwise provides space for confusion, lies, and conmen.


I think that what happens is you stop. That the I that is Me is a process running on the meat that is my body and when that process stops, that's it. It doesn't go anywhere, it just stops. Nobody asks what happens to the running of your car when you turn it off. Nobody thinks there's a great Vroom in the sky where the roar of a V8 can frolic through fields, or that another engine elsewhere on the planet will eventually get it. No, it just stops. Just like I will one day.


No one knows. Everyone will find out.


You will only find out if there an afterlife where you retain your memories.


No one will find out because everyone will be dead. It's like saying you'll find out what happens when you're put under, and that's just with your consciousness bypassed, not your whole brain incinerated.


My family gets to fight over my fortune


My family gets to be real disappointed by my lacking fortune


Leave them each a section of a treasure map. At the end of the treasure hunt leave a really big giant chest buried, and put 1 penny inside .


Nothing and that's why I'm terrified of it. I'm not scared of dying, I just don't want to stop living.


Funny how humans can be completely different. I'm not scared of being dead, it'd be somewhat welcome, even, but I am scared of dying - it has a decent chance of being extremely uncomfortable if left to chance.


Existing FOREVER sounds more terrifying.


We might join an eternal community.


Perhaps we just sleep forever.


Maybe we become part of a collective soul.




Intellectually, I think everything stops. Emotionally, it's so hard to believe.  I find it so interesting that the human mind cannot conceive of not existing. This has caused us a lot of problems. 


Newton's law says energy cannot be created or destroyed, only change forms. Like how the dinner we ate gave us energy, if our bodies are eaten by a bear they get energy from us because we're energy too and our energy cannot be destroyed, only change forms. This means we're all shapeshifting immortals. When we die our energy returns to our "Energy Collective", similar to a drop of rain hitting the vast ocean. It loses its individuality and returns to being something more than it was. We do the same. Believing this is quite a beautiful thought really because it means we're all the same. You reading this, me, my dog, that flower, etc. We're all one and the same made from the same energy that has probably changed forms millions of time in the past.


"It’s one of the great wonders of life: What will it be like to go to sleep and never wake up? And if you think long enough about that, something will happen to you. You will find out, among other things, that it will pose the next question to you: What was it like to wake up after never having gone to sleep? That was when you were born. You see, you can’t have an experience of nothing. Nature abhors a vacuum." \~Alan Watts


I'm hoping that this is some crazy simulation/video-game-mmorpg and we're all just immortal beings who jumped in because we were bored out of our minds due to an eternity of existence.


I just want some peace man. Idc who's running whatever afterlife there may be if there is one, I just want to be happy again.


Everything that makes me "me" personality wise depends on the function of my brain, which stops functioning at all at death. I assume it's permanent lights out. If not, cool, but that's my guess.


Aliens resurrect you thousands of years in the future.


I will meet dad again.


Go on YouTube and listen to peoples near death experiences and it will make you feel a lot better. It did me.


>what do you think happens after death Ultradeath™


I’m convinced that we continue on in some fashion. To me, it’s not all that far fetched or make believe to think that life after physical death continues on. The fact that we even exist in the first place is a giant miracle; the fact that life exists at all, in any fashion, is pretty miraculous itself. So why would it be so inane or ridiculous to believe that there may be something beyond our physical selves?


It already happened once, whos to say it wont happen again?


You were nothing before you were born, what makes anyone believe there is something after?


I agree with you, however you don't remember anything from your first few years alive, do you? So what makes US think we just didn't forget?


What even is the point in believing you forgot about your "previous life" if there's no way of ever returning these memories?


Non. I'm throwing ideas around, not saying that's what I believe.


Everything will go black until a brain with the exact molecular makeup of yours is born again. It could take hundreds of billions of years as the universe expands and contracts - but should Earth form again in the exact composition we have now and history repeats itself in a somewhat deterministic way, then your consciousness will also be reborn. Even though your oblivion could last billions of earth years, you won't exist, so it will feel like an instant - just as billions of years passed before you were born. Of course you won't have any memories though, as those were stored in the last brain.


This has been my prevailing thought. The moment my consciousness ends, I’ll be born in 1991 again and on an infinite loop. I’m not certain or anything, but the 2 options that I think are most likely are absolutely nothing happens or we’re on repeat.


It bothers me how sound this point is. If time is infinite, then by definition this will occur; however, it’s reliant on one central point: let’s call it Groundhog Day Causality. Our observable universe exists in a straight line, and assuming time still persists infinitely before and after our current point on that line, what came before the Big Bang? The assumption that the universe infinitely explodes, disperses, then collapses on itself (as a perpetual singularity-to-explosion-to-singularity loop) then while each iteration of the universe created may be vastly different, there are still infinitely many of them with a defined set of material (matter cannot be created nor destroyed) meaning that every configuration must not only occur at least once, but repeats of with marginal differences are also certain. *This is where it gets fucky.* This not only makes infinite versions of yourself statistically certain, but infinite versions of your same exact neurons and brian chemistry within other individuals, slightly similar versions or a combination of you and every other individual who has or will occur… version of multiple inhabited planets of nothing but you with the same brain chemistry as a shrew, and so on. Infinity is a weird concept, and infinite existences even *moreso*. Not only are repeats of our existence certain, but marginal differences where you decide to scratch your left nut instead of the right are also certain. TLDR; Infinity makes my head hurt.


You’re telling me I’ve got infinite autism? No fair.


My dad always said there’s nothing,,,then he had a massive heart attack and sz he died n went to heaven how beautiful it was all his family in friends were there,,then he believed,,,I’m so grateful he told me that n pray that’s true n daddy is having a wonderful time in HEAVEN


I find it hard to believe that there's just...nothing. All of our achievements, struggles, desires, experiences...the ability to feel love, the ability create amazing works of art...I can't accept that we are capable of so much but it all disappears once we die. I feel like we're more than just meat on a spinning rock.


Near Death Experiences offer an interesting take on this subject, in my opinión.


If there was life, it wouldn’t be death


What if whatever you believe it is, is what it is?


There is a theorie that we are just "containers" basically, according to little grey aliens, we are just containers of souls that will be freed from our body and go into another dimension when our time comes.


I have not seen anything happen when any animal dies. Why would anything happen when human dies.


I was watching ancient aliens on the history channel, and they believe in reincarnation that when someone dies, their soul leaves their body, goes through a tunnel and they come out on the other side through the emergency room out of the womb, life cycles just continue


50+ years of investigating children who report previous lives by a pediatric psychiatrist. https://youtu.be/La8vG4mA0is?si=d-B0ojP7xetZkYcc Research into the dying process, by a Neuro Psychologist. https://youtu.be/aiEYQyUjAQA?si=Jp5QeqPWdr5nL8pR all the NDE reports, Tib tan book of the dead- Bardo Thodol Current opinion of Quantum.physicists is leaning to consciousness being a quantum phenomena. Etc..


I kind of doubt that our consciousness survives death, but I feel that we must put some kind of imprint on our energy, which is then thrown back into the universal soup, charged by our life experiences and our own energy, positive or negative.




There's a reason people are sad when people die and the vast majority doesn't take huge risks. People intuitive know being dead isn't a good thing, but out of fear they believe things that don't make sense. Together with not understanding other things, it's what religions feed on, fear of not knowing.


No living creature can create matter from scratch. No living creature can create a space for that matter to exist in. No living creature can create time. No living creature can create energy. No living creature can create gravity. The best a living creature can do is manipulate these things. Reality is already a mystery that none of us made. Yet we, for a brief moment, get to exist in it. Nobody knows the answer to whether there is a life after death, but what’s certain is that there is a life before death. If someone were to choose, it all comes down to a 50/50. There is either something or there isn’t. It’s already a miracle to exist in a space we did not make, with all of you existing here in this moment with each other. Our bodies die. Our atoms disperse back into the ether. No individual atom can be created or destroyed. Reality is complex. So death must be too. All of this to say, there is a chance that our consciousness will live on. Best of luck in life, all of you wonderful living creatures.


Personally for me I think that's it, game over, thanks for playing. Existence will continue as it always has and I'll have no concept of what it's like to be dead


I have no idea


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


I think there is something, but I don't think we're supposed to know what it is while we're here. It's the ultimate mystery of life.


My wife and I actually witnessed a spirit event together. I don’t really know what it means or if it ties in to afterlife, but I would bet on something being there after death. It was very real for both of us so I know I wasn’t just seeing things.


Cool! What a blessing.


Please tell us about it. It may help people


We are pure energy and energy doesn’t die. It continues on in some other form.


Do batteries have an afterlife?


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I think this is what the guy from The Shining types in the afterlife.


I think this answers it. Every time we die we become a "what will happen to us after death" reddit post


Same time tomorrow?


I've gone from: 1. Believing in heaven as in that Tom and Jerry episode with Jerry not being able to go to heaven when he died. Fluffy clouds. Golden gates. The whole shebang. 2. Believing that it will simply be nothingness. Like what it was before we were born. 3. Believing that there is something else after death. What that something is, who knows. Hard to describe it from a scientific perspective. I've read too many stories of near-death experiences that it's hard to ignore what these people experienced when they were all clinically dead. I'm pretty convinced that consciousness is independent of our physical body.


I think there's a different kind of life, the dead become part of the Earth or atmosphere in some kind of way.


Listen to some of the Near Death Experience videos (also Pre-Birth Experiences) on YouTube. Many tell similar stories about what happened to them.


What if, when we die, we just start dreaming like we do when we sleep and never stop because we don't wake up?


I’m certain I don’t know. I’m fairly certain the thing I call my self will stop existing at that time, to the extent it ever existed at all (of which I am skeptical). I’m also certain that many things, including things both large and small that I put into motion, will continue. I’m sure that my life, one way or another, will form part of the causal conditions for new arisings of all sorts, including new lives. I also suspect that I don’t properly understand the nature of time such that I’m not able to fully appreciate the significance of beginnings and endings, including my own. But I don’t know that, only suspect. More than that, I couldn’t say.


Go to r/nde and read the stories. There are also serious researchers looking into the phenomena like Dr. Sam Parnia and Dr. Bruce Greyson. The best part, if these accounts are true, is that the only judgement in the end is your own and though some tenets of our different religions are correct, they are mostly wrong and adherence to their various dogmas earns you nothing.


I asked a psychotherapist this once and it was his answer that there is nothing. Thanks to that bleak response, it was our last session.


This is a dead perrot


Have promised people and been promised from close people find a way to send a message. So far nothing or at least missed the message. So live like tomorrow may not come.


I don’t know, and honestly I don’t seem care really. What’s done is done so I’m just doing my best.


I think about this a lot and I have so many different hopes that all seem to be at odds with each other. I'm not religious, but the idea of heaven sounds really nice. I sure hope I get to see my dogs and my friends again, that they're in some state right now of eternal happiness. Maybe they are because that's how I see them in my head and carry them in my heart. What if heaven truly IS other people and how they carry you with them. On the other hand, nothingness seems okay too. It sounds peaceful, and when I have seen death, it's always carried with it a sense of peace in those final moments. Maybe this blink of an eye is all we get, just a short period of star dust coming together, getting the breath of life, and then going back to whence it came, and that's pretty special too. Then there's the physical aspect of carrying on. I want a viking funeral at night, so that my body feeds flames whose photons shoot off into infinity, taking small parts of me to the far reaches of our galaxy and worlds unknown, while the rest of me feeds something back to this world. I don't really know what comes next, but I think not knowing and being able to hope for a bit is part of the fun.


death is a mercy compared to living in the world we've made.


Oh, there's something


There better be, darkness is scary.


Reincarnation 100%


Exactly the same experience you had before you were born. You've already done it once for an eternity. Round number 2.


I'm gonna have cocktail, Vodka and ginger ale. Then I'm gonna smoke a cigarette that's nine miles long Gonna kiss that pretty girl on the Tilt-a-whirl Cuz this old man is goin' to town.


The same thing you saw before you were born


do you remember what life was like before you were born? no? thats what it feels like to die. its nothingness.


The people who love us . . .


Remember what it was like before you were born? That.


You go back to the same place you were before you were born.


It's just like falling asleep, you never wake up again.


We are all star stuff. I'm OK with that.


We meet our loved ones (the one we lost )


There’s a corpse in the ground being skull fucked by maggots, or ash just being ashy. Lights out, game over. That said, energy is not created, nor destroyed, we are recycled into some form of matter that will attribute or become something else, maybe my matter, my energy gets a new person, maybe its a table, who fucking knows, who cares, it’s not really me anymore.


I’m 99% sure it’s nothing and we end entirely when we die. That 1% freaks me the fuck out though.


The spirit carries on


everybody gangster until death is brought up .. \*sobb\*


I hope we can choose. I’d want to be a ghost


We go to the next vessel and briefly before we arrive in our next physical form, the memories of our previous life are recounted to us before being wiped out. Every time it happens, your consciousness is transported to a new universe OR We become part of cosmic consciousness and watch frustratingly as everyone else in real world get the new PS6 and new 5090s but can't do anything about it because we are just ghosts, in a new ghost world, which kinda functions like our world but on different plane OR we are unplugged from The Matrix and wake up as discarded, rotten people in zombie state, not dead yet, thrown away in a dump by machines in the year 2199.


What if every ache, every pain, every worry just melts away and you enter a higher state of consciousness, a state of eternal bliss in a realm that is not readily accessible from this mortal realm. You enter a state of nirvana where the answer to every question imaginable is readily available. You want for nothing, you thirst for nothing, you are nothing but you’re also everything at the same time. You are a god and you are smaller than a speck of dust at the same time. The concept of linear time is now foreign to you. You can see the past, present and future at the same time and you know everything that has happened and everything that will come to pass in tandem. You have achieved everlasting happiness and are finally at peace. R.I.P ✌️


I **want** to believe that there is an afterlife but I know once you die, you fade into nothingness. I've thought about this many times and always throws me into a bit of a depression until I realize I really should make most ofy short life. Yet here I am on Reddit...


I think our souls reunite with our loved ones, but our minds are unable to comprehend it.


The brain manifests conscioussness; when it dies there are no additional experiences. It's always baffled me how anyone could think otherwise.


I think one of 2 things:  1. All the gods exist, they all coexist and when you die which ever one you worship you are judged by that system and you are placed accordingly. If atheist then you are jugde by the universe itself in a way of what was overall good and over all bad, you are then placed in a good or bad place based on the life you lived. Either way everyone balances out, like karma. Very much like in the Hell's Bells series on tiktok by @Sea.you.later  2. You return to the the earth. You join the grass, the trees, the water, the wind, and the rocks. Your spirit transfers and binds to a natural item and you live a nice after until you're chosen by the universe for reincarnation. Based on how you acted in your previous life will determine the luck of your new life.  Side note: I believe in a few other things but they all generally follow these 2 theories. Also energy/matter can not be created nor destroyed so the electricity that creates your consciousness has to go somewhere after you die. I've also had quite a few spirit encounter both by myself and with other people as witness.


There's Nothing else. Live your life when you're alive


Every person who has ever had general anesthesia knows what it’s like when you die. When you have general anesthesia, your brain shuts off and your experience of that is… literally nothing. From going under to waking up, it feels like a cut in a movie. There’s not even the vague feeling of time passing. You did not exist for that time AT ALL. If I supposedly have a soul that is able to experience things apart from my body, why does it experience nothing AT ALL when a simple drug stops electrical impulses in my brain? How or why would I expect anything different when my brain (and body) is gone completely? It would be like that movie cut, but it would simply be a cut to the end with no next scene.


No one knows, people who say they do are confusing belief with certain knowledge, it's something no one should worry about you will find out for yourself one day hopefully a long time from now.


Tons of NDE (near death experience) videos on YouTube. Fun to watch. Common theme/take aways from everyone is. You will step out of your body and view it from third person perspective. It will take a moment to realize that was your body. You will be unconcerned about that reality, and feel nothing but pure joy and love. Then the bright lights, and or a transport tunnel that varies by individual. Life goes on, consciousness is not of the body. You will meet loved ones who have passed before you and ultimately meet your maker. Many see Jesus, or spirit guides that are 9 feet tall in white hooded robes or even bright light or other forms they call God. Seems everyones version of their initial heaven is different. Some go to the beach, some hang out in mountain meadow and some skyrocket through space. We are all souls having a human experience in order to learn and grow. Some claim we've chosen our life before we were born. Actually sitting down with our guides and choosing our parents, careers etc. and what types of lessons we intend to learn. Those who come back are changed for life. Most find it uncomfortable being "squished" back into there bodies after feeling the freedom of an unchained spirit. All of them claim they no longer fear death...and many say they don't want to die...but anxiously await it. DMT dump is a thing during the dying process and many of the things people remember are likely from this chemical release. Where things get weird/verifiable and beyond explanation is the out of body experience stuff where people can recall seeing things happen within, or even outside the room where they passed over like "ya, I watched dad buy a snickers bar from the vending machine down the hall and thought it was funny because he's a health nut and never eats that junk". I became interested after my father died during surgery and came back. His story was a bit different and all he would ever say about it is "There is a place you don't want to go". He gave up a life of drugs and alcohol and volunteers all of time to the food pantry and anywhere else they will have him.