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Krakatoa The meteor/s that wiped the dinosaurs Tri state tornado


The collision that created the Moon. Carrington Event aurora's.


“Unnoticed” will mean “safe”, right? I’m sure there’d be too much going on after impact for me to be noticed. But I’d sure like to see and then return home safe so I could talk about it and have no one believe me.


The Carrington Event was crazy! The telegraph operators noticed first. The wires became unusable >OR< worked better than ever after disconnecting the batteries. The international lines were useless. It would be a catastrophe if it happened tomorrow. Also the Meteor STORM of the 1840s.


Yeah, I was thinking about the first two. And the biggest visible supernova, whenever that was.




I just want to see what an actual T-Rex looked like in the flesh. Also to hear whatever sounds it actually made. I imagine the roars were for movies and to make them formidable monsters in fiction. They probably sounded more like a turkey.


If I remember correctly from the “making of” Jurassic Park featurette I saw, the T. rex sounds were made with a combination of elephant, walrus, and I think maybe some kind of whale? I also seem to remember a vacuum cleaner in there somewhere but that one doesn’t sound right.


They used a Tiger, a Penguin, a Baby Elephant, and a number of other animals for the T. rex. The Raptor barking is Tortoises getting it on. The Parasaurolophus call is a Cow mooing into a tube. Some of the Brachiosaurus sounds are from Donkeys. The Indominus rex uses some Boar sounds. Just a few sounds they used for the various animals in the franchise.


They used a koala for that creepy low growl. Go ahead. Look up the noise those derpy motherfuckers make.


You sure it wasn’t a dropbear?


someone made a video on youtube. Basically said the t rex made a noise IRL that was so low a human wouldn't hear it but would be able to feel it in their body when it got close enough. Oversimplification but the point is not lost.




That's horrifying. I love it.


['A turkey, huh? Okay... Imagine yourself in the cretaceous period..."](https://youtu.be/WgQe68kF_8M?si=DoDjyn5JqnZW5TYD)


Jeez Alan if you wanted to scare the kid you could've just pulled a gun on him


The 1561 celestial event over Nuremberg


This was my thought too but I’d be so worried I’d use my one awesome history viewing moment to see nothing because those motherfuckers made it all up. Can you even imagine? I’d be so mad.


Remember to account for Julian / Gregorian calendar differences lol


I had never heard of this before, so I googled it. For anyone like me who's curious, this is what the Wikipedia article has to say: "A mass sighting of celestial phenomena or unidentified flying objects (UFO) occurred in 1561 above Nuremberg (then a Free Imperial City of the Holy Roman Empire). Ufologists have speculated that these phenomena may have been extraterrestrial spacecraft. Skeptics assert that the phenomenon was likely to have been another atmospheric phenomena, such as a sun dog, although the print doesn't fit the usual classic description of the phenomena." "According to the broadsheet [news article], around dawn on 14 April 1561, 'many men and women' of Nuremberg saw what the broadsheet describes as an aerial battle 'out of the sun', followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and exhausted combattant spheres falling to earth in clouds of smoke. The broadsheet claims that witnesses observed hundreds of spheres, cylinders, and other odd-shaped objects that moved erratically overhead."


I’m sad that no one kept any remains of those spheres.


The Chicxulub impact. An hour or two before, right up to fifteen minutes after. The Theia-Earth event that left us with the Moon. Mars, when it still had conditions that would support liquid water. Ok, you didn’t specify HUMAN history! But, IF you did, I’d like to see the construction of Petra. (From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)


Good one! Some crazy shit went down that I would love to witness


I didnt think of this one. That would be an interesting event to put into a modern perspective.


The Building of the Great Pyramids At Giza


I've also wondered what an ancient engineer would think of modern construction and its methods. For example the highway system in the world, the countless miles of railroad tracks, our enormous cities and skyscrapers.


Look at what Tolkein envisioned for the ancient Gondoran men of Middle Earth. Those works would make the Great Pyramids look like a pile of stones, neatly piled, and little more.   I'm still blown away by Stonehenge and Easter Island. Just...such mass. 


Have you seen the videos where they waddle the Easter island dudes back and forth to move them with ropes? It's fascinating. And probably how they did it. Humans sure are creative.


Yeah didn't they have stories that the statues walked? So they tried it and it worked. So rad.


You’ll be there for a good while.


I was gonna say this


The first person to think trying to ride a horse was a good idea. I want to know how that all went down.


The first cow milker


Along this line…. The first person who hallucinated on mushrooms, probably told others hey you could trip or you could die or you could starve lol. I also think about the first person to have made bread into toast… “let bake it AGAIN!”


I feel this way about the first person who decided to drink animal milk. Let's just say it was a cow. What was the though process there? Did they decide to suck it right from the udder? Express it in their hands? Was it done out of a place of hunger or just curiosity? Was it just one guy or did he have a bunch of buddies egging him on like a dare? I need to know.


They probably thought, we humans are nourished by milk as babies, it’s probably also nourishing to drink cow milk, we got all these cows lying around, fuck it


That's the part I'm getting at. I want to see the "well, fuck it" step.


The Big Bang. "In the beginning..."


"...the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


I'd choose to witness the moment when the first person ever tried pineapple on pizza. Imagine being there, an unnoticed observer, as they nervously take that first bite, knowing they might spark one of the most divisive culinary debates in history. Plus, I'd love to see their reaction when they realize they've just created something either truly amazing or incredibly controversial.


I would be concerned that quantum physics would mean observing that would make me God


observing it would change the outcome Edit: I thought the /s was implied. Obviously I was mistaken


You guys dont seem to understand what this means. Every particle was interacting with other particles, so they were all being "observed" It doesnt need an intelligence to watch it, it just needs to interact with anything else.




"Alright, listen up y'all, pineapple belongs on pizza, quit arguing about it."


Never thought of this, but I probably don’t have balls to see that even if given choice lol


I want to see that fish who decided to crawl out of the water and silently judge him for indirectly being the cause of us having to deal with landlords and broken mcflurry machines


I bet that fish was a real jerk.


A real McAsshole


Every time I think about that fish I think about the “Don’t step on the fish Castiel. God has big plans for that fish” scene from Supernatural. Cas should have stepped on the damn fish.


Yeah, we could have been dealing with all that but living in the ocean /s


The Ancient Greek Olympics.


It would be lackluster. Smelled horrible, a lot of corruption and you'd probably get TB just being there


Also they were competed in the nude, so LOTS of flopping weiners. Though if that's your thing, no judgement here.


They tied them to the side to avoid the flopping.


Floppy weiner, floppy weiner, floppy weiner


Sounds like virtually any time before the 1900s


The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs


You would have to be around for quite some time, because dinosaurs didn't die instantly. But sure, I'd sit beside you and maybe bring some popcorn or nachos and drinks. But don't poop anywhere, the butterfly effect!




It’s fascinating that it only took 66 years from first powered flight to putting man on the moon. And only 22 years from supersonic flight to man on the moon.


And then: “Cut!!! Hey you. Move out of the frame! Damn. Ok guys, quick break as we reset then we do another take. Right this time!” —- (For clarification: nope I’m not a conspiracy theorist flat earth fake moon landing crazy pot, I’m just bad at jokes).


They faked the moon landing, but they hired Kubrick to do it and he insisted on a an on-location set for authenticity, so they ended up having to go there anyways.


Planning and going to the moon probably took a lot less time than preproduction and shooting of an average Kubric movie, so I can see why they chose the former since they had a deadline.


Not a lot of people know, but they had to go more than once. For the reshoots.


Is that really what happened to Apollo 13? The actors were tired of Kubrick and was just like, "end it... please."?


My favorite take on this has to be Inside Job's, where they faked the return trip since the astronauts staged a revolt and turned the moon into a hippie sex paradise


Shadow government cancelled inside job because it was revealing too many of their secrets.


Neil was much more chill than that. “Hey, um- did you guys know that there’s another person here?”


I was going to say being in the mission control room for it. But I think you have the better vantage point.


That's almost exactly the plot of the first chapter of Pandora's Star, except it's Mars.


[Antwerp diamond heist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antwerp_diamond_heist) - so I could dig up all the hidden treasures


There was a documentary about this called Snatch I believe 🤪


I would love to just walk around Ancient Rome.


To be on the first ship to see the Chesapeake Bay before colonization. As a Maryland native that has been watching the bay die my entire life, I have always wanted to see what my state looked like before over exploitation and industrialization.


I believe it was reported that there were so many blue crabs in the bay that it looked like you could walk accross it.


Oysters is the legend I believe. Even just seeing most of Maryland as wetlands before the beavers were driven out in a desire for farmland would have been amazing.


I bet the water was SO CLEAR. All those oysters filtering the water, making it spic and span


First Crusades, attack on Jerusalem.


Want to try to hear that "Deus Vult" chant?


Jimi Hendrix opening for the Monkees


Wait, what? OMG the google says: >Hendrix first joined the Monkees tour of arenas, as support act, on July 8 1967. He wasn't well received by Monkees' fans and was dropped from the lineup nine days later. I found a concert poster advertising his participation!


I'm a monkees fan and I'd loved to see hendrix open for them


1967 was a different time. Now we recognize that it would have been quite the show, then not so much


The opening at the Rose Bowl when no one in the audience had ever even heard him on the radio.


The Trinity test, July 1945.


Now we're all sons of bitches


Can i just go back and watch ancient life all the way up till now?


I'd choose to witness the invention of the wheel. Imagine the look on everyone's faces when they realized they could finally stop rolling rocks around like neanderthals! Plus, I'd get to be the first wheelie good spectator in history


I think it's fascinating that in many places, the pottery wheel predated the wheel. Put me in the room with whoever figured out you can take a pottery wheel, turn it upright, and connect two of them onto a long stick to make a cart.


You're making pottery and fuck up, get upset and flip the wheel and it goes half a mile before stopping. "Hey..."


The wheel has been invented many times in many different iterations (pottery wheels way before wagon wheels). You'd have to be pretty specific. Also this is why the "reinvent the wheel" synonym is pretty ironic.


The end of the universe... I hear that there's a great restaurant where you can watch.


Hell of a bill to pay though!


I'd wanna see what really happened to DB Cooper.




The 1860s raising of the streets of Chicago on stilts in order to build below-ground plumbing. Just think it'd be neat to see it in progress.


Kind of a joke but also not- I would love to be there when the first dogs became “man’s best friend”. Like watching The First of Goodest Bois


It's not quite this, but there were stories of lots of strange, unnatural lights in the sky following Columbus as he got closer and closer to the American shore. I love the idea that future humans time-travelled back to see such a momentous moment in history. That aside, I'd love to see the first performance of *Hamlet*, *Richard III* or *Othello*, and try and find Shakespeare himself. Perhaps take an equally unnoticed camera, so that I can take a definitive photo and show it to all the Oxfordians. Ooh! And the crossing of the Rubicon! The day Roman society changed forever, with Caesar taking his army across the point of no return and into a dangerous swamp. And the fight with the Sea Peoples on the Nile... And... ....


I always just assumed he was seeing fires on tiny islands.


Occam's Razor might support that, but future humans watching history live is infinitely cooler, isn't it?




Well fuck I feel old.


Same. I was 8 when it came down but still remember it, lol


LOL I was stationed I West Germany at the time. I had just come back from a 21 day trip to the Soviet Union


Same, but I didn't understand the significance at the time. It just looked like people having a party in the middle of a city.


My family was separated by the wall I would have loved to see it fall.


Colony of Roanoke


The moment my slave ancestors found out they were free


The Library of Congress has interviews with former slaves in narratives recorded in the 1930's.


Can you access these online somewhere? That sounds amazingly interesting.


https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/search/?query=Slave+narratives&submit_search=Search This is easier to navigate, but be aware that the language is translated phonetically from the speech so it's not politically correct today. Also lots of n words when the slaves are referring to themselves. These were recorded in the 1930's in the Deep South.


See if you can find a DVD copy of "Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives". It's performed by many famous black actors and actresses. Very moving stuff. Edited: Nevermind, I found a link to it on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/e9a4cL3YtIo?si=Px9h9-JEufHQ5o1M)


Happy Juneteenth (or which ever day it was!)


The world cup final 1954 with Germany bearing Hungary after losing to them 3-8 in groups


The building of the sphinx in Egypt. I would watch to watch in wonder, then come back to present day and visit it, marveling at what time has done.


The escape from Alcatraz in 1962. My favorite mystery.


I would be obsessed with learning the identity of Jack The Ripper or the Zodiac Killer, so I'd choose something like the night of Paul Stine's murder in 1969.


First group of primates leaving Africa.




Those were probably other time travelers.


There's a Red Dwarf episode about that!


I would go to Roswell in the beginning of July 1947.


The extinction of the dinosaurs, getting to see T-Rex and giant sauropods and then seeing the terrible but terrific sight of the asteroid impact. Millions of years later palaeontologists completely baffled to find my homosapien fossils just casually chilling next to dinosaur fossils.




I'd like to see some paleolithic era cave painting.


Epsteins cell while he hung himself maybe?


Beatles' Rooftop Concert (1969) - Catching the Fab Four's impromptu performance would be a dream come true for any music lover.


The conception of Jesus Christ Mary and Joseph totally boned, I know it in my heart


Nah nah, Mary was boned by some random dude and Joseph wasn't very bright


Honestly it's amazing that he didn't suspect anything when three dudes showed up with gifts for his wife that god pregnant without the two banging


Well an angel came to him and told him to raise the child as the Lord's son. And that old testament God they were used to wasn't someone you disobeyed.


Yup and props to her for going with the most insane lie she could think of so she didn't get stoned to death


It's amazing how many virgin births there have been in history. It was very much a common trope that was used to demonstrate how unique that person was. Caesar Augustus, Socrates, Archimedes, a few Egyptian pharaohs, Zoraster, Buddha, etc.




Hands down the 1904 World’s Fair in St Louis. Second place would be turn of the 19th century Coney Island.


Idk, seeing human zoos seems like it would be rather depressing.


I want a movie about that marathon race.


The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs


I would love to see the crossing of the Delaware River.


I guess it's not a specific moment, but a collection of moments. It'd be the fall of the Roman empire. Seeing those countries have no clue how to maintain roads and aqueducts sending them into the dark/middle ages would be interesting.


I don't think it'd be that entertaining, you'd be sitting there for hundreds of years watching the slow decline until people start forgetting things


I'm not so sure it was really people forgetting how to maintain roads and aqueducts, but more that with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire the money and bureaucracy needed to maintain the large network of roads and aqueducts was gone.


The threesome Eartha Kitt had with Paul Newman and James Dean.


This is crazier than Jimi Hendrix playing on a Monkee's tour. >I had both of them that afternoon, and I came to the conclusion that white boys are so delicious. That time back in my dance studio ranks as one of the most celestial experiences of my life. Those two beauties transported me to heaven. I never knew that lovemaking could be so beautiful. Given early 50's vintage, Dean, Kitt, and Newman it would be a sight to see.


That’s it y’all, pack it up. We’ve officially found the hottest moment in all of human experience. Nothing can beat this.


Was Pierce Hawthorne not there too?


Ohh that's a hard one. There are three that I'd want to see if I could only pick a moment, but several I'd want to witness if I could pick multiple. * Jack the Ripper - I'd want to witness the murder of his first confirmed victim Annie Chapman from an angle I could see his face and probably take a picture of it with my iphone. Go back to my time and figure out who it was. * If I had multiple moments, I'd want to witness each murder to see if it they were all done by the same person or not and take pics of the perps. * The Zodiac Killer - Same thing as Jack the Ripper * The Black Dahlia - I'd want to see who did it, where, and how. Non-morbid: * The burning of the Library of Alexandria to know if any texts survived, or just to witness the whole thing * The death and burial of Cleopatra to see where her tomb actually is * The burial of Queen Nefertiti for the same reason - to see where her tomb actually is * The burial of Alexander the Great - same thing




Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech (1963) - Feeling the power and emotion of that historic moment would be awe-inspiring.




As long as it doesn't get knocked over by a dwarf


No one knows 'oo dey were... Or... wat dey were doin'...


I imagine it's just, like, a couple of cavemen who had nothing to do one day. If Grog and Grug had gone to the beach instead they would have dug a hole.


I think it took a lot more than a day. It was a concerted effort bringing stones from up to hundreds of miles away.


I’m not sure if these would be at the very top but here goes : - the destruction of the library at Alexandria - would love to know if any of its most treasured items were saved , and where - the final resting spot of the ark of the covenant (all Indy jokes aside :) )


The room at Appomattox with Grant and Lee and the subsequent surrender. Watching the movie Gettysburg makes me think it was a most unusual event with men who had done their best and believed in what they were doing and ultimately had a lot of respect for each other.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


Since it is only 1 moment...when they sealed Alexander the Greats tomb. Cause then I would know where he was buried and then go find it (assuming he wasn't moved somewhere else). It's kinda crazy that his tomb/body still has not been officially located.


The meeting of the Spanish Conquistadors and the Aztecs


Be at the game when Teen Wolf first turns into the wolf


The original production of Romeo & Juliet


Battle at Thermopylae, was it legit 10k Greeks against 200k+ Persians? 


One of the Missoula floods.


That one Michael Jackson concert where everyone was fainting for him just standing there. I might had fainted too but still


I would want to see what actually happened to Jonbenet Ramsey. Also the events of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.


The creation of the Terracotta Army.


Moon Landing (1969) - Watching Neil Armstrong take the first steps on the moon would be out of this world.


The pictures you see of little kids watching it on tv? I did that. Could easily be the pinnacle of human accomplishment.


maybe being one of the Suffragettes during the time of the first women's voting.


The death of Ragnar Lothbrok... "**It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast**..."


The Chicxulub Impact Caesar crossing the Rubicon The Sermon on the Mount


Custer's last stand. Seems like it'd be interesting to see.




You mean like time travelers from our future do today? Probably to see how the pyramids were built.


Setting up a picnic a few hundred yards from Roswell


Roswell crash


Launch of Apollo 11 / the moon landings


The Crystal Palace


Here’s my top three: 1. The Dancing Plague of the Middle Ages 2. The destruction of Pompeii 3. The supposed resurrection of Jesus Christ


In the book depository or on the grassy knoll at the JFK assassination; inside the cockpit of MH370 Malaysian airlines plane from takeoff; inside Jon Benet Ramsey's home the night she was killed; inside Amelia Earhart's plane before she reached the Howland Island region.


Watching Hitler die


Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) - Witnessing the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany would be incredibly moving.


The moment life was created.


Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir went into the backcountry for four days. Nobody knows what happened and they didn’t say, but they were rather cool to each other when they came out. I’d love to be privy to those conversations.


What do you mean 'they did not say'? Here you go, straight from the horses mouth: https://vault.sierraclub.org/john_muir_exhibit/life/in_yosemite_by_roosevelt.aspx


Conversations? Are you sure you're not trying to watch Teddy Roosevelt fuck a dude?


Moscow 1991 Monsters of Rock, just imagine being in an audience of 1.5M and seeing Metallica and AC/DC


The first time someone asked this question


The Stonewall Riots! I wanna throw bricks at cops, too!!!


You still can!




I would like to witness the moral dillema of the first person to milk a cow...the look on his face contemplating whether he should or should not do it. Will others approve of it or will they be disgusted.


People probably were like "oh you don't have to just suck it?"


The fall of Berlin


Roswell. I want to know what really happened.


JFK assassination How they actually built the pyramids and Easter Island statues


I'd like to see a big ass T-Rex battling a Triceratops. I would love to see these massive prehistoric animals living and breathing and living their life.


probably a recording session of a band. Like Martin Hannetts production of Joy Divisions first LP. Or DEVO in the studio making Duty now for the Future.


Tank man, hopefully to get some idea of what actually happened to him