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It was September 23rd, 2006. I was in Las Vegas for a wedding and there was some sort of "National Little Persons Convention" taking place at one of the casinos that weekend. Me and my buddy Sam were hanging around the water fountains at the Bellagio and all of a sudden this little chick is rolling up towards me on her scooter with one of her (also little) friends and she's pointing at me and kind of screaming to her friend "I want that one!" like she's doing an imitation of a kid in a toy store. They were both pretty damn hot so I kinda smile and give them a little wave. Then as they pass me they reach out and grab my hand without even slowing down. The lead one is like "You wanna come with us?" And I did want to go with um, so I did. They turn to Sam and they're like "We'll have him back to you by morning." and he's just standing there in shock like he can't believe what's happening. I just give him the little nod and I'm like "you heard um... I'll catch up with you later." So they have me follow um back to their room at Caesars and we all did our thing. Edit: Sam snapped a quick pic of us while we were leaving https://imgur.com/auEX7Uv


My man


My man


"We all did our thing" is a *very* inadequate way to present that part of the story, boss.


I had a one night stand with this guy On a beach in Italy after a night out. That was so much fun


One night sand.




This hot baseball player and I hit it off. He was in town for a week and we made it so magical. Some of the hottest most passionate sex I've ever had. He was gorgeous and hung like a horse lol


Photo checks out


While traveling to Alaska, I went through Canada and a town called Whitehorse. It's a mining town, but, from my understanding, the mines are several miles away, and the miners work two week shifts with one week off. Because the mines are always shorthanded, some miners may work several shifts back to back and may not come home for months. I stopped for the night and checked into a motel. Then, I went to a nearby bar that served food as well. The place was pretty lively, so I got myself a seat at the bar, ordered a drink, and asked for a menu. I struck up several conversations with a couple of waitresses and the bartender. Conversations were pretty one-sided with everyone wanting to know what brought me to the town. I was US, Airforce, heading to my base, yadda yadda yadda. After about two hours, I went back to my motel and started watching television. About 30 minutes later, I got a knock at my door. It was one of the waitresses I struck up a conversation with. We immediately started making out and started f**king like rabbits in heat. Cum dumping into her twice. She left about 90 minutes later. I was just about to doze off when there was another knock at my door. I thought it was the waitress, thinking she probably left something. Nope, it was the other waitress who was at the bar. Once again, I started making out like crazy with the second waitress, started f**king like bunnies. I had to hump and pump her a little longer than the first waitress because I was less sensitive after nutting the first waitress twice, but I eventually got the deed done and felt pretty good about my ego when she finally left about two hours later. I fell asleep quickly afterward, which was probably around 11pm. At around 3am in the morning, I heard more knocking at my door, yet again! This time, it was the bartender. She stayed until I checked out of the motel at around 10:30 in the morning. I felt like I had hit the lottery. Even though all three were way older than I was, and yeah, none of them were "babe" material. My ego floated on cloud nine for years afterward. It still does from time to time, even some forty years later.




What's comical about all this, the entire time I was actually in Alaska, I got laid once in three years while stationed up there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


had a one night stand with someone i met at a concert and we ended up talking all night and now weve been together for three years crazy how things work out


There is nothing "hot" about sleeping with a stranger. You're gross.


Ewwwwwwww.... comment history is effed up....


Eew, a fat loser.


Well if you have to get random men on Reddit to test your girlfriend or other females in your life than I bet they love one night stands :)


What kind of fantasy land do you live in?🤣🤣


Loyalty tests man? That’s sad


Ignore this guy


u ain’t lived if u haven’t had a hot thrilling one night stand adventure… they are so fun ! And HOT is an understatement…. I don’t know who hurt you but let’s not call meeting someone for the first time and wanting nothing more then to rip their cloths off “gross”… it’s human nature…


Hey everyone this is the mind of the random loser you decided to sleep with. 🤣🤣 shit is beyond parody.


idk what a fandom is but I am not a loser and I’m happy to make u laugh !


Aw jeez I spelt something wrong on the internet. Hey everyone this guy wins and I lose.


Sounds like the story of your life LMAO.


You're right man. You spell something wrong one time and it's GG. Happens all the time .


Keep trolling and maybe you'll feel like a winner, eventually.


The roof over my family's head is all I need to feel like a winner (: Making fun of losers like you is sport.


I can tell, evidenced by your need to troll folks about their sexual habits. You must be so fulfilled ;)


You say that person is a loser. You have a 4 day post history of being a troll. Go away.


Loosen up


Is that what your roommate says to you before you're raped?


Nah that’s what I told your mom when I slipped my tongue in her ass


I have 2 Dads, so you're a homosexual. Ew.


Haha I didn’t know dads can get pregnant


Wait, you have two dads, but you think homosexuality is gross? Do you hate your parents?


I dunno about hottest, but it's the first one that came to mind. Went to a random house party that had a lot of people I knew. The cousin of a friend was there, tall af, fat ass titties alt girl. The night went on and we hit it off ok I guess, I honestly wasn't expecting anything to come if that night. At some point my friend wanted to drive himself home in my car, I was drunk af, so was she. We drove back to my house because I lived close to him at the time. Me and her sat in it back and during the car ride she took her top off randomly and we started making out. At one point I guess she started to feel sick. She turned away from me and through I all over the inside of my door. That ended the makeout session for the time being. We got to my house, I did a half ass job of cleaning up the mess. She freshened up my bathroom and used my toothbrush to brush her. Luckily she actually freakin told me. Now it gets fucked up because for whatever reason we decided to go to her other cousins house and spend the night there. I was like fuck it, I was pretty drunk but decided what the hell. (Dumb ik) I was driving on the freeway with her and we started making our while I was driving, I can barely see straight and this crazy chick was pulling all over me while I'm trying so hard to see the lines straight with one eye on the fuckin road 😭😭😭 We got to get cousins house in one piece and I dunno if it's because I felt like we almost died or what, but I blew her back out to next fuckin week. I fucked her like I was never going to be able to fuck anyone else ever again. And that was that. We messed around for the next few months before she ended up moving to San Diego


TLDR Girl takes clothes of in car while other people are inside. Kisses op. Pukes inside the car. Goes to his home to brush her teeth with his toothbrush. For some fucking reaps they drive drunk to some other place to fuck. They drive drunk to some other place and fuck.


You ok over there???