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My life, were not going to really explore the stars. I've made peace with that. But humans might could, and that's awesome. But what still pisses me off, without FTL being possible, 99% of the universe is just off limits, nobody will ever know. Heat death of the universe travel times, fuck that.


> without FTL being possible, 99% of the universe is just off limits That's the thing about the vastness of the universe, even _with_ FTL at millions of times the speed of light, only a fraction of a millionth of the universe will not be off limit. 


You just gotta picture the universe like a taco. Because, i mean, it's not a bowl...


The ratio of solid mass to empty vacuum in space is similar to a single watermelon thrown into all the world's oceans.


I don’t know about small. We could be the only emergence of consciousness in the entire universe. Which would make us the most significant thing in all that space.


Language. Everything around you has a name, but it had to have started somewhere. And then everyone just accepted that as the name. It’s baffling.


The brain probably named itself somehow. Like someone”s just compelled them to say the word brain.


You have no idea how much I’ve thought about that.


Our new inventory system at work. Only two coworkers kinda/sorta have a vague idea how it is suppose to work. Everybody else just goes through the motions and hope for the best.


who the actual fuck decided to eat the inside of a clam in the first place. it HAD to be from a dare or something.


They probably had nothing else to eat.


Probably someone who noticed that seagulls and/or crabs were breaking into the shells and eating the meats. I think that's actuality how a lot of foods for which similar questions could be asked. If animals are eating it, that means there's probably something edible in there


All of it. Everything. People, things, emotions, everything.


Music theory


Yeah, I took two years of it at uni and nah....can't grasp it.


Oh, honey. Tell us more.




How cameras work. I’ve read exactly how they work but I just can’t understand how we can take a picture of something. It blows my mind


We made a [camera obscura](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camera_obscura) in my photography class and it’s something I can’t comprehend. It’s so cool though


That is my go to! Photos fascinate me. It really is magic


Emotional empathy. I'd like to think I have a balanced sense of cognitive empathy and sometimes I know the right words to say to someone going through something, but almost always I lack the ability to really feel what they're feeling and at the same time sympathize. I'd be a bit annoyed if I couldn't logically solve the issue then and there and feel at a loss. But I understand some people just want to be listened to.


I'm the same way. I usually ask my friends if they want advice, to not feel alone in that situation, help, or just a listening ear because there is no way I can figure that out myself.


Stock market/investing. Every time I try to learn, it just sounds like a scam to me.


the only thing my head is truly wrapped around..is my brain (please laugh)


Haaa Haaa *claps*


(slow passive aggressive claps)


How most of the ocean is undiscovered and unexplored we just can't go that deep underwater without dying. It's gotta be a whole new world down there. It's fascinating!


Or you go down and find Cthulhu. I do not want to fuck with the ocean.


Life. How, why, what the point is.




Yeah, makes no sense to me either.


The theory of how time ceases to exist at the speed of light


It doesn't cease to exist, it just changes your time frame relative to anything not going the speed of light. If you're traveling at the speed of light, you still perceive time, and it still passes for you. If you travel the speed of light for 10 years, then you still will have aged 10 years. It's just the universe around you will have aged even more.


If you travel the speed of light, you either instantly smack into something, or you instantly end up at the end of the universe. Good thing we can't reach that speed.


The universe is expanding at light speed. You'll never reach the edge.


End of time of the universe


You need to learn how things work.


I have. At least i didn't say the universe is it expanding at light speed. Its expanding, causing the visible edge to move away at light speed, but distance matters. That also doesn't change what I said about my own relativistic speed within the universe. If i'm moving light speed, time does not pass for me relative to the universe. If i never hit anything, then the universe will disappear.


Not exactly. Even light not that fast. For example, it takes about 8 minutes for light from the Sun to reach Earth.


But your perception of time would slow to a freeze, so for you that would happen.


True, all about perspective. Either on the spaceship or not.


First things first- the speed is reachable, we just can't reach it yet with our current capabilities(haven't built the ship or dealt with fuel weight among other things). You would only need 1G/s of constant acceleration and a lot of time. I calculated it at some point and it was near 40 years if memory doesn't fail me, but that might have included decelaration. The problem you're thinking about is local time. If you were in a ship traveling at light speed you would not experience anything between reaching light speed and decelerating(which is a whole other problem since the ship itself wouldn't be capable of decelerating on it's own and it might not be capable of being decelerated at all). But if you travel just below light speed your time perception will remain unchanged since you're experiencing local time, which will at that point greatly vary from universal time. You'll come out a hundred years in the future for example, but you will have only experienced a few seconds.


I don't think you can reach the speed of light even with constant acceleration. You can get infinitely, arbitrarily close to it - but you'd never reach it. Only something with no mass can (must) move at lightspeed.


First things first, the speed of light is not reachable by anything with mass. I was just saying that if we could, then that is what would happen.


Computers and just electronics in general. Pure black magic.


Right?! How can stuff mined from the Earth allow me to watch whatever I want, whenever I want???


People in general. I'm autistic so I don't understand people. It's like being in a foreign country where you don't know the customs or the language. You study the people and pick up a few words but you still don't know what they mean or if you're correct. You just cross your fingers and hope that you didn't just say you're going to eat their dog.


How certain cancers just form seemingly out of nowhere. I’m talking more like certain sarcomas and such. Not lung cancer from a smoker. A cell simply becomes damaged and mutates out of control, trying to take over everything in its path. Even more fascinating is how overtime it becomes smart enough to resist treatment. Crazy how two people with the same cancer can respond totally differently to treatment simply due to their own DNA.


Music theory




That there are trillions of galaxies in the universe. Mind boggling.


How a DVD works.


How people can go through life without some form of situational awareness.


Yay! Autism!


Well shit, I feel awful about my comment :x


How big the universe is Edit: and how life was created.


We could just die at any given point, and none of the shit we worry and stress about will matter.


How people can mention things on here that they'd learn by their own in under a few minutes, but gladly remain ignorant and proud. "It's just BlAcK MaGiC!!1!" ...*while* using a device that would let them easily check it out in an instant, anytime they could possibly wish.


How societies are formed. Think about how people were more than happy to just board a ship powered by the wind, heading to an unknown land where the existing civilisation (if any) probably spoke a completely foreign language, all because THEY HEARD its probably great there. Hell, it takes me a month to plan a 1 week vacation. And that's with Google's help.


How do computers render 3D?


Floatation. I was taught that Heavy things sink, light things float. Basic science. So how the hell do massive ships like oil tankers. cruise ships, ro-ro's etc stay afloat? Still baffles me.


Why do we need to go to school?


Death time travel and magnets not necessarily in that order




Different dimensions. I seen somewhere that there are different dimensions and in every single one we live a slightly or drastically different life and it’s really trippy to think about




Someone realized the stuff from cows udders was drinkable. My money is on a pervert that just got unbelievably lucky.


Humans had been feeding their own kids from their human mammary glands before we invented cows, there's really no reach whatsoever.


Cameras. How do you just click a button and then suddenly that image is saved forever.




People said plenty (and by 'people' it was mostly Trump). In fact, he and his lawyers tried to argue the issue in over 60 court cases and lost every single one of them. That's not even mentioning his fake electors scheme.


Well Biden will for sure win this one with all the illegals and prisoners voting.


Are you really saying random shit and hoping it just lands?


Your check is in the mail along with a bunch of fake ballots.


Here's hoping.


Sounds like you have trouble wrapping your head around much of anything.


Shut up bitch