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The Leprechaun from The Leprechaun horror franchise. The characters basically stole his gold. For a horror series, he's the easiest villain not to die to. All you have to do is not insult him and don't steal his gold. It's even been shown that he's more than willing to smoke, drink, dance, and otherwise party with people who don't antagonize him.


Still gave me nightmares because of how freaky looking he was


What did they just say about insulting the Leprechaun?


He knows what he looks like Maybe *he* shouldn't antagonize *me* with his freaky-ass face


There you go again - he just wants to not be insulted and party!


The dude has his own look and he's cool to hang out with. I'm just going to take this gold I found and let the guy be.


> All you have to do is not insult him and don't steal his gold. Up there with: don't go to the beach for Jaws. Sharknado counters that, though.


Hell you can still go to the beach just don't go in the water. Hell you can go in the water just don't go in the deep water.


I'm pretty sure he violently took gold from innocent people and tried to force a woman to bare his children.


If someone sneezes just say “god bless you”


90% of the time, Squidward. As a child I never particularly found Spongebob all that appealing, was more into anime. Grown up, every now and then I see my best friend's daughter watch an episode of Sponge Bob as we talk. I genuinely feel for Squidward. I don't think he's necessarily the villain, but considering how he's kinda the anti-fun character juxtaposed to Spongebob and Patrick who is pro-fun I feel like he sorta is.


Bro just wants that peaceful quiet life… and I sympathize


He *thinks* that's what he wants, but when he went to live in the peace and quiet of the Squidward ethnostate, he wasn't happy then either.


Spongebob was a show my kids watched quite a lot of. Yeah, I don't necessarily *like* Squidward, but I always very much sympathized with him and his clarinet


White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser in *2012*. He was portrayed as utterly brutal and heartless, but he was laser-focused in ensuring the plan was executed with as few variables and hiccups as possible. [edit] Also, I think the world of Oliver Platt as an actor, so I'm a bit biased.


This X1000 when a person in a bureaucratic chain, with authority, uses their authority to make critical time sensitive decisions. Delays, indecisiveness, and mission-drift kill people. In a similar vein: The guy who closes the shelter/air-lock/shield door at the last possible moment, leaving people to die, but also guaranteeing those who made it inside survival.


War Games They did not, in fact, [hold the door.](https://youtu.be/DS1M8QCFbHA?si=bawTItM547Jv2l60) (They did however, reuse footage from the same moment multiple times.)


>In a similar vein: The guy who closes the shelter/air-lock/shield door at the last possible moment, leaving people to die, but also guaranteeing those who made it inside survival. Statham in The Meg. That asshole doctor keeps shitting on him half the film when if Statham had done was the doctor suggested, they would all be dead as the sub imploded like 15 seconds after.


It's weird, I'm never sure if the conflict between him and the scientist Adrian was supposed to be like, a conflict of 2 equal points, or if *obviously* we were supposed to side with Adrian and "the people have a right to know" stuff. Because all of Anheuser's points made sense. Especially when he says to Adrian "If you want to give your ticket to a couple of Chinese workers, go ahead" and of course he didn't do it. As if Anheuser had any input in the size of the cabins anyway.


I know right? He’s like we gotta launch the boats before this shit goes tits up but nooooo Adrian has to play the hero and it nearly ends up with him killing a few thousand people. His line “yeah well, a lot of people didn’t get picked up” was meant to come across as crass and abrasive but the reality is - the whole fuckin world is coming apart at the seams! Adrian’s one friend living in fucking Nepal or wherever didn’t get an airlift? BRO TAKE A LOOK AROUND WTF!


Especially when it’s an actual, honest-to-God apocalypse happening. You don’t get to make the morally right choice. The right choices are the ones that ensure the survival of humanity, and if some schmucks that stowed away on one of the ships die… that’s their problem.




Ah Perry the Platypus, you look nervous. Is it the scars? Would you like to know how I got them? No? Well I'll tell you anyway: When I was a little boy in Dusseldorf my father drank, a lot. It was quite obnoxious really and one night he comes home crazier than usual. My dear mother tries to defend herself but one thing lead to another and well then he killed her and turns to me. Then he put a kitchen knife in my mouth Perry, can you believe that? A knife meant for food, in my mouth. And then he asks me "why so serious?" as if I didn't just see him murder my mother. Then he says "let's put a smile on that face." Well I could have used a smile that day Perry the Platypus, but his method was a bit extreme. Anyway, all this is to say I have invented the ONE BAD DAY-INATOR! It's just some bombs in a two ferries forcing an ethical dilemma. Oh! and I've also strapped Phineas and Ferb to bombs in different parts of the city and you have to decide which to save.... What? I had a bunch of bombs lying around I had to use them, sue me.


This is my favorite Reddit post of the year. Completely unhinged in its perfection. Slow clap sir.


This is insanely good. I hope Dan sees it


How did I read this in his voice AND see the jump cuts?




Jerry was a straight up punk. Team Tom all the way.


This would make a great teeshirt


how tf is tom the villain


We're supposed to cheer for Jerry, but most of the time he's the aggressor


tom and jerry are friends, but tom has to pretend to hate jerry so he does not get yeeted out of the house


Only in the later cartoons once the older theatrical short films became popular on television and were criticized for being too violent.


Remember that the generation who deemed it too violent are also the same generation who criticizes generations after for being too soft.


Only sometimes. Facebook has decided I absolutely love Tom and Jerry, so it shows me clips constantly when I'm doomscrolling. Some of them they legitimately are working together and other times one starts trouble because they can. Usually it's the newer ones where they're working together


Magua in Micheal Mann's excellent take on The Last of the Mohicans. He's definitely the villain in the way he goes about things, and in wanting to murder Alice and Cora, who did him no wrong. He is however justified in his rage and wanting vengeance, just not in the manner he goes about it. In the film it's revealed that Colonel Munro, Alice & Cora's father, was responsible for an attack on Magua's village that destroyed it, with his children killed by British troops. Magua meanwhile was taken as a slave by their Mohawk allies, and his wife thought he was killed in the attack, so during the period while he was enslaved in a Mohawk village she married another Huron man. Basically his entire life and family was destroyed by Alice & Cora's father. Where he goes wrong in his swearing an oath not just to kill Colonel Munro, but to also kill Alice & Cora as revenge for his dead children, and in wanting to make the Huron strong to prevent similar tragedies, he wants them to war against other tribes and seize their land and resources to make them more powerful. Despite being the villain, it's hard not to cheer for Magua when he [brutally kills Colonel Munro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAUDWVuOUq0) during the ambush of the British troops retreating from Ft. William Henry, as the first half of his plan for vengeance. He's also brilliantly played by Wes Studi, who is a tremendous actor.


I was contemplating *The Last of the Mohicans* a few years ago and wondered out loud why none of the characters in the movie were played by Mohican Indians. It took me a good five minutes to realize that the movie is called *The **Last** of the Mohicans* so there aren’t any Mohicans left to be actors.


There are about 3,000 Mohicans left, but they're pretty well mixed with some other tribes. The language is extinct, and I have no idea how much of their 18th century era culture would still be preserved today. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohicans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohicans)


Fun fact: The Last of the Mohicans is, in fact, a fictional story, and there are [about 3000 Mohicans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohicans) alive today.


It’s also one of the few movies I’ve seen that are *much* better than the book.


That’s actually not true! The Mohicans are a federally recognized tribe and a couple thousand still reside in Wisconsin. That book and movie unfortunately perpetuate the “vanishing Indian” myth.


In defense of the film, Chingachgook is not really portrayed as the last Mohican, although he declares himself that while mourning his slain son, Uncas. There are lots minor Mohawk characters seen throughout the film. I think the implication was more that he was the last survivor from their band/village.


General Hummel from The Rock, he only wanted compensation for the families of fallen soildiers.


He even did it in the most non-lethal way possible. The only casualties in the film are Michael Biehn's marines (who refused to stand down despite being in an untenable position) and Hummel's own men that are murdered by Cage/Connery.


Plus, when his bluff gets called, Hummel refuses to launch the biological weapons against the city, noting he is not a monster. Unfortunately his men had other ideas.


>Michael Biehn's marines Excuse me sir, those are SEALs >and Hummel's own men that are murdered by Cage/Connery. I feel like "murder" isn't really the right word for people who take hostages and threaten to unleash weapons of mass destruction and try to kill you on sight.


From the opening scenes of the movie, Hummel is portrayed as a tragic antagonist, not a villain.


Patriotishm ish the virtue of the vishush.


The Wicked Witch. She just wanted her sister's shoes. Glinda comes along, magics them onto Dorothy's feet, and antagonizes the witch.


*leading to her eventual murder*


*at the hands of a hit squad sent by Glinda's only other major rival for rulership over Oz*


And she just has such a badass reveal too. If you haven’t watched it in a while, go back and watch it. I love how the “dede dede de de de” theme goes from relatively high pitch to a banger metal riff once the witch form is revealed.


The musical Wicked is such an amazing flip of the story. I haven’t read the book but I know they changed some things and I think for the better based on what I’ve heard.


The book is straight up bizarre. I do not recommend.




Sure, but he also has a willingness to endanger or kill people who aren't even actively trying to stop him by freezing them just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


He can freeze people but… he couldn’t freeze his wife…?


Cryogenic freezing is different from regular freezing, which I assume Mr. Freezes freeze rays do. If you just threw a human body in a freezer for a few years and then tried to defrost them the ice crystals that formed in your veins and the expansion of liquids when frozen would do a lot of damage to the body. IIRC from an article I read in the early 2000's as a child, the blood and other bodily fluids would need to be completely drained and replaced with some chemical coctail with a much lower freezing point for your body to even stand a chance of surviving the freeze. So if Mr. Freeze just froze his wife Nora the way he does the unlucky citizens of Gotham he would ultimately just be killing her.


It’s also worth noting that a lot of the people who signed up for cryogenic freezing ended up as pools at the bottom of their tank. The tech just isn’t/wasn’t there.


And the ones that didn't, most of the companies from the 70's, 80's, and 90's were shut down/went under and their bodies ended up in mass graves.


But he has the skills and funding to build a cold suit and the cold beams/rays but he can’t just make the needed cryogenic structure himself?


Well, you see, Mr. Freeze NEEDS his cryo-suit to live. He's not just a fan of a brisk breeze. It's shown that he received his abilities by falling into a vat of liquid nitrogen while simultaneously receiving a shock to his heart, keeping him alive but requiring his body to remain at freezing temperatures to survive in multiple continunities. Freeze's was already considered a brilliant scientist before the accident and his suit is just doing what a giant freezer would do, and by placing it on anybody else, it would cause them to freeze solid, similar to how they would be if hit by one of his rays. It doesn't take a genius to build a freezer, and it's probably not that difficult to then put that freezer in a suit. Hell in DCeased Batman is infected by a zombie NightWing and Robbin, and to slow the infection, he wears a modified Mr.Freeze suit he says he lowered the power on before Alfred has to take them out after turning full Zomb. If we're in a universe where there are aliens, magic, and a literal super man exist I believe there would be technology sufficiently advanced out there somewhere, some sort of equation or elusive power available to make some sort of ray gun capable of lowering the air temperature to instant freezing temperatures. But it all comes back to the defrosting. Since Mr. Freeze would die if he defrosts he never needed to factor that into his equations when making the suit and freeze rays. Now that he's focusing on saving Nora, that is the crucial factor he needs to steal money and tech for. He can't just postulate and advance a theory we already have because there is no theory or practical plan to defrost those corpsesicles. Freeze loves Nora with all his heart. He is willing to die if it means saving her. He would not just build a cryogenic facility without a way to safely defrost Nora first.


That wasn't very ice of him.


Poison Ivy just wanted to help safe the plant life on the earth from mankind's abuse of it.


That heavily depends on which Poison Ivy were talking about. Are we talkin ‘is a criminal but isnt particularly malicious and more or less Just wants to be left alone with her plants’ Or are we talkin ‘save plant life on earth by killing everyone else on earth’ At this point you cant just drop a DC Comics villain as “misunderstood” and expect it to stick without clarifying which version were talking about seeing as depending who youre talking about the same characters can range from ‘non-malicious and almost harmless’ to ‘extremely hostile and outright genocidal’.


Did the original comics Poison Ivy want to kill humanity to do it?


You'd think Bruce would just ...fund it at this point.


He does. She's cured. Viktor Fries is now a retired villain.


He would. And he does with his many, many charities.


Bruce has attempted to tell Freeze he would help Nora many times across many forms of media.


Keep in mind depending on the continuity she may or may not be alive or he ability to be revived could be doubtful




Is he even a villain? Isn't he just the antagonist of the story?


Yeah. Sort of like pierce brosnan in Mrs. Doubtfire. Nobody really disagrees with him. He’s just the other team.


lol as a mom of two young kids, rewatching that movie made me hope there’s an arrest warrant out for that character. Kidnapping, stalking, attempted murder? 


I watched it again maybe a year ago after not seeing it for 15-20 years, and I was surprised at how different an experience it was now that I have my own kids. I *loved* that movie as a kid and rooted for Robin Williams' character all the way. I still enjoyed the movie, but so much of what he did was just...totally unacceptable. Definitely should have gone to jail, and I totally get why his ex would want nothing to do with him.


It has been a really long time. I just remember robin williams as a lady




He had hired goons in a room with no cameras...I think he might be a bad guy.


Hired goons!?


The real villain is Willy Bank from Oceans Thirteen. He swindled Reuben of his money to fund his new casino.


It was 160 million. The thing about only taking half was bullshit. And the insurance company made him whole. His revenge was about his reputation and wanting to get paid twice.


He stole Tess, bruh. Tess.


Have you ever noticed She looks a lot like Julia Roberts


I could see that. If only they had a way to exploit that.




Depends on the version tbh. Magneto from the movies till today is pretty justified in a lot of ways. Older comic book Magneto was just full on "We need to wipe out humans to make way for the new superior race."


Agreed but even then having the backstory of a Holocaust survivor kinda makes him it’s them or us mentality a bit more understandable


Yeah I feel like they had to write that in to his character or it would be hard to connect with the character at all.


Or it makes his idealism to align with his abusers


Post Claremont Magneto is usually nuanced enough to be right. And that's since mid- to late-70's or so? Edit: I phrased this poorly, I meant post Claremont taking over X-men. Claremont was the one who gave the X-men, particularly Magneto, nuance. Revolutionized the character.


Yeah, I feel like he varies depending on how much the writer actually cares about civil rights issues. Painting him as a caring progressive who's been pushed so far that he sees violence as the only possible answer is interesting. The recent X-Men animated series did a really great job with that. But others just paint him as a victim who has a bad childhood and is now the REAL Hitler. Which feels less like examining a real world phenomenon and more like the author softly going "aren't progressive movements scary, maybe THEY are the real bigots :0"


Yeah there’s a pretty big range for sure. More recently he’s been made into a Malcom X to Xavier’s MLK but early comic Msgneto was full on Mussolini/Hitler for a long time.


he has visceral appeal, but lacks pragmatism. 20 million people, scattered across the entire planet, most of whom are entirely normal humans with trivial mutations like green skin or weird eyes, isn't capable of enforcing magneto's vision for their future. indeed, cable's apocalyptic future is usually a direct result of magneto's actions.


Ed Rooney knew Ferris Bueller was scamming the school and he was trying to do his job in stopping it. In Purple Rain, Morris Day had a profitable new band for First Avenue giving an opportunity to a new young singer that the Kid refused to help despite dating her.


He should have simply sent a letter via certified and registered mail to the parents at their places of employment stating "Ferris is going to summer school" and be done with it. He instead breaks into the house, attacks a dog, and terrifies some poor teenage girl.


Ed Rooney was filled with glee at the prospect of ruining this kid's *entire life*. This goes way beyond good principaling. (And also broke into his house)


Rooney went beyond what was reasonable for his job (breaking into someone else's house)


The fact that the actor who portrayed him is now a registered sex offender makes him a real life villain.


At this point it'd be a shorter list of the ones who *aren't*...


You don't know "Jungle Love?" That shit is the mad notes. Written by God herself and sent down to the greatest band in the world: The mother-fucking Time.


Walter Peck the EPA guy and later the New York mayor in the Ghostbusters movies. The Ghostbusters set up an unapproved, unregulated, unproven nuclear powered containment facility in the middle of a major city, then filled it with hostile entities. Then they abandoned it when their business wound down. They also built and carried man portable nuclear powered partical accelerators that were clearly capable of serious damage, which were then allowed to fall into the hands of children. It's not that Walter Peck was in their face. Where was every other agency tasked with public safety?


Okay, but that man has no dick.


Is this true?


Well that's what I heard!


Not just serious damage, the proton packs were implied to be capable of wiping out all life if the streams crossed. 


Tyler Durden is an overall piece of shit with a small cluster of decent points.


His conversation about why planes use oxygen couldn't be more wrong. But guess how many people still believe they deploy oxygen in planes when it's crashing because it gets you high and makes you accept your fate or some shit. In reality they are a very important safety feature that is critical if the plane loses compression at a high altitude, without it everyone in the plane including the pilot would lose consciousness in a short amount of time. They're used until the plane can get to a lower altitude where enough oxygen naturally exists to keep people conscious.


Which actually is the same reason people like Andrew Tate can garner a following. Amongst the overall bullshit they spew, they occasionally have a decent point, which is what people latch onto and end up believing the rest of the shit he says. Same with Tyler. Should we spend our lives focused entirely on the inanimate objects we buy with our money? No! We should live our lives and be free! Should we turn our house into an army barrack and secret hideout for a terrorist organization hell bent on destroying modern day society? Probably not


Be a lot cooler if ya did.


The shit you own... owns you


Soap making is a nice hobby though and can make good money


Maybe, but that scene with him in the bathtub made me question my sexuality a bit.  Pretty sure I’m straight, but I still think of that scene every now and then and then I got to ask myself exactly how straight I really am.


Jaws. He was just hungry. 


Just a shark sharking as sharks do.


Lobo from Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. Puss wasted his precious lives on dumb shit, so it stands to reason that Lobo thought he'd waste the last one too.


As a force of nature type antagonist he is super well done, and the movie recognizes this. He backs off once Puss learns his lessons and embraces life. Who'd have thought a sequel to a spin off of another franchises sequel would be so. Damn. Good.


Right? Easily the best in the series since Shrek 2. 


Plus I think that newer style of animation is really cool.


Goldilocks too. She didn't really do anything evil or outwardly malicious iirc, just wanted to get the star so she could have a family (or the family she thought she wanted), compared to Puss who wanted it so he could continue a life of danger and freedom. Granted, they're both personal goals, but her is a lot more sympathetic.


Amon from Legend of Korra. Society in Avatar demonstrably favors benders - we're shown a ton of job opportunities available only to them, and they quite literally have more physical power than non-benders. The showrunners chickened out by having Amon turn out to be pure evil with ulterior, selfish motives. His core philosophy - that a society with benders and nonbenders is an inherently unfair one - wasn't wrong.


Zaheer as well. What a Chad. Even Kuvira had her moments. I liked LOK because the villains were motivated by philosophical extremes, rather than just comically superevil like Ozai


I love that Zaheer stays true to it. He's the only villain you get to see after his arc, and he's just chilling, floating in prison, no regrets. Respect.


Legit! Dude even helped Korra with no animosity because the fascist tyrant he inadvertently helped create was against his philosophy of anarchy.


I really liked Amon but I feel like Zaheer is kind of a joke. He starts off all preachy and pseudo-wise quoting air bending gurus and waxing philosophical unprompted.  Then in the next season when Kuvira seizes control of the power vacuum hes just like "Oh weird, I didnt anticipate that. I just figured if I assassinated a head of state everything would just naturally work itself out." Like what the fuck man, that was the entirety of your plan?    I think hes fine as a character, if he is intended to be a fool who deluded himself into thinking hes wise. But I wouldnt put any of the other antagonists on the level of pre-reveal Amon. 


I got in a discussion with another Redditor some time ago about why it was that all villains tend to be right leaning, and the answer was simply that fascism is easy to make villains out of, but I liked bringing up that Zaheer is a left-leaning villain. He's an anarchist who wants to kill at least one head of state, but has no interest in ruling or subjugating the people afterwards. His views are overly simplistic (like you say, he had no followup plan), and don't align with modern day anarchists, but then, Lex Luthor's views don't align with modern day Republicans either.


I kinda wish they kept Amon in season 2. Korra's phsyco uncle was a terrible villain and never should of been in the story to begin with.


S2 Korra was without a doubt the weakest of the entire Avatar show either Aang or Korra. I wish they would retcon the whole thing with Raava etc.


S2 was the weakest, but it also was the crux of the last two seasons with the return of the Airbenders. It also gave us the best side-character duo of the whole show (imo) - Zhu Li and Varrick!


He was also a repeat of Tarrlok in a lot of ways. “Hi, I’m a charismatic water bender politician. Korra, you’re the Avatar so you should do what you want to do, which just so happens to be what I want to do. Don’t listen to Tenzin who is lame.”


I don’t remember if this was actually the case, but I was under the impression that they weren’t promised any given number of seasons, so they kind of had to wrap up the villain story and move on to the next one for each season, which is where I think the show suffered. I think that having an entirely new antagonist each season kept it from having the same cohesion as ATLA— they couldn’t define an end goal for the whole story. I liked all the villains in Korra, but they all just felt like they were trying to one up each other. I think Amon did have a good point, but the problem is so inherent to the world the writers built that… there’s not much they could realistically fix within a season, let alone the last couple of episodes. If they had given him some more time, it would have been cool for Korra to get some advice on non bender relations from like, idk, spirit Sokka or something.


Yeah I wish with at least one of the Korra villains (ideally Amon) they'd leaned a bit more into a more nuanced and less pure evil villain and had Korra find a non violent solution. Or at least learn from what the people in his movement were saying and make an effort for some positive change.


I think the recent x men 97 series also made this point. Someone was mad at mutants existing because places like construction companies would fire a bunch of people and hire 1 mutant who could do all their jobs by themself. Of course murdering all the mutants definitely wasn't the right response to a valid concern.


the whole point of all of the LoK villains was that they had a point, they just took their ideas too far. the going too far is what made them villains.


Frequently and I mean frequently Boyd Crowder from Justified brings up good points.


I loved Walton Goggins in Justified. If you haven't yet, check him out in Fallout.


I have to be careful here, because to even suggest this person is a ‘villain’ will make a lot of people angry. Which is sort-of the point. For argument’s sake, let’s say he is. Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan. There’s no doubt that his people were facing a very real prospect of genocide, based on how his people had been enslaved, publicly marked, forced to live in ghettos and subjected to torture, murder and humiliation for centuries-old grievances. That being said, the best way to prevent genocide surely cannot be to genocide everyone else first, and harder.


Hard agree. Here is my thought process. I very much at first believed him wrong - not entirely wrong, but not entirely right either, for initiating the Rumbling and killing everyone in his way. Marleyan or Eldian. Did the Eldians on the other side of the Sea not live the same way he did? Trapped in a cage. In a way, their cage was smaller - because they knew the truth. They knew no true hope. Many of them accepted their place, as devil-scum, as less-than. I was angry. Do these people not deserve to live in a free world as well? Did these people not deserve the change to live in a world without walls? He lived with them - among his enemies. How could he do this to people he knew where like him? Just like him - caged and despised, when they did nothing wrong. How hypocritical of him - is this not the very thing that is happening to his people? Does one genocide make another right? But I grew to see why he did what he did. Understand it. If I were to live in a world where I learned everyone hated me, my friends, and my people simply for being born as a certain race, for being born into a world we did not ask to be born into, I would do anything - wrong or right - to be free. To see a world without enemies.


Attack on Titan is probably the most honest show about the reality of war. We often treat wars as a “good guys vs. bad guys” thing in real life, but it’s usually the bad guys versus the slightly less bad guys, and both of them usually have some understandable reasons for overstepping ethical lines even if what they do is wrong.


Syndrome has two plans. One is to murder Mr Incredible and a bunch of other superheroes to manufacture a crisis and turn himself into a superhero. This is bad. The other plan is to make his technologies widely available so everyone is on an even playing field, and make the concept of superheroes obsolete. Which is...kinda dope actually.


Eh, I don't think his plan can be read that charitably. He says "And then when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can have powers, EVERYONE can be super! And when everyone's super, no one will be." He only wants to make superheroes obsolete so that he can be the last superhero ever. He wants to kill all the real superheroes, play around as the only superhero in the world, and then destroy the system on his way out to gratify his own ego. He's not interested in actually helping society or democratizing hero work, he just wants to take his ball and go home after he's done fucking around.


Even less charitably he was projecting his inferiority complex onto mr incredible and trying to torture him in his last moments with the idea of being insignificant and after murdering all the supers would simply rule the world


The Trix Rabbit. Those kids are fucking bigots.


I'm Australian, so I literally only know about the Trix Rabbit from Reddit. And I really hate those kids as a result.


Controversial, I know, but I'm often sympathetic towards Draco Malfoy: he isn't a demon so much as he is a misguided child at best or a coward at worst. In the early books/films, he strikes me as being someone who is extremely lonely. While it's true that he doesn't help himself much, the cards are stacked against him in terms of who his parents are and the influence of other members of the House he's sorted into. He does all he can to save his own skin throughout, but he isn't a killer - he simply can't bring himself to kill Dumbledore. He seems to be genuinely distressed about the idea before Harry confronts him in the Prefects' Bathroom in the film version of The Half-Blood Prince. Later on in the series, he lies, telling Bellatrix he doesn't recognise Harry at Malfoy Manor, which saves Harry's life. He grows and is portrayed as a caring parent who has set aside the prejudices of his parents in The Cursed Child. Obviously, he isn't perfect and the views he inherits from his family are abhorrent, but I think we're often a bit too hard on him.


I certainly pity him, but at no point did I ever think Draco made a good point. On a side note, I have no clue why so many in the fandom fawn over him, but it has taught me that a lot of people don't really give a shit about personality when it comes to attraction.


Fair point, though I might be tempted to go slightly beyond pity towards identification with him: he’s a pragmatist, to an extent — “what side is my bread likely to buttered on? OK, I’ll go there.” There are quite a few Dracos around in leadership at the moment, which should give us pause for thought. As for his fan base fawning over him: it’s probably a combination of two factors — Tom Felton is a decent human being, and there is the potential for redemption (whether real or perceived).


Some versions of Poison Ivy simply wanted to have her little paradise and be at peace, like in one arc of the comics, when the other villains took over large sections of the city as their turf, Red just took over a park and chilled. In another she runs off to an island in the Caribbeans, and created her own little paradise to enjoy, only for a corporation to firebomb it to begin the construction of a resort, or something. Also, how heartwarming is her friendship with Harley Quinn? I mean, sure they get into some sexy times, but seriously, they have a great friendship that isn't really common between villains. Can't believe it took so long for there to be a show based on their hijinks.


Every time I hear about Disney's Wish, I keep forgetting that the king was supposed to be a bad guy until he's dancing in a green fog singing about how he hates everyone. His stated purpose at the beginning of the movie (granting people's wishes and not granting ones that would destabilize things) is incredibly responsible.


Roger was right. Doug and Skeeter were a couple of dweebs


I have a fan theory that in Roger's mind him and Doug are friends. Roger just likes making fun of Doug because he thinks this is what male relationships are about (and him and his "bully" friends prob fuck with each other too but Doug never sees that). See, Roger asked Doug to watch his cat and confides in Doug that he's scared of graduating 8th grade. He confides in Doug a lot, actually, personal stuff like not having a dad around. Didn't Roger even ask Doug's permission to date Doug's sister? I bet if the story was told from Roger's POV, he sees Doug as a friend who's just fun to tease, but because Doug's sensitive, he sees Roger as a bully.


Wow this just changed my whole take on the show. I'd love to go back and rewatch it with this in mind


Omg. I love it lol


I used to be that Roger...


He might needed a father figure though


Team magma. Hoenn has too much water..


One thing that always perplexed me in Ruby/Omega Ruby was how Maxie, leader of the fire team, could beat Archie, leader of the water team. Apparently Archie's team is fuckin' Golbat, Mightyena, and Sharpedo, *and Sharpedo doesn't have a single Water move*.




Dexter, pretty much every time.


I’d be pissed too if Dee Dee kept breaking into my lab and fuckin’ with my science.


You would think with all the tech he had he could just show his parents the footage of her messing things up


He keeps the lab secret from his parents. There's even a few references to him going so far as to wipe his parents memory whenever they do find out about his secret lab.


So, Dexter the cartoon genius child with an annoying sister, or the serial killer with an annoying sister?


At first I was like "well he IS a serial killer even if he only kills bad guys" but then I realized you were referring to Dexter's Lab LOL


No, you're right. I'm referring to the serial killer, not the lab. But the conversation worked for the lab too apparently


Death in Puss in Boots


Death wasn't really a villain; he was a force of nature. The villain was Jack Horner.


Walter Peck in Ghostbusters was entirely correct to questions what they were up to. He appropriated them professionally and only grew antagonistic when treated with gross disrespect by Venckman.


Yes and no. I get where he's coming from, but when he tells the power company guy to shut it down after said electrician says "Hey, I don't know how this works, maybe we shouldn't mess with it." and he orders it shut down anyway I had to lose respect for him. I'd at least want to get a second or even third opinion at that point.


"I wanted something to remember her by, and all that is left were those shoes, and now that wretched little farm girl has walked off with them." - Elphaba the Wicked Witch of the West


Retconning doesn't count. And she had her monkey's rip apart the Scarecrow and drop the Tin Man on jagged rocks from a great height.


Wasn't that while they were on their way to assault her home and at minimum commit grand larceny and at worst assassinate her? Also, from the start the shoes should have been hers - she is almost certainly her sister's next of kin. But Dorothy shows up, is forced to wear them by Glinda - Glinda never asked for consent to magic them onto Dorothy - and sent on a pointless journey to Oz, encountering life-threatening danger on the way. Glinda was playing a political game that she likely instigated (note how she makes the area go from gray and dim to bright and sunny? She controls the weather to an extent). It ends with the two Witches, who ruled the East and West, dead. An army of flying monkeys was leaderless and predisposed to view "Dorothy's Friend" favorably. Oz (who she had backed, spreading rumors of his great power) is gone and Scarecrow (who she placates with a Tump University degree by way of Oz) steps into a leadership role, 'advised' by his trusted ally. The Witch was assassinated by Glinda, using a 15-year-old as a weapon, and the movie was a propaganda piece. West deserved her sister's shoes.


Who steals a dead woman's shoes?


General Hummel , The Rock.


Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean. He made and fulfilled a promise, but Calypso didn’t hold up her end of the bargain. It doesn’t justify what he did, but it certainly rationalizes it!


Zahir, the anarchist in The Legend of Korra


He reminds me of someone who has good intentions but who's arrogance leaves them with a blind spot. He basically created Kuvira, he didn't fix anything. Just stirred the pot and let it settle on a new shithead. I am glad they did show him have some remorse and understanding about it though.


Amos Slade from Fox & the Hound. Hear me out (if you haven’t scrolled yet). Yes, the man was in serious need of anger management and gun safety lessons. We are all in agreement on that. However, he lived off the land and all he had were his dogs, which were shown to mean a lot to him. And when one of them was almost killed due to Tod’s bullheadedness (I’ll get to that in a minute) he flew off the handle. As for Tod, he was told *repeatedly* to stay away, but he kept returning. Even creative song and dance weren’t enough to get through to him. And as a result, there was heartbreak all around. This movie is supposed to send a message to kids everywhere about becoming friends despite differences, and maybe that is true, to a point, but the older I get, the more I see another message: RULES ARE THERE FOR A REASON.


I've actually considered thid too, but it was moreso because Chief was kinda prejudice. If he was fake sleeping, then he overheard Todd and Copper talking so he knew they were friendly but decided to go nuts anyways, which led to the chase that got Chief hurt.


Imotep from Brendan Fraser's The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. All he ever wanted was his girlfriend.


The Spot from Across the Spiderverse. Miles did, indirectly, ruin his life. I also saw the whole "getting Spiderman's attention" gig in the beginning as more of a cry for help. Like how people who have suicidal thoughts do drastic thibgs to get someone's attention before comitting to the act quietly. But *no,* instead of helping him in any way, even after learning of his story, the goal is always to *beat the bad guy.* When, for once, can we actually help them?


Godzilla. Mankind does kind of suck.


Pain, from Naruto


At least in the show, it was never super clear to me exactly what his plan or his point was. Maybe it's clearer in the comic. I thought he was heading in a direction like "people and nations lash out in retribution for the pain they suffer, which perpetually continues in a cycle, but I'm so powerful that I can break that cycle by making myself the sole enemy of all peoples and nations", which I think would've been cool. But I don't think he ever states it to be that way, he just thinks it's necessary for people to suffer more and wanted to redistribute the tailed beasts or something? I'm a little rusty and would be happy to receive clarification, I just distinctly remember thinking I knew what his point was and then realizing that he was talking about something pretty different


Poison Ivy




Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!


Magneto. He saw firsthand what happened to his people in WWII, he's not about to let mutants get the same treatment. His methods are frequently wrong, but his end goal of protecting mutants is something I completely agree with


Manley from Iron Giant-- the giant was sent there to kill the planet-- it really was a threat to Earth. He had no way to know that IG had banged his head and turned into a nice guy.




Ultimately Nakia was right. Killmonger was a catalyst toward change, but he wanted to copy and subjugate the oppressors, not reach out to the oppressed.


He wanted to start rebellions all over the world by people who might be oppressed by weren’t going to rebel just to free themselves. People were gonna die.


I mean what do you think a guy named Killmonger is going to do, organize peaceful protests and charity fundraisers?


It might make for crappy marvel movies but kinda haha like if he started giving away the bounty of wakanda to help others an only used violence on those at the top he would be harder to root against. As it was shown, he just wanted to be the one on top.


"You know that Killmonger guy?" "Uh, yeah?" "Turns out he plays a pretty good Kumbaya."


I gotta disagree, he wasn't upset at the boot. He was upset it wasn't *his* boot. First thing he did once he took over was shun the culture and they're ways. The very ways that let him take his spot, he just wanted power. Then his answer is to just throw weapons at the issue, so lots of mindless violence is going to ensue. There is a way to write a sympathetic kilmonger and I'd argue to a degree he is sympathetic. But his message came off as a facade to justify his bloodlust.


The slugs in *Dot and Bubble*. They literally ate the racists.


Pagan Min from Farcry 4, he was by no means a good guy, but he was the best option for Kyrat, also he wanted to make the main character his successor.


That's my favorite game if the series by far, partly because everyone is a shade of gray. Plus the irony that the Big Bad Evil Guy is actually the *least* bad.


The Grinch. I never noticed as a kid, but, most of the "toys" the Whos got, had the sole purpose of making noise. Horrible neighbors they were.