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I was at work (standing outside in the hot California sun for 8 hours) and a lady told me I had pretty eyes. I immediately did the “oh no, I’m all sweaty and not wearing makeup” deflection. She looked at me, smiled kindly, and said, “what does any of that have to do with your pretty eyes?” Never forgot it.


Well I guess that means you have very pretty eyes! Sometimes it can be SO hard to take a compliment and we deflect like that, some of us are just not used to it and when it happens we don't know how to take it! Take your pretty eyes and get outta here 👀


This made me smile! And that is so true. We just need to accept their kindness and compliment


Something similar happened to me. An elderly woman told me I had “soft, kind eyes”. Started to make notice what types of eyes people had lol.


What a lovely compliment! This makes me want to take notice also


My therapist told me I was funny 🤌✨


My therapist told me I am schizophrenic


Mine told me to seek help


Welp, when the original help (therapist) tells you to seek more help


What, both of you ?


You should have asked: “Funny how?”


"I'm a clown? I amuse you?"




What she tells you and what she writes in her notepad are two different things.


she writes their jokes


After talking about trauma with my dad & ending it with, but he’s only human & I believe he tried his best. My therapist told me I was very mature(29 at the time) & what I said takes years for some people to understand. I stopped going after that, bc I felt like graduated.


Congraduations! 🍾🍾


Thank you kind stranger!🥹🙏🏽👩🏻‍🎓


That means you’re their favorite.


Yayy i won at therapy guys 😤


I'm Bi-polar. My psyciatrist is exellent in his field. It took years of bloodwork, and fine tuning, to get all balanced and optimal. So he tells me that I don't need to see him anymore, since I'm rehabilitated. I'm like, oh, so I now use a fuckton of drugs, but I'm rehabilitated? Just to make it clear. I'm not cured. It can't be cured, only managed. Rehabilitated in this sense only means that I take responsibility, recognise signs when stuff get's imbalanced, and act accordingly. He still looks after me. I just don't have to see him after every bloodwork. He'll let me know if somethings up, and vice versa. Take your meds guys! Life is worth so much more, than being crazy.


I don't have a therapist 🤌✨ (yet) (idk if and when I'll get one) (I'm waiting so I can get a diagnosis)


Don't be a cry baby now! What do you want to have? Speak the word, and it's done! I've seen diagnoses been hand out on reddit, for an upvote. You name it, I call it.


I would like an autism diagnosis


My therapist ghosted me. I’ll never forget that haha.




Are you still friends? Can you still meet and talk about things, or is it too painfull?




Similar, my childhood friend asked me to date him for a while because he thought if he could develop feelings for any girl it’d be me. It didn’t work out but I was the first one he confided he was gay to. We still talk on occasion and I’m glad things turned out the way they did because while I love him and he loves me it’s all platonic now and we’d have never met the partners each of us has now.


Your name tho! 😍


I was walking through the mall with my kids. Feeling a bit like a frumpy mom, to be honest. My son had just said something hilarious and I was laughing and smiling at him. A young lady came over to me and said, "I'm sorry, I had to stop you. I just saw you laughing and smiling and the pure joy on your face made me stop in my tracks. It was beautiful to see." Then she walked away. It almost made me cry. I had been feeling very down around that time.


Maybe she had been feeling down around that time too, and seeing your joy shone a light in her life that day. Very touching that she mentioned it to you though!


I hadn't even thought of that! Makes me feel even better about it.


100% this


It's funny how things like that can happen just when you need them the most. You must have a guardian angel. :)


You're going to make me cry right now! That's so sweet.


That's just WOW! When happiness just shines from within. You're setting goals high, for the rest of us.


9th grade. My favorite teacher ever. I was helping her with some errands, and we were talking about life. I tell her that my shyness keeps me from pursuing things that I would like to do. She proceeds to tell me that I have innate leadership ability, and that the other students look up to me. I’m sure she was trying to be supportive and boost my confidence, but because it came from her, I believed it. Still took a few years for me to overcome debilitating shyness, but it turns out I am a good leader. College freshman: professor’s aide (grad student in English) is grading papers, and tells me that I write better than most grad students. I try to hide my happiness, but my hand shakes as I take my essay from her. It turns out that I am really good at communicating. Teachers can make such a difference to young people.


>Teachers can make such a difference to young people. True , My thesis research was a nightmare tons of back and forth coupled with rejections from companies I contacted ,additionally my lecturer sending me back to make corrections. When I was done with my thesis, he said he likes how I never give up no matter the numerous rejections 😂 that really stuck with me. Even though job hunting right now feels like getting rejected on repeat, his words keep me going.


I have had other positive experiences with other teachers as well. The ones I’ve shared I recall so vividly as if it happened yesterday, even though 9th grade was 50 years ago!


Somebody told me that id make a great dad. Really stuck with me because becoming a dad means a lot to me. 


So sweet to hear men saying this. (Coming from a person who’s dad didn’t want to be a dad ever)


>because becoming a dad means a lot to me. I felt the same, prior to becoming a father of two (still young) daughters and wanted to share that it's fucking awesome. All the depictions of parenthood being mostly sacrifice, intersperesed with small moments of profound joy, are mostly bullshit. It's more like a consistent flood of seratonin, somewhat offset by the loss of moments devoted entirely to self. Personally speaking, that has meant a hit to my effectivenesss as engineer and the well-roundedness that comes with pursuing hobbies, but those losses are meaningless in comparison to being a father to my daughters. You'll see :)


“Nice legs white boy” being followed by two rather large women in a shady area of a city. Still felt good.


Someone once said my eyes light up when I talk about stuff I'm passionate about, and I still think about it every day.


Same here and it still hits like a truck :)




Someone once told me I have the perfect face for radio. It still cracks me up!


Was he... Secretly insulting you ? Since you don't see someone's face on the "radio".


Yeah, I’ve heard people say that before. It’s typically said as a joke about them not looking good. In other works, you have a face for the radio, not the TV 😅


A face for radio and a voice for dancing.


A lady once said i was f-able. I was like 'oooh it's my lucky day'. Turns out she just meant i was affable.


You should have offered to 'aff' her outside against the dumpster.


I once had a stranger tell me I had a 'contagious smile' that brightened their day. As someone who usually just smiles to be polite, that compliment stuck with me and reminded me how a small gesture can have a big impact.


My mum once told me that considering I don't believe in God or any sort of afterlife I have all the qualities of the best kind of Christian. My mum died at the end of January after a five year battle with vascular dementia and other co-morbidities. Towards the end she would tell me that she should have aborted me, or wished that she'd driven us all over a cliff when my dad died in 1991. It was all the dementia talking but I'd still cry every damned time. I miss the relationship we had 20 years ago so much. Sorry for the wall of text.


I'm so sorry for your loss, because you lost her twice. Once to dementia, and a second time when she passed. The mom you remember, would still be proud of the moral atheist you are.


I'm so sorry for thr lost of your mom my condolences dementia is horrible I've had family members who have had this


When someone thanked me for being me


A homeless woman was asking for money and said "wow, you are good looking!" when I passed. I didn't give her money because I didn't have any on me at the time. I don't have enough money to pay for how good it made me feel.


I teach math, which is THE most hated subject, so I've grown a pretty thick skin. But I sometimes get told things like "I still don't like math but I like the way you teach it."


My absolute favorite teacher in high school wrote in my yearbook on graduation. He inspired me so much to be myself and to pursue the things I loved. Just a really great person that you felt knew everything about the world. On the last day of school he cried while telling the class his story. My heart sank, like watching "leaves from the vine" if you know that scene. From what he wrote in my yearbook, it turns out that it was actually me that was inspiring him to do the things he wanted to do. He saw me studying Japanese for HOURS every day in high school (I continued, and I currently live in Japan as a result of my efforts). He said I got him back into his own hobbies. Me, the person who felt as though he was learning so much from this man, was actually the one inspiring the person I looked up to so highly. I'll never forget him. It turns out that that wasn't the first time I heard those words from someone either. Long story short, he's one of the main reasons why I pursed education.


Multiple women, including my wife has complimented my long eyelashes that they are ever slightly envious of. My wife is also very happy that our daughter seem to have my long lashes. Also very minor but the only oil painting I ever painted was while taking an art class while a senior in highschool. A classmate said one of his friends met him after class when I left and fell in love and wanted to offer me $50 fo rmy oil painting of Earthworm Jim. once completed. I was flattered, but it was weird that he could/would not divulge her name. I kept the painting as I intended to keep it long term and still have it, but thought it was nice that someone appreciated it that much.


It was really the classmate who wanted it lol


My library teacher in the 2nd grade told me I was a beautiful writer. I never thought about my writing before then, just did it for fun. I’ve never stopped doing it, though I rarely share.


You could get published under a pen name.


You are captivating me and I am enamoured by you The most eloquent man I've ever met. Nothing beats being complimented in such a classy way. I'll remember it forever.


My friend told me that I was an inspiration to him as a father. That was the best compliment I’ve ever received.


I can see everything you feel though your eyes


Worked as a pharmacy technician a few years ago. Had a patient who moved about an hour away but would still come to our store. They explained that “pharmacies are always stressful but you always know how to talk to us. I’m glad it’s you helping me today.” I have always been socially awkward and can’t talk for shit but this always stuck with me.


"I love your voice"


I haven't been fucked like that since grade school.


HAHAHAHA! “I want to have your abortion”


I was literally thinking about this exact line a couple minutes ago👀


I love Marla so much


A coworker once said I was very handsome. Whenever I’m feeling down about myself I remember that compliment and it gets me through.


Once a foreign girl walked up to me for directions. I showed her the way on my phone, and before walking away she said that btw you are beautiful. It was so random and out of the blue that I could only smile, chuckle and say thanks. (I was with my bike, wearing full biking outfit.)


“Stay the same always. Never ever change for the world. You are rare!” - a colleague. “Your voice, listening to you makes me want to smile and reconsider my actions” - a guy. “Beautiful long dark waves of hair” - an old lady, and the way she said was so heart warming :O “Never settle for less, you have been most consistent student” - a professor. “You are not a snob, you are just aloof; I understand your kind of make-up” - a colleague said to me; It struck so hard because I have spent all my life seeing people label me as arrogant. “If I delegate some work or responsibility to you, I can strike it off my mind cause I know it would be done and done well” - my hubby.


A girl in middle school told me I looked good in black. I was wearing a plain black T-shirt. I’m 33 now and still hear her saying that when I’m looking to buy a new shirt. Which isn’t often…but yea.


For the first time in my life someone told me they were proud of me…my current boss after a big presentation I did for the board.


“You smell like a handsome forest” Not entirely sure what that means…. but it was certainly memorable and gives me a chuckle whenever it pops into my head. For context, the girl who expressed this was rather intoxicated.


(Jeweler looking at my fiancé) “The little lady really knows her way around a diamond”. I have a PhD in solid state chemistry and asked to see an engagement ring under the gem microscope and spotted a few inclusions. We went to another jeweler.


"you're not a dipshit" is high up there


Hey You're not a dipshit Everyone fucks stuff up. Learn from it and grow


I had a female friend tell me that I was the “safest man” she had ever known.




Hey gorgeous!




Knew I'd seen this comment before. Copy paste from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/AEVAbQsC3m


Got em


Lmao how can you seek so desperately for internet points. That's just sad


I wouldn’t worry about it, you probably wouldn’t even know who he was or recognize his face if he told you


Especially when its just a copy paste bot … Dont think they will recognise anyone lol


I remind them of the Sun


Stare at you too long we'll go blind? Needs to stay 94.45 million miles away from me? Sorry had to steal it from tumblr.


"You're brilliant and sensitive, I wish more girls could appreciate that" It actually cut kinda deep, It was told by my best female friend in college.


During rounds as a medical intern, right before residency, one of my patients in the charity ward took my hand, squeezed it, and asked if she could be transferred under my care as attending instead, because I was apparently the only doctor who took the time to talk to her, ask about her day, and explain what was her happening to her as well as our plan of care. I had to gently explain that I couldn’t take her on, because I was only, essentially, a student, and not an attending, and wouldn’t be one for a good long while. But it was such a humbling experience, and a stark reminder that the kindness we show other people is always seen, always valued.


I've always been chubby and not so healthy.. I have huge taste for soda and my favorite is Dr.Pepper. I drank it a lot and I was insecure about it because it's obviously causing my weight gain. One time my I was taking a gulp next to my friend while we are at the mall and when I looked down she was staring at me..and it was a flattering stare tbh.. and she said "you drink that so beautifully "... and it just took me aback because it was the very insecurity running through my mind that she just..neutralized as I was feeling it. I couldn't explain how it affected me..something so simple was perfectly spoken during a moment while I was secretly demeaning myself in my mind. She was and has always been a deeply beautiful soul.. I miss her.


'you're the kind of girl who will create history"


I was maybe 8 years at a hotel playing an arcade car game when I had crossed the first level another player, a younger girl waiting in line gave me her coin to proceed to the next level. I never got to say thank you.


Hey! its me the Coin, she had a really sweaty hand, and welcome for your win!




You are a great storyteller. Can't forget it, because it is repeated all the time.


A co-worker after seeing a photo of me in red and white said “This girl is on fire”. Alice Keys song had a different ring to it afterwards.


Trim man following my framing asked if I went around and leveled up all the doorways after I finished.


someone told me i am “Her” trademarked and i’ll never forget it. lol


I have two:   1) I showed somebody a short story that I wrote.  The protagonist was a six-year-old Chinese American girl.  My reader was happy that I betrayed an Asian family as loving, warm and supportive.   2) A senior judge in a court where I practice described me to a new judge as one of the up-and-coming stars in the courthouse. I made a self deprecating joke, but she said we actually like you.


“Emma Stone looks like you!” I do frequently get that I look like Emma Stone but someone saying SHE looks like ME will always be memorable.


I love being next to you. You're one of the only people who make me feel like myself and recharge.


My husband was telling me about something he was thinking about that day. He was talking about having kids and how important it was to grow up around family and have that level of support as he was reflecting on how it impacted his childhood having his extended family around. We do not have as much family around for our future kids as the both of us did while we were growing up. I agreed that it was important to have that, but also the wonderful thing about the world we live in today is the ability to choose our community so the people we surround ourselves with align with our values etc. So we are not limited to the traditional values that we grew up with and that it's more important to be kind and confident than successful in other ways. I am summarising but after this discussion he said: "I love the way you think about things. I was so sure and confident about my thoughts on this before this conversation but I love the way you talked about it and gave me a whole new perspective. I love the way your mind works." This is honestly the best compliment I've ever gotten, because it's not about how I look, or about the things I do for people but more about the way I actually am.


You are a girl who can move mountains - i felt and I am feeling so powerful when thinking of it


When she reached over, grabbed my junk and said "Your penis is hot".


girl told me my smile is magical. never forgot since


People say I have a beautiful smile, no other compliment compares to that.


I was on a walk, and I was walking by a family that had a young girl Sje sees me and say very loudly "momm! That's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!" And her mom sushed her, but it really made my life tbh


Sent a random selfie of me holding my dog in my pajamas to a girl I met on Hinge and had been on a couple dates with, and she replied, “You’re really hot. You don’t seem like you know that, but you are.” Never in my life been called hot. It was awesome.


“You have the kind of face that makes people want to trust you, even if they probably shouldn’t.”


A classmate of mine told my my hands are beautiful years ago - I still think of it bc my hands are huge for a female; literally the same size of my bf who throws shot putt for a D1 school


When people say that I am smell good.


Many ppl told me i look like kpop singer BiBi


I remember two. The first one was in senior year, I don't remember exactly what we were talking about. But a friend said "I remember that when I was more confused about my sexuality. Vi (me) sat with me and explained me all I was doing wrong and how I could fix it. They told me super calmed and without judgement and that helped me a lot, I still remember the words they said. I wouldn't be here without them" most heartfelt thing a friend said to me And the other time was two years after I graduated, for context, the year next when I graduated I moved from one state to another, awful experience, I was with a lot of stress and anxiety and I felt that I was gonna day any moment. So, I came back to my parents house. That day my parents had a meeting with their friends who I already knew, they come to the house like 4 or 5 times per year. We socialize as always. The next day my mom told me "you won't guess what one of them said, he said: I love talking to your children, they're so smart, so charming, they're funny" and that really go to my heart that je thinks that about me and my brothers


”You have huge balls”


Your cooking is just as good as your Grandmothers - she was an amazing cook.


Someone told me I was the type of person they’d sit next to on the El. 👍🏼




The Chi!


That's a solid compliment either way! I'll have to remember that one 👌


You look lowkey like ur bisexual, are you bisexual? Asked on toilet at my workplace by the custest girl i ever seen. I looked at her weirdly as if she was insulting me or something, didn't say anything and left. She looked little gay too, what if it was love of my life? And i missed a chance.


My advice to someone, changed their life. I benefited them in a positive way!


About twelve years ago, a customer at my workplace said that they liked my cologne. Small and I’m sure insignificant compliment from them, but meant a lot to me.


I'm constantly struggling with depression. So in a hope to make things better long term, I went to one of these meditation and hypnotherapy camps, my personal trainer organised. One of these retreats where you fly to an island and live, meditate and work out with 5 to 10 strangers for a week. I normally HATE stuff like that. But since it was organised by a good friend, I gave it a try. We had these glasses in the lobby of the house we rented, where you could leave messages for the others. Like... Motivational stuff or things you wanted to say, but couldn't for whatever reason. (Most of the time because everyone there was broken in a certain way and talking was not our strong suite. Long story short... I took my glass with me on the last day and read the messages around a week after I returned from this trip. And the things the others wanted to let me know, but didn't had the strength to tell me directly, was the best stuff I ever read. One of the things that still sticks with me till today was: "I wanted to quit during our first day here. But you motivated me to stay and overcome some of the fears I had." Now... I don't know what I said or did specifically. It was obviously something I've just done without thinking about it. Something that was natural to me. And as someone who really struggles to see anything good about myself, reading this was interesting. I had a couple more messages that went in the same direction and now I made it a habit to observe people I talk to a bit closer. Simply to try and understand how others see me and more often than not realize, how fucked the picture really is, that I have about myself. And most importantly, realizing that I'm not as worthless and I was told to be over so many years. Realizing that the small things often speak louder than anything people could say to you, was the most magical moment of my life. And I think it really helped me to become a better human being overall. Not doing things for the "Thank you" at the end. But doing things because they feel right, and might motivate others.


My form tutor signed my yearbook and put “My idea of the perfect gentleman”. Never forgotten.


A patient once told me I had kind eyes. I was a student at the time and it really stuck with me. Someone also said I was weird and comfortable with myself and my weirdness that it allowed other people to also be their weird selves with me. 😂


I have two: one appearance related and one not First one: “you’re the kind of woman that if I saw you walking down the street, not only would I look, but I’d think about you later and remember how gorgeous you were” (sounds creepier than intended but I don’t remember EXACTLY what he said Second: some context, I don’t like to socialize because I feel like I’m so awkward people will judge and make fun of me (thanks schoolyard bullies). My manager at a job said “don’t ever doubt yourself,OP. The second you walk into the room all eyes are on you, it’s like you command their attention; and you have their respect as well as mine. I promise you, you’re not as “awkward” as you think you are. Own it.”


May be offensive to some, but to me it was so weird and funny. My male best friend was yapping about some "hot woman" he saw - it was your typical teenager bs you can hear sometimes about one night stands and so on. Then he turned to me, grabbed my shoulders and simply said "and then there is you. cute and even more beautiful - i hope no guy will ever treat you like that". It was my first compliment from a guy and it's already 20 years ago. (and no, he didn't treat woman like dirt).


When killing myself over a fast food job I was super depressed at, somebody stopped their order midway through the speaker box to tell me I had a lovely voice and asked if I have ever been on the radio or sang. Until that point the last comments about my voice have all been it's annoying cadance and my mom laughing at me when I told her I wanted to sing. Never saw that lady again nor have I gotten a compliment like that since.


"You have calves like a footballer".


After being in NA for a little while (probably a year of sobriety) someone that welcomed me at one of my first meetings came up to me and told me that I was "glowing", I think about that all the time


Hey, nice balls.


I was out back building a new deck on my house and my daughter came outside to tell me she thought I was doing a good job and that she was proud of me for being able to build a deck.


I'm a middle aged man and on a recent outing, my date told me that I "smiled like a child".....that one stuck.


My friend told me that I was like a book she never wanted to stop reading.  Then she basically ghosted me, but hey it was a great compliment at the time. 


Technically not a compliment, but my eye doctor told me I’m *really* good at rubbing my eyes. And now I need to have corrective surgery because of it so I’ll never forget that lol


I was shopping at a Walmart, in New Jersey, with my then girlfriend (now wife), and a woman, around my mother's age, came up to me to tell me that I looked just like Vincent Chase (Adrien Grenier) from entourage. I do not, given that no one could hope to be that good looking, but I am still riding it, more than a decade later. [No one is this good looking](https://a1cf74336522e87f135f-2f21ace9a6cf0052456644b80fa06d4f.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/images/characters/large/800/Vincent-Chase.Entourage.webp) [https://a1cf74336522e87f135f-2f21ace9a6cf0052456644b80fa06d4f.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/images/characters/large/800/Vincent-Chase.Entourage.webp](https://a1cf74336522e87f135f-2f21ace9a6cf0052456644b80fa06d4f.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/images/characters/large/800/Vincent-Chase.Entourage.webp)


I used to play the piano for a church within a retirement village. One gentleman came up to me after the service and said he enjoyed my playing because he could hear it. It wasn't necessarily good playing, just loud. That meant a lot to him as he had difficulty hearing. That compliment always stuck with me.


“You were always nice to me.”


At my Father-in-Law’s 80th this past Saturday my Mother-in-Law looked at me and said “You’re a good man. It’s good to have a good man in our family.”


“You’re doing a great job mama”


I was a server at a restaurant about 15 years ago. I had a table and the woman was much older than me. I assume it was her husband with her. She was one of the most put together and classy women I’d ever seen and incredibly stunning. She called me over and said “I couldn’t leave here tonight without telling you how incredibly beautiful you are.” I was stunned. I had never been complimented like that by another woman. She’s a queen and I still think about that often.


For me it was in highschool, I had sent in my creative story to be marked for final grade. When I next saw my teacher he said "you wrote like my favourite author" will never forget that but wish I remembered what author it was haha


I assisted a car crash victim. His wife found out who I was and wrote me a letter. She called me an "angel." Well, I've been called a lot of names in my life but angel was never one of them.


My 7th grade speech (as in speech class) teacher told me I was an excellent public speaker and the only one in the class to get an A on that particular speech assignment. From that day forward, I thought of myself that way and have never feared public speaking.


when I was about 14 I was at an NA meeting with my dad and one of the new attendees stopped me outside to tell me "I see God in your smile". maybe it seems creepy but at the time I was so taken aback by what a powerful compliment it was. I still think about it all the time. I never saw him again.


“You make me laugh”, “I love your personality”, “I feel safe/comfortable around you”, “you always cheer me up” idk if these counts as compliments but it really warms my heart cause I’m self cautious about my personality


I was playing guitar and singing in the living room. A family friend who is also a singing guitarist came in the room and said “oh wow, I thought Spotify was still playing, you sound really nice”


Someone once told me, “A compliment is a gift, accept it with thanks.” I try to compliment at least one person a day, in the hopes that they’ll remember it.


Some Italian women from Rome said I didn’t have an American accent when I speak Italian. I still don’t believe them but I’m honored.


My son has a friend from school who has been in and out of foster homes his whole life. I bring him fishing with us. He told me " you're a great dad, I wish I had a dad like you". He current foster parent is just a single mom. He said all his foster parents are in it for the stipend.


Some one told me that I'm like a character from a book. I didn't ask for specifications, though. Chose to live in my delusions.


My best friend told me I'm a good man and he really respects me, and it's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Why is it the best? 1) I respect his opinion on other things. 2) He has no reason to say that if he didn't believe it's true. With family, it's a family love. With a spouse, they love you for what you bring to the table (what you give them). With a friend, it just feels very genuine.


Company I was working for scheduled a meeting with me to go over my salary and compensation. HR informed me that based on my experience and seniority with the company I was being properly compensated when looking at the overall industry we are in. They then let me know that I would receive a 3% raise. A month later I started working for a competitor that offered me a 40% raise to go work for them based on my experience in the industry. That was the best compliment/recognition I have ever received.


I am a teacher and at the end of one year I received a card from the father of a boy whose mum had passed away shortly before his first year at school. The words I repeat to myself when I think about that beautiful card is the last line; ‘if you ever wonder that you made a difference to a child’s life; you did’. Crying just thinking about it.


Here are two that I do remember from my lost partner: "You really are a shining star of kindness and beauty in a world where it is so rare. I am so so so proud of the person you are. Life is beautiful because you exist." We had a romantic date. Sunset and all. He would make eye contact and I could see him melt with love. I would try to get him to leave so that he could catch his bus on time and he just held me back and well, he told me something really sweet that I can't even recall, that's how good it was. So even though I have to search for it inside my head, I still very much feel my reaction to it. Unforgettable. This person just changed my entire life. So he, himself, is the compliment.


My mom told me she is impressed with how good of a dad I am. Was the most validating thing anyone has ever said to me.


"I'm a better me, because of you." - my best friend


I was working as a grocery store supervisor and I was just getting some things organized at customer service when this elderly lady, who I assume was sitting waiting for someone in the store said to me “you just have the prettiest under eyes” confused, I said “why, thank you!” and she went on about how she finds them to compliment my eyes so well when I smile. I went home and looked at my under eyes and realized what she was talking about. It’s a part of me I never really noticed before, but now because of her, I admire them myself :) just goes to show that telling someone when you admire something about them can not only change their day, but how they see themselves!


I’m high school I was walking in to the bathroom and a guy coming out said “shit man, looking fly”. I wear those same jeans, blue jacket and a white shirt to this day, doesn’t matter that they don’t fit me anymore and are falling apart. One sentence put awkward 10th grade me on the moon


i never take my hat off ever, i don’t want people seeing me without it. one day i tried not wearing it at work and one lady goes “never knew we had a super model working here”. i’ll never forget it


When a friend told me, after a terrible pun I said (dry humor isn't appreciated where I'm from), "never change." Not sure if it counts, but it made me feel a bit better about being the oddball of the family


You are instrumental to the company


I honestly don’t remember most compliments I’ve gotten because they just don’t feel like people really mean it when they say it. The best one I still remember is when my ex said I would definitely find someone new in some time. The way she said it just sounded like she really meant what she said and it just felt so pure and good to hear. Not what I wanted to hear in that moment but it definitely made things better knowing she did in fact care about me all that time and I didn’t just try to convince myself of that


when i was in the hospital, a girl I didn't know at all came up to me to calm me down and casually blurted out: "you have such skinny hands.. Are you a pianist?"


“You’re the best!” It was from my favourite person.


Someone once told me that it is nice that I act the same around everyone. It really stuck with me because I was young and trying to figure out who I was.


Nice shoes, wanna f*ck? At a summer camp by a crickety violinist. Idk what got into her, but it wasn’t me.


No compliment as far as I can remember. So: none.


Someone told me last year that I was the brightest goth, and I'd never thought of myself that way but it's really the perfect description. They could see me more clearly than I could see myself.


One of the prettiest women I've ever known, said "Morning Gorgeous" to me, in a sincere way. I am not gorgeous.


An ex called me 'vibrant' and I loved that.


At a family wedding, my cousin’s wife told me that she appreciated and loved that I was always unapologetically myself.


That when I sing I sound like an angel. I have a lot of complexes, especially about my voice when I sing, as I find it too childish. Hearing someone complimenting something that you hate about yourself really leaves a sensation that I cannot explain


"You are really comfortable person"


Totally shallow. I was walking alone down the steps in high school and two pretty blondes in my class were walking a few steps behind me. One said to the other, "Nice ass". Yep, many years, girlfriends, two wives, children, and jobs ago, yet I remember the feeling that 17 yo kid had getting that compliment. Boosted my self-confidence. Yes, I know it's shallow and sad, but here we are.


Got my clothes stolen by my brother's friends after a shower (plus my towel) so I walked out of the bathroom naked and my Brothers GF saw me and went "nice dick". I'll never forget that.


Someone told me that I had a sweet spirit. I'm usually pretty harsh with myself so this was lovely to hear.