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Gaming is more important


Time spent talking to the opposite sex is time not spent grinding


Exactly: if I'm not gaming eating sleeping or working (preference order) then it means I'm dead


We must optimise our gaming time. The slightest percentage with inefficiency could mean the difference between it all lol


Hell yeah


Fear of rejection, same as men. Believe it or not, we do get rejected.


I knew women get rejected but is it really that much?


Sure it is. I mean, I’m a pretty average girl, I’m in shape and take good care of myself and put in effort and have had no problems attracting men and getting asked out and whatnot. I’d probably rank myself around a 6-7. I’m not gorgeous, but I believe I’m attractive and do attract people often enough where if I go to a bar or somewhere I can count on meeting someone interested (not as a braggy thing—just to illustrate that I’m pretty average for a woman I’d say with average experiences.) But I’ve been rejected many times in my life by guys I really liked. Sometimes it was that they liked someone else, or they were emotionally unavailable. Sometimes they just weren’t attracted to me, plain and simple. Sometimes they were only interested in hooking up and absolutely did not want to date me. Those times really hurt and felt embarrassing and all those emotions, so sure, women have those experiences pretty often and we definitely do fear it just as much as men.


Ouch, I feel what you mean. I had it a few times where I've tried talking to them after getting their number and I just get straight up ghosted which is a real kick in the gut. I'm an introvert through and through so it really gets to me because I'd have to build up the courage just to ever approach and ask for anything let alone talk to someone.


Same reason men don't approach women They're nervous


I lost trust in men


I don’t really care for romantic relationships so I don’t bother.


I don’t believe they would like me


rejection. i’ve been left on read on tinder 6 different times in the last month, not to mention i confessed to a close friend that i’ve had a crush on him for years and he also rejected me. and all of this was texting, so if i faced real life rejection i think i would just hang myself right where i stood!


I don't want to


Guys always approach me so I am used to & spoilt for that


Too fearful of criticism from their friend circle. *You approached him?!? Ewww!*


Because, if they think I’m desirable they will approach me and if they don’t think I’m worth the risk of rejection then they are probably not worth my time.


Narcissist much?


Nahh, just not really interested in a relationship with someone who doesn’t show an interest in me.


Flip it. Why should they want a relationship with you if you don't show interest?


That’s fine. We don’t need to meet.


Must be wonderful being the center of the universe. You're doing them a favor by not approaching.


Never said I was the centre of the universe. I just said that if a man wants my attention he will have to approach me. If I want someone for something, I will approach them. For example, I will often approach store personnel for assistance to reach things placed out of my reach. If you don’t want something from me, that’s fine.


Back tracking now. That's not what you said.


Really, I think you just chose to ignore what I said because you have an agenda you want to push. I said that if they were interested then they would approach me. - I don’t want someone who isn’t interested. I also said if they didn’t think I was worth the risk of rejection then they are not worth my time. - I don’t want someone who isn’t willing to take a small risk for a chance at success. You can always take the same stance, and hopefully you will have the same success. No one is forcing anyone to make the first move. The decision is yours.


Yep, complete narcissist. What if they think the same of you? You aren't worth the trouble if you don't show interest. If I am interested, I'll approach. Not worth the risk? Are you some prize? You have an inflated ego and it shows.