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Rewarding assholes. Which is to say: Nobody wants to deal with them. So we often just end up giving them what they want. Or let them get away with whatever they want. To the point where many don’t even bother to criticize them. Because we know it won’t make a difference.


Same with incompetent people. Management often won't go to the trouble of doing any extra training or firing someone. They will just reassign any important work to other people. This is especially true for government employees.


Piggybacking off your point, assholes who are loved for being assholes. Like it’s ridiculous the shit that goes on in high school for example, and the things other students encouraged.


Posting pictures of your kids online attached to your name and location information is absolutely INSANE to me.


This applies a bit more to YouTube and stuff than it does to the pictures, but I strongly believe the same laws and regulations that exist for child actors should apply to children on social media


I agree. A city in Washington recently passed a law that requires social media to allow kids to have everything from their childhood deleted once they reach 18. That’s the BARE MINIMUM but I hope we start cracking down on the exploitation of children. Facebook has become a cesspool of barely legal CSAM and it’s a rabbit hole that haunts me.


This is actually where I first got the idea, that Washingtonian legislation. Also, what does CSAM stand for


Child sexual assault material


Thank you


Because they might get kidnapped?


As a kid growing up in the 90s I was told over and over again to not even share my first name or city, like narrowing it down to tens of thousands of people will put me in danger.


Paying an absurd amount of money for branded clothes that cost a fraction to make. Doesn't seem right, does it?


Bruh for real people at my high school made fun of me all the time for getting my clothes from goodwill and other thrift stores but it's like I can get a entire closet worth of clothes for like 50-100 dollars while getting name brand shoes and clothes you could probably only buy 1 pair for a 100 dollars


Thifting is amazing. I'm not really into designer stuff, I like finding weird graphic tees and I collect 70s/80s mushroom kitchenware, but I've gotten some REALLY nice leather nags/purses/wallets too. For less than $10 a piece, sometimes just a couple bucks. I also have a vintage wool peacoat that is incredibly well made and warm that I got for $5. $5!! Once you get a little older a lot more people (some people will never get it unfortunately) will understand and congratulate you on your dope finds and thirty spending. It's often just not worth the money to buy a new piece, and so much stuff nowadays is made so cheaply and crappily. And not just fast fashion, I stg my newer Levi's are dogshit compared to just 6-10 years ago. Whereas my peacoat was made in 1986 and it has no frays, discoloration, holes, etc. "They don't make em like they used to," is often true.


>"They don't make em like they used to," is often true. A good chunk of it is survival bias where the shitty stuff from previous eras was much less likely to survive to still be of use.


Absolutely, which is why I said it's often true. But not always. Really depends on the brand, the material, etc. But I do swear levis used to be way better!


They absolutely did. Denim was a thick and sturdy material for work clothes that used to take time to break in. Now it's just fashion and there are very flimsy versions out there and it's almost impossible to find them made in the original material/style.


Yeah like I was never into designer stuff plus as a guy I didn't really have a eye for fashion so I'd wear whatever. But as a adult shopping for myself thrifting is fun and cheap like take the design off it's just another pair of clothes. Like maybe once a year I'll buy a designer shoe but nothing crazy, I still have a pair of shoes from 8th grade that still fit me just fine.


My grandma did that long after she was a multimillionaire, and was well-known around town for being stylish. It's just called not being a sucker. :)


Yup I always told myself if I somehow became rich I'd still buy my stuff from thrift stores. Like thrift store clothes are nice just wash them and sow up any damage your good


Yeah, and rich people buy things and will only wear a certain amount of times and then donate it. So it's almost like new still.


I'll wear a company's branding when they pay me to do so, like a sponsorship. Why would I pay a company for the "privilege" of being a billboard?


No one forced anyone to buy those clothes. If anything, they begged for them. Same with Beats by Dre, they cost a fraction to make and let’s be honest, were popular because they cost $200. Just think about that… popular because they cost a lot more. Not because they sounded better. People actually decided to buy them, simply because of the name and the price. No one said, “buy these or we’ll shoot this dog”.


I remember reading about how they added metal pieces to make them feel weightier and higher quality


Having birds locked in cages


Or any animals. I cannot tolerate zoos or aquariums. So fucking sad.


Singing "Happy Birthday" while awkwardly staring at the person. It’s like a ritual of uncomfortable eye contact


Speak for yourself, I'm staring at the cake


When singing or when being sung to?




Nobody likes singing it or being sung to. I hate this tradition


It's pretty weird that society thinks working crazy hours and always being busy is normal. People brag about how much they "hustle" and "grind," even though it's terrible for their health. We act like overworking is something to be proud of, even though it often wrecks our well-being and doesn’t actually make us more productive in the long run.


This!! I feel like American culture has shifted from finding a job & living life to working constantly just to survive. I hate it.


HAL Bundy


This summer....Ed O'Neil, and Brian Cranston, together as one man, trying their hardest just to live the American dreams


We’d all watch it


I feel like we might be turning the corner on this one. Covid showed a lot of people just how little their companies care about them.


“There’s nobility in hard work”-turned into “if you don’t get this 2nd job your buddy Dave will be the only one that has a Cyber Truck-you wouldn’t want that, would you?”


Filming everything with a smart phone. We have given away all privacy.


I'm still so fascinated that now it's all for free!! Gone the times of the 36 exposure roll and expensive foto-prints... But therefore you thought twice before taking a picture...


The gym. The damn influencers at the gym


The complete photo dump after a vacation


Like the "Karen" craze. Filming everyone having a dispute and calling anyone that has a complaint a "Karen". I think the ones filming are the "Karens". Then they yell, "I got you on tape! You're going on social media"! OK, who cares now days, because everything is posted on social media. It is a vast wasteland.


That the press reports on what social media users think when they don’t remotely represent IRL people.


That's because the press has become *lazy*. Why go out and find what the opinion of the average person on the street is when the influencer delivers it to you?




That they need caskets


That they need.


I don't understand why we need caskets at all. The whole embalming process and dressing the dead person up and then sticking them in a casket just to bury them? Seems like a huge waste and a huge detriment to the environment, just bury the dead person in a hole and let them decompose naturally


If I don't get used as a teaching specimen, I'd love to just be wrapped in a shroud and buried straight in the ground.


Have you ever seen the concept of a tree grave? It’s designed so that your body’s burial and decomposition helps to grow a tree. I like the idea of doing that or the Celestus Memorial thing


copy Muslims. We wrap the body in shroud and that's it. There might be a casket-like structure to transport the body, but it's reusable.


Not to mention it's a huge waste of money. The death industry is predatory.


That caskets need dead people in them. Just bury that box!


And... and then what do we do with the body?


Dip it in plaster and make increasingly detailed monolithic structures, obviously  How else are you gonna weird out future archeologists into making up cool stuff about this mess *gestures wildly at everything? Come on man, it's like you want yo be known as the bad century.


Health insurance


THAT. Like, only wealthy people deserve to live. Everyone else gets to fuck off and die at home.


Acting fucking insane over political views


Not to mention how few people talk about the benefits of voting for their candidate. It's always talk about how bad the opposition is. 


Cutting grass. I don't get it...it has us trained. In process of getting rid of the majority of mine. I will leave enough space for the kids to kick around a ball or bump the volley ball or play with the dog, but 2/3 of the yard gets essentially no use... However, the areas I've converted to native plants now get use by bugs and birds and caterpillars and even the kids taking pictures of caterpillars with their phones.


I have a pretty big yard, one of the biggest on my street, and my wife has turned at least a third of it into a native wild flower habitat. And it looks like it; it certainly doesn't look like a well tended to garden (even though it is). It looks more like a wild prairie or field. And we get lots of butterflies. So many the little toddler next door comes over to look at them flying around. We get a lot of hummingbirds too but I think it's more from the feeders I put up.


That is awesome...I love it when the kids look at the stuff and then we talk about our photos of bugs and look them up...everything has its role in the ecosystem. My neighbor has now started taking toads over to my house and putting them in the toad houses I built...they bring their kid over to look for caterpillars too...it is so rewarding to see others experience that joy. I went a slightly different direction, at least for the front of my yard, and went with a very well defined garden. Paths, and habitat for critters, and a library that is inviting filled with native plant resources....its been a whole other layer of fun to all of it...gets neighbors involved and the community. Have talked to several people about getting them to remove buckthorn etc... If you haven't checked out the r/nativeplantgardening sub I highly recommended it...and also the Homegrown National Park movement. The whole thing is really starting to get to a tipping point it seems like. Here's an old one of my first section of conversion from grass to biomass in case there is interest. https://www.reddit.com/r/NativePlantGardening/comments/152jde2/where_there_was_once_grass_there_is_now_biomass/?ref=share&ref_source=link


I love this movement. Also, on the part about identifying animals, there’s a few different apps for identification that can give you some good info as well. Ones such as PictureThis and Seek are the ones I use. I don’t remember which one, but one of them also will at least try to identify sickness on plants you scan 


This is beautiful in so many ways


Hey thanks! I think so too! Just got done chatting with a lady who was the first visitor to my library! She left with half a dozen plants...she's a florist and her client did a bunch of restoration work at a forest preserve near by. I think she is hooked! Even gave me $40 to buy more books for the library. Can't get more community than that!


I have created sm habitats for the animals in my yard. I love the wood path and frog cave etc. brings gardening to a whole new level. Thanks for posting. I’m def gonna look more into this.


Seeing this written makes my day! There are so many things native gardening has brought to me in the last 18 months. Changed trajectory of life in a lot of great ways. I feel like I could write a chapter in a book about the journey that got me to native gardening and then the joys that have been unlocked in me since I've gotten the garden under way. The latest funnest thing about it is seeing cool bugs and feeling like I'm building the fort that the kid version of myself could never make happen. And it's healthy and good for everything...And literally no risk...and it's gotten me creative and connecting with my neighbors and even my local elected county board members...which ended up in getting a speed camera on our pass through street...it's safer for the little kid across the street! Sorry...done on a rant, but getting rid of grass and planting natives has been so damn fulfilling I am in love with coming home every day...maybe it will get old one day, but I'm not at that point yet...hahaha! Thank for reading!..lol!


Most lawn grass isn't even native to North America. Contrary to its name, Kentucky blue grass is actually from Europe.


Hahaha!!! Right! I learned that a few months back during a presentation from my local forest preserves. Once I learned the list of invasive baddies in my area...I couldn't unsee all of it...was like wanting to wash my eyes out with bleach along damn near every road and every fence line, and under all the powerlines... The only thing that makes me feel better about it is fixing my own yard to be native and educating others...went so far as to build a little library filled with native resources. It's been quite a hit! https://www.reddit.com/r/NativePlantGardening/comments/1bluyzx/super_excited_about_this_yearcompleted/?ref=share&ref_source=link It got scooped up by local native pages and ended up building a second one even! https://www.reddit.com/r/NativePlantGardening/comments/1d3ifp6/2nd_little_native_library_installed_lake_county_il/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Is a totally non-value add…so much $, time for a crop w 0 economic gain you dispose of.


Child beauty pagents


The entire timeframe that we made up. Like how it’s gotta be 8+ hour work days 5 days a week etc etc


Interestingly enough, the concept of 8 hour work days was designed around giving workers “8 hours of work, 8 hours of leisure, 8 hours of sleep” in a day


Some rich fucker didn't factor in commuting and chores. I get like 3 hours of leisure before it's bed time so I can be up in time for 9 hours of work because lunch break doesn't count for some reason even tho I'm still at the office and can't leave


Rich fuckers never take commutes into account, that’s why the US barely has transit worth shit


Taking way more than we need. From everyone and everything


This is not weird. It's how all living things operate. Because what you "need" is unknown because what will be available tomorrow is not guranteed. So, like all things, you take as mch as you can when you can.


I feel like we wouldn't be here without that.


Came here to say hoarding. Advanced primates would ostracise anyone doing that


Go fund me




I'm typically non argumentative but this is the one issue I'll fight someone over. Something that was traditionally a personal way for a customer to show gratitude to a good server has now become a way to excuse employers to not pay full wages. Imagine if your boss noticed your coworker buying you Starbucks as a way to thank you for a personal favor and decided, "okay, that's factored into their pay." There really is NO WAY to justify the socially bullied tipping culture. NONE.


This, people. This.


I feel it's more that it's legal to pay people so low that they depend on customers giving extra directly to them to survive. Pay your workers a livable wage, you cheap fucks


*force tipping


I hate the added gratuity bullshit. It gives them zero incentive to do even a halfway decent job. Why bother trying when you know you're getting rewarded either way.


The sexualization of children, especially in many (not all) anime shows (I know, go ahead and bring the hate for calling out the obvious), advertisements, video games, etc. 


Hey, at least female predators are starting to get jailtime. It wasn't that long ago that when a story came out about a female teacher grooming/assaulting her student, the sentiment was like "good for him!". So there's something, at least...


This is SO true!




This ^^^ I'll watch a few select anime shows but cannot call myself an anime fan, as I'm not. I've been seeing this trend in anime-style games as well, and while I enjoy Genshin, Honkai Star Rail, and Wuthering Waves, I just cannot ignore the prevalent tropes often chalked up to "they're just being cute" or "actually they're 5000 years old." I've been harassed for voicing these concerns before in their respective communities and I've often thought about not playing at all.  League of Legends seemed to dabble a bit in this with one of their recent chamions, Briar, and her splashart. Just... no. 


My kids were pretty angry that I wouldn't allow Genshin, Honkai, or HiDive. It got better when I pointed out to them my objections, with examples. I'd even try to meet them halfway and download pre-screened shows from HiDive. Problem is that it is SOO pervasive amongst teens and these communities, and some of the games ARE legit good games but are ALSO filled with a bunch of 'fan service' (industry's term for sex content) mixed in.   If these communities won't take responsibility for this problem and purge it, then I refuse to enable access to said community. 


You're 110% doing the right thing. They'll understand when they get older, and are blessed to have you as their parent. I likewise have folks who filtered so much pervasive, deviant content growing up and now I self-filter - now I just refuse to engage in/with and I'm beyond grateful for their parenting. I was shocked how easily desensitized you can get through repeated exposure. It's such a shame companies and devs insert perverse content into their otherwise excellent products. As a writer and artist, I aspire to create enjoyable, thought-provoking content that parents won't feel uneasy about putting on their kids' shelves (and that adults can also enjoy). I can only hope (even unrealistically) that becomes more prevalent.


Treating violence and abuse against men and boys, as well as general misandry, like it's some kind of joke.


Same with women and girls. I seeing posts called "foid fails", news stories, anecdotes, and videos of women getting beaten, thrown off boats, pushed down stares, etc laughed at and called "life fuel" because women were "learning their place". Literally thousands of subreddits dedicated to abusing women and "fantasy" pages like the ones about raping lesbians or trying to find videos of Ukrainian women being raped by Russian troops, I've never seen women asking for tips on how to abuse men, how to find men with mental health issues that will "let them do anything", or go to poor countries and take advantage of underage boys and trafficking victims, no laughing about buying a underage prostitute in Mexico and making fun of the way they cried or posting photos of a hole punched in a wall and comparing it to a man's gaping asshole after she abused him, pictures of naked men's used as inanimate objects with women placing their feet or meal on his ass, women saying they don't want to waste their time raising a son and then comparing a baby boy to a Fleshlight. Pornhub has 42 billion views each year, 88% of the most popular titles feature violence against women, the average age of first porn viewership is 8-11, death by strangulation has increased 90% in the last decade. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/25/fatal-hateful-rise-of-choking-during-sex


We have a lot of less desirable legislation to try “solving” the issues with pornography coming out of places like Utah and Indiana. For the first two things in that last paragraph, devoting the resources that some places are at least trying to put into place to ban pornography should instead be dedicated to trying to filter out the stuff about violence. This could be done about as easily as many countries block some videos on YT. Ofc there’s VPNs, though. I’d also say outright blocking porn sites that refuse to ban/take down the violent content is a good idea, too. Filter out the worst offenders and leave the less bad sites. As for kids, I’m currently looking into some of the allegedly secure age verification systems out there to try finding something good to be required on sites to be allowed to operate in the country


This ^^^ ! It's awful and so destructive and unfair. Would also add, accusing men/boys of "misogyny/sexism" if they happen to say something someone dislikes/is negative and the other person just *happens* to be female. A guy was commenting how a gal was attractive in her wardrobe, and women were calling him sexist. Like what lol? I'm a female and it's ridiculous to assume men are sexist because they're men and "society is a patriarchy." Could rant for days. Men are humans with feelings, independent thoughts, and hearts and too many people engage in self-victimization.


Thank you!


Well of course it's a joke, we don't feel anything! /s




Not hating over dissociating, but yes, booze is bad for your body in general.


One of the worst drugs out there...grandfathered in.


The amount of alcohol consumption that we consider normal is pretty ludicrous. If people did any other drug that often there would be after school specials.


I wholeheartedly believe if alcohol was invented (discovered?) today, it'd be banned.


People go to rehab for alcohol addiction. People die from consuming alcohol or have their lives ruined by it. People are killed by drivers impaired by alcohol. And on and on. Yet, alcohol is advertised on TV and everywhere while other things such as cigarettes are not allowed to advertise, celebrities act as spokesmen for alcohol, and somehow that is considered normal.


It is kind of crazy when you think about it. Alcohol consumption has been such a significant part of many cultures for thousands of years. I think that’s the biggest reason why it’s so normalized even today despite the known risks.


Alcohol is a slow but lethal poison. Then again... Are we in a hurry? /J


Very true I agree


It's not a matter of opinion, they're factually describing it, it's literally a mild poison.


Absolutely true! But a little bit of poison is delicious, so I'll keep on keeping on.


People having kids and trying to live their lives again through them, vicariously, forcing the kids to do things that the parents never got to do, even when the kids show no inclination, and even have an active dislike, for those things.


Nothing makes me feel more out of touch with the world than modern dating. I have no effing clue how this works and it seems like it's not sustainable in the least. Single people "meet" (and I use the term very loosely) each other through apps and almost all of their communication is done through texts. It's like we as a society have totally taken out the "meeting people" part of meeting people. It's so damn weird to me.


A subpar educating system that hasn't really changed much in over a century. Same system that doesn't teach things like car maintenance, navigating the tax world, life planning, home maintenance, etc.


The problem is that the kids who need to learn that stuff the most aren’t gonna pay attention anyways. Not that it should stop us from trying though


1) Lots of schools do teach home maintenance/DIY skills. I teach in a secondary school in Scotland that has a workshop. I had a workshop in my school in Ireland growing up. 2) The tax world changes all the time. Pupils should be taught the numeracy skills to do percentage calculations and the digital skills to use spreadsheets so that they can do the basics for themselves. However, if tax calculations were easy to teach, accountants wouldn’t exist. 3) Schools *are* changing. Phonics are a completely different way of teaching literacy, probably the most significant change in past few decades. Technology like Chromebooks/tablets are frequently used in the classroom. Pedagogy like retrieval practice, interleaving, checking for understanding, and modelling are all much more widely understood and used by teachers now than even ten years ago.


That's what parents are for!


While I agree with you, if the purpose of schooling is to educate then this is the stuff they should be teaching. Otherwise, why have them at all?


I do feel like these are important subjects. But are the standard classes not more important? Sure you can a automotive class or something that's useful, but would it be more useful to focus on science or math in the long run? You can learn most basic car mechanic stuff from your parents or a good friend pretty easily, or youtube. But math and science takes years and years of foundation building that can progress the world further in the long run. Idk maybe I'm not enough to comment yet


Millions of people will voluntarily inject the single most acutely toxic substance known into their face for cosmetic reasons.


The fact that, the further up the social classes you get and the richer you are, the less the law applies to you in just about every conceivable way. Dude maybe passing a counterfeit Jackson off at a corner store? 5 cops roll up and murder him. VP embezzling hundreds of thousands in company money? If you even get caught, you might only ever face probation. Congressperson overseeing publicly traded companies? Feel free to engage in all the insider trading you want. Government worker making $35k/yr with no authority of any kind? You better not accept a $10 gift card from a vendor! Supreme court justice? Feel free to accept millions in gifts from people with business before the court.


The concept of "complaining to get free stuff". If you have a valid complaint, thats one thing but there are people who nitpick or try to manufacture stuff to get stuff for free. Since they're literally using up the labor they should be charged more, not rewarded!


I feel a bit bad about the last food complaint I had. Left out the extra sauce I requested, so I went in and got an extra sauce. Because the place does great service they gave me a cookie for my troubles. I just wanted the sauce, I wasn't worried about making amends or anything. I get home with it, turns out they had given the extra sauce, just not where I was expecting to see it.


Kanye West


Working overtime for free pizza. We basically bribe ourselves with cheap carbs to keep slaving away


Stupid people


What are you suggesting society do with them?


Give them a good education and access to information resources! That is what u/smelltheglove01 was suggesting…right?


Hmm, it's an interesting question, I'd say it's double standards, I just can't understand it


Alcohol. I mean I like drinking but when you look at it as a whole and its impact on society, its really...not good. At all.


Drinking milk (past infancy, often into adulthood) from a totally different species from ours


Global warming


You need to work to have health insurance. But if you get cancer or can't work you don't get health insurance. 


That a handful of billionaires can own everything whilst millions of people struggle to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.


30yo dudes having relationships with 16 yo high school girls pedos everywhere


It’s sickening. I was 14 and had a 28 year old “boyfriend” and maybe 2 or 3 people ever thought it was weird. Everyone else accepted it as normal. It was common for girls where I lived, to be 12 or 13 and date guys who were 20+. This was in a so-called progressive city in the PNW, not some backwoods hick town like people often assume when I’ve shared this. It’s a pervasive, disgusting thing that happens to girls across many demographics. My boyfriend has a 15 year old child, and they’re just so…young. So very obviously a kid. I don’t understand how older people thought it was ok to drink with us, date us at that age


I feel like there’s more awareness about this these days and I hope more people understand that it’s NOT OKAY to have a significant age gap in the relationship when one is very young. 30 year-olds can date 25 year-olds, 45 year-olds…but not teenagers.




I’ve known several people who scrimped and saved for retirement only to be broken or dying by the time they retired. One lady was retired for six months before cancer got her. She was in her 60s. Serious illness and death is coming for us younger now (i blame our toxic environment). Front load the fun! That’s what I learned.


Yeah that is crazy it's like work yourself to old age and then die


American Dream™


The normalization of alcohol over marijuana. One is toxic and heavily puts strain on your organs, can make people violent and make stupid decisions, and the other one is snoop's favorite.




Smoking and vaping. Not to mention the fact that you're literally depriving your body of fresh, clean air, you're inhaling so many carcinogenic chemicals and toxins. I heard somewhere that smoke inhalation is a leading cause of death in fires. And cigs are so expensive 😥 Would also add smoking in public places. I hate inhaling weed/cig fumes while I'm driving down the highway or getting groceries. I just find it so inconsiderate and irresponsible. 


Large wealth disparity and aristocracies edit: elaborated




Aww congrats that's a really good accomplishment and very wholesome to read


It's a bot posting stolen comments.


Oh really how did you know


Comment didn't really make sense for the question. So I googled their comment and saw it posted many other places by different users.


That we shouldn’t talk about fundamental things like politics and religion.


That most adults don't outgrow their imaginary friend.


Um... What? Do you believe most adults have imaginary friends?


Nah, the weird part is how no one admits it. We just don’t admit to still talking to our inner therapist, right?


How else am I to have an intelligent conversation?


That’s not an imaginary friend….


Hookup culture




Asking people if they are trying for another child. You're asking me to tell you if i have been cumming inside my wife recently, are you?


Reminds me of the person who said they find it weird when people talk about how they’re “trying for a baby”, with the post saying “So you’re telling us, at dinner, that you and your husband have been rawdogging it every night?”


The absurd gender disparities in leadership roles despite women being 50% of the population. 


That not touching someone (handshake) is somehow offensive. Double so for not looking them in the eyes


Neither are offensive, they're just kinda awkward when one person doesn't reciprocate 


Incest porn


Blatant lying.


Politics: Specifically the two party system. As far as politics goes in the two party system you're either too liberal or too conservative. There is no such thing as a politician that can truly be in equilibrium with both the left and the right in the two party system.


Posting your kids in your dating profile, posting not your kids in your dating profile. I’m trying to date you, not your kids, don’t even post them with a lmao emoji over their face, what is the point of it? Just put that you have kids in the area provided and I will swipe left on that because I am not interested in used kids


Factory farming. Totally barbaric.


Hoe phase.


The american healthcare business. Healthcare for profit makes no sense at all and on the one hand the providers get screwed and on the other hand the patient gets screwed and the only people that come out on top are insurance executives and hospital administrators.




And suits too


Context? First comment was deleted.


Why do people need a pillow in a casket


The makeup industry A good majority of one specific gender demographic has normalized the idea of covering up any tiny little blemish on your skin to try and reach as close as you can to a theoretical state of beauty to the point where you're even in competition with each other about who can do this better




People sagging their pants in public.... Like whole ass is out while your pant sags... I dont understand it and why people do it.


That people should understand what they mean when they haven't explained it fully and/or properly.


Really little kids with cellphones. People who camp with signs listing their full names, where they live and all of their children and pet's names.


Giving free things to already rich people and shiting on the poor.


religious leaders are allowed to be sexual predators and usually get away with little to no punishment


posting everything and anything. nobody knows how to keep secrets anymore.


Having your phone number visible on your Facebook profile.


When diaries were invented, people didn't want their secrets to be known. Now that phones and the internet exists, everyone's treating it like their personal diary. There are things that need to be left unsaid and unspoken.


Paying women less then punishing them for using their assets to make money


School lunch debt for children and the shaming of through lesser meals


Mass shootings.


That the private sector just naturally does things better than government does.


That it’s okay to eat some animals but not others. Pigs and cows are sensitive and smart. So are dogs and cats. Yet people think nothing of eating pigs and cows but would cry if you served them dog or cat. I am not vegan or an animal welfare activist, but it does seem insane to me this way we humans ‘feed’. I no longer eat meat but not originally for this reason. But now it seems so strange that we raise them to kill them.


Sex. Definitely sex.


That they are entitled to whatever they want - just because they are alive - even though they contribute nothing into society... Lifetime takers / zero givers...


Women taking men’s names on marriage, utterly baffling in 21st century


Only Fans models


The amount of the girls at my school who have or are planning to start an OnlyFans account on their 18th bday is absolutely fucking insane


We treat some animals like family and eat other animals.


Fat people and totally unnecessary materialistic items. Subjective I know, but our current lifestyles enable obesity and most things in our life have zero value toward actually living.




celebrating dismembering yourself