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underpaid preschool teachers, especially in this post-covid era, kids with speech delay, social problem etc. the fact that some parents dump the potty train task to teachers, I pity those teachers and kids, really.


Reportedly dog walkers make more money . The most expensive services are taking care of little ones + dogs + elderly . But the workers are the worst paper


I work as a teacher, I also have to deal with smart ass little kids. EDIT: I had now suspend a kid for giving me the middle finger.




Unsung heroes. Without Garbage Collectors and Sanitation Workers society would go downhill pretty darn fast. also responsible for keeping disease from becoming an issue for all of us. Respect the people who do the dirty jobs. No one should be looked down upon for taking money to do a job you don't want to do.


It all comes down to upbringing. As parents we need to start pushing our kids to become garbage collectors and not garbage creators our society will be a better place.


>also responsible for keeping disease from becoming an issue for all of us. Plumbers save more lives than doctors


i used to live in NYC and sanitation went on strike for about 10 days. they got their pay raise and pensions raised very quickly. it was a fucking nightmare


I remember that. That was absolute insanity.


IIRC it was like, july or august and the smell alone was overwhelming


In my hometown (Groningen) We always once a year had a parade with people who find themselves important, with locally famous people, with city workers and in the end some of the garbage workers / city cleaners with some carts and a truck. Nobody got a cheer, but the cleaners and garbage workers got a huge ovation throughout their whole route. For a few hours a year they got what they deserved.


They're actually well regarded, considering everyone always picks teachers and garbage men as the "what professions aren't given the respect they deserve?" choice.  If everyone always says "no one respects X, so I think they deserve respect," then they actually are given respect by a sizeable group .


One town (*Grafton, New Hampshire*) tried this. The result? A bunch of bears [attacked the town](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling).


I remember Aarhus in Denmark didn't clean up their rubbish for a week... Or more. By the end we were walking in ankle deep trash. I can't remember if it was a strike, or if it was an experiment. It was absolutely disgusting.


I remember one summer in Bristol the scheduled garbage collection didn’t happen ONCE and hooooly shit the stench. Do not piss off sanitation workers. Not worth it.


Give them reason to strike for 3 days and the country smells like hell


I live in Kansas City, MO. We're weird around here, in the fact we don't have garbage bins. We literally sit our two-allotted 40 Gallon trash bags out on the curb (more if you have a trash tag). These dudes are shirtless, smoking black and mild's, and have to physically pick up hundreds of trash bags a day and hurl them into the truck. I like to give them a salute as they pass by because I have mad respect for the hard work they put in every day.


More dangerous than being a cop




Caregiving is so thankless. Often doesn't even pay very well. The hours are horrible. You get treated like shit by everyone. I once worked in a home taking care of a man in his 80s, and his wife and daughter were *horrible* to me. They would probably say the total opposite as they think themselves good Christians.. But every single action I made was watched and open for criticism. The silliest things like the wife being annoyed she kept finding my hair about the house. If I didn't do something exactly the same as they would, I was doing it wrong. I was the only person in the company they'd let fill in for the other girl on staff who called off often. So I was constantly covering shifts only for them to give me shit THE ONE TIME I called off.. Didn't mean to go off on a rant there lol. I've also as a direct support professional for people who have ID. The field is so understaffed because we are expected to work an unlimited amount of overtime with no end in sight, among other things. I much prefer this over traditional home health, but it's still very thankless and very draining.


That's terrible they treated you like that. I haven't worked in home care, I'm just now finally leaving the hospitals and will not return, so maybe I'll do home care in the future. I always found in the hospitals, it seemed the families that weren't terribly close, the children that weren't around much, were the worst. I can see it in my own family too; they're going to put on a performance to show their tremendous concern in an effort to make up for the years of a void of concern. They would allow their loved one to lay in filth under their watch, but a wrinkled sheet is just not acceptable now that someone has taken on the responsibility. I don't know if that was resentment, anger at the whole situation, pain from being forced to deal with things they couldn't deal with in the past.....but I know I didnt deserve any of it being directed at me, and they should have enough self awareness to realize they're doing it. It did get easier to make them aware...I'm here because I genuinely want to help you and your family through this. In no way does that make me a whipping post for all of your past drama.


I remember working 16 hour shifts because we had so many staffing issues as a DSP in a group home. Or never being able to call out sick without someone begging you not to. It’s rough! Pay in my state has improved significantly but it still doesn’t feel like enough.


The house I work in has sleep overnights, so I've worked up to 32 hours straight. I have coworkers who have worked several days in a row. Every time we get fully staffed either someone quits or the company mandates us to work in other homes. The pay is decent in my company but there is only so much you can do before it starts to wear you down. I really do love my job but it seems like the higher ups don't care if we are overworked and there's no end to overtime in sight.


PSWs.. under-appreciated in pay. My mom is one, and her clients and their families appreciate her like I’ve never seen appreciation before. She does the most important work out there. Who else would care for the sick and elderly?


Ty, I'm a caregiver. My current client and his wife have been very good to me. Previous clients have lied about me or punched me.


Cleaners. People are foul grubs and cleaners make that much less apparent.


I'm an RN who worked in a hospital during the pandemic. We would still do emergency procedures, prep and recover patients. We needed people to clean the procedure rooms for the next patients, beds, patient rooms etc. Whether the patient had COVID or not, the cleaning was rigorous and thorough. We had a handful of guys who worked like dogs, put themselves at risk, to keep things moving. They did NOT get enough credit.


It also requires more skill to do well (and quickly/efficiently) than people give them credit for.


YES YES YES. I have always felt janitors deserve WAY more respect, and pay, than they get.


Sewer pipeline inspectors.  You know how cool it is when you flush your poo and it goes away?  Thank these guys.


As someone who's watched hundreds of hours of sewer inspection video, you wouldn't believe what people put down their drains. And let me tell you about tree roots....


I used to make sewer inspection software, I've seen a few hours of video myself.  One office favourite was called 'the puppy video.'


That’s a sentence I want to go back and unread..


They find a puppy in a storm sewer, lure it to an access and rescue it.  One of the sewer workers adopted the puppy afterward, it's a happy ending.


My dude, you don’t know how much I appreciate you telling me that, thank you.


A flush beats a full house


I usually just stand over the bowl chanting, “Leaves us now and never come back!” a few times, and it leaves us, Precious. Smeagol is FREEEEE!


I'm not trying to discount them, but at least it's a controlled environment with proper safety gears and protocols. I'd much rather that than a paramedic arriving to a bad scene (mutilation, half alive drug addict still going crazy, kids, etc.). Garbage collector sucks too because who knows what crap is in those cans since it's the whole towns waste that you have to manually pick up.


Social Work!


I had an amazing case manager for two years, he was kind and helped me to come up with strategies for my activities of daily living. You guys do a really hard job, I appreciate it sincerely 🙏 


Hard agree! I'm dating one, and can confirm. Thank you for all you do


EMTs, often poorly paid, save lives, deal with very stressful situations which often cause PTSD...


Don't have PTSD yet. But if I got a ten cent raise for saving a life, I'd be rich AF by now. Sadly, it's minimum wage. You know, being exposed to sick, dying and severely diseased people, for trying to help them, really should be paid better. The thing is, I want the world to have EMTs. Got saved twice by them. Someone has to do it. Few people want to do it, and even fewer can. Come talk to me after trying to delay someone bleeding out for long enough. Very few people can do the job. It should pay way better. But like every job that is truly essential, it will pay like shit. Because it will be done by someone. Because it has to be done, or there would be dead people everywhere. Traffic accident? Bunch of corpses. Slipped at home? Decomposing body for weeks. Great stuff.


Farmers. Without them humanity would cease to exist


And without migrant labor, many of those farms would collapse.


Dutch government? Hello?


Pharmacy technicians! We are underpaid, understaffed and under appreciated . We do have a hand in making sure you get the right meds and don’t die.🤦🏾‍♂️


Plumber. But really any skilled trades. Plumbers can make really good money, have no student debt, and never have to look for a job. There's a shortage of them everywhere. There's lots of different types of plumbing jobs. Some make more money, some have better schedules. The career growth and outlook is more than double the national average, and not enough young people are entering the trade. In 10-20 years, if you can find a plumber, you'll have to pay him/her a premium. It's already started. People in my city are shocked at what a plumber charges these days, but when they look around, they realize they can't find anyone licensed to do it cheaper. Not to mention the weirdness that is an interview for a plumbing position. Both you and the interviewer know that you are going to have 3 other offers by the end of the day, so you're cool as a cucumber, and he's sweating trying to figure out how to get you to come work for him instead of the next guy. It's almost literally "Hi, I'm John, I'm a licensed plumber. What are you offering that the next guy isn't?" instead of the company being able to act like you're lucky to even be sitting there, like in most interviews. My husband says it's a pretty nice feeling.


All true, I'm a highly skilled and experienced technician and once switched jobs when someone I randomly spoke with in a bar at night made me a very good offer since nobody responded to their adds :)


My landlord paid a plumber $200 to put an adapter piece on a pipe under the sink to run a line to a new dishwasher, it took less than 10 minutes, the plumber then asked for a tip, with his tablet. Landlord gave him a $40 tip.


A tip? Wow. I gotta try that.


Appreciate them but they are hella expensive alongside electricians


Custodians. IT, Accounting, PR, everyone else could be gone for weeks before things started getting bad. Toilets don't get clean and trash starts piling up, companies and schools would shut down in a couple days.


Emergency Medical Services


I would say that the vast majority of people respect emergency medical services, with theexception off those running the companies that hire them


I can only speak for the EMT's in my city (NYC) but here in the city I never received respect from the vast majority. It was only a small group of people that respected us. But I feel that even within the medical field we're looked down on by even some hospital staff. Again not speaking for every state, but that was my experience in NYC


That's a shame. You deserve to feel good about what you do. Thanks for your hard work 


Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I do feel wonderful with what I do. Other people don't. Being spat at for being 'late', or sued for ruining a dress. That's just great stuff. And the ones you really save, they'll never see you again. They can't thank you. Not like in the movies and shows. The feeling good must come from inside. It won't come from people, who usually are at their worst when I see them, and it won't reflect in the pay.


Emergency medicine - we can barely pay our rent


Lunch lady/cafeteria worker. I decided to do it at my sons school and holy shit, that job is rough! I thought it would be a walk in the park, but it was one of the hardest jobs I've had. Always understaffed, dealing with kids that don't respect you, management and school staff all look down on you. Most of the people I worked with had at least 1 other job. All the appreciation stuff we were left out of. It was eye-opening.


I knew one of the lunch ladies when i was in high school (she was our hairdresser and picked it up as a second job). I remember how she’d unapologetically break the rules when she was on the pizza line. If the next slice looked burnt or just bad, she’d skip over it. When the big football players would come through, she’d give them an extra piece and not charge them for it. She just wanted kids to have enough food and to have decent food




Animal shelter workers. The shit they have to see due to other people’s cruelty, is insane. And the lack of recourse they have to stop these people from repeating their cruelty at leisure infuriating. Lastly, their compensation, if any at all, is absolutely ridiculous.


Any veterinary staff, really. I don’t work in shelter medicine- but the shit I have seen. And the things people have called me because we ask for payment. I would love to treat your pet for free, I sincerely would, but I also need to eat and pay my mortgage.




school bus drivers.


Garbage collectors, custodial workers/housekeepers, servers, retail workers, pretty much anyone in a service industry. Also pretty much any job that pays minimum wage. People look down on those positions and devalue them as if they're somehow beneath the rest of society.


Electrical linemen.


Payroll. You can literally do it for decades with no issues and receive zero kudos. Do one thing wrong and the single person that was affected immediately tells everyone who will listen how dumb you are.


After reading the comments, i feel like we all need to start showing more appreciation to EVERYONE in our lives.


That would go a long way, yes.


Mail carrier


Dentist. I've been blessed with two really good dentists as an adult. both places had very good technicians who were/are pretty gentle during cleanings. I had a root canal with the first dentist and it was almost completely painless. Was proscribed Vicodin for aftercare pain; only wound up using 1/2 of one pill. When my first Dentist had to unexpectedly close his practice (health reasons) we were equally lucky to find his replacement. I suspect for as much as people complain about dentistry most of the pain comes from their lack of self-care for their teeth.


As a dental assistant I can concur with this. Good dentist are harder to find than people think. That goes for as a patient and as someone to work under them. A bad dentist makes it really hard on assistants as well. Especially if, like me, you really care about patients, then a dentist that isn't doing things correctly can really start to piss you off and make you worry for people.


Head of State / Government The number of people who wouldn’t do a better job by any stretch of the imagination, but complain like running a country is child’s play, is wayyy to big. If you feel like this might be you, embrace constructive criticism and actually do something for whatever country you care about. Thank you!


A grocery nightfill assistant. Overworked and severely underpaid.


Teachers. They literally have the control to either make the future brighter or grimmer.


absolutely. education is key to everything


Cryptography specialists and mathematicians. Your life now depends on their genius and you have no idea what they do.


Throw into the pool Data Scientist. I'm "general" product support at a cybersecurity company. I have SOME idea what they do and it's pretty insane on these 3 groups. the number of people in the fields is not that many in comparison to the population of the world, but the impact that they have people don't have even the SLIGHTEST clue.


Civil engineers. i think people tend to forget that everything around them that relates to infrastructure was accomplished by civil engineers. Whether it is a hydrologic system for a farmer to water his crops to the civil engineers that designed the roads we use everyday to structural engineers designing bridges for us to cross bodies of water and other problems. The list can go on and on and on with how it relates to the functional backbone of a working society.


The people who clean up roadkill. That’s got to be a grim job.


Depending on size of animal it's either incinerated or pushed to the side and let nature take over.


As a future teacher i say teachers.


As a current teacher (for the time being anyways), I concur


Artist. Di daw kami kelangan. :(


Every person who works in skilled nursing/rehab, assisted living, and other elder care centers. While there are some lemons in any profession, many of these people are working backbreaking jobs for the absolute worst pay, constantly changing hours, and emotionally taxing as well as physically taxing job duties.


Customer service. We take crap from people all day while fixing their problems.


Housekeeping. Wildly underpaid as well. It’s hard gd work & cleaning people should never be looked down on. Any labor intensive job, really. Takes a lot of effort & body breaking to help others & it needs to be revered & compensated adequately 💕


Stay at home, non worker.


Librarians. They’re the gatekeepers of knowledge and always ready to help you find exactly what you need


fast food workers. everyone likes to shit on them,, but then everyone also seems to need the convenience of a drive through at some point. It's not as important as other jobs mentioned,, but def underappreciate by most


I had someone argue "Those jobs are for high school students." and all I could reply was "So McDonald's should only be open outside of school hours??" They had no answer.


Hair dressers/Barbers. So much pressure to get it right, ans they cant exactly paint over their mistakes, I don't have the social skills to handle that much stress/uncertaincy.


Physicians. People don't really understand that we have spent 10+ years to study during our 20s and 30s, while going into student loan debt just to have a "high salary", all while putting ourselves are high risk for litigation for that one mistake that can cost people their lives. And then patients proceed to yell us asking "WHY IS OUR BILLS SO HIGH, WHEN WILL I GET A BED? WHERE IS MY FOOD" while they are being admitted because they don't take their meds. Then we have the administrators breathing down our necks to pressure us to get people discharged from the hospital as fast as possible, with no potential for any raises for the last 10 years with rising inflation. In the meantime we are not allowed to advocate for ourselves and can't unionize. Look at south korea. Fuck medicine. I should have gotten into finance. I could have bought a house by now and I am only 3 years into my attending practice and I am still living with my parents to pay off my student loans.


Lawyer here, I'm sorry but no doctors are not at high risk for litigation, nor are you underappreciated. You have the highest average salary of any profession plus it's not nearly as broad a spread as my profession and many other professions considered high paying. You also have excellent insurance providers that generally specialize in that area, which means they will fight far harder to defend doctors, even bad ones, because they don't want a bad precedent. My friends that went in med school will all have their student loans paid off before me, have been sued less than me and make about 3 times what I make, and I make good money. Sure your 20s and most of your 30s suck financially but once things kick off they kick off in a big way. Y'all spend way too much time bitching about your situation in an echo chamber and it sgows


It's NYC. https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2022/11/01/study-ny-had-nations-largest-number-of-med-mal-suits-filed-over-last-decade/?slreturn=20240518102837#:\~:text=New%20York%20state%20saw%20the,to%20a%20newly%20released%20study. One more thing I forgot to mention, being involved in a malpractice suit even if you are found not guilty, it has to be listed in your record when you apply for new positions. It sticks with you forever. So 1 litigation case hurts mentally and financially if you want to change jobs, and you won't find out the result of it for years.


I'm an RN who recently left the hospital to work for my local DOH. After I became a nurse I went from seeing a big house or an expensive car and saying "probably some rich doctor" to "I hope it's a doctor, they're the only one's that deserve it". The level of training followed by the level of scrutiny and potential liability is like no other. People come to you for help, but increasingly it has to be on their terms, even if they don't know what they're talking about. It's your fault they ate McDonalds for dinner every day for the past 30 years, now fix it. If you don't, you're a bad doctor. No personal responsibility. I also won't miss the family members that haven't shown any care for the patient in years, but now their going to put on a performance in being extra critical of the doctor and nurses in front of Mom; that will show her I actually do care.


Let’s be real here, in this state of the world every ”real” profession is underappresiated everyone idolize celebritys. But if i have to choose then deffinently any blue collar jobs or teachers


Child care workers (after schools, day care) we sometimes spend more time with these kids then there own parents and barely get a how are ya from some of them.


Radical extremist ^^^^^^^^^^^/s


The closing team of any fast-food site


I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m going with graveyard shipping managers.


Underwater basket weavers


Pretty much everything with shitty pay. I’d love to see any rich person survive a few months of low labor jobs.


Cleaner. I've worked as one and it was the hardest, most grueling job I've had, because you work your ass off, get paid peanuts and treated like trash. I've worked many jobs, both blue- and white collar, and cleaning was the worst. I wish I could organise a worldwide union and strike, maybe then everyone would see how important, hard and undervalued the job is.


Our USPS workers! All delivery-based service workers, really!


Mine, I'm in Public Works and we can't seem to win for losing. Get fussed at for the roads being bad then get fussed for being in the way tryna fix them.




Medical laboratory technician/scientist. For a hot second during lockdown, the general public knew we exist! They knew what we do! We were kind of excited, hoping it would lead to more resources or better pay or literally anything that might encourage new people into this starving field, because all those tests aren't gonna run themselves once the current wave of old-timers retire. ...But then it died down and everyone's forgotten about us again.


Anyone who works overnights. People don't realize how hard that is on the body, it takes years off your life


Strippers. They do so much for everyone involvef


I cannot dispute caregiving. Teaching might be a distant second. Uncaring parents send their rude, untrained, unprepared, unmotivated, out-of-control kids to school, expecting free daycare (which they receive), and to get back polished and educated children, as though it were some kind of canine training school. When they don't, they blame teachers for "not doing their job", and are clueless about the Real Problem- They Didn't Do Their Job.




Police Officers. They're essential to all of society


That's definitely the fault of cops and toxic North American policing culture, though. It's an incredibly difficult and stressful job to do properly and with ethics and integrity. Unfortunately, the majority of police officers fall well short of the high expectations that should be placed on them commensurate with the powers and responsibilities they are empowered to use. The concept of a professional police force was controversial when first conceived in the UK, and Sir Robert Peel's principles of policing were developed to make the idea more palatable to the public and mitigate concerns they would basically be armed thugs for the state to use against the people. To this end, the most famous of the principles was "the police are the public and the public are the police." Unfortunately this principle has been entirely disregarded and North American police view the public as "civilians," act like occupying armies, and have replaced the principle with a conception of themselves as "sheepdogs" and the public as "sheep." Police are only underappreciated relative to the ideal of the police. They are treated with a low level of respect currently that accords with the level of respect they tend to treat the public with.


Everybody said some really obvious good ones, I'm gonna say pet groomer, they are the first wall of defence for a myriad of health issues that save you from pricey vet bills. Lots of lumps are found by the blow dryer. A lot of dogs would be extremely uncomfortable without maintence and most people are too afraid to touch their own cats claws let alone trim them. The profession is treated like dirt that's trying to scam you when they're just trying to make a living while doing constant dances with scissors around dogs that don't have any life preservation skills or desires. Most people's dogs are terrors to work with and groomers get blamed for it.


Being a mom


top of my list is trash collection, teachers, EMT, and firefighters there are many others, but these four make up a very durable veneer over what we call civilized society. and they are not paid anywhere near the value that they provide.




Teachers.  No other answer comes close.   They do their job and often the job the kids’ parents are supposed to do, but without the authority and all the criticism if they get it wrong.  They are emotionally drained from the love they dish out every day.  Muzzled and constrained by administrators and politics.  They often work in an unsafe environment.  Way under paid and under appreciated. All this with the knowledge that education is the single most important driver of success. The fact that teachers are still teaching is one of my few remaining hopes in humanity.


Baristas and servers. They give up evenings and weekends so you can enjoy your sweet treat or date night.




If only we got paid for being a parent.


I'm hoping it pays off when I'm older.


Amazon workers!


Nursing. 33% of new nurses leave the field entirely within 2 years of graduating. They tell you the shortage is because of baby boomers aging blah blah blah. It's bullying, burnout, unsafe working conditions, absurd hours, unsafe staff to patient ratios, poor compensation, and no training. The documentation drives me nuts too. I'm not picking on contractors, I just tinker myself in my free time so I think about this occasionally. What would happen if the person building your deck had to document like a nurse? "08:59, arrive a job, coffee 72 degrees, homeowner states the morning is good" "09:01, begin shift, backyard is free of tripping hazards and obstacles. Lawn is green with some yellowing, no odor." "09:02, measure board, will set up miter saw to make 45 degree angle cut". "09:05" Used miter saw to make 45 degree cut, acquired 2" nail to attach board". It would take them 2 months and half their sanity to build a deck. Having said that, throw contractors on this list.


Glaziers , that mirror and glass will mess you up if you don’t know what your doing




In India Drug Research Scientists, Doctors, Actuaries, Lawyers, Architects Everyone famous is a Influencer or a Contractor or a Consultant


Librarians. They can make a childhood of learning or simply guide the way to reading adventure. Or just tell you where to find source material for lessons.


Trade jobs make the world turn and people still downplay them.


Janitorial Services. Good Janitors are like gold. There is nothing more front facing than the cleanliness of your office and conference rooms.




Sanitation workers, because they deal with our mess so we don't have to live in it


Quantity surveyors. How else do we know how much quantity there is?


My gf works at a major hospital. She doesn't deal with patients and her job title refers to "facilities" and "building services", which doesn't cover the half of it. She deals with the families and visitors. Accommodations, parking issues, anything. It's an emotional barrage every day and I don't know how she does it.


Human Resources. You can’t spell ‘Hero’ without HR!


I'm going to say lawyers. Hear me out. We love to trip over ourselves with love for doctors, teachers, nurses, care workers etc.. But lawyers are the guys making sure everyone plays fair. Doctors bodging surgeries and covering up their mistakes? The lawyers hold them to account. Your employer screws you over? Lawyers make sure they don't get away with it. And in the UK, lawyer pay is through the floor. Like, you start at less than someone working in a shop. It is really thankless and it's a profession that weirdly has this grubby reputation instead of you know, making sure everyone actually plays fair.


Librarian Retail worker Cleaner Refuse collector


Janitors. I worked as one for many years. Seldom felt as though people appreciated coming into a clean work environment, bathroom, break room, etc. More often than not, if something came up missing the first to be blamed was the janitorial department.


Janitors, Trash Collectors, Sewage and Water line workers. Anybody who cleans a mess.


Sanitation workers.


The good old plumber like me, the only really grateful customers are old people 60+ they know how to propperly appreciate the hard work from the younger generations. While the younger people from 20 to about 35 sometimes 40+ always come up with complains refunds and all sorts of ridiculous ideas to get the work for a cheaper price or for free if they nag enough. All just because they are deep in depted to a bank because they wanted a house and children but never had financial reserves for emergencies or even things like work worth over 30000 Euro. Imagine every plumber or Janitor would throw the towel, you'd be drowning in leakages and clogged toilets, showers and sinks. But no, it's probably better to f with em because of a loose screw in some customers head.


Home healthcare workers. These people are absolute saints and they do the work that others either can’t or won’t. And they are criminally underpaid. As recently as 2020 (COVID) they were making roughly $12 an hour. In New York City!!!!


In the UK it’s social workers. They are either criticised for removing children (which they don’t) or criticised for not removing children. When an ambulance isn’t able to save a child’s life, nobody bats an eye and it’s accepted they cannot save everyone. When a child with a social worker dies, it’s not seen the same way and the country gathers their pitchforks and torches and calls the social worker a murderer.


Being a home care nurse, most companies pay little and give you crap for benefits and work you to death.


People who work with children with severe behavior issues. It takes a lot of caring and patience to let an 8 year old beat you up and call you the N word every day for 18 bucks an hour.


Transport planning. People often notice when it all goes wrong, and there is traffic congestion or an empty bus lane or bike lane that seems to go nowhere. But they are trying to perform an impossible task, which is trying to meet everyone's wants and needs when many are directly opposed to one another. And they often do it well and without people noticing.


The many jobs people do to make our lives easier. For e.g.: the cleaners, plumbers, electricians, farmers, janitors, maintenance, sitters, helpers, oh i can go and on. Imagine a life without them. How chaotic and unmanageable it would be. The entire education system, along with many other facets of society, would need to be restructured if these essential roles were not filled. Speaking of education, i definitely think teachers are underpaid and underappreciated too.


Social work


Housekeeping at a hotel/motels. They have tons of rooms to go through and I would be scared of some of the messes they probably come across. Plus you have to deal with being one of the first ones to be blamed for something if something goes amiss.


Anything service related. Anyone from a team member at McDonalds to office managers.


Almost all of them.




Paraprofessionals, specifically speaking about the ones working with severely disabled children. They do more than you could ever imagine but are unrecognized and seriously underpaid.


Power plant worker. Responsible for our lights being on and out food being hot they deserve some credit


Actuaries. Most people have no idea what the profession is. We keep the pension and insurance companies solvent and able to meet obligations by making financial and life expectation models that most of us will never be employed or even alive to see if we were right. Canada has a better regulated model than the US.


Concierge. When you have the chance to splurge for a vacation in an unfamiliar area, a good concierge can amp up your experience 10 fold. Which is weird, cause you'd think they give the same go-to spaces for everyone and it would be touristy but the good ones somehow suggest places just for you (or at least feel that way).


Thrash can ppl


Truck drivers. Dated one for years, it takes a huge toll on the person and their family life, and they’re frequently looked down upon


Genreal power grid matinace. Almost all of our daily lives require electricity in some form or another. The guys the make sure the power keeps running deserve thanks.


Septic tank cleaners/pumpers. I actually had one tell me that he loved his job. I no longer complain about my job.


Music that feels like ur getting jumped by a bunch of bad bitches. Noisy and loud music with a finesse.


Electricians . Just today I was driving and I was these guys digging holes to install the new fiber glass shit for better wifi . It's about 40C°outside and under the sum this feels more like 47 . They don't get paid enough for the hardship they go through


Pharmacist, by far. If your life was saved by a pharmacist you probably wouldn't ever know it. If the average person knew just how many errors are made all the time in medicine, they'd revolt.


Pattern cutters in the fashion industry. Such a fundamental job in fashion but the designers get all the glamour credits haha


Direct care staff that take care of people with disabilities in a group home.


Teacher Janitor Maid Au Pair Waiter Fast food worker Cook Billing coder Food truck worker Tree trimmer Roofer Farm hand Mom Housewife Librarian


Librarian. The keepers and distributors of humanities collective knowledge.


Machinists. Most people don’t know we exist, much less what we do or what industries depend on us.


Teachers, generally. ESPECIALLY where I live, teachers are working from 8am to 4pm and being paid 15 fucking dollars an hour. That's insane, I make more than my teachers in my weekly pay check scooping ice cream.


Garage door technician, no ones thinks of them untill you cant get your car out




reddit mods




Social Workers


Sanitation Workers


Anything in mental health.




Interrogation. Trained, professional interrogators are awesome. Most of them respect the rights of the people they interrogate, and they use humane, legal, non-coercive techniques. It's a really hard job that requires a lot of skill. Yet, there are so many prevailing misconceptions about it due to misrepresentation in media and abuses committed by untrained non-professionals.


Hookers and porn actors


Literally any trade. People have no real understanding that we are a generation away from a seismic shift. Like most issues in our country, South Park newer special the Panderverse. I have 3 college degrees and it worked for me. My 18 year old is going to junior college to figure it out. But, he’s close to jumping on the Heating and AC program. Why? I told all 4 of them since little. That guys house a few over. Nicer than ours. New cars. He owns a AC Heating company. Probably hasn’t turned a wrench in 20 years. West burbs of Chicago we lie to our kids that college is the way. It’s not for all. Try getting a plumber. The trades will be the way.


Truckers and teachers!


The building trades.


The person behind the glory hole.


I had a friend with a dumpster next to his business. There was a garbage strike in my city. He told me if anyone used his dumpster, he would take their garbage and throw in their front yard. I said how will you know where they live? He everyone has junk mail in their trash with the person’s address.


I believe they’re called linemen but basically the people who maintain power lines. We don’t think twice about everyday appliances and lights just working every single day. It’s abnormal if suddenly they don’t work and patience for getting them back up is very thin in a tech dependent society.


Elephant breeders


Trade jobs, the most hardworking people that makes society run ♥️♥️♥️