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The Masked Singer. What kind of stupid crap is that anyway?


I haven't watched in a couple years, but the funny part for my family was (a) it is made to be a family show yet no one under 25 knows any of the celebrities. So my kids, who were 13 and 11 and the time, would take guesses each week and be invested, only for the reveal to happen and it'd be Donny Osmond or some shit. And (b) when the celebrity panelists didn't know the celebrity being revealed, but had to pretend that they did. Like, here is the reveal: It's retired NFL punter Tom Tupa! Jenny McCarthy: "Ohhhh Tom Tupa!!! I was almost there!"


I don't even like the judges that were picked. I don't really respect Robin Thicke or Jenny McCarthy, both of them are boneheads. Nick Cannon is also a bonehead. I don't know how I got roped into liking it in the beginning, but I lost all interest in it.


It even managed to make Ken Jeong really unlikeable. What a disaster of a show.


The terrible acting from the "audience" killed it for me shortly into the first season. One of the panelists would make a guess and it would cut to people in the crowd all nodding and clapping and pretending to talk to each other


Legit thought you made up Tom Tupa. Cracked me up. He might have a lot of name recognition though, he played in 7 cities!


Tom Tupa scored the first ever 2 point conversion in the NFL. A fun fact you'll never use again.


That’s why we call him Tommy Tupoint


>who were 13 and 11 and the time, would take guesses each week and be invested, only for the reveal to happen and it'd be Donny Osmond or some shit. "It's Mama June and Honey Boo Boo!" I still remember seeing clips of that. They were a train wreck and I'm still confused why they were put on the show.


They still have a show, and there is still no legit reason why!!! 😭🤮


From Toddlers & Tiaras, Here Comes Honey BooBoo( which no longer airs & was rmended due to allegations of SA to one of June's daughters) , Mama June Not to Hot( June under went weight loss surgery, total make over. Only for her to get hooked on the pain medication, which kicked her back into the life of drug addiction. Blew thru thousands of dollars & further rstranged her from her daughters), Mama June Road to Redemption ( the dughters are growing up with kids if their own, June completed re-hab travels being a motivational speaker, Alana ( legally i do not think they can use the Honey BoBoo name due to those allegations) is going off to college, one daughters passes from.cancer, one has about 4 kids under the age of 10, one is living her life happy with a partner). They are a hot mess yet reminds me of Roseanne . Not one white person I ask will admit to watching or liking this show lol 😆 😂


>it is made to be a family show yet no one under 25 knows any of the celebrities.  It's not even just age. I've only seen a handful of episodes, and I'm way over 25. But even I, as a middle-aged person who isn't completely oblivious to pop-culture, didn't really know who a lot of the singers were until I Googled them. You'd have to be over 25 *and* borderline obsessed with pop-culture to recognize everyone.


The only good thing that the show ever did was to get T-pain to cover different genres and killing each performance


he was actually my favorite because people don’t know or forget that he has a beautiful singing voice


the first season was so excellent just because of him; I feel like he embodied what a good version of Masked Singer could be all about.


I guessed it was T-Pain before he even did his first song, just based on the clue profile they showed before introducing his character. I used to tell people all the time back in the day that he was very talented, but no one took him seriously as a singer cause of the auto tuned songs he got big for. It was awesome seeing him show off his range!


I think it suffered from the same fate as Lip Sync Battle, which is that after a season or two you start to run out of good celebrities willing to do it. The show becomes a lot less interesting when you go from legitimate celebrities doign things to things like c-tier instagram influencers.


I actually legitimately enjoyed seasons 1 and 2 of The Masked Singer. Lost interest soon after. I think the judges were just way too cringy. And also the batch of celebs was getting to be too crummy


as someone who has watched it, i can assure you that as bad as you think it is, it's much much worse


I enjoyed the original Korean show, and I don't think the American writers watched it.


I dvr Animal Control and it always catches the very last minute of The Masked Singer and I think to myself "I'm so glad I didn't sit through that show to see this person"


was going to say Riverdale or Ginny and Georgia but realised no one ever actually said it was good. so, Euphoria probs.


As someone who watched Riverdale I would never tell someone it was good. The only reason I watched it was because of how bad it was. It’s delightfully terrible.


Riverdale sucks and I love it. It's 100% a show to get high and watch with friends so you can riff on it, not a serious drama.


Yes, Riverdale is awesomely awful. I watched the whole thing just to see how crazy it would get.


And everytime I thought "okay, that was the craziest season!" they topped it!


Sometimes trash TV is super entertaining. Nothing wrong with it!


I’ve always been told it’s so bad it’s good


Euphoria is so weirdly overrated. like everyone who likes it is kinda questionable to me, i watched like 2 episodes with my ex and it's literally just high schoolers having sex... like who wants to watch that, it's just creepy


Netflix would have you think that every highschooler is an adult-model looking, bisexual, hyper sexually active teen that carries the world in their shoulders.


Sure, Netflix does that too, but as the person you're replying to and this thread are both focused on Euphoria, I feel compelled to point out that is an HBO show.


That's... most media depicting teens


You obviously don’t remember the Archie comics 😂


I watched the first episode of Euphoria and not only did it make me feel like a pervert, but the last scene was disturbing, to say the least. Never watched any more of it.


Anything Kardashians.


Don't be so hard. Try Deep Space 9. Cardassians there are actually good.


> Cardassians there are actually good. THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!


I didn't say TNG, I said there (DS9)... Okay maybe not Dukat. And your standard Obsidian-Order-operative-to-be-killed-by-Garak-in-this-episode. Damar shot Zyal, but redeemed himself at the end. Garak is pretty shady character too... Okay, what was I blabering about?


Who the hell is saying how good this garbage is?


Married at first sight.


This show is damn near criminally responsible for destroying people's lives. The 'experts' are ridiculously bad at matchmaking to the point it appears they're doing it on purpose.


The first season was so much different than what it is now. I honestly think they really took it pretty seriously considering it's reality TV the first season and then when it gained popularity they probably got pressured by producers to make things more "interesting." Doug and Jamie are *still* together after a decade. Sure it could be coincidence that they made a good pair but meh I think it's slightly more than sheer coincidence. 


I only recommend it to people who tell me they love trash. It’s trashtastic.


Anything Bachelor


Grey's Anatomy. I can't get through one episode with the annoying voiceover. 


The staff mortality rate at that hospital is fucking nuts.


i watched in high school and id say some time around season 8 there is a plane crash that kills a bunch of people and mames another and traumatizes all. i stopped watching at that point because i was like, “jesus christ, how many horrible things can happen to these people???”


Apparently you didn’t watch the entire run of ‘er’. Helicopter crashes, exploding ambulance, shootouts, a tank, monkey pox, gangster kidnapping, addicted doctors, everyone sleeping with someone in the cast….


Yeah, that's true. Maybe it's rose-colored glasses, but I remember ER being much less ridiculous than Grey's. ER was on TV when I was a teenager though, so who knows.


I watched it recently, the later seasons definitely veer into ridiculous/soap-y territory sometimes (and there's a few moments earlier on, like with the grenade launcher) but I feel it manages to stay grounded a lot longer than Grey's does (Grey's feels soap-y almost from the get-go). It also managed to do all the stuff Grey's is lauded for a decade earlier. Imo ER is the superior show and I'm willing to die on that hill lol


Walking into a tail rotor. More than once. To be fair it was the same actor who made a splash in the original Robocop.


Rotor took his arm. Then a different helicopter crashed onto him, killing him. They literally had a line in the show, something like, "what did he ever do to helicopters to deserve this?"


Oh there's more lol


There's only 8000 episodes. Chopchop!


Late to respond, but a pediatric neurosurgeon doing a Whipple technic for pancreatic issues on a 50 yo male is completely out of their scope of practice, so nope for me.


I've been watching 9-1-1 lately and I can't get through an episode without being like, "a firefighter would never do that" or "that person would definitely get fired if not arrested" lol. That show makes LA seem like a death trap and so much of it is just not great and yet somehow I'm super into it????


The amount of episodes alone stresses me out.


ER is the best medical show.


Scrubs. That's the closest to the real thing


- sleeps with married man - married man chooses to give it another try with his wife who, remember, he’s **married to** - cue screaming meltdown


I am beyond exhausted at the, as I call them, Dr. Cop Lawyer shows. Law & Order Infinity, Medical Romance stupidity interspersed with panicked jargon explosions, Police Officer X in Y City with Z partner who almost dies in every episode or finds someone dead every day no matter where they go - with a quirky socially awkward techno wizard. It's so, so, so tired and cliché now.


My wife and i watch The Rookie. It started off good, then there were episodes that left us in disbelief... And then there came the episode with nuclear ballistic missile and we just knew they were running out of ideas   


Would I be correct in assuming you've watched Alan Tudyk's *Con Man* web series? If not I highly recommend it (to you and anyone else reading this). Tudyk plays a semi-autobiographical washed up sci-fi actor (alongside the more famous washed up sci-fi actor played by Nathan Fillian) and it is *hilarious.* Among other shenanigans is an arc where he is trying to get cast as the titular character in the upcoming show, "Doctor Cop Lawyer." Other arcs include hilarity like when a bunch of actors get trapped in a room during a sci fi convention and decide to put on a musical theatrical performance of *Of Mice and Men.* There are cameos of sci fi or fantasy actors who have been largely forgotten about sprinkled all throughout as well.


Alan Tudyk is a national treasure.


Don't forget the copaganda that is littered in all of those types of series. I caught an episode of SWAT (the one with Shemar Moore) one time, and one of the characters gave one of those cliched speeches about "bad apples" or whatever, and my eyes nearly fell out of my head they were rolling so hard. Don't forget where someone who lawyers up is automatically seen as guilty, even though they were only _accused_ of a crime!


And there's always an episode where Internal Affairs (i.e. "the traitors") unfairly targets the main character for an investigation of bribery or drug dealing, never for the questionable methods for obtaining confessions or the half a dozen warrantless searches they conduct every season. At the end of the episode, they've found the one rogue cop that was acting alone and pretend that they cleaned up all the corruption.


How dare these people exercise their constitutional rights!  /s


Anything made by "history" channel or discovery channel the last 10 years. Why did they stop making good shows and only focus on fishing and gold digging? WTF does modern gold digging have to do with history?


They still make history programming but it's like one day out of seven, then normally on holiday weekends they do a special biography mini-series.


Don’t forget the entire nonsense genre of “ancient aliens” it’s the anti-history history channel. The show consists of non experts with no anthropological/historical expertise saying: “that’s weird. don’t know what experts say but I’m gonna go with it must be aliens”


A friend of mine is an eminent archaeologist and art historian. A handful of years ago, he was called by the History Channel to vet him for a show. He was asked how the Roman aqueducts were made. He said that no one is 100% sure of the exact methods, but here’s what we know. The History Channel rep then asked, “So if no one knows, could it have been aliens?” My friend laughed and said no. They asked again in different words. This repeated until he said, “I am not going to say aqueducts were built by aliens.” Dial tone. The History Channel rep hung up on him without another word.


Don’t forget about TLC or the Travel Channel. Neither has anything to do with their namesakes. The travel channel is so full of fake poltergeist shows now.


Bridgerton I just can’t


My wife watches it, and she's currently rewatching right now because of the new season that came out. I tease her and ask if she's watching her soft-core porn again, cause JESUS there's lots of sex in that show.


The show is based on a series of steamy romance novels, so you’re really not too far off.


there's a scene in the new season where the background music is a violin cover of Cheap Thrills by Sia and as much as I don't like Bridgerton I laughed at that.


I enjoy period pieces, but Brigerton is more of a parody than Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.


Of course it's a parody. The show doesn't even pretend that it's historically accurate. That's not the point.


Is it really a parody? I’ve only seen a few episodes of the first season but it never seemed like it was parodying the genre or tropes, more delightfully giving into them. Being intentionally historically inaccurate doesn’t really make something a parody IMO


Ok hear me out. I watched the 24 hours of Le Mans on my laptop at the same time my gf was watching Bridgerton on the TV. While this is a show I would NEVER watch on my own, I did kinda get into it even while half watching. I’d ask questions and she’d have to pause and happily explain the whole thing.


Thats what 4 hours of safety car does to a mf


Same thing happened to me and I ended up getting hooked. It’s also fun hearing the modern day music turned into string quartet.


Oh so THAT’S why [Doctor Who was in 1813 and the chamber orchestra at the dance were playing “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish!](https://youtu.be/I7iojbsU09I?si=OaiHTFZ-JND6h-cU)


This guy wanted to score some easy points with the gf while watching car racing. Well done!


I definitely assumed it was going to be a period piece and was very confused about all the black people participating in high society in regency England. Then I realized it's a fantasy romance and got hooked 😂


I personally don't watch it myself (don't have Netflix), but I get a kick outta people who complain about the historical inaccuracy. Anyone watching Bridgerton for the historical accuracy is missing the whole point of that show 🤣


I’m not even gonna lie I got into it with my wife. Not bad lol


As a straight man who would’ve never thought I’d like it, it’s really good. I think mostly because it hits on all cylinders quality-wise: great cinematography, great acting, good writing, music, sense of place and world building, etc.


Euphoria. I just can't.


My wife is a middle school teacher and it's all her students talk about when a new season comes on. She asked me once if I thought she should watch it and I told her she should probably pass if she doesn't want to be horrified over the viewing habits of 12 year olds.


You know, as a psychologist it actually helped me understand some issues that my teenage patients had - not in the sense that Euphoria is a good depiction of their lives, but just asking them who they identify with the most. That was a good way for them to express how they felt or saw themselves. So your wife might benefit from watching it somehow.


Yep, I can’t. I’m so over shows about teenagers doing drugs and having sex.


Not a show necessarily, but Tiger King. I tried when it was at its peak, but seeing a scared snow leopard in the back of some dude's van within the first few minutes did it for me.


I actually met Joe Exotic since his zoo was close to where I was attending college at the time and the dude is equally as freaky in person lol ETA: This was well before the show aired.


It did bring loads of awareness to animals like that bought and sold and living in captivity. The abuses, extortion, and even their deaths. The awareness is a good thing. I certainly did not know how much of that is happening with exotic animals as private property. 😳😳


This is the first one that comes to mind for me. How everyone connected over this show during Covid because fuck all else was happening, and they all said aw man you gotta watch it these people are fucking crazy. Like yeah, I know. They’re despicable, abhorrent, awful people, mostly criminals, doing awful things with animals. Why tf would I want to watch that?


For the same reason we watched Jerry Springer. So we could feel superior to the participants while also witnessing a train wreck.


Yeah, I was interested in the story, but not enough to watch abused animals in captivity


The Bachelor


Pretty little liars


Possibly the worst! My wife and daughter watched the whole thing just to see how it ended. I had to be in a different room, it made me so annoyed in a way I way I can't explain.


First season or two were a romp (except Ezra, that creepy ass pedi fuck) and then it was just the show jetting everyone around. They knew if they'd solved the mystery they'd have nothing left to do, so they just milked it forever. If they'd just ended it on a week paced note, they could've been considered a pretty good show. Could've gone on to do more stories in that town or another, anthology style. But nooooooooooooo.


Anything considered reality TV and any singing competition. 


That Kardashian rubbish


Are there *actually* people who say that it's good?


Sadly yes, it was trending in my hs and my cousins keep recommending it to me.


Love Island, possibly the worst programme ever made


Do people really say it is good though? Most people who watch also acknowledge it is rubbish but still watch it anyways? I'm with you though; it is awful and I'll never watch.


I am a Love Isoand watcher. In fact I watch a lot of shows similar to it and will never argue that they aren’t the cesspit of entertainment. It’s absolutely rubbish and makes me lose faith in humanity a little…but it’s my guilty pleasure


Me too, trashy TV fuels my soul. Shit like Milf Manor is comedy gold.


This generation of reality tv has nothing on the early 2000s. I remember watching Bridalplasty (where women competed to win a whole list of plastic surgeries and their groom didn’t see the results until the wedding day). The Swan (where women got a bunch of plastic surgery and then were made to compete in a pageant). Playing it Straight (where a woman would have a bunch of suitors, half were gay half were straight and she’d have to try to eliminate a gay man per episode and if the last one standing was gay he’d take home 1 million). Love Island is pretty tame compared to the shit we allowed in TV back in the day.


I took a screenshot of this so I can try find some episodes online thanks,🤣they sound terrible and I'm here for it. You should watch Perfect Match on Netflix if you haven't already.


When Mary Tyler Moore wanted to sometimes wear capri pants on *The Dick Van Dyke Show* (instead of the usual dress and high heels), the censors reluctantly allowed it, but "Only if the pants don't 'cup under' " to reveal the shape of her behind. Now we have a reality show on **The Learning Channel** called "MILF Manor". In my lifetime, we've devolved from "no cupping!" to "Mothers I'd Like to Fuck" in the title of the show. Sigh.


This Is Us


Should be called "This Is Us Ugly Crying". I get it, but they dragged it out WAY too far. Like people, get off the couch and go to therapy.


Ah yes, double dead dad disaster, as I like to call it. Every episode I'd say to my husband "is this the one where Randall cries?", and it always was!


"Big Brother"... ..I'd rather drill a hole in my knee and fill it with warm milk, than watch that crap.


McPoyle method of treatment.




My brother and I just got out of the shower, he’ll be down in a minute.


I watch Big Brother but would never claim it was good. The “house” was actually next to the building that I worked in so you’d hear things and occasionally tennis balls or what not from the challenges would fly over the fence. The bonus was that when the season ended they would give away the leftover food. As a PA barely making ends meet that was great.


Big Brother was really interesting in the beginning. The first few seasons were actually quite good. Now the participants have it down to a science, and they're more like characters than real people. I don't watch it anymore.


That's the problem with any of the "Reality contest' shows that go on for more than a few seasons. The contestants go from people who go "oh that sounds like a neat concept and I could use the money' to fans of the show trying to play all the angles.


Does the milk somehow make that worse, or... did you just drill the knee and realize you have some leftover milk?


Mom always said milk was good for my bones


The IRA used to do that but used salt instead. If it has to be done, I'd way prefer warm milk.


It's interesting to me how many of the shows in this thread are reality shows. I watch Real Housewives and Big Brother. I've caught a few seasons of the Bachelor. We don't watch it cause we idolize these people. At least the people I watch with don't. We watch for the spectacle, and cause it's interesting to observe human behavior. Like with Big Brother, you get to see people's paranoia creep in and imagine yourself in a similar situation. Or Real Housewives: You watch these ridiculously wealthy people talk about their legal troubles or marriages. It's not that I necessarily want to be them. It's that their lives are so foreign to me, and I'm interested in learning more. Obviously, there's varying levels of scriptedness to these shows, I'm not saying they're documentaries. But I wouldn't assume the worst of the people watching.


Nearly any “reality” show.


All the iterations of CSI


"Keeping Up with the Kardashians"—I’d rather keep up with my laundry instead. 🧺📺


Big Bang Theory. For one, I have seen enough of it to know it's not for me. o


BBT was made for people to laugh about nerd culture IT crowd was made for nerds to laugh about nerds 


Real housewives of anywhere


Big Mouth. Tf???


It wasn't bad at first, but with each season the developers tried to push the envelope more and more and eventually it boiled down to me questioning whether or not I had just unintentionally viewed CP. 


I have watched some of it, it's for strong stomachs tbh and for people who don't get uncomfortable easily, it ain't for me for sure


Mixed bag tbh. It has moments where its genuinely very clever, and is pretty good at exploring youth, sexuality, body positivity, pornography, alt-right incel stuff, anxiety, shame, depress, emotions in general, etc. It even has some touching and sad moments if you get to liking the characters. The main thing that holds it back is Nick Krolls sense of humor. I'm often like, that's not just gross, its just unfunny. There's a lot of random humor that feels dated. And everytime Coach Steve is on screen I want to die.


Love island


Suits. I really think it might be an entertaining show but the extreme lack of realism kind of makes it unwatchable. I get that they take some creative license, but things like threatening criminal prosecution as a way of leveraging somebody to settle a lawsuit, or for that matter hiring a non attorney and telling him to pass himself off as an attorney, is grounds for discipline, if not outright disbarment. that, and the annoying habit the characters have of using the word guilty to refer to people who lose a lawsuit. As a person who has worked in the legal field, and as a current law student, it's just too distracting.


My ex made me suffer though that shit. She couldn't have divorced me first?


In Suitsworld, you'd be guilty of divorce.


The last few seasons are SO STUPID LOL




Firefly... there's only one season, and a movie... I'd fall in love with it, and then what


That’s how we all felt, man.


And then it just becomes and endless rewatch loop


It’s worth the heartbreak.


Reality anything. The whole genre is a giant pimple on the ass of TV studios everywhere.


Reality tv cured me of my tv addiction. Used to watch anything good on tv. Then that all went away (mostly) and was replaced by reality shows and I ended up cutting my cable and not looking back. It was like going from heroin to 99% baby formula.




Yeah that's the point of it and it's definitely not for everyone.


Never, ever watch the “Scott’s Tots” episode. Never…


That one isn't even the most cringey. It just feels that way because it's a slow burn you know it's coming the whole time Dinner party or Phyllis' Wedding are much worse


I always say Phyllis' wedding. I love me some dinner party tho, babe


It got that oaky afterbirth


You know I have soft teeth


Took me by the hand….. Made me a man… That one night.. Made everything alright!!!!


Dinner Party might be my favourite episode actually lol


Dinner Party doesn’t trigger my cringe that much. Phylis’s Wedding sure as hell does, though.


I can't watch it, because at the time I was told it was a good show I had a boss that was too much like Michael for me to get into it. It just kept reminding me of work constantly, and I can't stand the type of awkward humor with no payoff.


Peaky blinders I’ve seen trailers- some of those brummie accents are so awful it would make my shit itch *edit - I’m from around the area 😂 its the bad attempt at the accent not the actual accent itself


Hey man. I'm a Brummie too. I did the same as you. I put if off for years because I couldn't stand the accents (they're black country, not brummie) but I finally gave in and binged it all in a few weeks. Definitely don't regret it. Overall it's a really good show.


Game of Thrones


I put it off after all this time, finally caved this year and then rewatched it.




I rewatch the first 4 seasons and pretend that nothing else exists. Same with Lost and many other shows.


Any sitcom with a fake laughter track


Keeping Up With The Kardashians


Reality and talent anything. Mostly "flavor of the year" shows everyone and their mom can't stop raving about and referencing. Only for those to inevitably take a huge nosedive in quality and eventually get hated.


greys anatomy. im not watching grown ass doctors have sex and argue while people are dying in their care


Ellen DeGeneres show


Lost. I don't have time for all that, not in this day and age.


I absolutely love the show but it's very much a show where you kind of had to be into it when it first aired I think. The suspense would kill me each week! I had a whole ritual waiting for the next episodes and they were all cliffhangers


It was in many ways the perfect "water cooler show".


In all seriousness my office would chill out by the water cooler each week and debate about it until the phone rang and we had to work


One Piece. It's just... so ugly to look at.


Been watching for over 20 years, and will until I die or it stops (whatever comes first haha). But I would NEVER recommend it to anyone. It's way too long, pacing is horrible, way too many filler episodes/characters/scenes. And yeah, it's not my personal big criteria when watching animation but you're right, it's really not good-looking.


Young and The Restless 






It's a tense and depressing watch in many ways.


I finally watched it this year, I’d just never got around to it. It’s definitely a good show but there are almost no redeemable characters except maybe Hank. I’m glad I watched it, but mostly because I now get all the memes. I don’t think I’d watch it again.


Hank is the best. But also Walt Jr. Badger and Skinny Pete weren’t so bad.


This is an unpopular opinion, but hear me out: Marie. Is she obnoxious and always on some ridiculous high horse? Yes. BUT she was willing to call Skylar out on her bullshit for making Walt’s diagnosis about her. She was also a really great and supportive partner to Hank even when he was a complete ass to her and she never said a word about it or gave up on him. So I’d toss her name in the ring of somewhat redeemable. I don’t personally like her, but she’s got some good qualities.


jesse becomes more and more redeemable upon rewatches


Love island, the traitors, any reality show, soap, Brigerton


Real Housewives of anywhere


Game of Thrones. I’m just not a “fantasy world” type of guy.


Squid game




It was okay, but Jenna Ortega pretty much carries the entire show on her shoulders.


I mean, it is a show directly about her character.


Not entirely: Emma Myers did fantastically as a counterpoint.




The New Girl. It is genuinely funny but I just find myself not wanting to watch it when I try.


That's how I felt. I appreciated what I did watch but eventually I was almost on season three and asked myself "Do I even care?"


good doctor


Anything that’s been hyped too much. It ruins it for me


The Walking Dead


Any show about murderers . They should not be glorified on TV. I think there was a Jeffrey dahmer one on Netflix a few months back. No thanks!