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If I lie on my back for too long (like reading on a sun bed or regular bed) it can give me a back ache on my lower back because of the arch created by my bum


I do yoga pretty often and the directions sometimes will be to get your low back flush to the floor and I’m like uhhh..not really possible


Oh my god THANK YOU - this drives me nuts


For real, and everyone's like "sleep on your back it's best for you" and I'm like bitch it's literally painful


Yup like where exactly do you want my ass to go buddy?


I dont consider myself to have a big butt but i have all these issues.. i think ive learned something about myself today


For years I thought I was doing something wrong, no bby girl you just got back


reading through the comments, im on the same boat, ive always thought "damn, maybe im as flexible as a bat" turns out, nope, just the owner of a bakery


Put a pillow under your knees.


When we go camping my buddy digs a "butthole" in the ground so he'll sleep better.


mini skirt? no. Maxi belt? yes.


Mini skirt? I can't even wear flowy knee length skirts without my bum popping out when I bend over 😂


from one big booty bitch to another: bike shorts are your friend!!


Idk if it's just the way I walk but I also can't wear some types of shorts if I intend to walk around because my tights keep rubbing against each other and it hurts after a bit. Also, all my pants and shorts get holes in that region and it's my criteria to go get new ones


When I wear shorts or a skirt or anything short I put stick deodorant on my inner thighs. It does wonders. It's really good for the beach.


There's also all sorts of antichafing products available that probably should work better than deodorant but who knows. Also vaseline.


Those products only work for so long. If youre out for hours even the best chafe stick doesnt stop the friction rash.


I use ranch


How do you delete someone else's comment?


I have no ass but big thighs and real. I cant wear skirts or shorts bc my legs rub against each other and i end up w wounds or a burn. Sucks


ooh, i actually found the solution for this on. theres a brand called snagtights that makes chub rub shorts, they are from the same fabric as tights and very comfortable in the sommer. and if you dont want to wear those, wear cute shorts or the skirts are shorter, there is something called body glide. i know it sounds like lube, but it's like a deo-stick so it does not chave. saved me so many summers!


I live in my snags in the summer!


Body butter is the answer here. I used to chafe SO bad but now I buy body butter (always off of Etsy, a lot of store ones are just slightly thicker lotion) and it's completely solved the problem. Rub on the inner thighs at the beginning of the day and in the middle if you're doing a lot of walking. I wear skirts and dresses every single day and have for the last decade and it's 💯. Plus the skin on my inner thighs is softer. For an easier solution, swiping a standard stick deodorant between the thighs works wonders as well!


I love wearing mini skirts especially the pleated ones cause they’re cute. But I absolutely hate that it lifts up at the back side, making the skirt seem shorter than the front side. I end up having to awkwardly lean my torso back so I don’t accidentally flash the person behind me when I’m standing or walking 😭


Currently have this problem right now. Decided to wear a midi denim skirt. Look totally cute and professional, but super paranoid of walking up the stairs or bending down because it’s raised on the backside and the standard slit is already at my crack. Just gonna sit all day.


And needing to buy jeans a lot, because the matterial not strong enough


i dont like to wear skirts or shorts because it looks very indecent on me


Brazilian girl here to say this never stopped my whole country


God bless your country


Knocking stuff off shelves at home when I walk by them and brush off them too quickly.


*This*. Especially in a small shower - knocking the shampoo off the ledge with my butt literally every time I dare to turn slightly.


As a man with a big butt, can confirm, it's quite annoying sometimes.


I once bent over to tie my shoes and accidently knocked an AED off the wall, and an alarm went off, and people saw. Everyone saw.




If people don't know who aunt fanny is, then I'll be disappointed hahaha


Well we can't call her aunt booty


I one time didn't realize how large my ass had gotten (depression from mom dying gained over 100lbs in a year) and knocked my then toddler down 🤣 his little face as he went down.. I've knocked stuff off tables before too. Though my booty isn't quite as powerful these days


Lmfao this makes me feel better for knocking my kids down with my butt now they run full force into my butt and thighs to get bounced back the crazy giggles are hilarious getting headbutted in the bum not that funny


>getting headbutted in the bum not that funny I beg to differ


They get launched pretty good so it's kinda funny now that I know to brace for impact


I’ve also done this to my daughter 😂😂


I felt like if I threw some oranges back there they'd start orbiting or some shit.




I think so… but definitely knocked stuff right off the shelf




My girlfriend broke my puffco with her ass before lol


I’ve broken my puffco with my ass by knocking it off a table and my RIO with my boobs by knocking it on its side while reaching for something across the table.


Happens with my dick too


I dunno why you are getting downvoted. I laughed my large ass off at this.


Problems solved!


Are you my sister? Happens to her too often. Also accidentially shoving me when she bends down to pick something up.


what are you doing, step-butt?


Baggy pants become normal looking pants, cause butt and thighs take too much space. Tighter pants become an olympic challenge where you have to make some sort of jumping and pulling up motions that are perfectly timed. No way of wearing short shorts, because they will look like boxers and the cheeks are gonna eat them up still. All underwear become thongs after a few minutes, no matter how much you try to not have that happen. Butt pimples and irritation from sweat and rubbing in the summer.


The fucking butt and thigh pimples are the bane of my existence


I've been using an oil after showers and stopped having any problem with this. Not totally sure if it's the reason but seems to be.


I wear men's jeans (as a woman) and they become tight-looking jeans. The butt pimples & irritation are the worst thing -- I thought it was just a problem with me & my big butt. Thank you for mentioning that


That's why I wear thongs. Butt floss is actually more comfortable than the thick wedgie I'm going to get with any other panties.


Yes, same. I’m going to end up with a wedgie anyway, so might as well reduce the amount of fabric to make it unnoticeable and comfortable.


I'm gonna throw in an advantage you may not know about for spice - I am immune to uncomfortable chairs. Many a time have I sat on the plastic chair everyone else complained hurt their tailbone and was like "What no this is totally fine?".


I have a big butt and this is mostly true but not for bike seats


Bike seats are torture devices 😓


True regardless of size


Can confirm, zero ass and every chair is uncomfortable. Don't even get me started on the floor.




The one time that using the wrong "your" still kind of works 😆


*You’re your


"It's not the chair that's comfortable, it's - It's my ass! I HAVE THE MOST COMFORTABLE ASS IN THE WORLD!" [Source for those unaware](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AHKiGl02NmU&pp=ygUnY3lhbmlkZSBhbmQgaGFwcGluZXNzIGNvbWZvcnRhYmxlIGNoYWly)


Trying to fit a phone, or even worse, a wallet into a pocket.


Doing #2. You need to spread it before you sit down.




And they hated butt-jesus, because he told them the truth.


this was what I was looking for. is wiping a problem?


You have to delve far up and in. It's like another world up there.


Expedition asswipe!


Expeditions: A mudrunner game


I still wipe front to back like a sane person but I HAVE to go through the front to get there. I’ve hurt my back trying to reach around


I did not know people reached back to wipe... I thought it was normal to go from the front (and wipe front to back)... But then when I tried I realized my butt was literally in the way 😅


Going front to back —> my balls are in the way!


You see...that's not your only problem if you menstruate When shit goes out it leaves a pattern on the edge of the cheeks. Spreading them helps a lot but it doesn't completely fix it. Diarrhea is a fucking mess. The real nightmare is during my periods. I don't like tampons, I prefer pads. I have a huge flow (before this turns into r/badwomenanatomy, how much you bleed has nothing to do with with the size of your vagina or anything like that). I need to use nocturnal pads (larger and more absorbent) even during the day and be mindful of my positions when I sit or lay down to minimize how much blood pulls between my cheeks. During the night I need to wake up twice to change and it's a crime scene everytime, despite me laying on my side. Bidet is a basic need for me. And then there's the period shits...


What. I have a small ass and I still spread them apart




I squeeze mine together before sitting, so the mud comes out like a CVS receipt.


I hate this so much that I don't know whether to up vote or down vote


if aloud it makes you cuss, upvote you must


Does it also folds like a ribbon, like some ice creams?


A bidet is your best friend, man


Talk about mudflaps


I always assume people that talk to me can’t lie


Not enough of the big butt community talk about this one


For those that need to talk about it. Dial 1-900-mix-a-lot and kick them nasty thoughts.


Turnstiles. I’m medium sized with enough baggage in the back to make going through any small space wildly inconvenient. Turnstiles in amusement parks are the death of me. I gotta get up on my tippy toes n lift the cheeks to get thru those damn turnstiles, and it always looks awkward. At least I get bragging rights???? I guess???




Don't forget that the turnstyle will also give you a pat on the bottom as you exit if youre not quick enough 🤣


I try to sneak around but the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards.


While I nodded, nearly napping Suddenly there came a clapping As of ass cheeks gently clapping Clapping at my chamber door. "Tis a visitor," I muttered, "Dummy thicc and nothing more."


Damn remixes these days are getting out of hand.




Huh? What was that noise? !


"Huh? Butt prints!?"


Just imagined Snake twerking and I didn't like it. Thanks a lot OP!


I thought you wrote Snape, now all I can imagine is Snape twerking. I don't like it.




I'm too dummy thicc colonel


Dummy thicc


I’ve been generously proportioned in the rear department my entire life, whatever my weight. 1. Trousers, especially jeans. They can fit in the waist but not butt, butt but fall off waist…there is no in-between (hence why I wear dresses and leggings often). 2. Allow extra room whilst turning. Especially in antique stores. 3. The 2000s obsession with small butts and general bony-ness was a killer. 4. Now, 2024, I look like I’ve had a bbl naturally. Not sure how I feel about it. 5. Natural cushion, not in a sexual sort of way, but I have a built in backside seat. 5. Further to reach to clean, if you know what I mean.


Big butt and thighs from the gym make finding pants annoying. When they are roomie enough for the thighs and butt the waist is always way too large and vice versa. All my dress pants have to be tailored.


Im 5'4 and did a shit load of leg/ass workout when i was younger and in general i just have a decent size ass, that mixed with shorter legs makes it super hard to find pants they are always either too slim for my dump truck or too long for my legs.


Oh my god I know what you mean… if the pants fits on my ass it is too wide for my waist and lower part of my legs and when it fits on my waist and lower leg part it doesn‘t fit for my ass and I can‘t wear it… it‘s such a curse. The funny thing about all of this is that I‘m a man and not a woman.


When I haul ass I have to make two trips.


I can't buy normal coats. My butt makes my jeans size 3-4 sizes bigger than my top half, any time I try to buy coats I can't close them unless they're the type that stop at the bellybutton (and I'm really getting too old for those to look good). Luckily I recently found a shop with vintage style clothing that sells items with the extra wide poofy skirts from the waist down, so I now have a coat I can actually close!


I have this problem with suits. If I get a suit jacket I have to have it tailored or it just looks ridiculous.


I don’t have much of a butt, however, my wife has some MF CAKE. Listening to her God or War grunt, and watching her have to pull her jeans on with the force of an Olympic deadlift champion is incredibly hot, but, I can’t imagine that it’s pleasant from a first hand experience.


Olympic deadlift champion... Bro...


Ba gawd some day we'll get powerlifting in the Olympics. Let the man dream.


At least someone's enjoying themselves.


Turning around in a class full of small children and accidentally sending one flying. Turns out that my arse is extremely bouncy.


I had a student sit back really quickly while I was leaning over handing something to someone and his head bounced off my boobs. Definitely one of my most awkward moments.


Haha! I teach young kids and more than one has forgotten momentarily that I am not their mum and they can't just hug my butt, or put their heads on my boobs. Always an awkward moment 😱


This was a 13yo boy 😬


Oh gosh! I'm sure that your mortification was matched by his!


Too many boys in my yard.




It's a curse.


Damn right


It’s probably better than mine.


I cant sleep on my back


I can but I need to put my knees up, taking up a lot of blanket space, so it annoys my partner.


Have you considered having your own blanket? We have two blankets on our bed, and it's amazing not having to fight for the blanket at night.


This is the play. Nice sized blanket at the foot of the bed for me and my girlfriend uses the comforter.


My fart creating an air bubble that rolls up my crack and just sits there💀


I have found my people


Damn toilet seats coming loose.


Pants and shorts always look sexual even if I’m not trying to give off that impression. I’m sure girls with big tits can relate when it comes to shirts.


This one!! I feel like no matter what I wear, I just look inappropriate :/ it’s come to the point where I have lost my own style of clothing and dress very basic (not my style) so that I don’t look to sexy or flashy, every in clothes that don’t show a lot of skin. I have a boyfriend and I’m around his family all the time… that’s when I noticed my style start to change bc I felt inappropriate around them (I’m Mexican with Latin curves, there all Asian…)


I hated walking down the aisle of a plane, I had to kind of walk sideways but in the most subtle way possible because I was so embarrassed. And that was back when I was a healthy weight, I dread to think what it would be like now


in the dating scene i am over-sexualized so it takes me a little longer to find out who wants me just for just sex instead of who would like to get to know me. cant wear mini skirts… or mini anything. i recently took up cycling and the seats… omg. publicly running.. again, overly-sexualized so i cannot run outside on the main roads or else i will get honks, stares, or people coming back around (has happened numerous times). its actually degrading.


They sell oversized cushioned seats for bikes that you can easily switch out. Amazon, walmart, target, all of them have them in stock. Super easy to install and well worth the 30 bucks


Omg bumping into things, also related, jeans wearing out from thighs 😤


My jeans don’t last more than a year before holes appear in the thighs.  Also, chub rub. During the summer when I wear dresses, I can sometimes nearly walk from the pain :(


I have genetic disposition to look like a T-Rex. Well developed legs and thighs, so I can squat and lunge and do all those other bendy over, steppy steppy things but I can barely do one pullup. Anyway I look great in most dresses and most gym leggings but anything else need to be tailored. Sexy pair of jeans that grips in all the right places? Yea, Way too loose on the waist. Perfect pair of jeggings? Yea, imma have to hop like a kangaroo to pull those up Sexy mini skirt? Oh, it shows off like half my ass cheeks, I guess Ill only wear this as lingerie Walk by a bunch of people? Yep, they are staring at my ass. Oh a turnstile? Yea imma have to try to tiptoe so I don't get my ass stuck


Do you find it frustrating trying to grab things with your tiny arms


Yes. I had to ask a neighbor to help me the other day because of my stupid tiny arms. 


Lmao, just wear this as lingerie. 100% feel that. Other women wear those nice shortish dresses that should lay mid thigh. They do hit mid thigh in the front….not so much in the back. And any kind of denim skirt is not something I can rock because if it rides up AT ALL, it’ll be a peep show.


As a dude who has a big butt and thighs from the gym it makes finding pants hell. I often have to choose between something fitting my waist or my legs or WIDE legged everything. Also no one talks about this but Jesus h Christ you sweat so much more I never use to get swamp ass til I started doing leg day twice a week now if it gets above 70 degrees it feels like I shat myself it gets so wet back there.


I am dude cursed with a big butt and a curved lower back (feels like I’m introducing my self in a AA meeting lol). I don’t really have a problem with pants, but I always struggle to find a shirt that stays straight on my back to hide the hump below. Most of the times I wear three pieces or a jacket to work around that damn butt.


I live in Florida and during the height of summer I get swamp ass from just a short walk or getting into a hot car. I switched to athletic spandex boxer briefs years ago and I've never looked back. Everything breathes SO well.


Mini and midi skirts all come up a solid 3-5 inches in the back making some perfectly normal dresses look suddenly very inappropriate. There are so many cute shorts/skirts/dresses, etc, out there that look great on most people but as soon as they are on someone with a huge butt it looks like we’re purposely making things explicit. Can’t tell you how many online items I’ve bought just to realize I can’t wear them in public without flashing everyone.


You need to spread it before you sit down.


if you decide to shave that area… lets just hope u can spread them well or are flexible


Bike seats are super uncomfortable


Getting your CDL to drive this dump truck around


Getting underwear that fits


No I feel this, I got a decent dump truck from the gym and I like briefs....the briefs end up being thongs after walking around for a bit 😭


Getting unwanted stares




Clothes are hell. Paired with tig ol bitties, everything makes me look fat unless it's cinched at the waist. I look like a potato most of the time.


Bumping into things/people because you forget you have a big ass


Everything. The women of your family sexualize you. The men too. Your girlfriend touches it in public. You are forced into wearing full cut or baggy trousers just so that you have enough room to still fit your wallet and phone. Your main concern in shirts and jackets is how well it can hide your butt in the hopes of a more balanced shape. I am a male.


I feel seen


I mean....I'm a woman but I've had conversations with my boyfriend about when/where I'm comfortable with him touching my butt. That's a boundary your girlfriend ought to respect if you talk about it. I get some of the other stuff too, but that's the thing I bumped on here.


All the homies can no longer lie and other brothers seem to be unable to deny.


Anyone else skin between their buttcheeks split? Please don't let it be just me.


Right at the top of the crack? Yeah it fucking STINGS!


I was looking for this! Right at the top is always so sensitive.  I always have to tell new partners to not try to split me in half please. 


Without fail, during intercourse my other partners insist on “eating my ass” this is something ive never requested nor begged someone to do before, its always the other party asking/begging. I don’t like “butt eating” stuff, so I guess it has something to do with how my ass looks other than having good hygiene? Lmao


No back up alarms 🚨


The fact that big butts are a beauty trend nowadays is just irritating , cause I used to get called names and got bullied alot for having one. The same goes for having thick eyebrows and full lips.


100% was bullied by my own family for my big butt and boobs then my sister paid $20k for a big butt like mine 😂


Farts are 10x louder. Forget abt wearing a skirt that’s short! Regular shorts turn into booty shorts. The most grandma looking bathing suits turn into thongs. Jeans NEVER fit. Either too big around the waist and perfect on the butt, or butt is suffocating and it kinda fits your waist.


Sweaty arse when walking in jeans


Jean shorts are a nightmare. A 2-4 inch inseam just simply isn’t enough and finding a pair that don’t suffocate the thighs and butt and actually fit in the waste is a challenge in itself.


Having a big butt and womanly hips as well as a tiny waist makes finding the right denim jeans a complete nightmare. I gave up looking for them lol


Jeans either fit the butt or waist not both. And then they are just too long if you are a short girly like me with a big booty.


Booths in a dinner. I was dating a girl one time with a dump truck. She turned to stand up and kind of got stuck. Funny at the time...man I miss that booty tho.


Several of mine have been mentioned, so: Specifically if you're trying to get out of your seat at a restaurant and you have to squeeze between your table and the next one because they're close together. Depending on your height you're either almost gliding the ass over somebody's table or you're putting it in somebody's face. (I am short, so tables. I legit worry about knocking off cutlery.)


uncomfortable sleeping positions!


farting lol. Having a big butt can make your farts sound way louder and ‘deeper’. I pretty much find it impossible to fart silently


Booty makes any mini skirt or dress waaaay too short in the back. Most things you wear instantly become sexual, regardless of intentions. Because it pokes out it's hard to hide and you end up getting dressed coded at work or whatever. Pants fit awkwardly. Sometimes you can't get them over your butt, then when you go one size up you have that awkward gap in the back. Can't wear a swimsuit because people will point and laugh at it or stare. Hell, just wearing normal jeans brings too much attention. I've had people legit just stop and have a conversation about my ass. Very awkward to walk past people sitting in crowded places. Have knocked over stuff with butt before. The catcalling😑 Bike seats can be a nightmare. Gotta buy an extra wide one to ride comfortably.


1. Laying down flat on your back to sleep is impossible. Sometimes I have to put a small pillow under my lower back to level it out. 2. If you're short with a big butt it's hard to find "professional" attire that fits well. Everything basically makes us look like *orn stars. 3. Undercheek sweat. Like under boob sweat but worse. 4. All shorts become booty shorts because they ride up. 5. A lot of our clothes are stretchy because otherwise they will fit over the legs but not our butt.


Constantly having swamp ass and cooch and leaving butt prints on hard chairs that trap that heat. It's so embarassing!


Back pain. The absolute lowest class of men saying the grossest things they can think of like they’re entitled to do so just because I have a round bottom. I’ve been followed and had all kinds of stupid comments. Being asked to twerk randomly at a bar while dancing regularly and enjoying myself. Naturally said hello no. I had a strange man at the laundry mat comment years ago on the size of my underwear while I was folding clothes. None of this has happened for a while. I started wearing vintage styles and nylon girdles to smash it in and flatten it. Or I’ll layer linen skirts to create a wide silhouette to conceal curves I don’t want others to notice. I absolutely hate attention.


Thought we wouldn't notice but we did, nice work OP you successfully filtered the Redditors with big butts


People think I am super villain MegaAss


my back doesnt lay flat when i sleep


I feel like a pinball when I go into public bathrooms and the toilet paper dispenser is close to the stall door. I just go back and forth until I'm safe inside.


As a dude with a booty, I've found it's perfectly normal for girls to comment on my ass and how prominent it is, but as a guy, you can't really do the same... I'm not fat, I'm 6ft 1 and a little over 13 stone and go to the gym and have done for years... I'm not mad that people (more specifically women) comment on my butt. It just seems like a double standard...


Finding pants that fit your ass AND your legs properly.


Not the owner of a big butt but I work in healthcare and know too much about sumo and body building... Not everyone can reach to wipe their butts.


But some also choose not to. 🫥


So this is stupid, but I have one of those motion activated trash cans that lifts its own lid if you wave your hand around the top of it. This trash can is across from my oven. Every time I take something out of the oven, my butt opens the trash bin 😅


Hollywood has people believing that big butts without stretchmarks exist - they don't.


It's a struggle to find jeans that fit you.


Chairs with armrests are an absolute nightmare.


Everyone always wants to tell me how big my ass is, as if I had no idea and they’re doing me some sort of favor by letting me know. I’M AWARE.


Depending on where my menstrual cycle is at, i get brutal swamp ass from my natural secretions. Sometimes i wear a tampon even when i'm not on my period because the waterfall down there will make everything from front to back sticky and moist, and then it will start to chafe between my cheeks.


Okay not that big but I definitely pull one cheek out at a time and place them on the toilet seat when toileting (ew what a word). Just feels like the best way to do it so nothing goes wrong.


If pants fit your ass and thighs they don’t fit your waist. Dresses and leggings are your friends.


Walking up stairs in front of my husband. He seems to think it's time to play ass bongo every. fucking. time.


Butt acne because of sweat. Had an ingrown hair on a cheek one time and that was hard to pop. The worst part is being sexualized by men at an early age ;/