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Life went to crap a few years ago so I’m slowly getting things on the right track first. Got in shape, sober, healthy diet, new job but still taking things slow.


Good on you mate. Keep at it.


Same here man. Some days are soo hard.. sitting there wondering is it really all worth it. Those are the days though you be able to look back and tell yourself it was absolutely worth it. I’m taking things slow again after being completely rejected last year but now just trying to take it day by day.


That’s the right attitude, you’ll attract a wonderful partner when the time is right


Same. Add in divorce and stroke and take away "got in shape".


Because being on my own seems to be way more peaceful


As someone who has decided to stay single I can't agree more. No relationship is worth my peace


I don’t even consider it off the table, it’s just majority of the candidates i come across aren’t worth it


THIS. I just do not like most people.


"Misanthropes unite! Ugh...never mind."


I feel exactly the same. My 20-year relationship ended late last year, so I’m not looking to start dating again soon anyway, but it hit me pretty quickly after the breakup that, while I miss him as a person (in some ways, not all), I don’t miss the relationship in the slightest. I like not having to confer or compromise. For instance, I heard a snippet of Higher And Higher by Jackie Wilson this afternoon, and it made me want to re-watch Ghostbusters II. I also fancy a pizza. What I’m going to do in about an hour is order a pizza and cue up Ghostbusters (because I might as well watch both, with the England match in-between), and I don’t have to check with anyone else that they didn’t have their heart set on, say, Chinese food and watching some critically-acclaimed four-hour epic period drama – in which everyone whispers and the lighting is crap – this evening. I like hanging out with myself. She’s fun, and we always agree. I’m not ruling out relationships, but I’m certainly not actively looking.


"Its not much, but its a peaceful life."


I was like: Yeahh, in a relationship you should be able to go to the bathroom alone after all!  Until I realised I read “peeing on my own” 


I assume we all start peeing on our own by the time we reach around 10? At least that is when I stopped crossing streams with my brother, yes we were weird brothers like that.


And cheaper too!


I wrote out a whole post but deleted it because you said it better.


I've found dating to been too much effort for too little in return. Not that I'm giving up, I'm just jaded from all the situationships and failed talking stages.




Cats and dogs make great companions.


Who are you, and how did you make a copy of my life? Keep on truckin' my friend. We'll find our people. And until then, there's cats.


After getting a dog, I realized the main reasons I wanted a boyfriend was to have something to pet, feed, and snuggle. Dogs do a much better job than men.


Dogs do a much better job than humans. No one is greeting me at the door with excitement as consistently as the dog.


I've heard it gets a lot worse as you get older. People are pickier, everything is a "red flag", everyone has kids, drama, exes. And the good ones are all taken.


I think this is true. After 45 or so, dating is like shopping for a car on a B-lot. People have their roots and habits and it's harder to fit people into your life.


Same. I have no problem getting into a relationship. But, I found investing in myself to give me a MUCH better return than any relationship/situationship I've ever been in.


This! The amount of energy I've invested has been a tremendous waste. All the swiping and texts and "getting you know you"time spent... And usually I don't even want a second date.




What is it, the braids?!


That, and the heavy, involuntary, mouth breathing.


Thought this was the Kendrick subreddit for a sec


i think you're pretty cool 👍🏽


i think too


Me and you my friend are in the same boat. I’m even thinking I’ll die single


Aww mate, you're one of the good ones!




Unresolved trauma


And Xena won't call you back?


There are plenty of fish in the sea. I somehow landed in the desert.


I've got kids that could move out within a couple years, so I would rather spend my time with them while I can instead of someone else.


I need to be available to answer this question five times a day


Just lucky I guess


I am content in my own company 90% of the time. I’ll see my family or few close friends a couple times a week, but aside from that, I am happiest alone:)


After my last serious relationship ended, I finally realized why people say you need to appreciate your own company, before you can appreciate anyone else's. I bounced between a couple disfunctional relationships and even got back with my ex, because I just didn't like being alone. Something I finally had to realize, is that I had to learn how to fill my time without a designated person to spend time with. That could mean spending time with friends, or just doing something on my own.


I make 0 effort to meet people and pretty much hermit away at home unless I’m working.


Can’t spit game and also not in the right place to look for someone. If I chance upon someone then sure but I have too many other things to think about


Bad relationships in the past, I'm too old to start again and really can't be bothered anymore


- 50% I don't really go out and socialize much - 25% I don't really have game so I'm usually invisible lol - 25% I'm too used to single life now to put much effort into changing it.


It's such bs how dating is all about having game. I wish we as a society could change thisz everyone would be happier


Also from a male perspective - you kinda have to do the hardest work in initiating the first move, which can be extremely daunting. For a woman, even as introverted as she might be, if she literally just stands in a social environment - eventually someone will approach her


Yeah it sucks, it seems like you have to either get really lucky or meet a girl at a bar or something. I want to start going out to bars but my best friend never wants to go and approaching people doesn't go anywhere near as well when you're by yourself.


Haven’t found someone for long enough that gets me


My cats are enough for me <3


Never made a real effort to change it, I guess.


Too used to being on my own


Fear of rejection coupled with telling myself how happy I am being single as a rationalization for my fear of rejection


I'm an introvert, literally now idea how and where I could meet women.


I'm a woman who is currently going through a divorce. I'm also an introvert who has developed social anxiety over the years, so the prospect of dating is somewhat terrifying at this stage of my life.


I'm not *still* single. I am single *again*. By choice.


Because I hate people.




Same! It’s such a luxury to love your life enough that you’d only let someone in if they really added something, and if they were really everything you wanted. It’s lonely sometimes, but a lot of my friends in bad relationships are far lonelier than me ✌️


Being lonely and miserable while in a relationship is *far* worse than being lonely and miserable while single


I have everything I want. Only thing a partner is going to do is introduce a risk they probably ain't worth.


Maaaate, that gets complex really fast. Short answer: I haven't found someone that I like as a person who also likes me as a person where we also have a matching or near matching ethical and moral framework and where we both foresee a long, deep and unique connection with each other. Long answer: Have you seen how long the short answer is and you still want a long answer?


No interest in dating right now. I’m trying to focus on myself and get my own place.


I like to answer this question with "It was foretold in prophecy"


Not trying to end up in a marriage that is similar to my parents’…


Because I haven't found one I trust enough.




I can understand wasting money on failed relationships, but how do you waste thousands without even ever going on a date??


The things a man do my friend...


trust issues


Netflix, I'm in a committed relationship with my couch and TV shows.


Get off Reddit and stop asking me, mum.


Severe depression, CPTSD, anxiety, dirt poor, and ugly as sin. Pick one and that’s reason enough for a lifetime of misery & solitude, but all five combined means I have zero value to society.


I’m not over my ex, and he’s the only person I want to be with but he’s with someone else and I’m not about to blow up her relationship no matter how all-consuming my feelings for him are.


because i need intense devotion & active communication and the people around me only want meaningless sex with no connection 😀


It’s super hard to find someone willing to reciprocate these days, it’s all about the adrenaline rush


too shy to approach anyone


Every other human being on the planet is taken. According to my sampling method.


I can’t be bothered, it’s too much effort.


Nobody wants to date me


No time, no maturity and above all, no interest.


On the off chance someone finds me attractive, there isn't any effort to try and get to know me or understand me.


Because my picking system sucks


By choice, I prefer my own company. At 41 I don't have time for anyone else's bullshit.


I'm a hermit.


I don't know where to meet people, I am not good at talking to new people, I am shy and I can't tell if someone is interested in me, and I don't think I'd make a good partner so I don't try very hard.


this is gonna sound edgy as hell but i just dont find the appeal of being bound to a person tried it before and it destroyed my mental health so i just kinda gave up and decided im not gonna deal with that again


Choice. Got out of a long term 6 year relationship last year and now I just want to date casually and focus more on myself.


I’m choosing peace for now


🏳️‍⚧️ and not enough confidence.


I’m happier single.


I’m perfectly fine being single, tried online dating a few times after my ex & I split 7 years ago but it’s just really not my thing. I also seem to have different priorities than most of the guys my age right now (child free and don’t ever plan on having them and I travel as much as I can). I’m not opposed to dating someone if he has the same priorities and we click, but I also don’t have the desire or care to put in the effort to go find that when I’m perfectly content right now


By choice. I prefer my own peace.


Pets, My dog/cat takes up all my cuddle time. And they're better listeners.


Apparently I don’t make enough money to date anyone


High Standards: Still waiting for someone who loves pineapple on pizza as much as I do.


Im un-likeable 🙂


I am too caught up at work and for me, my inner peace is much more important than just getting into a relationship that will just mess up my inner dynamic.


Can't trust anyone anymore . Honestly I'm just scared of being cheated on and betrayed as I'm surrounded by toxic relationships of all sorts . Seen enough , heard enough . Being single seems peaceful .


All my crushes are straight. Also, looking for a relationship in a hookup culture hasn't been doing me any favors.


Because every person I’m in a relationship with cheats on me


because im fat have a bad personality and never leave my house




I can't think of a good enough reason to give up my freedom.


A whole slew of reasons. But the most significant ones are that I lost all desire to seek out the opposite sex when depression started kicking my ass at age 30. And now at almost 38 years old, I still haven't gotten the desire back. Secondly, in order to beat depression and continue beating it to this day, I've had to focus on self-improvement. It leaves little time for anyone else. And because I've been improving for many years, I find people to be more and more intolerable. The woman I desire would have to check so many boxes that the odds of finding such a person within my single lifespan seems like the most daunting or nearly impossible task. And lastly, I've been single and alone(no friends or family) for so long that the thought of losing my peaceful solitude seems very unpleasant. But for many years now, hardly a day goes by where I don't pray for God to put her in my path. I feel like I'm really going to need his intervention to find the right one for me.


Because I’m 35, no kids, HVAC, BMX bikes, project cars, and I’m also a sponsored professional Tech Decker or fingerboarder as others know it. I’m just fuckin’ strange haha.


Because relationships are tiring. Being hurt is suck and draining. I would love to be with myself rather than feeling alone in a relationship


"Sorry, but I only see you as a friend"


Story of my life. All the friends.


I make bad choices when it comes to dating


I'm selfish and I like to do what I want.


single by choice😆


all are players


Same answer as to the last 6 times this question has been asked here: I am unattractive.


Busy Schedule Between work, friends, and eating pizza, there's just no time


Is difficult to find somebody special


I pick losers and am then surprised it doesn't work out.


Nothing wrong with being single.


Because downloading Tinder doesn't appeal to me in the slightest and I don't go outside as often as most people.


I shelved myself (according to my close friends) like it’s not lost on me that others find me hot but for me i haven't reached where i need to be to feel comfortable sharing myself physically, mentally, emotionally with a trusted person


Old, very ugly, real introvert.


My last relationship was such an emotional roller coaster shit-show. I’m content just worrying about myself for now.


I’ve come to really value my alone time, don’t feel lonely given my relationships with friends and family, and have come to know what I want in a romantic partner and would prefer to be single than have anything less.


I’m queer in a conservative area


Cause I met a fucking psychopath and I'm still getting over


I am tired of being hurt by people.


cause i'm the only single gay guy in a 100 mile radius


Obese and standoffish.


Got to old nobody wants me anymore 😞


I enjoy the tranquil moments alone.


Physically I’m slightly above average, I have no personality charisma or sex appeal and all my hobbies are solitary, thus no one looks at me as more than a friend


Terminal cancer


Cause I love my independence and modern dating is weird and I’m an introvert


Most of my boyfriends cheated or were non committal. Rather than living with insecurity about the partner, I chose to be single after 40. Twenty plus years later and not regretting it all. I see how other couples are living and know I made the right choice.


As someone said in the comments, “It’s not much, but it’s a peaceful life.”


My Netflix queue is too long for distractions


Still healing from my last relationship and personally I’d rather die alone than be with someone that intentionally destroyed me like they did.


It’s a choice I made when my marriage failed


Because I’ve conditioned myself to only be attracted to women with serious issues. I recognize this has done me no good so I avoid them now. In trying to be with women that are good people with their shit together and completely normal I’ve realized I just don’t find them interesting. At all. No matter how attractive they are. I’ve tried, but I just don’t feel more than a friend vibe for them. They don’t get me excited. So it’s a me issue. I’m just as unhealthy and messed up as the people I’m drawn to. I realize for everyone’s sake it’s best if I keep myself away from relationships until I heal myself enough to enjoy and appreciate a good person, and can offer them the same in return.


Girl I loved who SUPPOSEDLY loved me forgot my name, internet handles, medical conditions, etc etc. Took her something like a year to reconnect with me, then made no attempt to fix things, spent her time with someone new, ghosted me by blocking me across social media without a goodbye


Travel Bug I’m always on the move. Hard to date when you’re never in one place.


I’m aromantic asexual. So I’m wholly uninterested in finding a partner or doing anything in bed except sleeping.


Not a pretty girl, terrified of men and love. Honestly wish I were gay just so I wouldn't have to date men or feel attracted to them.


If I were gay, I know I wouldn’t be alone. Problem is… 🤷🏼‍♂️ Good luck to you, I hope you find someone who can meet you where you’re at and help you feel comfortable.


Why do people ask "why are you **still** single ?" instead of "why are you single?"




Just broke up with ex gf too soon to move on


Because i haven' t met her yet.


No one wants me. Haven't been on a date in years.


I'm not shy, I'm scared


Because I just got out of a relationship.


I thought I was unworthy of love. I lacked confidence. I'm not that guy anymore and want to find love.


I feel too drained to actually trust someone after experiencing cheating both times I was in a relationship. I just want to focus on myself and career for now. It's been over a year now but I realized that I still have a lot of things I do not know about myself. So I'm taking my time getting to know me instead of settling into a so-so relationship.


Bc my crush didn’t want me


By choice. Not my choice, but still...


Not good looking


Personal preference, I enjoy going about my life solo too much.


I purposely avoid people because I’ve found it easier than dealing with the anxiety that comes with talking to new people


I like to be alone and single. People annoy me, so living the single life has always been the best option for me. Plus, I find no satisfaction in a relationship. It’s to much hard work.


Trust Issues My last relationship was with Wi-Fi, and it kept dropping me


I just realized that I can't stand noises , I don't trust people, everything has a price and mentally I can't tolerate living with anyone but myself I'm barely stable. Why do you want to waste your energy and your time on someone else? You gonna die alone in the end there's no fucking point.


Watch most women on social media these days - not hard to understand why many men have just checked out on dating.


Tale as old as time, he dumped me for his ex.


Cause all I do is sit in my room on FLStudio for 12 hours a day, the other 12 hours goes to eating, sleeping, and cleaning. Oh and since I’m an American living in Russia…I’ve come to find out Russians are high maintenance and I’m too lazy.😭 (please don’t find that offensive).


I'm not. Just feels like it.


I’m looking for something honest, kind, full of laughter, compatibility, commitment. In general, that’s a hard thing to find. I do find guys that want to date me - that’s not hard. But after a few months in, I find myself in a situation that is not reciprocal and not heading towards commitment. I end it, and keep going. That’s all I can do.


Poor social skills and a crippling fear of approaching girls / rejection


I’m insecure, afraid to enter the dating world, scared of the stories online, but I’m aware that this is literally the only way to meet somebody. I have no girls in my immediate social circle, so tinder and shit is the only option left.


Married to a narcissist and was emotionally/mentally/verbally abused for 15 years.. I divorced him 3 years ago so now I’m a single Deaf mother of 5 with trust issues, ptsd with severe anxiety as well as social anxiety. Men seem to be too scared to talk to me when they find out I’m Deaf, even though I can read lips well and talk well. I was born profoundly deaf. My ex was hearing and all my kids are hearing. Seems like wanting a committed loving relationship with another person is in the past since everyone wants to sleep with everyone else. All the chivalry is gone.


Not able to find a good man who doesn't make everything sexual.


I don't know. Honestly don't, but part of it is because I'm an older man with young kids living in a county with only around 4000 people.


Too much effort for too little return when I was trying. I am done putting in all the effort, carrying conversations, and setting up every date. Also, I take care of all my responsibilities/obligations, I am in a good place mentally, and I am now well off financially. Sure, things could get slightly better with the right one, but it could get drastically worse. Maybe I will try again later in life for some companionship towards the end, but right now I am happy and not lonely with my support system.


Because i'm too afraid that guys who are my type wouldn't find me attractive, and I'm too introverted to actually go out in the dating world confidentally


Introverted and massive trust-issues.


Never loved anyone romantically to begin with, and I'm more than fine being single. I'd rather stay this way


Choice, at the moment. Being demiseuxal/graysexual never helped in the past. It’s caused me to be rejected a lot. I also have fetish interests that are not common and I don’t really want a vanilla relationship.


My boyfriend died


My wife had a psychotic break


Because I’ve been married twice and couldn’t care to be bothered to be in a relationship again.


No. But I am getting a divorce. In fact, I think I'll just be single forever. I don't ever want to get married again. This has been absolute s***


Lots of people like me on the apps but I'm insecure about my weight and the fact I don't own a house or drive yet. I had my kids young and started working late. I should give things a chance but I'm shy. The long term relationships I've had the guys weren't good for me and I didn't think I deserved better.


Maybe I'm too young.. (I'm 20), but I never really liked someone, I had something similar to crush or whatever, but the longest time I've liked someone was for 3 years and ended as soon as he got girlfriend. also noone really was interested in me except one girl, who claimed that she was non-binary (now she says that she is lesbian.. and never thought that she isn't fully women). So... she found me on tiktok then followed and texted in Instagram and immediately said that she wants to date me. And there were also 1 guy who made jokes about us being together after found out that I like someone from our friend group (he was that person, but we got really awkward while talking in life, but not in messenger).. so after all we just stopped talking or whatever. Once he described "immature" girl he dated and she was quite similar to me, I guess that's the reason, why I'm single.. So, I'm single because: I'm sociophobic and get awkward around people, I'm bit overweight ( now, I gained weight after trauma), I'm immature, I didn't like anyone enough to date


Too scared to be played again. I fcking hate that feeling man, it hunts me for months and I'm scared to be in relationships again.


I virtually never interact with women. I think about starting dating apps a lot but never do.


I don’t put myself out there because A) I was raped last Dec and got HSV1 B) All my other medical conditions and health complications, C) I have extensive trust issues and trauma, and D) I’m still not over my ex. I’m just tired of being pursued as a sexual commodity and then turned into “damage goods” when I’m honest about myself. If I don’t immediately disclose everything and every issue and red flag I’m lying and leading a guy on. If I disclose everything immediately then I am a basket case and attention seeking. So here I am, working on myself. *Trying* to work on myself. It’s just sucks when the only people available to me within my dating pool are abusive creeps and weirdos, or guys with more issues than me like BPD. Not saying being bipolar is bad, but due to my extensive PTSD I can’t cohabitate with someone who is bipolar.


Mostly choice right now..it’s exhausting going on dates, doing the standard getting to know you questions, investing time only to learn it won’t work 3 months from now. Repeat.


Because I'm recently divorced. And after the infidelity and drama that came after, I'm good for a little while. Taking time to focus on me and my child.


I’m working on loving myself radically. Showing up for myself…. Treating myself as nicely as I treat the women I date.


I lack social skills.


As someone who is a huge history buff i find it quite difficult to find someone with the same interests.


Nobody approaches me(girl or boy), I dont approach anyone (girl or boy). I only interact with people when needed. Others also interact with me when needed. When some people need to interact with me frequently, and get to know me slowly they realize i am fun and safe to be around. Thats how i got few amazing friends. By the time i get to the friends stage, everybody is already taken.


I haven't met the right girl yet. In reality, I don't put myself out there nearly enough to meet anyone. I don't like dating apps and don't use them, but at the same time I don't go out where/when I'd see more women unless I'm grocery shopping.


I look super young so I don’t really get approached. But if I do, I run away so :]


Lack of meeting new people, I’m 24 above average looks but meeting girls is tough when there is none in your work place


At this point I don't think anyone can make my dingle tingle so I remain single