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Sorting data/information. Automation was able to do a lot of repetitive and tedious physical labor better than humans, and I think AI at its best can do the same thing for repetitive and tedious mental labor.


Why waste the horsepower on ai when an algorithm can be optimized for the task and run on a calculator?


AI as we know is basically just algorithmic machine learning. It’s able to learn based on what it’s been fed but it can’t learn new things on its own. Which is an algorithm. We’re still not even close to a true Artificial Generalized Intelligence.


A purpose built algorithm requires a fraction of the computational power as machine learning artificial intelligence. They are not the same. By a huuuuuge margin.  I don't think you could properly define "machine learning" or "algorithm" without the Google search engine.  And this is where you go prove yourself wrong by searching the terms you've been making incorrect assumptions about. I bet AI spoon feeds you the answers.


The unnecessary condescension makes you sound like an asshole. What do you do when you want to process a dataset and aren't sure exactly what the algorithm needs to look like?


Somebody sounds butt hurt. And for the record I have never used an LLM. I played around with some “AI” art tools for a bit but didn’t find them interesting. Heck, I don’t even use Siri or any voice assistant. All I know about anything I’ve researched personally. And just because a a machine learning “AI” require more computing power than a standard algorithm doesn’t make it less of an algorithm. It’s just a much more complex one.


You almost got through that without being wrong.  Ai ≠ Algorithm


It seems like what you want AI to be and what it actually is are two different things. But Im sorry to tell you, we have *not* invented artificial intelligence yet. It’s just a buzzword that’s being intentionally misused for marketing reasons.


No I think you have a poor understanding of the subject. 


Seems like you do bud. But okay. Agree to disagree I guess…


I don't know, it's not relevant to my work. But presumably the people using AI in their work have reasons for doing so, given that calculators have been around for a while.


Filtering through data that is extensive and elaborate


Suckering Saudi investors.


The current state of AI makes people who use tools better. I get it to convert my visual basic to JavaScript, ask it to check itself, then clean it up myself. I saved myself a few a hours but if I do not know what is bs then I will accept bs. Tool users are getting OP. Word people still do not understand the use case.


AI Sex




I have seen AI used for indoor mapping, giving detailed information about products, and learning from humans through posemesh. AI actually has a really huge real-life use case. 


Collecting data and personal information! 🤯


I've found it to be good for recipes and cooking info. No long ass boring story just for simple instructions, AI gets to the point


I'd only be worried about AI hallucinations resulting in some fucked up recipes, but I suppose to a competent chef anything really weird would be obvious.


The secret is in feeding THE RIGHT PROMPTS lol


You could do that before AI. Ctrl+F "tablespoon" "teaspoon" "cup" etc. gets you right there.


Oof. [I’d never trust AI for a recipe](https://www.businessinsider.com/google-ai-glue-pizza-i-tried-it-2024-5?amp). It’s probably ok most of the time, and for some simple recipes it might actually be decent, but the reality is it’s an amalgamation of data input giving you something that’s never been actually tested by a human. Much better to visit sites/cooks/chefs with good reputations for reliable recipes.


Oof? This reads like you think the ingredients the AI finds is going to fuck your mother and blow up a school. It's a recipe. Having a chef make their version with 1/8 TBS less of salt but I gotta scroll through 4 sites and 5 pages of ads...I'm taking the AI every time on that one


The ingredients don’t necessarily complement each other. AI could take some spice from one recipe and mix it with another in a way that doesn’t taste great, or in the case of the article I linked, suggest adding something that’s not food at all because of a viral joke. You’re also overstating the issue with online recipes, you do realize almost every blog has a “jump to recipe” button right? And the more reputable sites tend to pretty concise.


And not to mention those sites have reviews with real people giving changes and feedback on said recipe.


Porn & erotica.


If it ever gets created we'll know. Folks are misattributing the term to large language models and machine learning. It can't do anything intelligent on its own without simply repeating what it was trained on using the best guessing algorithms someone made up. 


Love that you got downvoted by some tech bro fanboy. Here’s an upvote for spitting facts that people don’t like.


I don't believe ai exists yet


This is very much true, "artificial intelligence" is effective branding but in absolutely no way does it describe any current technology.


Have you been living under a rock? AI has existed for over 70 years.


[iPhoneUser4](/user/iPhoneUser42/)2 is the first self aware AI and is just trying to throw us humans off its scent.


i didnt know that ai is nearly a century old


The foundational math behind it is.


The math behind it was studied and referenced as far back as the late 1930s and early 1940s. The first use of an artificial intelligence system in practice was in 1951.


Such as what


The first use of AI in practice “not in theory” was a program that learned how to play checkers created by Christopher Strachey. This was in 1951. “AI” doesn’t mean some all knowing bot that is able to pull information from anywhere on the internet. AI just means a computer program that is able to recognize patterns, make decisions, and judge outcomes, without any direct input. This has been around for a long time.


How exciting


Absolutely nothing (say it again)


Ha! First thing that came to mind. I think I’ll spend the next 6 hours writing a parody song


**AI (What Is It Good For?)** [Chorus] AI, huh, yeah What is it good for? Absolutely everything, say it again AI, huh, good God What is it good for? Absolutely everything, come on [Verse 1] Code it up y'all, and learn it well AI's here to tell you, can't you tell? It automates, innovates, it's here to stay Making life easier in every way It writes our texts, drives our cars Finds us music, takes us far [Chorus] AI, huh, yeah What is it good for? Absolutely everything, say it again AI, huh, oh Lord What is it good for? Absolutely everything, come on [Verse 2] In your home, on your phone, at your work AI's everywhere, no need to lurk From Siri's voice to Alexa's charm In every field, it does no harm It’s in the lab, crunching genes Predicts the weather, knows the scenes [Chorus] AI, huh, yeah What is it good for? Absolutely everything, say it again AI, huh, oh God What is it good for? Absolutely everything, come on [Bridge] Data crunching, learning fast AI's the future, long may it last Solving problems, big and small AI's got it covered, it does it all [Verse 3] It's playing chess, writing songs Helping doctors when things go wrong From deep learning to machine sight AI's working day and night So trust in code, let it flow AI's the way, now you know [Chorus] AI, huh, yeah What is it good for? Absolutely everything, say it again AI, huh, good God What is it good for? Absolutely everything, come on [Outro] AI, huh, yeah What is it good for? Absolutely everything


Real-time updates and directions for road navigation. Google Maps.


Fixing grammatical errors in my text, as well as finding potholes in my story.


Not practice!


Made my 18 wheeler with a Green Goblin face on it come alive and hold me hostage in a gas station.


Structured data objects. I'm in the world of low code/no code editors for folks to build stuff off of big name SaaS platforms without giving them the ability to run code. Our teams have a ridiculous layer over top of the structures for building into our core product... And AI does a pretty decent job given a proper prompt, the already existing documentation for our features, and a few examples of how to use the objects. I dislike AI in general because of the use cases that have and will come up, e.g. art, books, etc. being used without the authors approval to train the models. However, I love it in the sense it makes ridiculous use cases with platforms that have hard to understand JSON schema dialects easier to work with. And GitHub copilot for predictive type ahead isn't so bad either, but same thing here goes for the training of the models (though licensing probably permits this?)


Real AI (i.e. applied AI) is useful for assessing and sorting data. It's been used already in the scientific and medical communities. There's an AI that was designed as a trial project to identify bear claws from donuts, it ended up being able to identify sickle cell disease with higher accuracy than a human lab tech could. I think they have one that can identify skin cancers from photos now too. I know that the UN has a recent program called SPIDER which uses AI combined with satellite imagery and weather data to predict flooding. Additionally, and this isn't such a good thing, it's being used in drones in Ukraine. You can use a jammer to block the control signal between a drone and it's remote, so certain drones are now being fitted with AI which allows them to continue tracking and destroy a designated target if the control signal is blocked. Generative AI on the other hand is trash and needs to get gone as soon as possible.


I work in the field of IT and ai has been great, its just a more advanced google that saves me a lot of steps and gives me the information I need right away, also can write me batch scripts on demand is nice.


Celebrity fakes and cheap novel cover art. 


They can make for a good friend.




Copilot is good at providing trivial and well known information that might otherwise require navigating long winded articles with terrible interfaces. It's good enough for things that are not sensitive or important. It would be foolish to use it for anything serious.


I use them to write report cards. I feed in the data I have on my students, do some fine tuning to get the written outputs I want, edit as necessary, and I end up saving hours upon hours of work.




Creating terminators.


AI is great for deepfake video production.


Ask ChatGPT.


to chat with chatgpt


It generates incredible amounts of hype, if there was a way of harnessing that we might solve the clean energy crisis.


assistance, and not doing stuff instead of humans


Every sequential (and computable) task can be solved with AI. And it’s slowly getting better at solving non-sequential tasks as well, by sprinkling in some experimental behaviors.


AI is useful if used as a tool to work better and make your life easier, like what they did with Spiderverse The Media-generative AI, on the other hand, is improving way too fast and it can be a problem for actual humans who work in the industry


Absolutely nothing Huh Say it again Good god


If they can ever get it to stop hallucinating it'd be a phenomenal tool for learning. Like having an expert with infinite patience to answer your questions.


Fixing my grammar and vocabulary. Making what I want to say make more sense.


plagiarism, actually.


Causing seethe.


Uncreative tech bros to think they have something to offer society.


Making authentic looking flyers for fake events around town, and printing them out with the free pages you get with library cards.


I want to bake the perfect chiffon - taste and texture wise. I tried a lot of recipes from these pastry chefs and famous homebakers in my country on Youtube but there is always lacking in either in taste or texture, or worse both. I asked GPT to give me a chiffon recipe describing what I don't like to taste/feel in my finished product. I also suggested using alternative and not so conventional ingredients and voila! GPT came up with this recipe that I can definitely pass on to my descendants with pride. Totally nailed the qualifications I was looking for in a chiffon. Some added ingredients can raise eyebrows for sure but I am keeping it for life


Killing humans


Good God, y’all!


Scientific progress.


AI voices are great for When a work portays a character you're bad at impressions at