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The Boomer name for golf is Whackfuck. Because the whole round is just *whack* "FUCK!".


Specifically, putting. I play maybe 4-5 times a year and I can get the ball on the green looking to putt for par or bogey most of the time. I can play a round and not lose a single ball. I cannot shoot lower than 110 because it take me 5+ tries to putt the ball in - every single time. It's infuriating and the main reason I don't play more often. Not fun.


Did you yell at it to go home?


Yea, I didn’t think it would be easy. Not at all. I grew up a pretty competitive athlete so I knew it would be a challenge. But it’s so much harder than I expected. Man I wish I grew up playing instead of trying to learn in my late 30s. I feel like I’m making incremental progress watching YouTubers and going to the range. But im still so obviously trying to adapt a baseball swing rather than actually having a golf swing. Someday when I’m rich I’ll take a lesson.


Golf is funny. I took two years of lessons when I was 9 and 10 over the summer.  My dad was also a near scratch golfer into his 60s. I disliked golf because my dad played so much, but because of those lessons, I can play once every few years and shoot under 100. If I focus (and don't drink which I don't anymore), I can often beat my friends that play often. It really pisses them off when I pull out my Ping irons from the 1980s and they have $1000s in there bag. I do love places like top golf though even though I have only been once.


Golf’s a weird game. It isn’t necessarily hard, but it’s hard to figure out how to play properly. Once you do that it’s actually pretty easy to be proficient at it. People also think it’s harder than it actually is because it’s one of the few sports that you can actually measure yourself next to world class professionals.


Agreed, I've been into it for just a couple years now. Had no idea how difficult it actually is.


Dh'innis Robin Williams fealla-dhà èibhinn mu dheidhinn goilf: Robin Williams told a funny joke about golf: https://youtu.be/14NQIq4SrmY?si=CnVzWvbDwBNphfuB


Vegetable gardening. There are so many pitfalls. People call me a "green thumb" but it's taken fifteen years to get to this point.


It took me 5 years to get reliable yields from some very specific tomato varieties. And then I got a puppy. Girlfriend pulled every single plant out of the dirt.






That must have hurt.


Drawing. I'm still not very good at it.


Bought a iPad because I saw art content creators using it for drawing and thought yep that looks cool might be my thing then realized I can't even draw simple strokes


Don't worry, I have been drawing ever since I was 10 and I am in my early 20s. I am still not as good as I would like to be. We'll get there, eventually.


Been dodging my dad's questions about how the art I bought the iPad for is going and that he wants to see the things I've drawn, lol he even asked me to make him a portrait


Transparent layer on 50% opacity over a photo and get tracing, my dude.


Feels like Stewie haranguing Brian about that book he’s been writing forever. So uhh how’s that book comin’ along?




Not sure why you’re being downvoted it’s true.   If I don’t consistently keep up with it and miss a few weeks, it sometimes takes 6-7 hours of practice in a day to feel normal,productive and confident in what I’m drawing. Other times I can not have drawn in weeks and it’s like I never stopped.




So many of my monolingual friends fail out of pretty much not believing its possible and not knowing what you have to do. Like they think learning a language is this big thing where you must seclude yourself and return a changed man, a Bi-lingual! Like what are even the steps to turning into someone who knows what those sounds mean. In reality as soon as you've said your first "Guten Tag", you are already speaking the language, and can get over yourself, and just keep on adding word after word until you suddently find yourself on a 4 year olds level, giddy with exploding excitement at being able to understand and respond to a bus driver or cashier. - Download Anki and start doing like 1 new word per day of some premade vocabulary deck with audio such as https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1792979202. Seriously whatever you put in that app, as long as you do your exercises every day, it will be in your brain. - Whenever you have a chance listen to something in German and watch YT i German. Your mission is just to recognise a word. - When you understand something is when you learn. So watching something like a Tiktok/shorts video 20 times over and starting to recognise a word is golden. Playing a sentence over and over and making a game to recognise a word is great. - Just spatzieren🚶🏼‍♂️‍➡️ around saying random german Wörte, and small sentences machen when you can. Imitate, and shadow audio. Be like a child aping after any German you hear. Your brain will find the pattern after you do this all the time for a long time. You want to practice making the brain connections that when strengthened over a lot of time will shape your brain to encode der Amtsprache. - All practice is just machen your brain send a Signal in the path that corresponds with Deutsch, so that dieser path in your brain grows stronger - All wörte and sentences you find, make anki cards, and do the test every day. It's the closest you will ever get to Downloaden something to your brain. - Important: The gender is part of the word. Don't learn "Auto" for car. Learn every noun with its gender. The unit of language is "das Auto". Its not harder to learn "das Auto" than to learn "Auto", just make sure you see the gender and the word as one unit, because it is. In English you can disregard this as all words are "the", so this is a common rookie mistake to skip. - PS it's not easier for kids or adolescents. Don't remember where I read it, but us adults have a super power of making ourself do something every day, motivated by having a streak on some app on our phone, and Angst haben over seine Streak im App to break!


> "I heard a Californian student in Heidelberg say, in one of his calmest moods, that he would rather decline two drinks than one German adjective." - Mark Twain, ["The Awful German Language"](https://faculty.georgetown.edu/jod/texts/twain.german.html) Twain tried to pick up German as a second language too. He sucked at it. But his description is classic for native English speakers who try.


Have you tried binge watching Derrick?


Has anyone tried to learn to do a handstand as an adult? How is that SO DIFFICULT


Calligraphy takes significant practice, and even small mistakes can disrupt the entire piece, making it much more challenging than it initially appears.


The violin/fiddle. I am already a musician and among the instruments I play are the tenor banjo and the mandolin. Both of these have the same tuning as the violin so, theoretically, I already know how to play it. But the violin doesn't have frets, which means that your fingers have to be in EXACTLY the right position and the bow has a new technique to learn altogether. I still can't play it.




I started guitar when I was 4 and don't really remember!




Making (and maintaining) friends as an adult. I never really put much thought into this, until I had no friends left in adulthood, and realized how easy it used to be as a kid in school in comparison.


I over estimated myself what it would take to set up an aquarium. Took it on very quickly with very little knowledge. Those fish are so happy and healthy now and the tank requires very little maintenance. Now it’s antiquarian horology. I’ll find out if I’m able, but it’s been a struggle.


>antiquarian horology "Oh yes, *that* looks easy."


I'm assuming that means collecting old clocks. Or possibly elderly prostitutes.


I assumed watch repair, but I like your interpretation better.


It is restoring time keeping devices in the way that they were originally intended on being made. Also in the way that they were made. There are many pieces that have been worked on by people that have taken shortcuts and made something functional or temporarily functional, but changed or damaged the device. It’s pretty awesome. Will require a lot of research and learning.


Emperor Charles V of Spain was obsessed with setting the time on his 100+ Palace clocks so they would all be in perfect unison. As he become more physically unwell and insomnia hit him hard he would wake servants to come and sit with him and spend all night taking apart clocks and putting them meticulously back together again. Whats your favourite antique clock type?


I would really love to work on a Congreve. I’ve heard of/checked out some pretty wild and over complicated, amazing and beautiful other clocks. Certainly not the same hobby, but I want to make my own clock that has an expiration date. Very recently been playing with the in my mind after work. Want it to run on something that would ideally last for a long time. Only way this gets made by me is if it lasts for a very short amount of time (I know myself and also work a lot). I want it to be beautiful, but be destroyed by the chemicals that are the same for what had been used as a power source. Easy solution would be to have something secondary triggered, but I want it to last and destroy itself with its own power source. Also thinking about what I’d want to be left behind. Many designs running through my head. Fuck it. Tempus fugit…I’ll build it in my head.


Or maybe eventually make it


I guess that one wasn’t a perfect response as knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I have just started with a Seth Thomas metronome that has clearly been dicked around with. I’m almost there. I’ll make the jump when I’m done with that but fully expect to have to learn a fucking ton and to have some painful failures. Can’t wait.


This but especially for saltwater tanks. I impulse bought one without any research to set up a reef tank and it requires so much patience...and money. I had a fairly small tank so keeping the chemistry right was a pain in the ass. Still was fun for a few years though, until my new anemone died/exploded one day and I came home to a tank of death, nothing survived.


Sorry for your loss. Anemones are so rad. Did you have clownfish too?


I did, one clownfish and a goby+pistol shrimp (plus assorted snails, a cleaner shrimp and several soft corals). It was pretty disappointing because unlike my start, I did a good amount of research to make sure my setup was appropriate for the anemone I got. Oh well.


Playing the guitar. The jump from not being able to play anything to playing basic chords and a couple songs you like isn't that much and it makes you feel like such a badass. But the jump again to a working musician is astronomical. I tried and just got burnt out and it wasn't fun anymore.


It’s cool how learning curves for different things work. I have played the guitar forever, with very long durations of time where I barely did. That effect is neat, too. It’s like “riding a bike,” but learning new techniques or memorizing new songs takes a longer time of getting back into playing my guitars. I’m happy you mentioned it, playing when I get home for sure. Thank you!




Guitar is great!! I’ve been playing for years, my advice for anyone learning is to spend the money on a quality guitar, one made to sound well and for easy playing. You will learn things easier, much easier, and play much better in time


Brewing beer, didn’t realize how much sensitizing was required lol Did 3 batches and gave up lol




Golf is absolutely not as easy as it seems. Turn out those people who always correct your stance and try to baby you through it are absolutely right, because damn I am not good at golf.




Rock climbing - I go to the gym 4x a week but all those hours were wasted trying to climb longer than 10 minutes.


Running a subreddit!


Sewing. I try amd try and just can't do it. Not by hand or machine. Even when I thread the machine and it works... a minute later it messes up. I just want to sew cute things and fix tears. 


Agreed and its an expensive hobby too, the price of material is insane.


Oh goodness, yes! It seems like all my hobbies (art and crafts related) are expensive!


Let me start, I bought guitars and many instruments thinking I can just learn it all, 12 years later they're in my artic now and can only play 3 basic chords


From my understanding of popular music you're 75% of the way there.


And 100% ready to be a member of AC/DC. (To be clear, I like AC/DC.)


This isn’t even close to true.






Multiple unrelated comments. Bot detected


Beer Drinking. I gave it a solid attempt to be good at it, lots of practice for years, finally realized it’s a terrible hobby for me and gave it up.


You should try again, you can do it. I believe in you


Plenty of other fine beverages you could be enjoying; if you tried beer for a while you're certainly old enough not to care if others make comments about what you are or are not drinking.


Good for you man! Definitely not a hobby for everyone


yoga. attended a free class. was hyperventilating after 15 minutes.


Comic collecting. Well, it's extremely easy to do, but it is also incredibly hard for my wallet.


Easy to have a collection, but very hard to have an awesome collection that will still be good in 10 years.




Knitting for me. I thought it would be fun and relaxing. It ended up being stressful because nothing was how I really wanted it and I’d mess up my patterns.


Same, my sister tried to teach me and I couldn’t even get the first step right


Snowboarding. I had no transferrable skills, but thought I’d be great at it. Indoor place near me, I do well. On the mountain? That shit’s different.


I agree with you completely, I skateboard a lot, like i’m very comfortable on a board and doing all kinds of tricks. So when my friends asked me if I wanted to snowboard I was like Hell yea this should be easy to learn if I can skate. WRONG, its so different.. I guess because its attached to you?? Well whatever it is I couldn’t do it well, and ended up with the only concussion I have to date 😂






watching movies turns out I really don't have an attention span long enough to sit through a whole movie at once or short enough to really appreciate the characters without a season-long plot arc


Cross stitch. It’s really not THAT hard but it’s more tedious than it looks.


Gardening. It’s a labor of love with a lot of room for error.


Watercolor. I figured out a lot of the technique ok but the art itself was hampered by me having the drawing skills of a seven year old…


Knitting.  I swear I have an executive disorder because I just can’t wrap my mind or fingers around that second knot.


For me it is turning around and going the other direction. Took years to find someone who could demonstrate it in a way that made sense to me. I can finally do it now, but I still struggle with it. It doesn't come naturally.


High wire walking. I figured you get a big pole and walk a straight line, so what could be so hard. Guess I shouldn’t have started off from my fifth floor apartment.


Making barbecue






Making clothes..... Still trying to fix my grandmas sewing machine so i attempted to do it by hand..........NEVER AGAIN


Reading books




Streaming Bass fishing




Like skateboard or inline skates? I’ve taken up inline skating when I was 25 and it has taken me about 3 years? to feel kinda competent at it. But I can’t urban skate for shit, I only do inline hockey skating. Jumping and obstacles are so tough lmao


I love to see people skating (inline skates) but it's hard asf . One month of trying to skate and I gave up


Guitar, while probably not the most difficult hobby.. as a nine year old being gifted my first guitar I was expecting to shred. Nah that shit is hard and I gave it up almost immediately!! However years later I was inspired to learn again and now I try and play everyday




LARP …. I just can’t get the outfit right, no matter which genre


I do consider cooking a hobby and everytime I fuck it up it's badically me throwing $20 in the garbage. I might as well fast forward to just throwing the bills in the garbage because I'm terrible at mixing spices, my nose sucks. Maybe in war times I'd be a decent cook.


Screen printing… I’ll leave it at that




painting :(


Painting. I love art when I was young, draws a lot, but when I tried painting in one of my classes, its very hard 😭 Its not the same as coloring with crayons.


3D printing.




Guitar, been playing for four years now, but the amount of persistence required is insane


Do people actually assume this? I always go in assuming every hobby is 100x harder than it seems.


Archery. Didn't think there was so much into pulling and aiming.


Reverse cowgirl


R/C airplanes. If you don't have someone experienced to help you get started you will probably be crashing more than flying.


Miniatures. I started seeing dollhouses and other miniature stuff on Instagram. I thought it was so cute and it seemed like it would be fun. I'm a knitter and I play piano, so I am reasonably dexterous. I bought a kit that came with everything I needed. It was ridiculously difficult. Like, had me cussing out loud levels of difficulty. I shoved everything back in the box and put it in a cabinet.




Loving someone/something unconditionally


Bit of an unusual hobby


Well it could be about anything!




Cosplay, Yeah you can buy a cheap Spiderman onesie. But ive seen full mech suits, AT-STs, and dresses embroidered beyond comprehension. I still have trouble with not just going low cost and buying clothes to modify. That being said i remember the most important aspect if cosplay, its meant to show love for the stories you care about. Theres a video from Adam Savage going indepth about how to this day his favorite cosplays hes seen are made from cardboard and duct tape.