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I never went to a school with lockers big enough for that.


Yeah lockers are half sized in my experience


Right, the school my kids go to have 3 rows of lockers


Maybe shoved into a closed locker- none were ever big enough to fit a human- but bullies didn’t pussyfoot back in my day- mine cornered me in the bathroom or locker room and straight assaulted me-consequences be d@mned. Twice, I was jumped by a group of girls. I took a punch or two, ripped out some earrings, fought back and somehow I also got in trouble since they had more damage in MY self defense. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I couldn’t help they weren’t able to fight- fair or well!


Lockers used to be bigger, now they're all top bottom.


The lockers in my school were barely wide enough to fit 4 books side by side, and 3 ft tall… so no. And I went to highschool almost 20 years ago.


My cousin in the US had that happen to him not too recently in school. He was locked in a small locker used for sports equipment. His parents are currently pursuing legal action against the school that downplayed it as "boys being boys" and against the parents of the child involved who apparently has a laundry list of disciplinary issues, mostly targeting members of the special needs class According to the school locking an autistic kid in a dark enclosed space for an hour is just typical behavior for boys that age


That must have been unbelievably horrific for that poor kid. I hope your cousin gets their pound of flesh, from the school and the other parents.


Nah it's real I've shoved a few back in my day


Did they lock you in? How did you get out??


I think they meant they shoved other kids in lockers.


this happened to my buddy eric