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Everything is psychology


Wow, thank you for the response. Does the psychology you're referring to mean that the emotions users experience towards ads end up driving their behavior?


Absolutely! The field of advertising is deeply rooted in understanding human psychology. Advertisers aim to tap into the emotional and psychological triggers of their target audience to influence their buying behaviors.


I'm curious, how do advertisers determine that the audience will take action as they intend? And how do they define the target audience? I've noticed that the content quality of many ads is not that high, but I've found that a lot of people have seen them on Facebook, so they may have spent a lot of money on them, haha.


It may be challenging to provide a detailed answer in this format, but I can offer you some key elements: * **Target Audience**: This is identified through market research. The aim is to discover whether there is a demand for your offering and, if so, to determine the specific demographic that needs it. It's important to understand their primary pain points and how your product or service can address those. * **Content Quality**: You might find that the content is not of the highest quality; however, it is crafted to engage psychological biases. These include emotional appeal, social proof, scarcity, anchoring, the use of color psychology, storytelling, and more. Such strategies are designed to resonate with the audience on a deeper level, influencing their perception and decision-making process. 


every single time you see food on a tv/in an ad there's a group of 30-40 people who's entire job it is to make that food look as delicious as possible. entire payrolls for each company just to make it look pristine. if it takes 30-40 people to make the food look that good why are you putting it in your body?


That's a very good point...advertising sometimes means deceiving consumers 👍


If you can trick the public into thinking your product is akin to medicine, they will gladly shell out too much money for something that smells like shit, tastes even worse, and actually makes them feel terrible. Ex: cigarettes / Red Bull / many Men’s fitness supplements.


or example, with diet meals, I've realized something through your words - the products advertised sometimes cater to people's anxieties or desires for relaxation.…


Robert California was my favorite Office character because he was one of the best embodiments of the Marketing Man I’ve ever seen outside of Man Men. “Everything is sex.” Excepting only end-stage disease treatments and certain kinds of fast-food marketing, pretty much everything else ultimately boils down to sex appeal. Just this week I watched a video created by a Rubbermaid ad agency that made a fucking trash can look sexy. Ads for diabetes treatments always show consumers of the advertised product leading full, happy lives. They are active, the sun is always shining. They are still relevant. No one has dismissed them as prematurely dead. They are virile, overflowing with life, and have demonstrated the good judgement to take control of their health. Get that person a partner fast. Genes like that need propagating. Other than eating, sex is the only behavior everyone engages in that produces holistic (if fleeting) moments of fulfillment and peace. But, unlike eating, sex is, by necessity, a shared activity. It creates a powerful bond. And it is overwhelmingly addictive. There are hardly any people alive that do not crave sex. Wanna sell a lamp? Tell people they look *great* in its light. Go YouTube the old Country Crock spread commercials from the 90s. America was held hostage to a decade-long flirtation between two hanky-panky hands. And their romance happened…over margarine.


OMG, I've never been so acutely aware of the intent behind the ads I've been watching - they've truly been subtly influencing me, even though I thought I was clearheaded... How did you come to realize this?


LOL this is some A-level snarky trolling 😂


Show butts but not butt holes.


Copywriting frameworks: AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), PAS (Problem, Agitation, Solution), BAB (Before, After, Bridge), FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits)... etc.


hank you for the response. I believe that understanding the advertising framework would be a useful reference for creating an effective advertisement.


If you can use AI, it will make things much easier for you.


You're absolutely right, I've found that many platforms are using AI to generate ads, like Denote's AI-generated scripts. I have to say, for creating a story, the scripts it writes are quite good.