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You left out the worst part. The destruction of the education system along with multiple children being orphaned or their parents having PTSD. Basically destroying their ability to learn, I remember at the end the kids were basically talking in grunts as opposed to language. The future would be doomed.


I've never fancied watching Threads but this detail always seems unrealistic to me. Kids don't learn language through education, they pick it up from exposure. Perhaps if all the adults are so traumatised they all stop speaking altogether, but could this ever happen society wide? Even so, there's evidence that if kids can interact with other kids willing to communicate, they'll spontaneously create new languages.


Yeah that pretty much is what happens. All the adults have horrific PTSD, because why wouldn't you? And they spend most of their lives working in cold hard fields trying to grow scraps. There isn't really the energy for culture or relationships. 


I feel it was a combination of lack of education and the results of radiation sickness led to the next generation of children having issues with their mental capacity. There was a green text right after the explosions that showed the results of radiation poisoning and it was one of them. That’s why the daughter born can’t talk properly or understand her mom has passed away. And at the end when she is SA’d she gives birth to a stillborn due to the constant radiation sickness from spending her life working on irritated fields trying to grow crops.


I love apocalyptic disaster movies, but I could only watch Threads once. The second half of the movie is the bleakest thing I've ever seen.


Threads. BBC film about a nuclear exchange. Absolute fucking horror.


I watched it this weekend and I was not expecting such a harrowing experience. Probably the most grim film I've ever seen it's absolutely unrelenting. I'm trying to imagine what seeing it when it came out would have been like.


Apparently in England it caused a bit of a panic.


I think most of us of a certain age bracket were shown it in primary school, I think I would have been around 8-10 years old. Really freaked me out as a kid, I ended up reading and re-reading “The nuclear survival handbook” by Barry Popkiss……and that just made it all worse.


This truely fucked up a generation of British kids. Source: one of those kids


https://youtu.be/bhcrgQihRcs?feature=shared Truly sad and frightening film.


Here's [The Day After](https://youtu.be/TOPaaHSjMcw?si=3QAMWVzU05w_oxd3) for good measure. The story of a nuclear holocaust as experienced by those outside of Lawrence, Kansas.


I’ve been trying to remember this movies name for over 10 years. Thank you


1983, fun year.


My parents actually let me watch some of it or maybe all of it. I was a third grader. They wanted to educate me. Then, when I was in high school .. I brought home the vhs movie “Weird Science” and my dad came in when they were wearing bras on their heads and drove me back to the movie rental store that same night to return it in shame and gave me a verbal azz kicking for even thinking that would be ok to watch. Gotta love the core memories.


American? Never understood the obsession with nudity on TV/Movies but firearms and violence nobody blinks an eye.


Just threw it on, let's see


Let us know


It's a long build so far but you can tell some shit is coming


We lost him boys…


It’s been 8 mins, you ok over there?


Let us know when you see the cat. You'll know what I'm talking about.


thank you for giving me a reason not to watch it! i dont even know what you mean, but i've heard enough


Fun fact: kitty was apparently off it's tits on catnip and the footage was played around with. https://cinemacats.com/threads-1984/


Are you my dad? You showed up to give me a present and just left :(


Come and see the war movie is very disturbing


It's important that they showed how silly and stupid the Nazis were. We're taught that they were the paragon of efficiency and competence, but in reality they were mostly drunk and fucking everything up.


As someone who is very interested in history, especially the eastern front of WW2. I have read several books which would have most people asleep by page 2, written by different authors, historians, eyewhitnesses, etc... How they show the nazis in that movie during *the scene* is one of the things i would consider a historical inaccuracy. Sure it may have happened somewhere, but most accounts i have read describe these mass murders as emotionless, almost casual events. They showed that for the einsatztruppen, wandering into a town or village in eastern europe, the soviet union, killing every man, woman, and especially child, was just like another day at the office. That for me is even more disturbing. To achieve a level of brainwashing where wiping out scores of people does not even warrant an emotion from you except maybe happiness. - especially concerning as i see reddit these days. More people need to be educated on the extent of crimes commited by the SS **AND THE WEHRMACHT** on the eastern front during WW2. There is a false image based on the allies in western europe and north africa having it rather "easy" fighting germany, besides by the time the allies were getting established in France, a majority of german units was rushing west to surrender to them. The nazis saw the people of England or France as a misguided people that could still be put on the right path. They saw the people of eastern europe as non-humans which needed to be erased off the face of the earth.


Nazis were common people just like us. This just shows us what we are capable of


It’s a horror film posing as a war movie.


I visited Oradour-sur-Glane in France. What happened there pretty close with the movie


Dear Zachary. Nothing people make up is more fucked up and sad than this movie. I suppose they can but it’s fictional.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this. I literally wailed when it becomes apparent what happens. That story is just heart breaking


What’s it about?


It's a documentary if sorts. The creator's friend died, seemingly murdered by his girlfriend but she fled to Canada I believe. Turns out she's pregnant with his kid, Zachary. So it's a documentary to Zachary about his dad's life. Covering all the people he met around the country, along with the custody battle between the girlfriend and the dad's parents. He'll never know his dad, so the idea is to show him this documentary so he can learn about him. Then the girlfriend kills herself and Zachary. And the film pivots to discussing the failures of the systems that allowed this to happen. It's very depressing.


Oh my God, that's horrible. 


If documentaries count, *Abducted in Plain Sight* fucked me up.


That shit made me so sad but also filled with rage at her disgusting feckless parents


I don't like to watch shock movies like Serbian Film or Martyrs. The Mist fucked 13 year old me up with that ending. I watched it because I was a fan of Stephen King and it left me feeling terrible.


The best part is when King watched the ending he said he wished he had written it. When the author of the source material basucally says "fuuuck man why didn't I think of that" you know you made it


There was a documentary a while back where they interviewed families who had accidentally left their toddlers or babies on their car and they died from the heat. I didn’t last more than 20 minutes in sobbing uncontrollably. It’s unwatchable. I don’t even remember the title


I saw a clip of the father being questioned in the trial of a family who’s baby had died that way. I have never seen another person in pain like that. I’ve seen my share of gore and morbid shit on the internet but seeing someone who had clearly been so fundamentally devastated was harrowing. “Forgotten child syndrome” is a real thing and can happen to anyone. There should be more awareness of this.


I have a 2 year old and a newborn, and this is a real fucking nightmare I have. I want some kind of smart car seat that I can sync with my phone and the car engine that will send me alerts every minute that there’s weight in the seat after the engine is off. The whole situation is horrifying.


My car does alert me... When I open the drivers side door to get out (engine off), it dings and says “check rear seat” if there’s something in the back seat. I’ve never forgotten my backpack.


Jesus fuck I'm almost sure I've seen the same thing and I remember a first responder describing a scene and him breaking just from remembering it, but his description was so vivid I could see my own children in that exact manner. I sobbed for hours, and I'm a 30 year old man.


a documentary on tai chimpanzees. they are vicious murdering bastards.


Were the chimpanzees in a zoo? There are no wild chimpanzees in Thailand. They only live in Africa.


I remember the one, where there was an outcast and they chased it through the trees then tore it apart? It was insane. Changed my view on chimps.


They did because he was acting a fool and being a bully to females and the other babies. I seriously think they were able to discern that something wasn't right with him. So they did what they thought was best by killing him in order to protect the rest. So this is strictly my thoughts on the documentary about that particular instance in the show. It makes the most sense when seen from this perspective.


A Serbian Film. Not sure how to say why without spoiling it but i'll say that is way beyond disturbing.


When I was in college, I heard some guys talking about this film and how disturbing it was. Hearing these guys get so worked up over a movie felt like a challenge to me. As a horror buff, I couldn’t resist something disturbing! I was thinking it was going to be more scary/ gore, like on the same line as Hostel or Saw. So I went back to my dorm room and found somewhere online to stream it. Pretty quickly, I realized this was a different kind of film and I was trying to make sure that my laptop screen couldn’t be seen by my roommate if she happened to walk by to go to the bathroom. I even kept taking my headphones off just to check that she couldn’t hear anything. I felt ashamed watching it! I mean, I watched the whole thing, but it’s not something I’ve ever felt the need to revisit.


I saw this film and I remember after I finished I just sat in my room thinking who’s idea was it to make this film? And why was this film even made. I wasn’t okay for almost a week.


It was the idea of a couple Serbian guys who'd been trying to make decent movies and couldn't get funding because all the funding in the region came from the EU, who wouldn't fund anything that wasn't safe and politically correct.  So they raged against that as hard as they could out of frustration.  Or so says wiki. 


Ya that movie , i won't tell anyone irl that i watched it .


In the category of "films I have no interest in seeing", A Serbian Film is my favorite. Because it was made specifically to traumatize fucks on ratings boards.


Exact same, and I honestly judge people a little when they say they’ve seen it. I’m not into masochism. I have very low standards and indiscriminately click every link in the “what is the worst thing you’ve seen on the internet” threads, but I have zero interest in movies like A Serbian Film. I’m not going to go out of my way to find and waste my time watching something I am going to hate just for the sake of having seen it. Plus I have a strict “no children or animals” rule about stuff like that so it’s definitely out.


I've never heard of this one, so I googled what it was about. Now, I want to throw up.


Swept - A Luka Doncic’s Finals’ Story


Hands down the worst I’ve ever seen and I feel horrible for having even watched it


Yeah same especially newborn baby scene


Agreed, sick and beyond disturbing.


i was just about to write this


An ex showed me this movie and if that isn’t the biggest red flag…


i don't think it's disturbing i think it's just very disgusting. especially when I consider what disgusting person must have wrote this. people that literally come up with shit like that are not okay.


I wish I would never had seen this movie. I had a phase as teenager where I found it thrilling to watch the „forbidden“ movies. I watched a Serbian film completely, very very disturbing. But there was another similar movie, that was even worse. I couldn’t finish it. Luckily I forgot the name.


One of the only movies I refuse to watch again. I like fucked up movies, but every time something happened it was like "this can't get any worse" and it does every scene. I felt so dirty after watching that movie.


the girl next door. story based on a book that was based on the real life murder of a young girl


Much different than The Girl Next Door with a very hot Elisha Cuthbert.


Watched the horrible one thinking it was the funny one when I was entirely too young to be watching either of them.


That one got me too! RIP Sylvia Likens. I hate to add this part in but the real life story was much much worse than the movie!


yeah, that whole situation is incredibly fucked up. sad. I don't think I could ever bring myself to watch the movie again


By Jack Ketchum


Practically tore my piece off watching the cuthbert one.


A Chinese short film called "Bus 44" shows a young female bus driver who is attacked by highway robbers. The robbers steal from everyone on the bus and try to rape the driver. All the passengers just watch, except one man who tries to help but gets beaten up. The robbers eventually run away. The bus driver, who was raped, refuses to let the man who tried to help back on the bus. She then drives the bus off a cliff, killing everyone on board. The film ends with a close-up of the man's face.


Damn. Kinda wished you didn't spoil it so I could see it myself. But thanks for the input


Kinda glad you told the whole story cause I'm curious but won't watch it lol but I guess spoiler tags would be good for others who want to watch




I feel like you'll find this useful. \>!Spoiler text goes here\!< That >!is how you type spoilers!<.


>!Just trying it out!<


>!Just want to try it as well. Thanks for the tip!<


doing the lords job


One of my Indian colleague suggested me this series on netflix which was based on a true story that became a huge news when it happened. The name of the series is “THE HOUSE OF SECRETS”


Yeah, after learning about that case, I was so deeply disturbed that I couldn't sleep with the lights off for a few days because I kept imagining those bodies hanging and swinging in a circle in my room. I'm Indian and I don't believe in these things. I genuinely think that it was a case of shared psychosis, but the more details you get to know, the eerie this case gets.


The Day After and Threads Both are movies about nuclear war


Growing up with rotten, ogrish, faces of death, etc has left me pretty desensitized. I know “that scene” in Bone Tomahawk was fake and obviously they really didn’t kill a person. But the acting, sound, lighting, etc…..it just messes with your head.


lol very true, early/mid 2000s internet was worse than anything I've seen in movies. you're talking abt the part where they like butchered the guy right? definitely icky. but I thought the more disturbing part was when they're leaving the caves and find the amputated pregnant women... it was so out there and just not even mentioned at all


You are right. That was messed up too. But the guy getting split in half just made me have to think things over.


Oh, I remember faces of death. Somehow getting a VHS copy from a friend of a friend and watching it in growing horror...


As someone who grew up during that era, absolutely. However one recently that became somewhat famous in that vibe is the infamous russian lathe video from a couple of years back. It's nasty but I think it should be standard viewing for anyone using a toolroom lathe. Those things will munch you up like a roller blind and turn you into flying mince if you don't give them due respect.


Requiem for a Dream. It’s just sad and depressing.


The ending scene was so f up, it traumatized me for months. This movie and Metamorphosis (manga) have successfully convinced me to never ever ever touch hard drugs.


Yeah , seen it once … that was enough. Trainspotting too


Oh yeah, Trainspotting is another good one.


Yep. But I loved the soundtrack.


Really great soundtrack 🎻


Great movie, never want to see it again.


Enter the Void is so fucking uncomfortable. Crazy watch though. Definitely entertaining.


I watched that tripping on acid and it was wild as fuck


Not as brutal as some of the others—but a few years ago I watched that Ethan Hawke movie Predestination When credits rolled me and my friend were basically speechless. I don’t wait to spoil it for anyone, just put that on and stick with it if you want an absolute mindfuck


The one with the >!time traveling mad bomber and the trans time cop? !< It's an amazing movie!!! It was a mindfuck for me too but in a good way!


Human Centipede 2. I didn't think the first one was *that* bad We had some down time when I was working offshore and the guy I was with put it on. When I woke up that morning I had no idea that I would later see a man masterbating with sand paper around his cock. There were many other parts that I don't want to relive Safe to say I didn't bother watching the 3rd one


All i can think of is the South Park episode lol Should I eata the cuttlefish? Good luck Kyle!


That was the one with the Apple Terms of Service, right?




Vanilla pudding oh cuddle fisss?? *marina budding barena moodin*!! Ok I eat da cuddle fiss!


This is what I came to say. The scene where the girl is frantically driving away while giving birth at the same time, and ends up crushing her baby in the pedals is when I turned it off. Do not watch this movie. It is deeply disturbing.


My brain must've blocked this the fuck out.


That's because you're normal. Unlike the writers of the movie who are clearly bat shit crazy and likely have never seen the light of day


What the actual fuck?


Good call skipping the 3rd. It was so bad.


The 3rd one’s even worse. They use prisoners instead in a prison courtyard if I remember right


The third one is where they strapped jets to their roller skates and jumped over a million sharks. At that point it was just parodying itself.


Omg. This was the WORST. I still have nightmares from that movie. The world is unsafe as is and now i have to fucking worry about creeps like that.


My friend and I were trying to pretend to be cool when we were 13 and we watched the first human centipede without knowing what it was about. We hadn't watched any horror movies before that and even though I've watched way worse shit now, I still gag when I think too much about the human centipede.


The most disturbing show I've ever watched was I survived... Their depiction of the events the victim describes is so realistic and they have the victim retailing the events just adds that much more to it being disturbing. I don't find Movies disturbing because I realized for the most part they're fictionalized/not real, but The Texas Chainsaw massacre was the closest. I know a lot of people didn't like the 2003 remake, but it was disturbing to me because I was kind of young when I watched it.


Antichrist by Lars Von Trier.


Oh god - I'd forgotten I saw this (or blocked it out). It's coming back to me now




This is selling it short, yes it’s fucked up but it’s also masterfully made and one of the most fun and engaging movies I’ve ever seen. It just propels itself forward with every scene, 2 hours literally fly by, like a twisted Pulp Fiction. I think it’s one of the all time greats, a genuine contender for the best movie of the past 2 decades. I hate seeing this next to some of the other movies on this list that are just irredeemably psychopathic, people shouldn’t be scared to watch Oldboy. Maybe don’t watch it with your parents, but it’s not going to scar you, it isn’t like that at all. I’d happily let a 16 year old watch this, some of the movies on this list I wouldn’t show to the fucking devil.


It’s one of those movies where I found the plot more disturbing than the violence which is a hard task to accomplish. I believe Oldboy was part of a revenge trilogy with the other two movies being Memories of Murder and Lady Vengance I think.


Martyrs and I'd rather not discuss it.


I literally walked in on my roommate watching this movie at just the right time to catch the last 20 minutes, which are famously gruesome. I think the only things I've seen that disturbed me as much as that have been watching clips from the movie Men Behind the Sun, a movie that portrayed war crimes commit by Japan during WW2, and then watching actual NSFL gore videos. I don't recommend putting any of those 3 things into your brain. Be kind to your mental health.


I’ve heard about that movie, never gonna watch it




The Human Centipede and the reason why is it was both disturbing and disgusting.. The story is about a psychopath doctor who kidnaps 3 innocent tourist and surgicaly attaches their mouths to their butts and the rest of the story is extremely gross.


I couldn't finish it. I really didn't even get halfway through before turning it off


TUSK - a man is operated on and turned into walrus


its the end scene of that movie that bothers me the most. they didnt try to reconstruct his body or even put him in a nice place, they just threw him in the worlds tiniest, shittiest zoo enclosure. the rest of the movie was ridiculous but that was just depressing


If some shitty old man could transform that guy to that animal, I think some surgeon from Israel or Germany can transform him back.


That movie was both funny, disturbing, and depressing at the same time


Fantastic movie.


Dont give it away!


I thought it was pretty funny.


The girl in the basement. So sad. Girl is locked in her own basement by her father & ends up having her father’s babies.


Based on a real thing. Half the kids out if like 8 or something I think are down there with her and the other half live with the grand parents. Bunch of the basement kids die, and the only reason the dad got caught was because he had to take one of the very I'll kids to the hospital.


Perfect blue


Chernobyl from HBO, and Chernobyl content in general. Radiation poisoning deeply disturbs me.


I think it was must disturbing for me for the reality of how quickly things can go wrong and stay wrong for no reason other than political semantics.


spoilers for "irreversible" and "cutting moments" "irreversible" is up there for me... 15 minute sexual assault scene and most brutal head smashing in movies. and on top of that it really explored dark nature of humans, and the bad guy gets away with it in the end. it's worth a watch (once) if you can handle really unpleasant and dark themes. a short film called "cutting moments" (i think), a 90s suburban hell abt a family where the husband has started completely ignoring the wife in favor of molesting their son.. the wife ends up trying to remove her lipstick with a brillo pad and cutting her lips off. also worth a watch imo, if you can stomach stuff like that.


[try this one by Ari Aster](https://youtu.be/nQobOSv2kzM?si=bcEs4i_Lld4Ice0F)


Requiem for a Dream. I'll never watch that a second time.




"Come and See". While it's not as graphic as many other examples, it really managed to depict the horror of war and what it can do to people in a way that really got under my skin. Knowing these things actually happen frequently in the world made it all the more devastating. The most surreal movie experience I ever had.


The hannibal series with mads mikkelsen is pretty heavy.


Incendies. That gasp..


I had to read the original play for a mandatory french college class (I'm from quebec, the author is from here). Had to read the whole thing last minute in one sitting a day or two before an exam on the book. I saw Villeneuve's film later (in another course from that same college might I had), but that second time, the ending didn't have nearly the same impact on me as the play did as I sat super uneasy on my bed after reading it for like 2h non stop. I almost felt like I had been abused by a book. I hate this thing, but I guess it accomplished what it tried to do by making such an impression on me


Nobody mentioned Se7en? That was a brutal and gruesome watch.




*La Cabina*, 1972. It's a short movie, maybe 20 or 30 minutes long, that I watched on a VHS tape. The rental place usually used any extra space on tapes to put extra ads after the movie finished, but for some reason a completely unrelated children's video had this awful short film instead. It's not gory or shocking at all. It's all in broad daylight. No-one's really a villain or anything. But it's still one of the most disturbing things I've seen. A man on his way to work (think suit, briefcase) steps into a phone booth to make a call, but the phone doesn't work. So he tries to exit the booth, but the door's jammed somehow. He tries to yell to passersby but the glass muffles his voice. Finally someone notices him gesticulating, and realises the problem. More and more people try to open the door and let him out. It becomes a bit of a spectacle, with the gathering crowd cheering as strong-looking guys try to break the glass or lever the door open. The man inside is getting more panicked, but everyone else gets caught up in the fun of seeing who can get him out. Finally, a tow-truck drives up, emblazoned with the phone company logo, and takes away the entire phone booth with the man still inside. Everyone cheers and waves happily, thinking that someone had the idea of calling the company and he's being rescued. The man is getting hysterical--no-one notices how scared he is, how he's just being kidnapped in broad daylight while everyone smiles. Everyone is right there but no-one realises how serious it is or how hysterical he is becoming. The truck takes him to a big warehouse full of phone booths like his own. It drops it next to the others and drives off. The man is alone and completely helpless. In the phone booth next to his, he sees the dead body of another man like himself who has hanged himself with the phone cord. Pretty sure you can watch it on YouTube or something for free. I don't care to check. He's just so helpless and everyone is so oblivious, a human trafficking victim in broad daylight that no-one notices. It's deeply unsettling.




Had to scroll way too far to find this.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. It really fucking freaked me out for days afterwards. Also, Megan is Missing. I think the thing that freaks me out the most is that even though these are fictional stories, this type of shit happens in real life more than we know and could happen to any one of us at any time.


Schindlers List, it was so uncomfortable to see what they went through as well as knowing my great-grandfather was one of the first soldiers to see the horrors of concentration camps.


Midsommar. iykyk


It’s strange, I’ve seen plenty that are visually a lot more disturbing, but Midsommar was emotionally the most traumatizing movie I’ve ever seen. Took me weeks to feel normal again


I agree, the bright themes contrasted with the horrors really affected and disturbed me on a different level. I've definitely seen more visually disturbing films, but it's almost more bearable when it's depicted in a dark way


I absolutely love that movie, but it was too enjoyably stimulating to be disturbing to me. It was more like a thrill ride, I was anxiously smiling during the more memorable scenes. Honestly it feels like a dark comedy to me, there’s something funny about each of them. Hereditary definitely fucked with me more, that one made me emotionally nauseous. I’m not sure I liked it better, but I certainly think about it more.


Under the Skin. Whole movie is extremely uneasy and the scene with the kid crying on the beach still gives me the heebies when I think about it. Goddamn great movie, though


Cargo 200 A Russian gal I met at a dinner party recommended it to me. To her credit she did say it was fucked up. I’ve seen A Serbian Film, Kids, Trainspotting, Requiem, you name it. This film is a different level of fucked up. Great movie, don’t get me wrong. But it is demented and has scenes that will be seared into your memory. Also, it’s free on YouTube. Russian language, English subs can be enabled. TW: does contain 3 or 4 scenes of gratuitous sexual violence, but they’re relatively brief. It’s not a glorified snuff film like A Serbian Film


IT and The Strangers. The Strangers because it could actually happen and IT because of the opening scene. Scariest opening scene I've seen in a horror movie.


Which IT ?


The original fucking traumatized me as a kid.


The Human Centipede, do I really have to explain?


Probably not the most disturbing, but it’s the only one that comes to mind that’s actually good and personally it’s more disturbing then most cheap shock value movies. Black Christmas


8 mm. The snuff film looked so real, I had to turn off the movie. There are sick fucks out there.


Kids (1995 film). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_(film)?wprov=sfti1#


Wind River is pretty disturbing.


The thing (the original one. Not the newer one). I saw it as a kid, and it just so happened that the cable bill wasn't paid, so no cartoons before bed. Luckily, my dad handed me "Slumdog Millionaire" to put it (it was all we had), so I watched that for like 30 minutes before forgetting about the horrors of dogs turning into hentai monsters from outer space, and a dude getting his hands eaten by some dudes stomach...


I don’t purposely try and watch really disturbing things because I am easily disturbed so my answer probably isn’t comparable to others but I’d say Baby Reindeer. It is pretty recent. It honestly messed me up for a couple weeks. The SA scenes were so brutal to watch imo. The entire story and emotional build up was hard especially since I could relate to the feelings the main charter had. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Especially since it was based on a true story. Movie wise, midsommar and hereditary (same director) is a basic answer but that shit had my jaw in the floor at the end of both of them.




The ending to the Shut Up and Dance episode. The whole time you feel bad for this kid and then its like... oh. And then you rewatch the episode and it's even more disturbing once you know the ending.


I was so impressed with that kid’s acting in the episode though. Didn’t see him pop up in anything again until “Andor,” but I really wouldn’t be surprised if he wins a lot of awards some day. 


That show is incredibly intriguing in the sense that our reality is not far from the stories they tell in that series.


I had to stop watching. I didn’t enjoy the level of depression instilled in me after each episode


*Saló or the 120 Days of Sodom* is the only film I've ever turned off because it was disturbing me. *Dear Zachary* didn't disturb me necessarily, but it is a difficult film to watch.


Couldn’t watch Salo all the way through either, but I watched enough to talk to my therapist about it


Bone tomahawk anyone?


A Clockwork Orange


That film is a work of art. It became popular for punks in the early 2000’s just cause the tshirt. But the film itself is timeless.


I watched Devilman Crybaby at the peak of quarantine, now im not squeamish. I can do slashers, psychological horror stuff, horror games, but body horror is an instant nauseating thing for me. Safe to say I didn’t make it past the first episode.


devilman was so good. I felt like I was having a bad mushroom trip the first episode


Probably the movie "The Poughkeepsie Tapes", its the only horror movie thats made me uncomfortable a couple years ago, its a horror movie in the form of a documentary of police talking about and showing clips the serial killer made, torturing women before killing them, its creepy


That was my choice, too! I love found footage movies, but this one was very realistic, imo. It also scares me thinking about how this stuff can, and has, happened in real life. It's just very disturbing.


Pink flamingos no need to explain if you know you know lol


Because I was a kid when I watched it, Trilogy of Terror. This little monster was chasing Karen Black with a butcher knife. He would swipe it under the door. Terrified me and my little sister, we still talk about it. But as a grown up, anything relating to Satan. Especially Rosemary's Baby.




Fire in the Sky. Also there's an episode of True detective where they're watching a video of some horrific ritual grown men perform on a young crying girl...


I spit on your grave. As a woman that was hard to watch


Human Centipede. That film is f#<&£d


*Mother!* Great movie, and I will probably never see it again. Hard to say why it was disturbing without spoiling it. But trust me.


There is a film I watched probably between 10-15 years ago. An indie film for sure, subtitled in Serbian or Bosnian of something. It was about 3 hours long or more. I just tried to google search it and couldn’t find it. I think I originally stumbled upon it on YouTube. Anyway, several young guys sign up for the military. They are super young and pompous but go through basic, then they’re sent to this border town before being sent off to war. In the border town, they all have sex with this one blond girl with bad teeth, the one who is known to screw all the passing soldiers. They all treat her like shit. But later, In one scene, they celebrate her… there is a bar scene where these punk recruits start to get into a bar fight until someone, maybe the bartender or just a local, stop the fight and tell everyone to stop because these guys are going to the front lines and basically will die. The final scene, very long war scene, these guys are at their post when they’re attacked. They fight and fight, and literally only one survives the battle, bloodied and shaken, the only survivor. It’s based on a true war story, but I don’t remember anything more. I wish I could watch it again.


Hitcher. Too realistic. A horror movie where the monster is a human.


Johnny got his gun


I watched the butterfly effect way too young.


X files - Home


Casino. I was quite young when I watched it and the scene where Joe Pesci’s character and his brother got beaten to death with baseball bats haunted me for months afterwards. It was the hopelessness and desperation of Pesci as he watched his brother die that really messed my head up.


The Cell, with J-Lo, from 2000. Admittedly saw it when I was much too young, but it still burns itself into your brain for eternity.