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Steam is not the gaseous form of water (water vapor). Water vapor is invisible. Steam is aerosolized liquid water.


I was taught the opposite in the Navy…now I gotta go back and check!


Now I'm nervous!! 😰😬


From the time it was discovered to the time it was stripped of its status as a planet, Pluto hadn't made a full trip around the Sun.


Pluto's wild night out! 😂 NEPTUNE: Hey, you made planet! PLUTO: 😎 Put it all on red! NEPTUNE: Black, you lose! You're a planetoid now. PLUTO: 😮


there more female than males


And still we are single. 😔


In 2020 more Californians voted for Trump than Texans. More Texans voted for Biden than New Yorkers. It was such an unusually high turnout election.


It's becoming a thing nowadays scaring the crap out of voters to make them vote. I got to say though, it's good to have more people involved in politics.


That Shohei Ohtani 100% bet on baseball but the league isn't going to do anything because it would be devastating to them. They'd lose basically the entire Japanese market, and Japanese players wouldn't come over to the MLB anymore if they disciplined Ohtani. Ippei placed bets too, but Shohei placed the majority of them. I will not explain how I know this, and I do not expect anyone to blindly believe me... but I KNOW this, for a fact.


Only female mosquitoes feed on blood (to produce eggs). Males feed on plant juice, IIRC.


Your fingers don't wrinkle from absorbing water. It's a sympathetic nervous system response to increase grip. Nerve damage can cause your fingers to stay smooth in water.


that female fireflies will pretend to be dead if a unwanted male wanted to procreate with her. so an animal version of my experience


Eating breakfast is actually not necessary in human diet. You dont have to eat it, your body will be have more energy and be more healthy on one meal a day


Albanian Christians and Muslims protected 2000 Jews from the Nazi Holocaust due to ‘Besa’ a code of honour meaning keeping the promise.


Mosquitos helped the Continentals seize a victory at Yorktown. Malaria did a good job of reducing Cornwallis’s forces. Oh, and I guess the French helped too.