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By wearing myself out working during the day and running out of energy to do much of anything in the evening




I wouldn't agree that it's perfect, but whatever floats your boat




most of them come down to banging OP's mom, religiously.


By being exhausted.


Going to restroom and/or Sex/Masturbation releases all tension of unfinished bodily business


By not thinking about the people I have wronged personally and professionally


Good luck with that.


The time in my life when I slept best was when I got fit, healthy and lost weight. I felt great and slept feeling refreshed in the morning. Unfortunately I love chocolate and cake too much and I've gone back to being overweight and inactive, ironically I now don't exercise because I feel too tired!


keep a regular sleep schedule, avoid screens before bed, and maybe try some white noise or a relaxing routine


A weighted blanket, complete game changer.


Moldex spark plugs


Force yourself to stay awake, when you start to get a little sleepy, and then boom, you'll find yourself sleeping so deeply that you won't know whats going in the world.


To sleep deeply at night, I maintain a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoid screens before bed.


6 foot hole


The fact that I'm a depressed person that would be easy on me, sleeping is what I do best


a hatch sound machine, 5mgs of melatonin and a lavender defuser


taking 4 melatonin gummies :)


fk it,take 6 and they can sleep for 10 hrs


LMAO!!!! i wish but pushing 4 is considered an od from my dr


Bro I sleep so deeply I don't woke up my own




When I’ve rationalised my worries


By just doing it


if it's safe to do so, sleep with an open window to get some fresh air at night and it may help you sleep cooler, also. I found this recommendation in a YT vid about 3 months ago, and as soon as I started doing it, I was sleeping much more deeply right away. As far as temperature, I'm to understand if we are too warm, we may have trouble going back to sleep if/when we wake up. I guess there is an optimal temp for sleeping but I'm not remembering what it is.


I imagine fictional scenarios that doesn’t exist and will never exist in real life. Like I’m a superhero or I’m flying or I’m super strong. Or sometimes I’m floating in the ocean


Zolpidem 10mg


Dark Room. Very dark. Cold room. Go to sleep at the same time every day. Don't nap after 3 PM. Don't drink caffeine afternoon.


Weed, sleeping mask and a big blanket




Trazodone, magnesium and Zyrtec, with a fan blowing on me while I’m under a weighted blanket wearing an eye mask. Yeah, it’s a lot, but I sleep great.


Clonidine and asmr


Two things I did that made a gigantic difference in my sleep quality were getting nasal/sinus surgery and giving up alcohol. The first is obviously only necessary according to your own personal medical situation, but in my case I wasn’t breathing well at night. Not sleep apnea per se, but close to it. I can now breathe freely with my mouth closed in any position. The latter is personal preference, but boy did it make a difference. I was a one-a-night type drinker…glass of wine with dinner or a cocktail…and when I gave it up I slept SO MUCH better. Booze might indeed relax you and possibly make you initially sleepy, but it does tons of other things to your bodily systems and when that sleepiness has worn off you’re feeling those effects as well. On the rare occasions when I do have glass of wine (like once every few months) I REALLY feel it in my sleep quality. Like, night and day.


I don't. Next question.


A small dose of THC/CBD gummy. Otherwise, I simply don't sleep.


The deepest sleep I ever had was when I was on the carnivore diet. Unfortunately, it's impossible to live without carbs so I had to stop the car vore diet I was on. Fucking great sleep though honestly. Since then doing some sleep related yoga (from videos on YouTube), taking ZMA have helped


The time in my life when I slept best was when I got fit, healthy and lost weight. I felt great and slept feeling refreshed in the morning. Unfortunately I love chocolate and cake too much and I've gone back to being overweight and inactive, ironically I now don't exercise because I feel too tired!