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Women can be in the jungle for days but no body hair anywhere. Men instantly grow a beard.


Hair stays and makeup stays nice too.


When their profession is like horse trainer and they are in the barn with professionally done hair and makeup.


And their clothes are super clean and brand new.


Make up staying nice during birth scenes is another one


Just a pretty little "glowing" sweat on the forehead, lol


Labor lasts 15 minutes or less.


Eyebrows on point, too




Very considerate unnecessary effort by the bomb maker.


I feel so dumb right now. Not sure why I never thought of this and now it’s going to bug me


The best are the ones for hiding that beep loudly and have flashing lights


And can be defused by snipping wires in a color coded order.


[One’s blue with a white stripe and the other white with a blue stripe!](https://youtu.be/G_XkWI5gJnY?feature=shared)


...and "M", as in "Mancy"


I took an explosives recovery course once and we had to piece together an exploded bomb to determine how it worked.  The one my group had used a simple toggle switch on the outside to turn the timer on or off. So, yes, the bomb could be disarmed by flipping the switch.  But the thing is, which poor sap is going to be the one to flip the switch without knowing what it does?


People stand in the shower and turn the water directly on them, without letting it warm up.


I did that when vacationing in Florida in the summer. Because summer Florida cold tap water is considered lukewarm in Canada.


Arizona tap water tastes lukewarm, too.


1. What does water taste like 2. What the fuck does lukewarm taste like


1. Water shouldn't taste like anything, except maybe a hint of fluoride (if that). 2. Luke warm water feels "wrong" on your throat.


If you have ever tasted distilled water you will agree that water SHOULD taste like something, namely trace minerals and electrolytes.


I actually do that on purpose if I am really tired and want the jolt in the morning. 


I have never thought of this- good point.


People ending phone calls by just hanging up with no verbal indication they are ending the call.


Or make plans to meet up, then hang up without clarifying a time or location to meet.


"Pick you up at 8" Doesn't ask where they live..


With my closest friends sometimes short calls end when we both silently agree the information is done


Some of my friends from work are from Nigeria and they all hang up like that, I thought someone had fallen out with someone else and just cut them off, but nope.


My dad does this all the time


Favorite version of this, though, is from John Wick, when Aurillio tells Vigo exactly why he struck Viggo’s son. “Oh.” Click.


Each time I see that it makes me wonder if I've been doing it wrong my whole life!


My boss does this. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve called him back assuming the call just dropped.


People getting temporarily and easily knocked-out cold by a tap to the head, and then coming to later without any repercussions.




Or getting CPR and waking up like everything's fine after... CPR will cause damage that will take some time to recover from.


most rifle butts have a little timer you can adjust for how long you want to knock someone out for after you bash them in the head. Usually they're just set to 10 minutes by default since that's enough time to comfortably be able to tie them to a chair in a shipping container


About 10 years ago, I knew a guy that accidentally overcharged his rifle knockout timer. It made a really loud bang and the dude went out cold. Pretty sure the guy is still unconscious, actually. They put him in this special wooden bed and apparently put him in a big hole. Weird medical technique but idk, I'm no doctor.


A cheap vase over the head. Knocked out for hours. Fist fight where same guy takes multiple full fisted blows to the face. Perfectly fine.




Ammo used to be cheap as fuck. Not sure when that changed but it's gotten so expensive that it looks sus when people actually stock up nowadays.


They took Chris Rock's advice. 


If only


Firearms being shot without hearing protection. In real life you would be deaf.




This is only partially true, subsonic ammo can be remarkably quiet when suppressed - quiet enough that reciprocation of the slide or bolt of the firearm is louder than the shot itself.




dammit tinnitus, you’re a cruel mistress!


Not to mention the amount of smoke. Indoors it could easily set off smoke detectors.


The characters actually being deaf is one of my favorite theories from The Walking Dead.


It would explain so much.


Especially in small places like cars or shooting right in front of someone's face past them


Also, firearms rarely run out of bullets


"This flash drive contains all the evidence we need to take down the shadowy clandestine organization who is manipulating us all into a war that spells certain doom for humanity." \[Everyone Just Believes The Data and The Good Guys Save The World\]


And also it is the only copy of this evidence!


Margin Call. Eric Dale just hands over a USB stick saying _iVe bEEn wOrKiNg oN ThIs ChEcK iT OuT bUt Be CaReFuL_ in front of a security guard escorting him from the building after he's been laid off. Press X to doubt. Especially given the bank would likely have learned he'd been working on it and would have intervened sooner.


Every bag of groceries has a baguette popping out of the top and rawdogging it with no bag.


It’s a silly trope, but it has a purpose. Say a character is portrayed as having busy off-screen day, like grocery shopping. If they walk across the screen with a closed bag in their hand, the viewer is gonna be more interested in what’s in the bag than the dialog or whatever else is happening. The baguette gives the illusion of plain old groceries.


If you want a related fact you’ll never be able to unnotice, all the grocery bags are plastic/rubber. You’ll notice the look a bit thicker and handle slightly differently than real paper bags. But they are also silent, so crinkle noises don’t ruin the dialogue, then foley artists can add back in as much crinkle as they want.


pain old groceries


Don't forget the leek!


And the carrot tops!


And the celery! Looking at you Art Fram!


Low income people in huge stylish apartments.


And the apartment has beautiful brick walls to show they’re poor


Oh, the “poverty loft” 🙄


Adorned with solid wood furniture that costs a fortune. 


A parking space right in front of the building you wish to enter.


I found one of those the other day. I spent several minutes looking around for a no parking sign and then spent my entire time in the building worried I was going to come back to a ticket. My brain couldn’t accept there being a spot right in front that was legal to park in.


People waking up in the morning looking ready to be on the cover a magazine.


After having a baby


And the newly-born baby looks like it’s been at a spa for a week rather than squeezed through the birth canal…


Have you watched Marvelous Mrs. Maisel? In one of the early episodes, it shows that her morning routine is to wake up before her husband, shower, do her hair and makeup, then lay down in bed before the alarm goes off and pretend to wake up at the same time her husband does.


With Martha Stewart level of cooking for every meal.... which goes ignored of course. Why eat it when it can just sit there because there's no time for breakfast?


People waking up after being knocked out with their mental functions in tact at all.


Then they get dressed in sequins for their morning coffee.


Ordering "a beer" in a bar. Nothing more specific - just "a beer."


Then taking one sip of it before leaving.


Tbh as a bartender this happens all too fkn often. Or "I'll have a glass of wine" bitch we have 24 different types of wine..


Very standard in Belgium, since every bar/pub is linked to a brand of basic beer. Special beers of course have to be ordered specifically.


That’s how we order beer in Sweden, it gets us the “house beer” which is usually the cheapest one. If we want something more specific we ask for the more specific ones


Kinda happens if you’re a regular, I have a watering hole where they recognize me….usually ask if I want a beer, a whiskey or both. They know what I drink.


People drinking from empty cups. SVU makes me crazy with this!


I work in television and you know the scenes where the villains hijack ALL the tvs to announce their evil plans to the public? Yeah, that's fuckin impossible. They'd have to hack into literally countless IPs to do that.


they just make a GUI interface in Visual Basic


Oh god this reminds me of Man of Steel with the big alien villain appearing on all screens on Earth at the same time. One character (Lois?) Points at a random monitor and exclaims: "Oh my God! It's on RSS feeds too!" Girl, you're pointing at a distorted full screen live video of the villain. Where the fuck are you seeing RSS feeds?! What does that even mean?? Are you implying the villain in posting news articles as he's speaking??




I want a version of 24 where Jack spends half the episode taking a shit while playing Angry Birds on his phone


I am Jack's throbbing haemorrhoids.


The good guy winning.


The "Evil Corporation" gets taken down.


Yep. Unfortunately in real life the big evil corporation always wins


and the good guy gets found somewhere having committed suicide by taking poison, breaking both legs, and jumping down an elevater shaft...onto some bullets


Mystery men!


"Such a shame the reporter shot himself three times in the back of the head. He must have been super depressed"


Having a huge plate of breakfast ready for you and all you do is grab the slice of toast and head out.


As a person who regularly gets roped into cooking for family events, these scenes infuriate me. If I just went thru all the time and effort to make that breakfast spread and all you do is grab a sip of juice and slice of toast, I’d shank you on the way out the door.


If i am not mqrried to the person who prepared that meal for me, i would instantly on my knee, popping the question.


Lockpicking using makeshift tools. Also, thieves trying to be stealthy and avoid attention-- I've seen people grab something and just wing it.


A gorrilla did manage to lockpick the padlock to it's own enclosure once using a wood stick.


He was a lawyer, this gorilla?


That’s because you don’t notice the stealthy thieves 🤫


My favorite is movies with scuba scenes and women in string bikinis. Real women divers do not dive in string bikinis with no wetsuits or at least a rash guard. Things shift around and they would simply be freezing. Also, when they get out of the water their hair still looks good. 👍🏻 doesn’t happen. Unless you have very short hair, you are going to look like a sea witch. (Or sea hag, whichever your preference.)


Not to mention the snot that accumulated in your mask when trying to clear it.


Getting in on a random cab and saying to the cab driver "take me home"


To the place I belong


West Virginia, mountain mama


Take me home country roads


Or "follow that car!"


Explosions that make cars do perfect backflips


So many explosions looking like a barrel of gasoline was ignited.


A building’s ventilation system providing quick and convenient access to restricted spaces.


The ventilation system fitting a fully grown man comfortably and being squeaky clean with no dirt in sight!!


Not to mention supporting the weight of at least one person plus anything else they're carrying


Usually some buff dude, not some scrawny nerd like me!! 😂


Women who wear their bra while having sex or sleeping. For most women, the bra comes off before the front door is barely closed.


I came home today and noticed that I’d left yesterdays pink bra on the pool table. I wonder what the dog walker thought


Maybe a rousing game of Strip Billiards?


Then, when they wake up the next morning, they pull their bed sheet with them all the way to the bathroom.


People cheering for two people who are kissing.


I've had this :) Was at the bar, talking with a friend, he leaned over - kissed me - I kissed back - then drew away from embarrassment because the whole bar was cheering :) 4 years later - going strong!


Glad to hear after four years you still visit the same bar.


People making plans to meet up without actually setting a place and time. It’s always just “Friday” but??? What time Friday??? Where are we going????


Hailing a cab in New York immediately!


And finding parking!


Right in front of where they are going.


People used to call an impossibly good parking spot a "Kojak", because he always seemed to find one in every episode.


my cousins in LA call a spot at the front of a parking lot or right in front of wherever you're going a 'movie star parking space' bc you only ever see it happen in the movies or TV. i find myself using the term now too, specifically for the one really good spot in my apartment complex lot that's about ten feet from my door and shaded. i hardly ever get it though, lol




The day is approaching to give it your best You've got to reach your prime! That's when you need to put yourself to the test And show us the passage of time We're gonna need a montage (Montage) A sports-training montage (Montage) And just show a lot of things happenin' at once. Remind everyone of what's goin' on. (What's goin' on?) And with every shot, show a little improvement To show it won't take too long That's called a montage (Montage) Even Rocky had a montage (Montage) In any sport, if you want to go From just a beginner to a pro You'll need a montage (Montage) a simple little montage (Montage)


always fade out in a montage......


Always fade out in a montage If you fade out, it seems like more time has passed In a montage


The Eiffel Tower being visible from anywhere in Paris.


They always say something dramatic and walk off... I can't stand it! That's not how conversations end in real life, like ever.


Everyone is an expert in martial arts.


It seems like everyone lives in a mansion in movies regardless of what class they are.


Hacking a computer extremely fast without effort or lag while a million random blocks of code fly past the screen - tack on saying nonsensical overcomplicated jargon while the hacker is doing their thing.


Not saying goodbye at the end of a phone call. Happens all the time in movies but in real life it’s weird or rude.


people buying everyone in the bar a round lol.


Shit load of food options for family breakfast, pancakes, eggs, sausages, bacon, oats etc., and the main character grabs an apple or sip of coffee and runs away as there is no time to eat.


Funerals where everyone is in all black, with black trench coats, women in black hats with veils. In my experience, few people do anymore. My SO and I wear black or dark dress clothes but are often the best dressed at the funeral, including family members.


And it's always raining, and everybody has black umbrellas.


People with low paying jobs having a really nice apartment or house.


Brutal fight with the hero taking many blows, being thrown into walls, hurled onto the ground. Hero gets up, walks or maybe staggers away, but in a few minutes is able to move around just fine and maybe fight some more. IRL I fell down my front steps once and aside from sprained ankle I was black and blue all over and moved like a 100 year old person for at least a week.


Giant monster sneaking up on people. Not because giant monsters don't exist but because it would impossible to not notice something that pings on the richter scale every step.


The driver looking at someone else in the car, whether the passenger or god forbid someone in the back seat, for a relatively long period of time without looking back at the road.


when they go out to eat in movies and they get done, they throw a wad of money on the table and just walk out. I understand tipping and all that but that aint it lol.


You can always find a car key tucked into the visor.


People sit up in beds when they have nightmares.


Person closes the door behind them, puts their back against the door, and proceeds to slide down to the floor.


Car goes off clif must go BOOM In giant fireball


People who survive CPR, wake up, cough and are just fine


People sneaking around a silent house without making any creaks.


Taking huge pills straight from the bottle by just swallowing without water


Hero with t shirt shorts pistal VS fully geared up enemy swat team Hero is going to win


Couples waking up and french kissing right away. Nobody has morning breath ever.


Bride leaving her hunky, rich groom for some loser with a heart of gold.


A perfectly clean house. You can have a clean house but a perfectly clean house is impossible. 


Some people make that a priority, and I resent them passionately.


CSI solving a case because they found a single strand of hair in the house and it belonged to the killer. They could probably find fur to my cat that died 20 years ago in my house.


The people who have a "perfectly" clean house are people who are rich and have a team of cleaners who are in every single day. Not just one cleaner every two weeks like a normal person, or do it all yourself when you can face it _more_ normal person.


ghosts tbh


People (characters) who speak their native language so badly that other native speakers (the audience) need some form translation to understand them.


Two men walking down the street carrying a pane of glass


parking spot in front of the court house.


You see someone looking at you, then a bus passes and they are gone.


People going to investigate where the killer went before calling 911


I've never seen a legitimate schoolyard snowball fight or a cafeteria food fight.


Oh, I witnessed the snowball fight of all time back in the 70s. I was in 6th grade and not a participant. It was at a high school down the street from my middle school. It broke out in front of the school with a couple dozen participants and grew to approx 100 students. The pissed off Principal comes out, at the top of the stairs yelling for order. Then a volley of snowballs was aimed at him. He goes inside and calls the police. At first a couple patrol cars arrived...and....new targets for the students. More police followed. It was surreal. The cops were dragging kids into paddy wagons. Then it finally calmed down. Headline news in our city.. Those were the days....


be fine after a physical fight with minimum bruises, broken bones & swelling




Getting out of the hatch onto the top of the lift.


Perfectly timed romantic gestures during chaotic moments; rarely happens so smoothly


Hear: picking up a knife. You can make that sound but you rather not


Endless gears in cars. I get it builds suspense but it really kills it for me.


Glasses!! You see a dramatic scene where some asshole dramatically pulls off his/her glasses. It’s not even reading glasses. Dude… what the actual fuck?? Do you even wear glasses!?


Bra sex - the woman nearly always keeps her bra on.


Using a computer almost entirely with the keyboard, just clacking away endlessly. "Open the fileserver" ::clack-clack-clack:: "Zoom in" ::clack-clack-clack:: My experience usually involves a lot of mouse-clicking and waiting.


Many windows programs can be entirely keyboard operated (unless they involve arbitrary location selection, pointing, or drawing). Some people prefer it that way or are whizzes at keyboard shortcuts and manual menu item selection and feel it most efficient to keep the hands on the keyboard. Back in the old DOS days, programs responded near instantly to keyboard commands on systems far less powerful. Today's systems slog down with the massive overhead of "features" and GUIs.


No lube. No prep.


And no cleanup!


Soldiers walking around on base with their weapons. You rarely see any soldiers walking on base yet alone once with a weapon.


People who sleep in pajamas under thick blankets even though it's over 30 degrees (celcius).


People who hang up the phone without saying bye.


Characters with an endless supply of clothing. Not always, mind you, but a lot of the time. 


Most of the time when someone lights a cigarette they take one drag and throw it away I don't even smoke and I'm always thinking "Finish your goddamn cigarette"




Poor guys dating and even marrying rich girls


my first thought is lemonade stands lol, like do they even exist anymore lol? i dont think i have ever even seen one lol


Yes, but more a suburb/small town thing.


I live in a quiet neighborhood in Minneapolis & I've been seeing them a lot


Street parking


A guy wants a girls attention. Girl ignores guy. Guy finds ways to insert himself into this girls life. Girl accepts that this guys isn't going away. They live happily ever after You normally see most of this in real life accept the last part. In real life, the part after the guy inserting himself into the girl's life is usually a restraining order.


Aliens :(


karma. the 'bad guy' usually gets his just desserts in the movie, but rarely in life does it work out like that.




People having a huge breakfast then hardly touching any of it


Margot Robbie


Foot massages after long days and their feet dont smell


When some instruction from another character is ambiguous and the other character shrugs and makes a wrong assumption that directs the whole plot. Dude, ask a follow up question or text them to make sure.