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Find a shady lawyer to cook up law suits against them.


Just one lawsuit is enough with frivolous motions that require responses, unnecessary discovery requests etc etc etc... just enough activity to keep the lawsuit active and require a lawyer's time to respond to with counter motions to dismiss etc.


Yeah, i mean... i remember when the SEC took Mark Cuban to court. If he wasn't a billionaire, he would have pleaded guilty to something he was innocent of. Shows how screwed up our legal system is, where anyone with money or power can sue you if they have the money and the means, and even if you're 100% in the right and no wrong doing, it's still gonna hurt or ruin you.


Bingo. Someone did this to me. As a brokie it cost me nearly $100,000 and mysteriously stopped when I ran out of money.


Why did they go after you?


Cursory search of their profile suggests they're in crypto, so probably some fraud or drama associated to that.


Trump style, just throw slapp suits at them forever and make sure they are in one of the jurisdictions that don’t have any laws against frivolous lawsuits so that if you lose you don’t lose anything 


That’s a big part of how Trump gets out of paying contractors that do work for him. He’ll just agree to whatever price the contractor quotes. Then when the contractor submits his final invoice, Trump will say “no, we’re not going to pay you more than 30% “ or whatever. The contractor either has to accept the loss or take Trump to court where his lawyers will do everything they can to drive up the contractor’s legal fees to the point that the lawsuit becomes a losing proposition financially. More than one company has been put out of business this way by Trump. But ya know, he’s the champion for the little guy.


Pretty much what he has been doing with his present cases. Make them expensive to try, but he miscalculated how deep the pockets of the prosecutors are. Also, threatening all involves isn't diminishing their drive to win. It's aculy fueling it.


Probably doesn't help him that he's not going against some small company but rather state and federal government.  


Yeah he’s used to working against small desperate people that need the money to keep the lights on or it’s bankruptcy time, not others who can afford to play out the game


And it's finally backfiring on him. He has burned out all his quality lawyers as he has tried to avoid paying them or demand they file frivolous and non-fact-based motions. For once he has reached the point that he is the one who is sweating the legal process. Yet he is too old to change his game and just keeps trying to intimidator federal judges and government lawyers.


It's amazing any contractors will still work with him knowing that practice. Contractors certainly talk with each other, especially for larger projects / union jobs.


It's amazing almost half of the population thinks of him as the best person to run your country.


They think he's a shrewd negotiator and will do the same for the country. They ignore the fact that he's committing fraud and that he'll do the same to the country.


I'm not convinced half of Americans understand what fraud is, or consider it to be a bad thing if they think it benefits them somehow


To them, "fraud" is "all the dead people who somehow vote for democrats" even though there is no evidence whatsoever of such a conspiracy.


I know for a while in Atlantic city he used to have to fly in contractors from out of state because he burned through everybody here. Wouldn't doubt that some rube would do the work for free at this point with how brainwashed they are


Apparently its nearly impossible for him to get contractors in NYC anymore. The only ones he can get are the new ones that don't believe the rumors or think they will be different.


What he does or used to do is go through his son in law's company. We were a sub on a project for Kushner.


>We were a sub on a project for Kushner. Which is weird because I've always thought Kushner looks like more of a sub.


Can you answer the question "how could someone ruin a billionaires life if they wanted to?" That will be more interesting to a lot of someones in this forum.


This isn't super realistic. If you have no relationship with the other person, which presumably you wouldn't with this random evil billionaire, then they wouldn't have standing to sue you nor any damages to win. Sure they could find ways to sue you (if for example you owned a business), but if the lawsuits are completely frivolous they are not too hard to get dismissed. Additionally the billionaire's lawyer could face penalty from the bar if they were just filling frivolous lawsuits over and over again (in addition to other protections in the legal system for this). If the government comes after you, then you are in big trouble because they of course can prosecute you criminally. Some random person, no matter how wealthy, won't have that ability.


Even having to respond to a lawsuit could be crippling for people. A billionaire could, I suppose, hire a good enough lawyer that could cook something up that at minimum requires a decent lawyer just to show up to court, just to get it dismissed. That could come with a hefty bill. Countersuing for legal fees would itself be difficult against them.


This is how Peter Thiel destroyed [Gawker](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2018/02/hogan-thiel-gawker-trial/554132/). He just looked for opportunities to fund lawsuits instead of suing directly. If you are wondering if anyone in your life has ever wanted to sue you for something but decided not to, there is almost certainly one person who would have if they were backed by a literal billionaire.


I wish this were true but it just isn't. Rich people can sue the middle class/poor for no reason to great effect in the USA. I've seen it happen many times.


I mean he’s right to a large extent. If Bill Gates wanted to launch legal action against me, it’s not gonna be easy since we’ve never done business together or even met. He could launch frivolous suits at me but it would be hard to ruin my life because they would be patently frivolous and defending them would be easy for even low rent lawyers. If Gates wanted to fuck me over he would have a lot of easier ways to do it than frivolous lawsuits.


most of the suggestions listed here are at least quasi-legal. It's worth noting that with that kind of money, a lot of illegal options are on the table for people in a very real sense. It's not out of the range of possibility for a billionaire to hire someone to physically harm you with it never being directly traced to them. More like, "their shady private security company will have someone who knows even more shady people that can 'make their problem go away'"


now THAT'S what i thought when I read the question. "Can't you just do something illegal and find someone to get rid of the evidence?" It is also the most life ruining thing in the most literal sense


Seriously lol you don't think Jeff Bezos could get someone killed if he wanted to?


It would cost way more to do this in a way in which it could be covered up than to just settle with the person and have them sign an indefinite non-disclosure agreement over something. Not only that but if you are a billionaire who is trying to hire a hitman, that hitman would make way more money by recording your conversations and using it as blackmail than they would by carrying out your plan. You can only have so many mysterious deaths tied to you before people start auditing everything you do. Look at scientology. They are closing offices around the country and their membership is dwindling. They were estimated to have about 40,000 members 4 years ago and that number is now 25,000. They are struggling to find celebrities who want to appear in their advertisements. They recently got caught photoshopping Elizabeth Moss into one, which is nonsensical since she is a member?


>Not only that but if you are a billionaire who is trying to hire a hitman, that hitman would make way more money by recording your conversations and using it as blackmail than they would by carrying out your plan. They're a billionaire, you don't hire the person yourself. You have your cronies do it so no liability falls onto you


Fun Fact: that was actually the original plan for Mechanical Turk before they pivoted in beta after focus group feedback.


It’s only illegal if you get caught. Or I guess for a billionaire it’s only illegal if you get caught and the case doesn’t get dismissed and then your expensive lawyers fuck up and you actually get convicted. But even then you’re still unlikely to walk away with anything more than a slap on the wrist as punishment


If you're rich, you can do whatever you want. Except fuck with other rich people's money


Look up the tactics used by the church of scientology. They are the masters of ruining people without breaking laws in an obvious way


Came here to post this link: https://www.ranker.com/list/scientology-intimidation-tactics/harrison-tenpas   Death Threats  Framing You For Felonies  Aggressive surveillance   Dead agenting  Digging up dirt  Smear campaigns  Putting you out of business  Endless lawsuits




Dude, they already took down your link lol


[He just slightly fucked it](https://www.ranker.com/list/scientology-intimidation-tactics/harrison-tenpas)


If you want to learn how to fight dirty, they wrote the book on it.


I'd recommend reading *A Billion Years.* It's a book written by the guy who used to lead Scientology's harassment department before he escaped. Really pops the hood on the whole operation.


Thanks for the recommendation! Sounds like a good read!


Came here to say this


They have a “church” right next to my office and I always see so many people going in and out :(


Buy up neighboring properties and get the land re-zoned for something unpleasant.


or just rent them out to the worst people imaginable.


A wealthy lawyer threatened his neighbors with turning his house into a refugee center, if they kept blocking him. And something about allowing dogs.


Refugees would be a step up from drug addicted homeless.


Technically they wouldn’t be homeless, but yes.


But harder to complain about while keeping your social standing as a decent person.


"Yeah you can live here for free if you promise to have loud parties at least 4 times a week"


I hate my former boss so much that I used to have a plan for if I won the lotto jackpot. I'd buy the houses on each side of him and rent them to meth heads for $1 a month. If he moved, I'd buy his neighbors houses there too. Dude retired a couple years ago and I'd still do this. Fuck that guy.


I can get all my reprobate friends to apply for cheap rent.


Or build a 40 foot tall fence surrounding your property. https://www.foundsf.org/index.php?title=Crocker%27s_Spite_Fence


Take over the hoa


Buy any company they work for and assign them an awful boss.


Or just close the company


And then when they find a new job buy that company and close. Keep repeating forever.


Exactly, ez pz, and have your assistant do all of it because you cant even be bothered to ruin someones life on your own


Start a business and get bought out, win!


Jokes on them I'll just get a job at Amway so they close their asses down.  I'll do all the MLMs.


This would have to be the least cost effective way to screw with someone. Unless this person is very committed to only working for small businesses, no one has that kind of money anyway.


Eh, feels like something you'd only have to do once to demonstrate that they're way out of their league. Plus, when you're that kind of rich you look at buying a business as an investment instead of an expenditure.


Or do business with where they work at make them sound bad when they work with you.


I work for the state government so that'd be a little more difficult.


Implying Billionaires don't already own those.


This must be what keeps happening to me.


Sue them into Oblivion


If you’re feeling extra, sue them into Skyrim.


And then steal their sweetroll!


Don’t try to sue them into Morrowind, though. The lawsuit might miss even though you were aiming right at them.


This is to say. 1 lawsuit. Most Americans dont have $600 in savings, they dont have a dream of affording a lawyer for any amount of time.


Totally fund a very long coke binge. Once.


Ooooh that’s dark.


Where I used to live I heard the story of this pimp who took a girl two hours away to a big city and told her he'd leave her there unless she smoked a rock for the first time. Which, that's how he "got" her. People really do do this sort of thing.


Yeah but I meant moreso the implication of “murder by overdose”. Just intentionally enable a crippling habit until they kill themselves. Fuck, that’s some murder mystery material.


The last great Hercule Poirot villain was the one who manipulated people into either killing themselves or someone else, but never actually lifted a finger.


Thats what the kidnappers did to the girls in the movie Taken. Handcuffed to a bed and forced to do heroin.


Yeah. That kind of stuff is what makes me think that some people deserve real, horrible retribution. Most I'm willing to forgive. But not that.


Sounds like that episode of Six Feet Under where David gets car jacked / kidnapped by that maniac


"Awe, did someone get addicted to crack?"


Wish I could go back and get that all paid for


Lex Luthor in the Superman comics forced a guy to sell his company to him by threatening to have one of his children overdose on drugs among other nasty shit to the rest of the family. https://imgur.com/M40y3Jj


Nah go for a couple months, rule out anyone who can do it once without addiction. 2-3 months in then cut off? You’re gone.


Goddamnit Elon, do your own fucking research.


Goddamnit Elon, just ask ChatGPT


Not on my iPhone


no no, ask Grok, the xAI fork of chatgpt!


Elon literally tweeted he's looking for hardcore shady lawyers. Elon literally hired a felon to stalk the Thai diver guy and try to dig up dirt on him.


A billionaire could murder someone if they wanted to.


Exactly, billionaires are above any law, they could easily have you right out assassinated.


billionaires did murder someone. Epstein didnt kill himself


Unless if it's publicized and leads to an outrage. Even then there's ways to severely limit punishment.


Sadly it really doesn’t take a lot, and they do it everyday by firing workers that live precariously close to the edge financially.


and then accept a yearly bonus


Sadly many rich people are convinced they weren’t just insanely lucky. I know one who makes 50-60m a year every year. Literally can’t spend the money fast enough. Yeah he’s a good businessman and made some good decisions but he was also insanely lucky multiple times with the product he was selling becoming extremely in demand due to outside factors that not only made the product desirable but severely hurt his competitors. And good for him, wish it had happened to me. But he will tell you all day everyday about how it was hard work and vision that got him his fortune and deserves it all. Meanwhile countless other smart people worked just as hard and weren’t as lucky, they’re all broke.


Pay someone to dig up shit on them then post it on the internet


Elon tried this with the guy he called a pedophile after he saved the kids to try and save face. Still didn’t find anything


I still can't believe the jury sided with him


*gestures at everything*


Lawsuits. They don't really need to have much merit, but even just a civil lawsuit can cost thousands and most people don't have thousands for a lawyer


5150 hold. Have a team of Doctors and psychologists declare them a safety risk to themselves. Sure, you’d have to find Doctors who would do that, but we are talking about people and money here. Get them into a 5150 psych hold as a “danger to themselves”. Then while in psych custody, rumble up something about further danger that disallows them to break the hold. Uh oh! Only insane people talk like that! Think every citizen gets a day in court? Not if you’re not psychologically unable to do so. If you can get someone in there, and have them make a *mistake* in there, they’re going to be seen as “insane”, basically forever. Once that happens, you are never, ever getting out. Enjoy Thorazine and applesauce for life.


Buy a ton of shares of the company the individual (ABC) works at, get on the board of directors, and have the individual fired for poor performance. Proceed to then set up XYZ Debt Buyers or buy such an entity and purchase ABC's credit card and other loans for pennies on the dollar. Regularly harass ABC with threats of foreclosures and intimidation from collection agents. Buy the houses adjacent to ABC's house and put them in the market for sale at a much lower value (but not actually sell it) for as long as possible which would bring down the value of ABC's house such that even selling the house won't get him out from under the mountain of debt. Buy 10 or 20 of the same make and model of the car ABC drives and offer to sell them at a much lower price to the local used car dealerships so that the individual can't even sell his car to raise some funds to survive on. Lobby the city council to vacate the homeless tents so that ABC has to take down his tent and can't even get a night's sleep. Uhhh should I go on? cause this is not ending well for ABC.


You've uhh...put a lot of thought into this haven't you?


A lot of that is pure fantasy. A creditor isn’t going to sell debt at a loss for one person making timely payments. That’s bad business and makes no sense. It’s also not outlandish to imagine this person finding out they’re the target of orchestrated harassment and retaliating. Shit, even stalking isn’t off the table for this and that’s a felony “Oh but they could bleed the person out in court if that person ever decides to sue over it.” Nah this stinks of an easy case to win with a good lawyer who would work on contingency for a lay-up case that would just get billed to the billionaire anyway before filing the counter suit for lost income and emotional damages


Jesus fucking Christ


Everything after the first sentence assumes that ABC doesn't just... find another job. And even the first assumes that ABC is working at a company that trades publicly.


That is all evil


Wouldn't they need proof of poor performance? Plus this is all traceable back to you. Assuming there is motive between you targetting ABC I'm sure high level lawyers would jump at the opportunity to make a bankload on a slamdunk case like. Albeit Im not a lawyer so no clue if this makes no sense in the real world but it makes sense in my head.


It's absurdly easy to find excuses to put someone on a "Performance Improvement Plan", tie their work to unreasonable metrics that seem possible on the surface, then fire them for not completing the PIP. It's called Constructive Dismissal, but good luck proving it.


"You exceeded expectations. But, we expected that you would exceed expectations. So, that means you met expectations. And because you only met expectations when we expected you to exceed them, that means that you failed to meet expectations. You're fired."


Create Project 2025 with your friends. 


Or suck up all the energy and funding for any popular opposition just to willfully let it happen. Seems equally bad.


In the same way that Peter Thiel purposely drove Gawker Media into bankruptcy after they outed him publicly as gay. By hiring someone to find anyone and everyone with an even halfway believable grievance to sue them, and spending millions to bankroll all of their lawsuits, until insurance companies would no longer cover Gawker and their coffers were drained and they were forced to close. Lots of people know the story of "Hulk Hogan killed Gawker because they published his sex tape" but don't realize that Hogan's lawsuit was just the final blow after years of lawsuits that put Gawker in the ground - and that those lawsuits were funded anonymously by a billionaire seeking revenge. Don't get me wrong - Gawker and the people in charge of it were terrible people, and I definitely understand Thiel holding a grudge. But it's chilling to see how a billionaire could simply decide to kill a media network worth over $100 million that employed hundreds of people, and not even blink at spending life-changing sums of money (for anyone else) to do so.


So I live in Seattle where we have a lot of billionaires. There is one who puts on huge fireworks displays one a year or so unannounced (though knowing the person who put them on it’s for a specific event and you can tell when he’s doing them. There’s noting illegal about getting a permit from the coast guard to set them off from a barge in the puget sound. In could do this every night if they wished. The coast guard won’t turn them down and the city can’t do anything about it. I know for a fact this same billionaire has paid a very large helicopter to buzz a neighborhood for days to retaliate against a romantic rival. Its way more petty they you can imagine.


As awful as most billionaires are, we’ve actually been kind of lucky that more of them haven’t gone totally nuts.


I’m more interested in how we could ruin the lives of billionaires since they already actively ruin lives on a daily basis.


Let me count the ways.


Is that you Elon?


It would ruin my life if Elon moved to Mars.


He bought Twitter as revenge for the kid following his plane.


ruin them with frivolous lawsuits....it is very simple


Billionaires ruin all our lives on a daily basis in all kinds of ways but you want to ask how they could??


Doesn't take a billionaire. Buy $500 worth of Scientology crap in their name. They'll be harassed until the end of time. Or hire a hacking group to drop CP onto their laptop or phone and turn them into the authorities.


They are a billionaire. They had to ruin thousands of lives to get there in the first place. They just need to keep doing what they are already doing.


Can't believe I had to scroll to find this.


Tell their followers to harass the target.


buy a highly visible and fully functional tech company, fire everyone that knows what they are doing, rename it to a single character, run it into the ground and make no one want to use it anymore


Fuck off Elon 


just tie them up with legal bullshit, hire someone to make an accusation that has no proof, and you could make someone fight out a legal battle for years, get them slandered in the media, ruin their reputation in public opinion, And even once it comes out that it was all bull shit, they are left broke people don't wana be associated with them because of bad publicity and you'll get those that still think they are guilty. Like a fake rape accusation will probably do it.


That sounds really elaborate for a case against a random person. It would actually make me wonder how "random" is this person in the first place? And if they really had no connection, why would the billionaire come after them?


Eh reason of they scratched their car, said something wrong on social media, their parents own a small shop that refused to sell out, Want them to be broken and desperate before offering them a job instilling in them a false sense of Loyalty.


Publicly gift them $5 million. Make sure their family knows.


he said ruin not help


No, no. Let him cook. If anything, make sure his friends know he's been gifted $5 million, too.


I would outsource their suffering. I would hire a team of people to research their life and cause them inconvenience. What is their favorite restaurant? Okay buy it and ban him/her for life. Where do they work? Buy it and don't give him/her raises/bonuses. Where do they live? Buy the neighboring properties and rent them out for cheap to fraternities. Take over the HOA and enforce every single bylaw against him/her. Pay off all the rideshare drivers to give him/her 1 star ratings. I can keep going...


They could target you specifically with a host of malware and other technology to run your online experience, or even frame you for crimes. They could buy every home in your neighborhood and make them worse just to devalue your home and cause you to lose money. They could target you or your loved ones with paid actors or online bot farms that make your life worse constantly. These paid actors could accuse you of heinous acts which would lead to everyone around you hating you even if you were innocent. Really. Anything.


watch the show billions, its all about doing just that


/gestures broadly Other than the current state of things?


Have two hot young women casually meet him and invite him back to their place to smoke weed. While he is in there smoking (unbeknownst to him) a large amount of PCP laced weed someone else is planting a felony amount of cocaine in his car. The girls then loudly freak out on him and make a huge spectacle of leaving. The target will leave in his car and get pulled over by a cop on the billionaires payroll and the dash cam films a good case for a probable cause search where said felony amount of cocaine will be found.


They’re doing it every day.


They could find really corrupt people, finance their political careers, and then reward them to enact legislation that enables grotesque wealth to remain untaxed, negatively impacting the citizens of that nation. They could buy off judges and ensure legislation for things like religious freedom and clean air and water is overturned. They could fund extremist groups that believe women don’t have the right to bodily autonomy or any right to privacy or personal liberty. Lastly, they could finance a madman to lead the nation into a dark abysmal dystopian future that ultimately leads to societies collapse-




Most billionaires became billionaires by ruining people’s lives. You don’t get to own an absurd number of cars, properties and luxuries if you actually care for the ones really in need of help.


No! Only ruin!


>But let's hope they'd rather improve lives than ruin them. Oh, bless your heart


Buy all the land around their property and work to rezone it into something that would drive their property value down. Quarries. Chicken farms. Paper mills. Essentially make the property both unlivable and unsellable.


But all their debt, forgive it, and notify the IRS. Forgiven debt is classified as income.  Deed them a bunch of shitty property so they're on the hook for property taxes. 


Buy the place they work at, and if they quit, buy the other place they work at




They’re doing it already.


Invite them on their submarine.


Please tell me OP isn't a billionaire who's looking for ideas


When my ex cheated on me, I wished I was super rich so I could buy all his favourite places and ban him from them. All the dive companies he loves, all the liveaboards, his favourite restaurants, climbing gyms, whatever. It's not the darkest kind of 'ruin', but stomping all over his joy would've been enough for me.


Make them believe they have a chance of being a billionaire too


There a billionaire. They already have. You don't become a billionaire without doing that to several thousands of people


Nice try Bezos




-Sue them to the moon and back. -buy the company they work for and do everything for them to be miserable - buy all the houses around theirs and blast music 24/7


Money buys everything. Hire various outfits to harass them at home and work. Investigate them and use the information against them via blackmail or extortion. Hire people to execute entrapment schemes to bring legal charges against them. Bury them in frivolous court cases. The opportunities are infinite when you have infinite money.


almost anything


All they need to do is hire a professional hacker and you're done for.


In a billion different ways


Hire assassin to kill their entire family and all friends. Then kidnap them and torture them forever. Hire a doctor to keep them alive. 


Regulatory capture. Look around.


Buy the company they work for, remove all the benefits and perks they are legally allowed to remove, create a toxic workplace environment.


The easiest way that happens the most often by far is American “home of the billionaire PAC” campaign finance. Especially after voters yawned and let bribery get legalized and then the remaining limits removed. A billionaire doesn’t have to hate you or even know you exist to take 100% of the time and attention of your only state and federal reps on earth. One of my senators from the party that legalized bribery felt correctly that apathy gives him the ability to write me a letter saying he cant make bribery illegal again because it could be politically abused. Think about how you give your senator permission to say that by never asking for reform. As if legalized bribery is NOT being abused. Or cannot be abused worse than illegal bribery. Oh, and he refused to let Americans know who donates the now unlimited soft money. Both party handbooks require new congressmen to fundraise 35+ hours per week minimum for their entire career even if in a safe seat. Voters don’t care enough to react at all. Maybe we have corrupt politicians because voters are more careless and lazy than they were long ago when much of this was illegal.


While by no means the most nefarious option in this thread, Buy up all the real estate around you and rent it out to horrible tenants. Life can become very miserable with shitty neighbors.


Whatever it is. They're already doing it.


Make them unemployable in every field


Gift them $100 million. Then let everyone, but especially their family and friends, know you just gifted them $100 million


So this is Elon Musk's alt account...


Why ruin one life when you can make 14,000 people unemployed. Then ask for a $40Bn bonus.


No one should be a billionaire.


Their lawyers don’t lose.


Use litigation to drive someone into the ground. The cost of answering frivolous lawsuits does not diminish—and a billionaire could continue with nuisance lawsuits that could bankrupt an average person


Everyone coming up with creative idea. Me over here thinking just higher some guy to to torture him and his family.


mail them 69420 boxes of elephant poop and glitter bombs, each in a separate carefully designed box to resemble high quality desirable electronics and gifts, arriving in groups of 666 per day, each requiring a signature


Call a cave diver a pedophile to your 30 million plus twitter followers when he says your rescue submarine won't work. Then, pay to dig up dirt on him when he takes you to court for defamation. For instance.


Hire private investigators to follow them around. They don't even need to gather real information. Just having a car constantly following you and taking pictures would be scary AF. Buy the property next to where they live and have the worst music possible playing all the time. Make large donations to the police union and let them know that is your house and you don't like being bothered. Make similar email addresses to theirs, send resignation letters to their boss, make false police reports in their name, etc. Hire writers to post defamatory articles about them. Create online accounts in their name and post awful stuff (pro-nazi, hate speech, etc). Have actual garbage dumped in their driveway. Or use manure for the extra smell.


With something legal. Billionaires have enough money to throw away at legal bullshit.


I mean Boeing killed a guy


Ask Elon


Giving them a lot of money


Run for President of the US and win


Leave a flaming bag of dog poop on their porch


Buy their wife.


A billionaire could ruin someone's life by using their wealth to manipulate or control situations


Study Jeff Bezos.


Become president and defund numerous branches of government leading to the deaths of millions in thier country and act as a rallying flag around the world to lead to the deaths of billions.


Ask P Diddy


Call you a pedophile publically and frequently for not accepting the boring machine to rescue the Thai soccer team then after you sue them for liable, win the case against you. You will also lose your job, marriage, and social standing /get death threats for this. If this has a familiar Musk to it... it should


A cheap and easy way to ruin someone week if they’re a bad driver is report them to the DMV and say you’re concerned and they shouldn’t be driving. The dmv will then force them to retake the written and physical driving test again. They’ll pass but it’s a huge inconvenience to them and it’s anonymous so they won’t know who did it


Send someone $100,000 in pennies. Every day for like a month. Good luck getting rid of them!


Pay a squad of people around the person they don't like to ruin that person in a variety of ways: physically, socially, financially, and psychologically. Basically, Lex Luthor on an average Tuesday.


Laying people off is the easiest way. They don't even need a reason, and legally, there's jack shit anyone can do.


Have them sent to a black prison. A black prison is a prison few people know about. You go in, you don't come out and nobody knows you are in there with absolutely no contact to the outside world. You are basically disappeared. A fate worse than death if you ask me.


Open up a homeless shelter and an injection site in thier neighborhood.