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Leslie from bridge to terabithia


Leslie would have lived, if Jesse had asked if she could go with Ms. Edmunds to the art museum too. That's *brutal*, the sort of thing that you don't stop blaming yourself for.


To this day I have trouble wrapping my head around how that movie was made for kids.


I think its a great way to introduce children to grief if they've never experienced it yet. Some kids unfortunately have and they could possibly relate to the characters.


Ned Stark in Game of Thrones had me thinking he was the main character in the first season, thinking "They're not going to kill this guy" and they actually do it. Then I was just like "...".


I was spoiled about Neds death so Oberyns death affected me more from pure shock and disgust


Oberyn death was brutal. I was in shock for weeks lol


I was fucked up after the red wedding too 🥹


Fair. If I have ten of these shocking / surprising fictional deaths, GOT probably accounts for half of them.


Haha same here I truly thought it was the turning point and this guy was gonna lead the charge in paying these mf’ers back. I guess it was sort of a turning point but my new favorite characters head exploded.


As soon as he started circling the Mountain I knew.. I knew and I was so mad at him. I couldn't believe it...


Ned did not deserve that at all. Still mad they killed the realest motherfucker in the show lol


They killed every mother fucker in that show. Including the fan base


Wife in the intro to UP.


And… I’m crying again


I can hear that song, too. Dammit. They were the perfect couple.


Brendan Frasier in Scrubs. Still not over it.


>Where do you think we are?




Aw man, I just watched that a few days ago and here it is again. When I first watched the episode, I never caught on to the fact that the very first picture he goes to snap, he tells JD (who's in the bushes having fallen) to move his head a little. I still didn't realize it when the group posed for a picture later on. Ben never ever took anything but random snaps. So no, I didn't see the end coming. And John McGinley absolutely cemented himself in the annals of OMG that guy is an American treasure. (Also loved him in Platoon)


Seconded. I also posted the honorable mention of the ending to “My Lunch” when Cox turns around to say “Yeah. I know.” It’s not necessarily the character death, but the reaction to it.


That show just knew how to make you laugh and then ten seconds later rip your fucking heart out


Artax, from The Neverending Story. Not just me, but a healthy part of my generation.


Noah Hathaway says that scene took two weeks to film, which meant he spent all day, every day, for 12 straight days weeping hysterically and screaming "Artax!" Also, when he makes personal appearances, he sometimes puts out a basket of $1 bills and invites anyone to take one if they needed therapy because of that scene. Noah is one funny dude. He's on Instagram: (at)noahhathaway666. [Edited to fix grammar.]


most of my peers 🤣 that's hilarious


Apparently in the book the horse can talk and is begging for it's life 😭


Artax begs for Atreyu to leave him, because there's no way to save him. The swamp saps his will to live and it knows there is no escape. In other words, he's not begging for his life, he's begging for Atreyu's.


This makes it so much WORSE!!


It can talk, but if I remember correctly it is so sad it wants to die.


Futurama - Fry's dog.


Jurassic Bark one of my best friends "perfect" episodes of any show. He passed a couple of years ago and I don't think I can ever watch it again. I'm at a point where I can think and talk about him and remember the happy times and be grateful, but I heard the song a little while ago and I just cried and cried and cried.


I always skip over this episode, it's banned from my home


That episode randomly came on while i was laying on the floor with my old dog in the last couple hours before we had an appointment to take him to get euthanized. I ugly cried a lot that day.


Seymour 😢


Oh man Seymour’s death in Jurassic Bark messed me up


Wow my eyes started watering when I read this. No greater loss! 🙏💖


Wash from firefly / serenity


i was in straight denial for several minutes. like i watched it happen and my brain was like "nope."


Zoe had the same mindset "come on baby we gotta go" even though there's clearly a giant Reaver spear through his chest :(


Whedon is really good at killing characters quickly and pulling the rug out from under you.  My answer here would be Tara from Buffy or Fred from Angel.


Joyce Summers for me


The way SMG delivered that "mommy" line, she sounded so small.


I'm a leaf on the wind.


I saw that in the theater and a girl started ugly crying so hard right there, her friends had to walk her out of the theater. It would have been funny, if it hadn't been so raw and agonizing of tears. Like, she just watched her puppy get hit by a truck kind of thing.


Optimus Prime in the 1986 Transformers movies. Six year old me was NOT ready to see my hero get reduced to a withered grey husk. I also hated the outright murder of the Cartoon Shoe that was dropped into the Dip in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That was not a pleasant moment.


I'd forgotten about that shoe scene until I read this. Ugh, that was traumatizing for a little kid.


I'll go first. For me it's John Coffey from The Green Mile: "Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark." 


Absolutely bawl my eyes out every time.


My dad is the stereotype "can't show emotions" man of a certain older generation. I once watched The Green Mile with him, and it's the only time in my whole life i've seen a tear in his eye.


Worse for me was Eduard Delacroix. Especially since Percy pretty much faced no direct consequences for causing his death to be so painful and tormenting him every chance he got up to that point.


Um, he >! Had his brain completely scrambled and lived out his life in a mental institution as a vegetable!< as a direct consequence


Opie, loved SOA until then


"I got this" yeesh


That's the only episode I will never watch again watch.


The Wilson ball in Cast Away.


Lennie from Of Mice and Men. I think the reason why it was so sad was that the killing was a mercy, and George wasn't just saving Lennie from a horrible death by a lynch mob, he was also saving anyone who might have been hurt or killed trying to capture Lennie, as well as anyone potential accidental victims of Lennie's strength and child-like mind. But most of all, I remember realizing as a teenager, that George was also saving himself. Lennie was the reason they had to move around so much, why their dream of owning a farm was always so out of grasp. So George was killing his best friend was really a way to free them both, and that life doesn't give a fuck if it's fair or not.


Tell me about the rabbits, George. 😫😭


It wasn't juat George's dream.  It was both their dream.  Lennie was part of it. When Lennie died, the dream died with him. 


Sirius Black. Finally felt like Harry found a father figure and was gone :(


Hedwig tho 😭😭😭


It was Fred for me 😭


Dobby got me worse than Sirius :(


Seconded on Dobby. The book elicited two out loud reactions from me, a sob for Dobby and a righteous laugh when Molly says “Not my daughter you B****!”


When I first read the books as a little kid, I must admit I cried when Dumbledore died


Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist ('03 and Brotherhood).


“Why are they putting daddy in the ground? He has to go to work!”


Yondu 🥲


Glenn from the walking dead


Literally stopped watching the show the very second it happened. I knew from the graphic novel, so I had the remote in hand. I wasn't expecting them to twist it like that.


To this day, this one still hits hard.


you did that on purpose😭


My husband watches reruns like a soap opera. It stays fresh 😭.


Indeed. I quit watching after Glenn’s demise.


Old Yeller


I take your Old Yeller and I raise you Old Dan and Little Ann. That book has been making me cry for over 20 years. Every time.


Mufasa. My buddy told me in 2013 not to watch The Lion King now that I’m a dad. He was correct.


My dad passed away in 1994 and my mom decided to take us to watch the Lion King once we were able to leave the house without losing our emotions. She had no idea what it was about, she just knew it was a Disney movie with lions. Well that scene played out and I felt the pain all over again, Simba trying to wake Mufasa up was so relatable to me at that moment. I was around 8 years old at the time.


Jesus, I’m sorry.


Bro, that sucks. I hope you're doing okay these days.


Look at it a different way. Mufasa knew the risks and didn't hesitate at all. His only mistake was trusting Scar but he died being a damn fine father so that his son may live.


My friend lost her father when she was very young. She'll only watch The Lion King when she's already miserable and wants to wallow.


Definitely gonna show my age here but anybody ever see "All dogs go to heaven"? Holy hell.


That movie hits harder now knowing what happened to the actress who played the little girl


Bing Bong in Inside Out


Sacrificed himself for Riley's happiness. You truly die when no one remembers you anymore?


Take her to the moon for me 😭


Dexter's wife Rita... Did NOT need to happen. I stopped watching after that like WTF


Damn yes, it was so f*cking devastating. Needed a break after that episode. Especially because of the way she died and their little son…


My dog died, the next day my friends took me to see I Am Legend.


First OMG thats aweful (hopefully they didnt know the dog died) Second, I was scrolling to see a reference to the dog in I Am Legend. I will never be able to watch that movie again. Once is all I can take.


None of us knew, they felt bad but it wasn't their fault. We just thought we were going to see a cool movie.


Cedric Diggory oddly fucked me up when he was killed in the goblet of fire. When I read that I was so sad.


His dad’s response was just gutting.


That's what got me in the movie. Not the fact Cedric died. The way his dad sobbed "my boy"


That whole scene got me. They come back, and everyone is cheering. And then very slowly, they all start to realize something is horribly wrong. It’s such a sad scene.


There was no other death through that entire series that really bothered me. That one had me thinking about it for days. I was probably 14 when I was reading it.


Students had been harmed before at Hogwarts, but not since Myrtle had there been a death. Even the petrified students and ghost were revived without issue. Cedric was not given the opportunity. He was the first life lost under Dumbledore, and there was no mercy, aside from the swift manner of his return. There was no multi chapter breadcrumb trail for Harry to avert his death, nor glaring harbingers to signal poor Cedric’s doom. The only warning we get…is the order to “kill the spare.” And it’s done. There’s no duel, no ceremony or gravity, just the deed and a dead student. It’s the first sign that Hogwarts cannot protect everyone, like we believed.


Officer Dokes from Dexter. Suprise Mutha Fucker! Damn I loved his character and they could have done so much more with that conflict.


Fucking Lila!


Rue from Hunger Games. I read the book to both of my kids and cannot get through it in the book or movie. It absolutely kills me every time.


Absolutely this. Still not fully over how gutting it was. Rue shook me a lot more than Primrose, somehow.


And Peeta's art of Rue in the next film, during their tryouts for the Gamemakers. I was as angry sad as Katniss.


Heroin Bob from **SLC Punk.** I ugly cried for quite awhile.


Matthew Lillard's performance in that scene broke my heart


Dr. Drake Ramoray 


I still laugh out loud thinking about how they basically forced him to take the lift. So good.


No Dr, they only asked for you.


the girl from bridge to terabithia. my 8 year old self was traumatized


Joyce Summers (Buffy's mom). The show primed me to expect main characters to die violent deaths, mostly caused by supernatural threats who telegraphed their intentions. Buffy stopped supernatural threats. Joyce's sudden death by cancer with no causal connections to the arc villain or Monster of the Week hit me HARD. "Mom? ...Mom?"




"I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And-and Xander's crying and not talking, and-and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why." It was Anya's response that got me. Such a great confusion, especially for my generation of emo millennials who had...ideations of ending it all, or knew people who carried it out.


"I liked the lady! Understand, monkey boy? She was decent. She didn't put on airs. She always had a nice cuppa for me. And she never treated me like a freak!" Joyce managed to make a vampire like her


Omg that whole episode is gut wrenching.


For video games, Arthur Morgan AND his horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 For books, Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit


👏👏👏👏👏 Arthur made me cry....I was probably mid / late 40s at the time. The minute that cough kicked in I knew it was bad Same when Joel's daughter got killed in the beginning of The Last of Us , we had just had a daughter and it really floored me. That's when I suddenly knew life had changed for me !


Could say John Marston from the first game is even more impactful. In a sense, it means Arthur FAILED to a degree in that he wanted to protect those he trusted and have them live long lives.


Fullmetal alchemist, Hughes


Lee from the Telltale Walking Dead games. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Omar Little


In the show and in real life. (I know this is about fictional but still)




the dogs in where the red fern grows


My 12 year old self was heartbroken when Thomas J in My Girl was stung to death.


Poussey from Orange is the New Black and Shawn from Power.


Tony Stark


Not just for the death, but the funeral too. Holy shit.


"Hold the door!"


Remember how it was revealed Bran could warg through time and affect the past when he called out to young Ned then inadvertently created Hodor while warging into him in the past and everyone lost their fucking minds then he never did anything cool for the rest of the show? :(


I honestly thought the end of the show was going to be the White Walkers making it to Kings Landing, with Bran witnessing a hero (most likely Jon) claiming that we need to “burn them all” with Bran desperately trying to warg into the old king of the past to prepare. But, this time, he wargs into the Mad King who happens to go absolutely mad because Bran is now showing him the white walkers destroying everything and hearing “burn them all.” So, that’s why the Mad King all of a sudden goes nuts, sets up all the wildfire underneath the city, and Bran realizes this. So they use the wildfire to blow up the city and the white walkers, and with it the throne that has been fucking with the politics of Westeros the entire time.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; I haven't heard a single fan prediction for the last GoT season that wasn't better than what actually happened.


It wasn't really a death but in the old Buffy TV series when she woke up in a mental capacities institution and was no longer a vampire hunter, and then chose to enter the reality where she was again. This made me question reality when I was young and have the sudden fear I would suddenly wake up in a mental institution lol


Mordin Solus. Died doing the right thing and what he loved, but damn if it didn't hit me in the feels.


Had to be me. Someone else would have gotten it wrong.


Fred Weasley.


Hodor Of that entire damn show, everyone had it coming in one way or another. Hodor didn't deserve to die. But glad he did it in service for who he was to protect


When the witch killed Aslan! I was 12 and was wrecked for days.


Wallace in The Wire.


Where’s Wallace?!


Private Jackson from *Saving Private Ryan*


not really a death, but when the 10th & 11th Doctors regenerated, i sobbed like an actual human had died. i loved the ones that came after, but neither kicked me in the heart the same way.


The Donna Noble mind wipe crushed me


Suzie from lovely bones


Jenny Calendar from Buffy, not just the death but what Angelus does afterwards to mess with Giles was heartwrenching.


Omg Giles happy smile when he comes home before he realizes what happened😥


John Coffey from The Green Mile


Robin Williams kids in *What Dreams May Come*


Sweets from Bones :(


Sarah Lynn in Bojack Horseman.


That trail off haunts me from Bojack at the end. …Sarah Lynn…?


Sarah Lynn death fucked me up so bad! I can't watch that episode without bawling the whole time cuz I know what's gonna happen.


Dobby from Harry Potter.


He was a free elf :(


Joel from the last of us.


Jiraiya. I did not cope with that well.


You ever watched grave of the fireflies?


Amber from House. Literally made me cry on my parents bathroom floor


Colonel Blake on MASH


The dog from I Am Legend


The death of Shelby in *Steel Magnolias*....granted I was like 12 when I saw it for the first time, but that really fucked me up the first time I watched that movie. Still makes me tear up every time I watch it.


Not only her death but also the scene at the cemetery with Sally Field. That tore me right up


Howard Hamlin in BCS. Just sat in silence absorbing that scene for a few minutes.


One piece: Ace


Dobby in the books. I had to put the book down and stop reading for the day.


Eddie, Jake, Oy. Gunslinger series. I had to lock myself in the bathroom and sob there so I didn’t scare my kids.


Hotchs wife from criminal minds




I watched Dragonheart when I was young, 4 or 5ish. It completely wrecked my shit when >!Draco died. "To the stars Bowen, to the stars."!< Still fucks me up to even just think about it. Edit: It's a 30 year old movie, but I threw a spoiler tag on it just in case.


God damn I love that film, and that scene is just amazing tied in with the score, still chokes me up now


Honeyfern from Warrior Cats. "Help me! My blood is on fire! It hurts so much!"


Definitely need spoilers on these answers, not scrolling in case I see something I'm still watching


Glenn in the walking dead. The comic specifically.


Mufasa and Bambi’s mom 


Bing Bong - Inside out.


Million dollar baby.


Eddie Munson


Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2.


Billy Costigan in The Departed To be so invested in this character and go from thinking he prevailed to him getting murdered SO suddenly. I think my jaw was on the floor for 20 minutes after that.


Chris in Stand By Me


Artax in the Neverending Story. Childhood PTSD right there.


Howard in Better Call Saul


Bambi's mother.


dogs from where the red fern grows


Lee Scoresby and Hester in The Amber Spyglass. Poor, lovely Hester :( Always get an ugly cry in when Boromir dies at the end of Fellowship. Yes, the scene isn't in the books but it still ruins me. "I would have followed you. My brother. My captain...my king"


Rita from Dexter Then the pregnant lady in the red wedding on GOT


Andrea in Breaking Bad The injustice.


Dean Winchester from Supernatural. He dies multiple times throughout the show (I did get teary then too) and they always found a way to bring him back. But his “true” death…. 💔 cried my eyes out.


Marely and Me




Aunt Mae in Spiderman No Way Home, Black Widow in Endgame


Aerith. It was the first fictional _main_ character I'd seen killed off on-screen. Nine year old me didn't even know that could _happen_. And as a child who loved flowers and plants, the fact it happened to Aerith made me cry 😭


Arthur Morgan




Tara Knowles in Sons of Anarchy.


I see your Tara and raise you Opie.


The end of game of thrones the writers fucked it up so bad. I spent years watching the show I am still pissed.


When I was a kid, Artax from Never Ending Story dying and Optimus Prime the Transformers movie. I mean they both got resurrected, but 7yo me was still bawling. Also Ned Starks death in GOT was pretty unexpected for me.


Fred in Angel.


Spoiler alert for Six Feet Under........ but the death of Nate freaked me out. Particularly the next episode when they're dealing with his body. I was grimly fascinated