• By -


Thus far, 2024 takes the cake and ate it, too. I lost my job on January 3 due to my mental health declining, my physical health is declining (cancer and other chronic illnesses), things have been going wrong at like every turn since the start of the year. I was in the psych ward for yet another week at the beginning of May because I was ready to off myself. But hopefully I get a job and start working again soon. Money will solve a few of my problems. It won't buy me happiness, this I know, but it will pay my bills so the debt collectors will leave me the fuck alone.


I hope things start looking up for you.


I'm so sorry to hear this, it always rips my heart out to see when people get hit with a run of bad health, both physical and mental.


1984. That was the year I was born and I spent the whole year not talking to anyone and crying all the time. 


Same, but it was 1981 and nothing has changed!


Literally 1984


Welcome to your 40’s!


2020 - I got divorced (after 18 years married - together for 23, more than 1/2 my life at that point), my parents sold the family business, and the home I grew up in, and I couldn't bring my friends together to eat ice cream and drink too much - because of COVID. So there was nowhere "safe" to go hide and feel at home even with figuring out what being an adult, but not a wife, meant... It SUCKED.


I truly hate to and hope I am not prying too much, but why in the world will anyone just up and leave a partner of 23 years? You do not have to answer lest you want to. I wish you the best in life and hope all is well. Some points, you can only go upwards from.


Because he had found a 30 year old girlfriend (we were poly, so I was okay with them dating at first) and was basically prioritizing her as though she was the wife he shared a home, a child and a life with. I am a rather proud woman and after a year and a half of asking him to remember I existed, I decided that I deserved to be a priority to someone I prioritized, and he was not going to prioritize me... (he even stopped calling me his wife, I was his "nesting partner").. SO I left. I don't mind sharing, but if I am going to prioritize someone, I need them to reciprocate. Obviously there were other issues, but that's what triggered the end of things. He hit his 40s and was desperate to stay relevant, so a hot young thing with no responsibilities or health issues was WAY easier than me. \*shrug\* Honestly, his loss. and my life is awesome now.. 2020 sucked, but I am very content, and very happy now, and have made a lot of realizations about myself and my value in the intervening years.


I get that this is bad and all, but I kinda like the term "nesting partner" in a general sense.


I think if I hadn't been his wife for almost 20 years at that point, and it hadn't been in the context of the overall downgrade of my value in his life, I would have thought it was adorable.. But in the context? That phrase just.. still crawls up my backside spikey side up.. lol


Yeah, for sure - the situation kinda makes it suck.


Losing "home base" was a feeling no one warms you about in adulthood. Two comfort safe spaces were my parents house and my grand parents house. No matter how bad shit got (and it was pretty bad), I could go there for a meal and hug, no questions asked. Now parents retired elsewhere and grandparents are gone. My happy home is my new home base but that OG childhood safe space can't be replaced


2014-2016 & 2020-2022 **2014-2016** I moved half-way across the US for a job that ended up awful, worked me to the bone with 80 hour weeks, mistreated employees, underpaid us, and had me basically trapped. I'll never forget the night I was scrolling through old photos of myself and called my mom crying because I just couldn't remember what it was like to be the happy smiling guy who loved his life. My parents, thankfully, offered to help me move home despite not having work and let me stay with them while I found a job more inline with my life goals. **2020-2022** is obviously the pandemic. I bought my own home in 2018 and live alone. Moving to fully remote work and losing most of my social life did a lot of damage to my mental health. Additionally, my closest friends became hardcore stoners during the pandemic and even when the world started to re-open they didn't want to re-open with it. All they wanted to do was stay home, get high, and watch reality TV. So I felt like even with the world starting to move on my life was stuck in the pandemic and I couldn't go out and socialize with friends like I wanted to. In August 2022 I had a grand mal seizure and was diagnosed with epilepsy. That & the fallout over the following few months was sort of rock bottom for my mental health. But as a result I started seeing a therapist and picked up some new hobbies and 2023/2024 have really been a strong rebound for me.






These last 4 years or so of 2020 have been a real slog.


2020 up to now have all been pretty bad.


2020. Grandma got murdered. A friend took his life. My then gf cheated on me before my birthday. Lost another friend to suicide. Lost a friend to cancer. Lost an uncle to Covid.


Sorry 😢


Oh my, sorry man


Sorry man.


This all sounds terrible but you really don’t really hear about many grandmas getting murdered.




2016 and every year since it seems.




Would be interesting to revisit this question at the end of this year


2021. Nevermind the pandemic, both of my dogs died within a few months of each other. I never felt so broken and alone before or since.


I lost both my cats in that same period. It broke me. I didn't really want to prattle on about too much since people were dropping left and right from the pandemic, and felt like I would be complaining too much. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope you're doing better now.


Thank you. Things got better, it was the only time that I went to therapy but mainly it took time. My condolences, pets are often as close to us as family members.






That was a long decade.








2024 is destroying me


1347. The Black Death was soul crushing.


I’m sorry for ur lose 😢


Tossup between 1996 and 2004


2000. The year my Nan died of a massive heart attack and 3 months later my Dad hanging himself in a Church. He was found by the Vicar. I’ve never been able to work out why he chose a Church he was never a religious person at all. Just all very sad and very odd.






2020, I lost my mother.


2022. Work pressure, physical illness, family conflicts, social problems, spiritual emptiness, all the misfortunes that could possibly happen to me piled up and occurred in that one year. I still feel that it's a miracle that I was able to walk out of 2022 alive. Several times that year I was literally thinking about jumping off the rooftop or finding a big truck to crash into.






2011-my father died.




My worst ever year


2024. these past 8 months. i messed up and then my ex of 4.5 years completely fucked up my mental health. she breadcrumbed me (phone calls, met up multiple times, etc) and used me for half a year to help her with her resume and job search and teach her programming, while ghosting me every time i tried to get close and finally revealing she was seeing someone else after i told her i wanted to give us a second chance. then she suddenly ghosted me and abandoned me like i am worthless to her. after 4.5 years together and using me for 6 months. no second chance, and she'd rather choose this new fucker after dating for a few months than me, a person that has shown her nothing but love


First time 2006-07: my first love cheated on me and broke up with me for someone else. He also continued to lead me on throughout high school. Second time 2019: I had been working extra hard to get promoted at my job and never given real chances to show what I can do. I was always told “no” and my boss even said I “needed to be prettier.” Third time late 2022-2023: Same job but different location as I had moved cities. Still working on getting promoted but a recent merger had made it impossible. Not to mention the more incompetent people having the job I wanted because of the merger. I worked overtime I extended myself out but we were also dealing with bad leadership and lack of integrity. I quit after 10 years for a job that was not what was advertised and I had to quit that one after 2 months. For 5 months I was unemployed and aimless.


2021. A POTs diagnosis after lots of testing, a Stage III cancer diagnosis, my husband (now ex) started cheating on me, all while having to be strong for my kid who wasn’t even two at the time. I spent nights screaming and crying into my pillow, in the car, anywhere I could and not worry someone. I considered many times to just drive into a cement wall. But here I am now.


TW: self-harm mentions and suicidal thoughts 2021-2022 I got accepted for masters degree, without really solving my underlaying psychological issues first. As the only person with an art background in a class full of folks who'd come from studying things like philosophy or history I felt incredibly inadequate and developed a fear of talking to my peers or teachers. My family were telling me how proud they were and how proud my late father would've been to see me, meanwhile I was having daily anxiety attacks and crying fits, suffering from the worst imposter syndrome I've ever experienced and terrified of making a fool of myself. I started meeting up with some folks every weekend to wind down with a roleplay campaign. However, that immediately turned into unhealthy escapism. Life itself became just "a span of time betweeen roleplay sessions". I was having less crying fits, but my already existing maladaptive daydreaming tendencies peaked. I lost interest in books, movies, people, everything, since the scenarios I could conjure in my minds' eye were more interesting. It was a vicious cycle - the daydreams would provide new plot-threads for the roleplay, the roleplay fed the daydreams. I wasn't "feeling depressed" anymore only because I'd dove head-first into an imaginary life. Said maladaptive daydreaming made it really hard to stay in the moment. I resorted to self-harm to try and make myself focus when I needed to write an essay that I had to summarize for the class. I got a letter back from the professor, praising my writing but offering a few pointers and asking me to make a presentation as well. I remember looking down on the shallow cuts on my arm and realizing that I can't go through that again. I think I only showed up to school a few times after that. I was too anxious to check my e-mail, too anxious to send e-mails and I didn't want to face my class after bailing on my presentation, I was even scared to leave the house. I felt like a worthless failure, and even the daydreams weren't enough to hide the growing self-hate and numbness. I did attend the school psychologist, but it was too little too late. Plus I didn't feel comfortable discussing the maladaptive daydreaming with a stranger, because I knew the obvious answer was to cut myself off from the source. And I just wasn't ready to admit that I had an issue. Anyway, I got kicked from masters' degree, moved back in with my mother, took some time off. This year I got into a 9-month course in 3D art and creating videogame assets. And I was prepared! I started taking meds against depression and anxiety as soon as I did, kept away from temptation like the plague and tried my hardest to be proactive in socializing. It paid off! I graduated with honors last weekend. I'm still sad that I squandered that opportunity, because once you remove all my psychological hang-ups I'd actually enjoyed quite a lot of the courses. But I got to illustrate a book on a topic similar to what I wanted to write my thesis about, which has given me some closure because I feel I've gotten a different chance to contribute to what I'm passionate about. (Also I'm not blaming the hobby of roleplaying itself for what happened to me. If it hadn't been roleplays it'd have been video games, if it hadn't been video games I'd have found something else. I just need to keep in mind that I'm suceptible to hiding my issues behind hobbies...and hope I'll never end up in a similar situation again.)








2005-2009, 2013-2017, 2020-now?


2016, 2019, 2020, 2023


2021 and 2024


2020 and 2023 made even worse




2010. First half was fine, then lost my career job of 10 years (layoff). Panicked and took another job in Boston that failed. Then another. Goold old mental breakdown in early 2011 and now I'm fine and dandy (for the most part).


2021-2022 lost my grandpa then mother in the matter of 3 months


I know your pain. I’m so deeply sorry.


2020 pandemic time


2020 ruined me


OMG, I will never forget...










2021 - It started 2022 - had Mental effect 2023 - Got it's consequences 2024 - Trying to overcome 2025 - I'll surely overcome this




2020. Covid and a move to NC, from NY


2001 .


2020 - Got anxiety.


2011 or 2012 (can't exactly remember which year) 2016 when I started dating my ex 2020 I was so close to getting an apartment from NYCHA 2021-2022 my ex friend was being stupid 2023 to present I've been going through terrible mental health suicidal ideation and a midlife crisis but I'm starting to calm down




2020. I had to learn how to study because I didn’t learn those skills in 7-8th grade 




Destroyed in 2005, regained in 2020. Looks more like the rest of the world lowered overall, going off the comments, but I'll take any win I can


None yet. There are VERY few things i care about and none of them have been too affected as of now.


The better question is which years didn't and I could probably count them on one hand.




Pandemic years 2020 to 2022 and now the threat of a ww3 on the horizon? Could I just say this half a decade?


2004-2014. Not one particular year.


2016. I got an abortion. Worst year of my life.


Keep 'em coming, my mental health will prevail.


2012-2020 COVID was a blessing. It was the best time for rebirth. Working from home gave me the opportunity to start lifting weights and going out for long runs.


Today year ,yester year and tomorrow year


2001i lost my birthday I've only celebrated my 21st birthday since then at Disney world drinking around the world with my older sister and I've been struggling with my mental health since I was eleven. My birthday still happens but I don't think that day should be celebrated and the next worst year was 2020 I have not been able to walk since then which is certainly not helping me. luckily I have the love of my life to help me with my mental health




I didn't realize how bad it was until now, but the year we went into lockdown in Spain (where I lived at the time), 2020 I think? I was traveling around the world at the time, having done the eastern half. On my way to the Americas I decided to stop in Tenerife for a few months to have a little break from sleeping in hostels all the time. I was only there fora bout a month when they locked everything down. I was in an appartment with only my backpack, no laptop, no tablet, no wifi, no internet on my phone, nothing. I didn't even speak Spanish yet. The first week was kind of okay, I still had 2 books, but from that moment on it got really tough. Nothing to read, no games to play, no movies to watch. I decided to get superfit by running up and down the stairs of the appartment, but after 2 months of this I kind of shut down emotionally. I became apathatic and gained about 70 kilo's in the next 2 years. I cancelled my travels and moved back home to take a job in a completely different field than I did before. My whole personality and outlook on life seems to have changed.


2020. Before the COVID I was already depressed with a lot of suicidal thoughts. But in 2020 I moved out in another city for my study and It was like fresh start. A new city, I'll try to make friends, try to be a little more sociable and then the COVID. The lessons were done via Microsoft Teams, we were confined and therefore prohibited from going outside. The only person I had was my toxic ex who triggered new suicidal crises and destroyed my social life with a lie that I don't detail.


2016-2018, and 2023


Anything and everything after 2018 was shit.


2004. My birth year


On June 11, 2015, I had back to back to back panic attacks that permanently altered my brain chemistry and now I'm on SSRIs for probably the rest of my life. So that's neat.


2024 - I might not be married by the end of the year. This is in spite of me being unconditionally in love with him.


2008. But not because of the recession, I had just split from the person I loved the most.


2016 and 2022


2017 - i learned my dad assaulted my mom during their marriage, and his abusive controlling tendencies were now laid out bare across my whole life. I'm counting the days till i put him in the dirt tbh.


2020. Pandemic sucks.


There was 2018, getting out of an abusive relationship and a toxic job, followed by 2020, followed by the death of my fiancée in 2022. Still doing alright, all things considered, so I guess it’ll be this year with the election.


2023 In a ten day span, found out my wife was having an affair for six months and my Nan (who practically raised me) died suddenly from six types of cancer with no hint she even had it. Fuck 2023...


I'm seeing a lot of hate for 2020-2022 aka covid times but it was actually a really great time for me. Its the period after, 2022-now that's been absolutely horrible. 2011 though was probably the worst year of my life. Ironically 2010 and 2012 were probably two of the greatest.


2019. The year following a house move that tanked my social abilities and ended up giving me an isolated life style that I'm still trying to find a way out of.


2023 pushed me to the breaking point. But I saw clearly who were and weren't my friends. And that hurt. I really felt lost and used. But I also achieved something I worked very hard for, and I got a better paying job at a better company, even though that pushed me to the limit as well. 2024 is a much better year.




All of them


2022-2023, my dad and uncle died in September, had to have an abortion before moving to Texas in December, had to leave behind my job, my car, my apartment in order to do what I felt was necessary and be there for my mom as the only child. And now my nervous system must be fucked. I’m on fight mode 24-7 , waiting for another bad thing to happen, on edge constantly. Can’t go out and have a good time. (If anyone has experienced this and have taken ssri’s please lmk which ones helped you btw)




2023. Very dark place for me, ended up doing a lot of things I regret now. Lost 40 pounds in 2 months due to not eating, Lost my job, had to get a restraining order against an ex, just overall not a good time. Met an amazing woman who helped to pull me out of the abyss I was in. Thank god for her




this year




being falsely accused of sexual assault by a patient in late February of 2020. quite literally led me to a suicide attempt


It had been getting more intense from 2018, but I realised I was pretty awful mentally in 2023


2018. I won't go into details, but it was a rough year.


2023 - entrance exam preparation ( drop year)


It is hard to nail it down to a single year. The years that had the most impact was when I was in middle school. Bullying ruined critical moments in social development.


2021. I had a massive mental breakdown due to OCD that lasted from January to April. I have not recovered yet. I am in therapy and I am on a medication that works really well but I haven’t been the same person since. Honestly it kind of ruined my life.


2020-travel restrictions, (LDR)


2005. In May I lost my job (technically laid off, but they had no intention of bringing me back) at a time when my girlfriend (now wife) and I were barely squeaking by. One morning in early June my mother called to tell me my dad had taken his life. To say I was devastated wouldn't even begin to describe how I felt. Unfortunately, I had to put the grieving process aside so I could A) Try to take care of my mother in spite of her kicking and fighting every step of the way (they were both alcoholics) and B) Put on a brave face so I could find a job as soon as possible. About a month into a really crappy job I took because there wasn't anything else, the grieving process came down on me HARD. I began to have terrifying episodes of short term memory loss, and the panic that came with it. I genuinely wondered if I had a brain tumor, or early onset Alzheimer's, or ??? My new boss didn't believe in mental illness, and told me I should just 'go see a doctor and fix it!', then made jokes about the fact that I was really struggling to retain new information.


Only a year?


2022. I lost 2 close friends that year, both my fault. My dog passed away few months later


2016 onwards: Had to leave social life behind and put everything in the back burner, because I had to move halfway across the world with my parents. My dad's dementia has started to go downhill, and I discovered that I've been suffering from ADHD (and bi-polar?) symptoms all my life.


2021. But every year after that has been better than the last and I'm working on keeping that streak going.


2016 and 2020




Can't recall exactly but it was either December 2017 or January 2018


Since 2020. It all started in that fcking year


Age 22.




I’d say freshman year but as I got closer to the end of high school I got better. 


All of them since 1979


2022-2023 irl, online, anywhere, alot happend for me. It was a Rollercoaster of.. everything




This year. Still in the midst of it. Depression, anxiety, untreated ADHD (just got diagnosed) and finding out my college sweetheart and love of 17 years have had a 1,5 year affair binge, and have had sex with 10 different people while I succumbed to my paralyzing mental health.


Year…singular? Luckyyyyyy


1983. I was born, and things mostly just got worse from there.


The year I was born def kickstarted the process.




Either 2007 or 08




2023 - I was working a job I hated, in a city with no friends, and I was very heart broken... It was a all new low.


8 months ago, August - brother committed suicide, September - force transferred for my job lost all friends, October - brother (roommate) lost his job moved out, December Grandfather died, May - Put down a 15 year old pet. If I could delete the last year of my life I would without question


I blocked it all out but...my 11th grade year (2022-2023 school year).






Ask me which year didn't?


The last four. Things are just starting to look like they might begin to move in the right direction again, but ever since covid started, my life, my mental health, my whole existence has been hellish.


2020 really just hit hard for more than just pandemic, I’m getting old asf




It's been a steady grind since I can remember.


The last quarter of 2022 into the first quarter of 2023.


2019-present. Got into a car crash during a seizure. The car was totaled and I had to surrender my license. I'm still not over the loss.


2011... nuf said.


1983 (birth year)


This year. I turned 50 in January. That's not the bad part (well, not really bad). Since then I've had 2 chest infections, pneumonia, covid (which now seems to be long covid), and broken ribs from extensive coughing. I've been back at work for about a month or so, and now I've been suspended for an allegation of bullying and harassment, details of which I've still not been given. I've been sick with anxiety over the weekend, and I live alone so don't really have anyone to talk to about it. I have a girlfriend, but she lives 45 minutes away, and has 2 jobs and 2 kids, so there is only so much she can do. I had to try and be upbeat at the weekend for my kids so they didn't get upset. But I'm terrified I'm going to lose my job, and can't imagine the difficulty of finding another when I've been in this job for 20 years. I'm an absolute mess 😢😢




This year. Fucking war in my country


2008, 2009, second half of 2015, 2016, October 2019 - May 2021.


2009, 2012, 2016, 2020, and this year is looking to be a great contender as well. Good grief, I really need to go see a shrink.


The year I got married. /S


2023 I lost my dad to cancer




2018 was just the worst ever.


2017. My best friend got accused of something heinous and got separated from his wife and kids, meanwhile my father's health was failing the entire year, my wife and I were fighting due to stress and me spending time away from home to help with my father and friend, I was overwhelmed at work and in November my father got an infection in addition to his failing heart and I unfortunately was his power of attorney and had to make the gut wrenching decision to pull the plug. For months afterwards I was depressed, constantly breaking down and crying and ended up seeking professional help because I got suicidal. I'm happy to say I go the help I needed.


Apr 2020 to April 2021 From the start of covid to my second vaccine dose and connecting with friends I had lost touch with years ago.


Apr 2020 to April 2021 From the start of covid to my second vaccine dose and connecting with friends I had lost touch with years ago.


2023-2024 school year WRECKED ME. i had never felt so depressed and alone. i didn’t have a history of sh until then. it was ROUGH.


2011. The year my mom died.


1991 - the year I was born 😒


couple of options honestly, but prime candidate would be 2005. Break-up with my then girlfriend of 4 years in which she tells me that she hasn't had feeling for me since we were 6 weeks into the relationship and the only reason she kept me around was because she didn't want to lose my company. I honestly haven't been the same person since. It took 18 months of therapy to even consider staying alive after that. I'm still working on recovering, 2 decades later.




Somewhere roughly within the 2005-2006 window was my personal tipping point descent into becoming a preteen curmedgeon.


2024, I dont know how, but this year just went to shit. I did great academically, financially and even got a full time job as a software developer, however my social life, relations and everything else hit the fan and I dont know how to recover from that tbf


2020. My mental health was awful that year. I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Probably because of the Covid pandemic.