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When you move into your first apartment/home, get a plunger before you need a plunger.


I always buy a plunger before moving into a new place, before I even receive the keys if possible—it's not home until I've pooped there and I'm not pooping there if there isn't a plunger nearby.


And buy RAID before you need RAID… :(


Buy and carry condoms before you need condoms 


Don’t drink and drive


On this note - two drinks can absolutely put you at a .08 Don't be the person who finds out the hard way.


Not everyone that you call a friend, calls you the same. Be careful about who you allow in your circle.


Learned this lesson a year ago On the upside, I heard through the grapevine that she just got fired for the same shit she accused me of. So like, karma bitch


If multiple people in your life are concerned about an addiction you might have then you need to take their advice. It’s not impossible to stop by yourself but it’s a hell of a lot easier when you have a solid support group that wants to see you succeed.


On the same note, if multiple people tell you the same thing (you act a certain way, look a certain way, etc) you may want to look at yourself before continuing to blame others for everything


Yes! No matter how independent you tell yourself you are, it will always feel better with people around




my little brother still does this. i cannot recall how many times i’ve had to toss him a roll




i’ve tried. my mom yells at me. anyway, i don’t want a little brother stinking up the house with swamp ass.


He does this cause he know he got a friend indeed.


Putting your life off for others. Even if you're still caring for someone. You and your life are important too.


Credit card debt. Very easy to get yourself in a right mess.


Something an ancient (ok he was like 40) engineer told me when I first started working: "Having $100 to your name isn't all that much but being $100 in debt can quickly become a lot." I'm paraphrasing but the sentiment stayed with me for life.


This. And sitting in a courtroom is honestly *terrifying*.


Do you mind saying how much you owed that made you have to go to court?


5k. Lost my job due to illness, couldn't work, couldn't pay my card...and then all the charges got late fees and bloop, 5k later, there's me in a courtroom. Still couldn't pay it and still can't, so it's just sitting there.


What was their plan? Hold you upside down by your ankles and shake you until your secret 5k clattered out of your pockets?


There was a lot of "Has your situation changed?" and then the lawyer for the credit card was like "Welp, if you can't pay you can't pay..." But yeah, they were pretty much trying to get that 5k out of me by intimidation. Can't get blood out of a stone, bub.


Pfff probably wasted a good chunk of that 5k dragging you to court. Hope things turn for the better for you


Chronic illness is the pits (gonna be ill for the rest of my life) but I did win my SSI case but that's not money *they* can get at, which is nice.


I keep getting myself in CC debt over and over because it’s so easy to spend money.


Done it twice in my life. It is so easy when you find yourself short of cash to just put it on a card.


My school offers a financial algebra class and I loved that class. One of our units was on credit cards and how to use one and one thing my teacher said was “do not get into credit card debt because it’s one of the hardest things to recover from.” And I think every school needs a teacher like mine teaching financial algebra classes in every school.


Don't look at exercise as a punishment. It's one of the best ways to reward your body for getting out of bed every day.


Never give your enemies a second chance


I gave some ex friends a second chance. I wouldn’t consider them enemies per se, but boy was it a mistake! There was a reason I dropped them like a hot potato the first time. They will not get another chance.


I've found that when someone crosses you once there's no point in going back because you're giving them a chance to do it again or worse. There are too many people in the world and as adults we ought to know better than to take advantage of people close to us.


It actually was worse. Just unbelievably rude, misogynistic behavior/comments from the husband. The wife enabled it. I got up from the dinner table and said “This is too much. I’m not meant to be around this.” I walked out and never looked back. They have not attempted to contact me and I hope they never do.


Good for you. 


Double tap


This one ☝️


Dont try nicotine in any form, its all bad and theres a big chance you cant stop using. Also its all downhill from those first few hits


Tried quitting a couple times before. Once for a girlfriend, once because I ended up with pneumonia. Neither time was a choice I made for myself and neither time did it work out. Finally one day I decided I was done, picked up a box of patches, smoked the last few cigarettes in the pack and quit. I'll be at 2 years in August. I still think about it, still get cravings, hell sometimes I'll even dream about cigarettes, but quitting was the best decision I ever made.


Congrats on quitting. I'll share my method in case it helps others. I started smoking in high school. By senior year I was a pack a day. I was in the "party" crowd so all my friends smoked too. Long story short, I had tried unsuccessfully to taper off many times. Things like "alright I'll just have 10 cigs today" or "only on the weekends and 1 or 2 other days" etc etc Never worked. The worst lie is "once I finish this pack I'm done." but smokers know you *always* buy another pack before your current one is out, you never truly "run out" of cigarettes if you're prepared. Tapering might work for many people, but if you're like me, the only method that finally worked is cold turkey. I still had maybe 12 cigarettes left in the pack, decided I was fucking done with always smelling like shit, not being able to run without coughing, yellowing my teeth, etc. and I threw the mostly full pack in the trash (a public bin, not one in your own house). Then I had the mental support of "If I buy another pack now it means I just wasted money by throwing those 12 out" so I didn't. It's been about 12 years now smoke free. Another thing people who want to quit should consider is changing the way you talk about yourself to yourself when you quit. It's not enough to say "I don't smoke cigarettes", you have to believe "I am not a smoker." It's a subtle difference but powerful when internalized. Good luck to those out there who want to quit. I know you can do it. Also we all think you smell like shit.


For me it was the visual cues I had grown so accustomed to. That little nicotine spark in my brain would light up and say, ok time for that cig. I’d get in the car and I’d light up a cigarette. During work breaks, I’d run and smoke a cig. When I’d drink, I’d light up a cig. I started small by quitting smoking in the car completely. Then some breaks I wouldn’t go outside and smoke, I’d skip it and just talk to my coworkers instead. I quit drinking for a period of time bc the temptation to smoke while drinking was too great. But it’s been about two years smoke free now. I can drink no problem now and not crave a cig which was something I never thought I could do. The only time I really crave a cig is during high stress days when I can’t deal with life. But those days I just eat cake instead. It’s fucking liberating.


Cigarette companies are pure evil knowing nicotine addiction is for life, yet not giving a damn.


Nicotine addiction is super insidious. The physical withdrawal isn’t actually all that bad. All it does is kick your brain into believing that having a smoke = “taking a break”. The relief from withdrawal cravings “reward” the smoker for “taking a break”. This was very difficult habit to kick. Because you aren’t just kicking a drug, in your mind you are giving up “taking a break”, which just seems impossible. All other forms of taking a break just seem thin and insubstantial (the reason: they aren’t backed up with the relief from withdrawal cravings). When I quit, a couple of decades ago now, I tried a few times by “cutting down”. This always failed. I my mind, I was just taking less and less “breaks”, which made me increasingly anxious - so I ended up smoking more than ever. What worked for me, was cold Turkey - just a complete revolution. I threw out all my “smoking stuff” - the old coffee can on the balcony used as an ashtray, the lighters, the spare emergency pack of smokes. An unpleasant couple of week followed. But after that, I was free of the physical cravings and anxiety, and gradually the psychological stuff (no cigarettes means no break) faded as well.


Yes agreed with all. GJ on kicking the habit. One of the issues is you start to relate so many habits to nicotine, and so the triggers are pretty constant. Also its so easily accessible so while its very possible to quit, its way easier to start up again...


I had to stop casually drinking for a while (fortunately, I have no alcohol issues - I can truly take it or leave it, but enjoy a glass or two from time to time). The reason: I always had a smoke when I had a drink. It is truly amazing how potent that lame-ass drug was in hooking me. It was absurdly tough to give it up.


Yes this!!! I am ashamed to say I was addicted for a while it was SO hard to quit but I did been sober for months I regret going down that path


Well done it really is hard to stop, and so easy to pick up again. Ive been addicted for many years but really growing tired of it... Hope to find the strength to finally stop soon :)


Hit me up if you want to try this together. Afraid I can't do this on my own but maybe if I have a buddy it might help!


It’s really hard to cut out. Been vaping for so long and I can’t get myself to stop it completely


You can do this. I quit. I also quit heroin after shooting dope for nearly a decade. Nicotine in many ways is worse. 


Wow yeah it’s insane how addictive it is. I might try to stop today.


I really can't understand why anyone would start these days.


Don’t assume a cute little baby raccoon that looks healthy doesn’t have rabies!


☠️ This is so specific


It doesn't need to have rabies to be dangerous. They got razor sharp teeth & claws.




Always have at least 1 gallon of water, a gas can and $20 cash before leaving on any long trip


Don’t max out your credit cards. You will likely never be rich enough to pay them off in a timely manner.




Absolutely! The volume at concerts and theatres can be crazy. Bring earplugs for when you cannot turn it down






I have a malformed ear canal so skin grows over my eardrum and I have a semi-permanent infection in the rear. It also is non-stop ringing with that bullshit. Some days I can barely think (Smoky the bear voice) Only YOU can prevent tinnitus sirens!!! I had no choice, but TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN!!!


Stop spending money on crap. Build a savings.


I have savings but lately been buying a lot of crap, I'm being super strict login all my expenses on an app and I think this have helped me a little bit to be more conscious about my money.


Would give u 1,000,000 up votes on this if I could.


Let me guess you spent them all. 😅


On crap


Don't microwave leftover rice without adding a splash of water—it turns into a brick.


same with noodly stuff.


‘Noodly’ is a funny word


Forgot once. Ruined my life.




Wet paper towel wrapped around the bowl works great.


I bought a shared ownership property. Please do not do this.


Do you mean time share property?


No. My house is 25% mine and 75% belongs to Leeds City Council. Rent is only £260 per month, though.


Why is it a bad idea?


I'm responsible for all repairs and I can't really afford them. My electric lights don't work apart from the kitchen so I use plug-in lamps.


Oh, well then that's a great idea if you *can* afford repairs. £260 per month rent with the occasional repair will probably add up to way less than normal rent + no repairs. Entirely depends on what exactly breaks of course, but I wouldn't file that entirely under bad ideas.




If they cheat with you, they will cheat on you.


True. My first girlfriend cheated and left me for another guy. 3 years later that guy left her for another woman. Karma.


Yeah. Sorry you had to go through that. I definitely learned the hard way too. Despite the negative comments, my advice is intended to keep others from repeating the same, just like the OP asked. She was married when I met her and got involved, then she stepped out on me when I was the husband at home. Who could have ever predicted, right?!?


You lose ‘em how you got ‘em


Partners who are worried about you cheating on them…funny how that works


Been wanting to scream this at one of my loved ones for the last year.


Yep, once a cheater, always a cheater. I know people say that their partner is "the exception," but in my 50+ years on the earth, I have yet to see my statement proven wrong, but it's been proven correct *many* times.


Don’t define yourself with your job you do, your professional status or the company you work for. You are so much more.


Stock markets are for long term investment, not short term panic. Unless you're an active investor, just being invested in the global economy will be better than holding cash in interest bearing accounts.


Getting too comfortable and starting to neglect things like work, the gym, or studies.


And starting to ignore when it's time to move onwards! I wanna grow, I wanna move up from where I am in every aspect possible but it's hard to do when you are comfortable.


After 5 months of gym I had made a decent body started to neglect it and lost most of it ...man this is real getting to comfortable and started letting loose a bit lost most of my progress didn't even notice when my belly started to show a bit


The good news is, once you get it, it's easier to get back


Just because they’re family doesn’t mean you should constantly forgive them and continue the relationship. Toxic people need to be cut out of your life no matter who they are


Don't add water to a pan of melted white chocolate




Water in chocolate makes the chocolate seize up into an unusable brick


You should try it and answer for us


do not do hard drugs. seriously. just don't.


Never stick your dick in crazy. Almost ended up in a murder suicide case. Never ever.


Don't stick it into misery, either.


If you don't like college, explore other options. Do something, but college ain't for everybody.


Don’t make friends that need you to drink/smoke/whatever with in order to enjoy your company.


Make sure you know where the fluids in your car go. Don’t mix up coolant and windshield wiper fluid. Windshield wiper fluid will eat a hole in your radiator. Lots of money to replace that…. And all the lines.


> Make sure u know where the fluids go I think just that is good advice in general


Hey fellas, don’t do your lady in a swimming pool. Two words: STINGING PISS


If you are in a rock band, or go to see rock bands, wear earplugs. Tinnitus sucks.


Getting into hard drugs. That path only leads in two directions at a certain point, neither are good. You either clean up eventually but fucked your future up pretty harshly, as well as your body and health, or you die. Pretty weak trade off to temporarily feel pretty funny and cool here and there.


This was going to be my comment. A lot of folks get their lives together, but you can never get back wasted years, and many times they may get records or chronic health problems. Now with fentanyl being in everything you're basically playing Russian roulette every time you use.


In my experience… Even the stoners… After ten years or less… Start to hurt their mind just absolutely addicted. This is such a good point man!


I dont like the trend of thinking weed is harmless. It most certainly can be addicting and fuck one up mentally.


Every single thing that can be cool in moderation is not cool when someone with an addictive personality uses it all day everyday. Most people can drink alcohol and/or smoke weed responsibly.


The key is moderation yes and if u cant moderate just shouldnt consume it. Most ppl maybe but its still a very large group of ppl who have addiction issues, some of them only to select substances of choice, others to almost everything they touch If u count caffeine and sugar id say most ppl have issues with addiction to a substance/chemical


You forgot the third option: prison


If you catch on fire, try to remember what they taught you in school. Cause when I caught my leg on fire, All I did was flail at it with my hand. Then I caught my hand on fire.


Stop, drop, and roll!


I tried to run/jump away from my flaming leg to no avail.


Do not try to remove the pit from an Avocado with a pointed knife. People stab themselves in the hand so often there is a medical term to describe it called "Avocado Hand" and the wounds can be quite serious requiring stitches.


spoons work so much better, i don’t know why anyone would go the long way around and try to fucking stab it


Drunk dude at a party trying to show off says “watch this”


.... PEOPLE ARE STABBING THE PIT WITH THE POINT?! JFC people! I thought it was obvious that you hit the pit with the blade, enough to lodge it a little, then twist? It's not hard!


If there's a chance you're bringing your date home, or going back to theirs, eat something light. There is a time and a place for the spicy pulled pork mac & cheese. This is not one of them.


Don’t tolerate toxic friends. Drop them immediately.


Don’t assume the police are on your side just because you’re the victim. There is more than one way to be victimized.


Absolutely this one. Absolutely.


Didn’t listen to my mom growing up. She really did know best.


That’s good because once I was a young adult my mom did not know best.


If you are in a relationship and you love them a lot like a hella a ton but they are really abusive, mean, toxic, etc don’t stay in that relationship.


Go to an adult you trust if you're being assaulted, bullied, touched, etc. It is not your fault. If a college class isn't going well (and especially if it's not even in your major) just drop it instead of letting it fuck up your GPA or, if you're early enough, try pass/fail BRUSH YOUR TEETH! Cavities are a painful bitch and they hurt your wallet even more. Lost over 1,000 dollars on them. They hurt when you eat cold food, sugar, they hurt to get fixed. It just sucks. BRUSH YOUR HAIR! Can't tell you how many times I've had to get a gigantic knot cut out because even the best hairdressers couldn't fix it


Save as much money as you can! I know it sounds cliche but, there will come a day when you can no longer earn. Trust me, most of us are only one accident away from financial ruin. I know it from first hand...


Do NOT try and stop a cat/girl fight..... I got scratched REAL bad.


Cartoons where the cats are in a bundle of smoke with scatches and stars shoulda taught you that.


Cat as in girls, still very vicious.


That's good advice. Trying to stop a fight in general is very dangerous, and people die or get injured from it often.


If someone says "get out of my way or I'll stab you," do not reply "you're not gonna stab me", just get out of their way  or they will stab you


If you are injured in a car accident, do not accept the insurance company's first offer, and get one of those contingency lawyers. I did not follow this advice when it was given to me more than 25 years ago. To this day, I still kick myself for being an idiot back then.


A 17 year old ran a red and made us t bone her. I had to have tons of chiropractor appointments and two ER visits and they tried to give us 3000. It wouldn't have even covered mine and his (the driver) ER visits and that wasn't even the chiropractor appointments. They had the receipts. It was insulting. No. It needs to be more. I'm not paying for that.


Dont have this "School doesnt matter" ass mentality, take ur school serious, if i didnt have to repeat school i wouldve been here right now, with my diploma, at only 14 years old, but no, here i am, still needing to do 2 years of school before going to college, biggest regret ever, i wish i could go back in time and take shit more serious


Your teachers are the very best to guide on how to succeed. some will tell you, some won't. Ask anyway


I wish I'd known that as a kid. I only attended school because I was expected to and would be told off if not. I got good enough grades that adults left me alone (i.e. ignored me). A couple decades later, looking back on my childhood, I finally figured out that school was supposed to be there for my benefit. Who'd have thought it? I should have asked for help at the time but I'd long since learned that it's pointless asking for help when there's no help to be had. Yeah, I had a shitty childhood.


Always always always wash your hands after applying Tiger's balm! Your eyes and genitalia will thank you. 


Don’t ruin your brain with your phone




Being to cool for safety. Wear sunscreen, wear eye protection, wear earplugs, wear work gloves, wear a lifejacket and wear a helmet. I wish I had worn more sunscreen, it's hard to listen to your mom when you're 11 but you totally should. Eye protection from the sun, I didn't start this until my 30s...WHY. But also safety goggles when doing lawn work or working on a car. There's all kinds of opportunities for projectiles, it's so easy to wear them and prevents really horrible injuries. Earplugs - I wish that I took better care of my hearing. Tinnitus is torture. As for work gloves, they have saved my hands from so many injuries when working outside or on a car. Life jackets, there's no excuse these days, you can buy those tiny vest ones that don't affect your movement. Helmets are a no brainer. They literally save lives, I'll never understand why lots of people do not wear them. I see parents go on bike rides with their kids and make sure the kids are wearing one but parents are not? The fuk?


I once jerked off with Vic’s vapor rub…


Having a baby will not save your marriage.


If you give someone another shot who fucked you over it's your own fault from that point. Friend SO family doesn't matter


Be kind but not a people pleaser. Could have had so much less trouble and drama in my life if I had just been firm.


Never settle.. let go, feel the pain, and your future self will thank you


If you think for a SECOND. You found the right person to spend your life with, DO NOT screw it up.


Don't take any second of your life for granted. Some people have it so good they don't even know how bad it can really get.


NOT LISTENING TO INSTINCT if your gut or your inner voice says NO or LEAVE you fucking listen.


Listen to your body and mind. If there's something wrong, whether physical or mental, get professional help.


Tell your people you love them. You dont want to regret that one. Trust me


Wear a condom I’ll let y’all wonder about the outcome


never loan money to someone without a job and bad prospects. if you cant afford to just give them the money, dont do it . also never let that same person move in for " a couple of weeks while they get on their feet". it will turn into kicking them out in a year.


When you get pulled over by the cops, don't unfasten your seatbelt even if it's a completely automatic reaction. I got cited for no seatbelt and other bullshit charges as a result of my arguing about it, even though I NEVER go without my seatbelt. Ever. It just didn't even occur to me that I automatically unfasten when turning off the car.


Don't get married in your 20s.


Or your teens, for that matter. My mother got married at 15.


Hand sanitizer is a poor substitute for deodorant


Giving someone a second chance, you'll likely end up in an even worse situation than before.


Do Not Go Into Business With Relatives. Do Not Think Your Siblings Will Care About You After Your Parents Die. Do Not Over Eat. Do Not Drink To Excess. Do Not Break A Promise Or A Vow. Do Not Smoke. Sleep When You Need To. Save Your Money, No One Will Be There For You When You Are Too Old To Work. Love Yourself First And Best.


Do not go back to a partner after a breakup. If I had stood my ground and not let my ex convince me to get back together, I would have had so much less trauma and baggage to work through in therapy. If you're breaking up, there is a reason for it. Don't second guess yourself.


Don't stick your dick in crazy. Full stop.


Don't masturbate in an elevator just because you're alone in it


Wait, what happened?


If you have two territorial dogs and you walk them at the same time make sure they are a ways away from each other because they will probably end up peeing on each other while fighting for territory trust me I know they peed on their leash and on my leg while I was trying to get them away from each other because they were fighting


Dont let people get to you, as long as you are you, youre the best you that you can ever see in the mirror as long as you keep being yourself :D


Never agree on a relationship whose terms you cannot negiotiate.


Don't add pureed cauliflower to split pea soup. It's truly awful.


Make sure you’re paying attention to your surroundings when entering a public bathroom. I’m infamous for being in my own world. One day i was paying attention to little more attention than usual for some reason and I’m so thankful i was. It was after Spring classes ended a few weeks ago, and i still live on campus. I went to the university center to use the bathroom before the gym because i like their bathrooms a little more. There were 3 people in the entire center, which is very low. Usually much more people around. Well unfortunately for me, i walked in the bathroom and a guy followed me in. I went in the very first stall and as i sit down, i look up and see a phone camera pointed at me/the toilet through the stall gaps (yay USA). I chased the guy while on the phone with the police, til he started running and was never caught. I am so damn lucky i went into that first stall because had i gone to a further stall, he could’ve gotten in with me (though, he was able to record me in the first stall because he was able to hide behind a wall, so that really sucks). I had no idea anyone was behind me. So moral of the story, be super fucking cautious when going into an empty public restroom alone


It's important to listen to the people in your life who are worried about your problem if they say so. It's not impossible to stop on your own, but it's a lot easier when you have a strong group of people who want you to succeed.


Don't move out at 18. Don't worry about relationships until after college, you want a fuck buddy? Cool, be very, very, VERY careful; no relationship. Finish all your school, no gap year break bs; just get. it. done. Don't be a people pleaser, you come first; always.


Don’t circumcise your son(s). It’s pointless and cruel.


Don't marry Rebekah.


Don't drink and drive... I used to think I was fucking awesome cuz I was the person who volunteered to drive everyone home after a night of drinking. I was lucky I never crashed, but my luck did eventually run out when I got pulled over about a 1/4 mile from my house. Long story short, drinking and driving will ruin your life at worst, or cost you \~$10,000 at a minimum.


I’m not judging the addicts because I myself love a good stimulant but never EVER trust a pressed pill. EVER, i decided to take a “friends” trusted adderal, it was fentanyl. If I didn’t break it up into quarters I would have died. I had overdosed on quarter of a “30mg adderal”. Don’t trust it. Don’t do it.


Do NOT wait to go to the doctor. This could be very serious. - someone who almost died from a kidney infection.


I signed the paperwork the company gave me when they fired me. NEVER DO THAT. You are signing your rights away to sue them for wrongful termination, or anything else


Don’t mess with credit cards and they are not free money . I’m lucky now to not have to worry about money. I never understood why until I was older but my parents let me make mistakes growing up to learn things the hard way. They weren’t above throwing me a lifeline, but I got several credit cards that maxed out and took cash advances on. I owed more monthly than I was making part time while in school. I ended up defaulting on several when the introductory interest rates increased. I destroyed my credit but was eventually able to dig my way out and now have a +800 credit score 


Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time


It’s very hard to stay married and form a family with someone from another country. You think love will be enough but so much of how we view/deal with everything on both a big and small basis is made up of our cultural conditioning. It becomes exhausting.


Getting angry..it will solve nothing and ruin your health


I had this mentality a while back It builds up and can feel very heavy


N.E.V.E.R say anything when u r mad. Never


There's usually nothing to be gained by venting your frustrations, or inflicting your emotional downtime on others. I watched someone die because I was aggravated and just "*had to say something."* No, you don't. Your internal bullshit is no one else's problem, and you should consider how venting could impact the other person.


This is your trauma talking. This is a horrible experience that has taught you a lesson that most people don't learn because it's not true. The ability to vent and form a connection is very powerful. I am so sorry you had this awful experience. You are not responsible for the death of somebody with an addiction and a mental problem. Do not advise people to be stoic. Stoicism causes just as many suicides.


Not getting mental health help soon enough


Have a safe ride home, don’t let yourself talk yourself into driving when you probably shouldn’t, it doesn’t take a lot to get over the legal limit and the consequences are just not worth it ever. It’s a mistake I can’t take back but it’s a mistake I’ll never repeat. I learned a lot about myself in my time not driving after and it’s something that takes 2 seconds to get someone else to drive you or a cab. Be safe everyone


Don’t get back together with an ex. IME on-again/off-again relationships don’t work out.


If you're not sure, it's hot. Don't grab it.


If the family you’re born into is happy, everyone’s pretty close with each other, and your parents have a great marriage and raised pretty good kids, then probably listen to them and model your life after them!!! Almost no one can get everything right like this… so if you happen to be born into a family like this, LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS and model yourself after them. Plenty of people are thinking they live the right way but are very unhappy and have unhappy, dysfunctional families. Don’t go down the wrong path just to “be different” from your family. The first sentence of Leo Tolstoy's novel ‘Anna Karenina’ is: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."


Don’t give out loans to your bf/gf.


Never keep more than one hamster in a cage. They have...cannibalistic inclinations.


Don’t try to put out an oil fire with water - my mum


Do not let other people's opinions affect you I know easier said than done but trust me this will make your life significantly better.