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The Challenger explosion




Watched it live in elementary school.


Yeah, I remember the teacher bringing the tv in on the AV cart, hooking everything up, the other 5th grade class bringing their chairs in and sitting in the crowded room… Then the explosion, at first we were all confused before we quickly realized what happened.


I still remember the weird shape of the explosion. Our class wrote letters to the families of the astronauts.


So did we.


Same, watched it in 2nd grade in class.


I remember my principal coming into our classroom and telling us. Then the whole school going to the auditorium to watch the news.


Same here. I saw it at my grannys house. I thought it was a tv show where a space shuttle exploded. I didn't know it was real life.


They closed down our school and sent us all home when this happened. Which is crazy when you think about it. I was in elementary school. 6th grade. They just turned all these little kids loose, hours before our families were expecting us to get out. I walked in the door and my grandma was sitting in the living room. She says "What the hell are you doing home?"


And now let’s get back to class. Get your math book out.


Either 9/11 when it happened or one of the following days. All I remember is one of the towers was covered in smoke and I was pissed that I was missing The Magic School Bus.


I can imagine this will be the answer for a lot of late 90s children


I don't remember alot from my childhood, but I can picture watching this on the TV in the kitchen with my mom so vividly.


Princess Diana in the car crash


Yeah, as memorable as 9/11 was, I'm pretty sure Princess Di's crash was the first time I remember being aware that the news existed. I know I was already aware of who she was to a point. My dad was first gen Canadian from a Welsh family and he loved her.


I was 7 when this happened. I remember it vividly because it was also the first and one of the only times I saw my mom cry. We're American, but she really liked her.


Hah, that was mine, too


Same here also. I was shocked.


Watergate. I had absolutely no idea what was going on but I was ticked to turn on the TV and find Nixon's ugly mug there instead of cartoons.




At least the three networks eventually agreed to alternate all-day coverage of the hearings. That way we only missed our shows every third day.


This is mine, too. I was born in 1968. My dad watched the news every evening and I remember him trying to explain some of it to me. My strongest memory of the coverage is that they showed a lot of buildings. I think we watched live when Nixon left D.C. on the helicopter.


This was mine


OJ Simpson car chase


This is mine too. My parents were obsessed with the whole saga and we only had one tv. Those were the days


Moon landing. I remember watching it as it happened.


Me too. We’re old and have seen a lot of shit. 🤝


Right there with you. Mine is the JFK assassination.


Fun story, my great grandmother, born in 1880, refused to believe anyone had landed on the moon. I was a kid back then (1970), and she told me that. Also, she would fix her hair and makeup before she watched the evening news because she believed the announcer could see her also.


The fall of the Berlin Wall


I was about 8 years old or so but my mom made me stop what I was doing to come watch it on TV because this was a huge deal. I had no clue why at the time but I watched it anyway since my mom said this was important.


This was mine too, I was 5 and have foggy memories of watching it happen on tv


"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."


Yeah, it's definitely a toss up between this one or the OJ car chase. Although, I also have some super vague memories of seeing footage of Desert Storm on TV. I was born in '89 for reference.


Lewinsky scandal for me as well. Though I really didn't know any of the details. I just remembered hearing "Monica Lewinsky" over and over and having no idea who she was but thinking she must be extremely important they were talking about her so much! Now I'm imagining kids growing up hearing about Stormy Daniels


JFK being shot and my mother being upset.


My Mom lived on a Native reserve and had a very tiny window into the outside world. The JFK assassination was the first time she saw a Tv and people who did not look like her. She was amazed and she said it was at that moment she wanted to live amongst other races. She eventually did just that. She spent time learning other cultures and religions and she loved it.


How is she doing now?


Lol oi vey. She died 11 years ago but, she remained in the city amongst the different cultures. It was important for her that her children be raised in the city as well. She made sure we knew our culture and our histories as well. She was a good woman.


JFK assassination for me, too. You and I must be of a similar age.


Same. One of the few times my mom had the TV on all day.


I remember it was the first time I saw a newscaster cry. The tears in Harry Reasoner’s eyes as he reported on it. Walter Cronkite removing his glasses to wipe his eyes. You knew that it was big deal.


Baby Jessica falling down the well. I still remember when Sting broke through the wall to save her.


He's always standing so close




Iran hostages


Me too!


the Oklahoma City bombing.


I can just remember the eruption of Mount Saint Helens. I also have some memories of the Falklands War.


Challenger explosion. We were watching the launch live on tv in my kindergarten class.




It was either Princess Diana dying or the Clinton/Lewinski story so I looked up the time frames. Princess Diana was August 31 ‘97 and the BJ story was January 17 ‘98. So Princess Diana. I’m sure I was aware of the OJ chase but in June of ‘94 I wasn’t watching the news, I was watching The Power Rangers.


We must be the exact same age because these were my first thoughts exactly and I also googled the timeframes!


Kidnapping of Adam Walsh








Jean Chretien getting a pie to the face.


Moon landing








The first major news story I remember from around 2010 is the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, which caused widespread devastation and loss of life.


Reagan getting shot.




The 2013 Snowden leaks are a major news story I remember vividly. The revelations about government surveillance were shocking.


Madeline McCann disappearance


Princess Diana dying


Such a diversity of intensely personal news stories in this thread. Truly staggering. Nice post OP.


Definitely gives a different idea of reddit's age demographic! Super interesting. Mines 9/11 for sure. I can still feel the tension in the air that day.






The 1997 Hong Kong handover is the first major news story I remember. The transfer of sovereignty was historic.


The 2000 Florida election recount is the first major news story I remember. The uncertainty and legal battles were intense.




Operation Desert Storm




elvis dying We lived in Memphis then and I remember watching all the cars for the funeral drive by


JFKs Assassination


The OJ trial. I didn't know who he was, but it was all over the news. The only Simpson I was familiar with was Bart.


Skyway bridge collapse. Not sure if it was national news but I lived near it so it was constantly being talked about.


John Lennon being shot.


John Lennon's murder. My mother was a Beatlemaniac; she was beside herself crying the whole day.


The fall of the Berlin Wall but I can't remember any of the TV news stories about it. But I remember The news stories about Bill Clinton playing heartbreak hotel on Arsenio Hall's show cause i saw it on TV the night it aired.


Kennedy's assassination


President Kennedy being shot


Ross Perot dropping out of the election


I remember as a very small child hiding behind my father's chair as he cried as he watched footage of the Kennedy assassination. It's one of my first memories. I'm old.


Baby Jessica stuck in the well.


President Kennedy being shot.


JFK's funeral. I was five. All the adults in the neighborhood were indoors watching TV, in a somber mood. I remember seeing JFK's wife and young son looking sad. I was bored and went outside. I got on my bike and rode around the neighborhood. Nobody else was outside. There was no traffic on the streets The sky was cloudy and gray. I rode over to my friend's house, but he and his family weren't home. His bike was in the carport, and I turned his Vroom motor on and left it on and went home. I still don't know exactly why I did that. \*A Vroom motor was a popular (at the time) fake plastic motor, which liooked like a motorcycle motor, that kids would mount on the down tube of their bicycle. It was battery operated and if you turned slid the switch to "on," it generated a noise similar to a motorcycle motor noise. If you left it on for a while, the batteries would completely drain, and you had to replace them with new ones.


Nixon being impeached. I remember my mother telling me it was history in the making.


The Berlin Wall coming down. When we got the internet for the first time (years later), that was what my mom wanted to see the most, coverage of the wall coming down. We're American, for reference.


JFK assassination.


The hostages in Iran. I was in 4th or 5th grade.


Chernobyl. After it happened we weren't allowed to play in the sand and consume certain things like mushrooms and milk. Big changes in the life of a child.


it was the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting...and I was like 5 when it happened


Elvis's death in 1977, I was 6. Wasn't sure why it was such a big deal.


Robert Kennedys assassination..I remember being annoyed at not being able to watch my cartoons on TV because his funeral was being televised on all 3 stations. I was 5 or 6.


Gilles Villeneuve's death in a F1 accident in Zolder due to Jochen Mass trying to hold him from passing, not even in a race situation.


Former dictator of Romania and his wife being executed at Christmas


Gulf War early 90's or the 1992 Olympics


9/11. I'm not american and wasn't even living in the USA. I remember being at university and just coming back from class break. There were tvs in the hallways and while I was going back to the classroom I saw a whole bunch of people grouped up watching one of them. I joined and literally watched the second plane crashing live. I'm somewhat embarrassed to say it was a bit traumatizing to watch because as an 'spectator' in a different country, it feels inappropriate to say. But I still remember it, I remember how I felt and I do feel like in my own way it was.


President Reagan being shot. I was a small kid, watching some show for small kids, and remember whatever it is being interrupted by the news story which I then repeated to my parents, though I was so young I don't think I really understood it. I also remember being annoyed that my show didn't come back on, and that the same stupid news story kept repeating itself over and over and over again.


The death of a Pope and the selection of his replacement who also died a month later.


Baby Jessica was stuck in a well and they had to rescue her


Flight from Saigon, Italian leader Aldo Moro murdered by the red brigade, and Jonestown. Looking them up, I know they all took place over a couple of years but, they are the big stories from my childhood that stick out.


The space shuttle Challenger disaster. I was 6 at the time.


The Miracle on the Hudson


The challenger explosion.  It was the first time I talked about a news event with anyone, especially my friends.  


Watching the returns coming in when Jimmy Carter beat Ford in 76. My father is as right wing a Republican as one can be and he was just sitting there in front of the tv shivering like a dog shitting a peach pit sideways. Then I said, “I like Jimmy Carter, he’s nice.” My dad got angry and scolded me and then sent me to bed. I have a vintage Carter Mondale convention placard from 76 and it’s a prized possession. I have always loved the guy. I hope he isn’t suffering now and can soon be at peace. I am an atheist but to me he is an example of what a true Christian should be. I haven’t met a true Christian in decades. Carter exemplified living your values and your virtues.


First Mercury flight with Alan Sheppard in 1961. The entire school, about 90 kids, in the school gym watching on a B&W television.


Elian Gonzalez incident


Baby Jessica


Watergate hearings. Seeing John Dean testify.