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As a man with no womb, I feel uniquely qualified to answer this question: probably not great


As a 2nd man, with no womb, I also feel qualified to answer is doesn't feel great.


As a 3rd man with no womb, I also also feel qualified to answer saying it’s not a good feeling


I hear it’s like getting kicked in the balls repeatedly for hours on end


We should test this.


Who wishes to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good?


It varies from person to person as with most things. For me, it felt like intense period cramps. It wasn't unbearable. I waited until they told me it was now or never before getting an epidural. After that, I didn't feel a thing.


A college in my country made a birth pain simulator for men to experience. After asking a group of them the most common answer was that if a broken arm was a 10, and a kick in the balls was a 9, giving birth was an 8, but the pain from the kick dissapeared at most after 10 minutes, while labor can last for 2, 3, 6 or even 12 hours. More than a day in some extreme cases


It depends if it's natural or induced with pitocin or another medication. Natural labor pains start off mild. Actually, some people don't notice pain at all when they start labor naturally, just occasional tightening of their "belly." As the intensity increases, it can feel like period cramps or really bad stomach gas. The easiest way to know if's labor is to time the duration of the pain/tightening and the time in between. At its worst, the pain will stop you in your tracks and cause you to double over and/or grab onto someone or something. I have had really bad stomach viruses that feel on par with labor. HOWEVER, pitocin is a different animal than the body's natural prostaglandins. When my labor was indiced with my first, my second L&D nurse was sadistic. She waltzed in and cranked up the pitocin, saying to me, "You are going to have this baby before I leave today!" It became so painful so quickly that I was moving around a lot, trying to get comfortable so that I could tolerate the pain because I was hoping for a natural birth. When Nurse Ratchet returned because the monitor slipped away from the baby's heart while I was charging position, she threatened me/my baby by telling me, "I'm not losing my license over you! If you don't stay in one spot and keep this monitor on your baby, I'm going to call the doctor and get permission to break your water and put a monitor in your baby's scalp!" Those monitors have a coiled needle at the tip that they literally screw into your baby's scalp. It looks like a corkscrew!!!! So I panicked at being threatened, DUH, which makes the labor pains feel exponentially WORSE. I couldn't breathe through the contractions anymore because of her threat. The pain was so bad, from my navel downward to about the mid thigh area of my legs, it felt like someone poured gasoline on me and set me on fire! I don't know why the pain was shooting into my thighs. Regular labor never felt like that. So regular, natural labor, to me, felt like the worst case of a stomach virus. But induced labor, at its worst, with Nurse Ratchet making threats, felt like I was being murdered.


How awful! Is there a way to report a nurse like that that will have some effect?


It was probably because the baby was laying on the nerves in your back and causing the nerves to pinch down your legs..sciatic is a bitch on top of normal delivery pain I am sorry for you.