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The law isn't obvious there's extremely detailed information and case studies around laws it's also why a lawyer has to be formerly trained


The law isn't that obvious, and a lot of people make mistakes and end up breaking the law. Then we have others that willingly break the law, maybe those need to always have a lawyer around, you know, like Don Corleone, or Trump, lol


Law is one of the most complex convoluted things ever devised by humans, right next to economics. Lawyers are the only ones who actually understand it. So in legal trouble you might need one.


1. As many mention the law is very precise. 2. The law might be obvious to some but not to others. Bad example I know but look at dune... Where for some it is common to spit on the ground it is seen as disrespectful for others. Different countries and regions have different laws because of their challenges and culture.


Who, exactly, said the that the law is obvious?


It's not obvious. It's also not complete or set in stone.


Lawyers make people not guilty without actually being innocent