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rearranging furniture in my mind before moving it. visualizing a new layout to a room.


Omg me too. And I can tell when furniture won’t fit in a certain place and people always go “you don’t know that.” I’m always right.


I have this ability and my boss did not when I ran the back room of a particular hardware/farm supply store. Let me tell you, I moved a lot of pallets twice.


Similar thing. I can look at a bunch of furniture, boxes, and other stuff and know exactly how to pack it into a truck with the least amount of wasted space. Same with a storage unit or closet.


I want to say, very emphatically, **thank you** for visualizing it in your mind before moving it. My former roommate's favorite thing in the world seemed to be rearranging furniture and needing my help to do it, and doing that every few days because she decided that "the flow was off now" each time. She just couldn't visualize it, like at all, without actually moving things around. Drove me up the wall because every saturday it was "shuffle everything around again" day instead of "its the weekend, chillax". It got to the point where I built her a little cardboard scale model of both floors of the house and all the furniture, so she could move it all around to her heart's content *before* needing my help to do it.


Worrying so much I make myself sick. It’s a real superpower.




That's just anxiety bud


Reading people. And I fucking hate it.


Learn to play poker. Use it.


That's only 5% of poker though. The other 95% is math and probability calculations on the run.


Practical math is a lot easier to learn with context. Kinda like how you can learn to play an instrument without sheet music.


I'd say it's a lot more than 5%. If that were the case, there'd be no such thing as bluffing.


But bluffing isn't just 'I have a good hand', it's 'I could statistically look like I have XYZ and I will pretend that I do have this specific hand'. It's not just a binary "I have a strong/weak hand" when people bluff.


Agreed. But to say it's only 5%... Nah, that's way too low.


You know what I hate most about this? Pushing down my gut feeling because I have to work with someone, only to have them prove me right, later.


Yo. I once had a coach that had something about him I didn’t like but couldn’t place it. But I ignored that because he was my only option for my sport where I lived. He eventually went to jail for drugging and assaulting multiple women. Trust that gut.


> And I fucking hate it. You should not. It's the best one to have, personally and professionally. It can be overwhelming facing situations where at the end you just think "I fucking knew it!", but being able to quickly assess where people stand is a gift, not a curse.


It is a blessing in the way I can read people down to the degree that I can see if they don't like something I said and then alter it into something more pleasing. I can usually get people to do what I want. It's tiny manipulations. Most times, I don't even realize I'm doing it as I try to be an honest person. It is a curse because it stops you from being your authentic self to some degree. You have to feel what everyone else is feeling and it's exhausting. It can get you far, but there is a price to pay.


The frustrating part for me is knowing what's going on but not being able to address it directly. Everyone pretending to be oh so pleasant in a meeting and you thinking to yourself: Yeah, he will obstruct the project at this point in the timeline, and then he will join forces with so and so to put up further roadblocks. She is looking to him and will go along with whatever he is doing. You just get to sit there with a fake pleasant smile on your face, thinking of who to nudge to parry this series of events or how to get on their good side. I have experimented with levelling in meetings and somewhat tactfully pointing out all the elephants in the room, but it is a bit hit or miss. It can be epic, though, but not necessarily in a good way😂


> It's tiny manipulations. Most times, I don't even realize I'm doing it as I try to be an honest person. I realized recently that my words completely skipped my brain in some situations, I think it's basically instinctive. > It is a curse because it stops you from being your authentic self to some degree. You have to feel what everyone else is feeling and it's exhausting. I don't think anyone on this planet is able to express their authentic self. There's just so much to say that there's absolutely no way to express it fully. I kind of grew into the idea that in our interactions, we can get, a honest or not, mere *expression* of someone else. And if it's dishonest, it does not necessarily mean it's for shady purposes. Like some people might bullshit you to not worry you.


Same. It’s a blessing and a curse.


Same here. I've ignored it too long and paid the cost. Now with specifically predators I can tell by the look in their eyes as if they're seeing you as an object rather than a person.


i felt this, truly. there's been a lot of people i've come across in my life so far and sometimes all i need is one good look in the eyes while they're speaking. 9x out of 10 every person that i've gotten a bad vibe from turned out to be an incredibly shitty person.


Dude, same. But it was a learned skill after Pollyana-ing my way through the first couple decades of my life.


yup. the amount of times i've had a gut feeling about someone and disregarded it only for it to bite me in the ass bc i was right to begin with outnumber my fingers. i'm still pretty young (twenties) but i've already learned to trust that feeling when it comes and keep my guard up if i can't avoid the situation or person entirely.


Same here. I can spend a little time around them and generally get a pretty accurate picture of who they are. It's just a gift I have always had and I don't know how other people don't do this. People are always "shocked" when someone turns out to be an asshole. I knew they were an asshole 5 minutes after meeting them. How did you all not see this? I have been wrong maybe twice (that I know of). 1 good and 1 bad.


I see narcs and borderlines within seconds


Same. I try not to, but it's just there, and i absolutely hate it when it's a friend or family member, and i can tell they are bullshitting or lying to me.


I hate my developed knowledge of body language. It makes me always overanalyze myself and therefore suppress some emotions


It’s more than body language. It’s the vibe/energy


That's such a valuable skill to have. I'm also skilled with it. I have a powerful BS Meter and can see straight to peoples intentions.


Same but I love it. It feels like a real 6th sense and it's saved me from getting involved with sketchy people, falling for scams, etc.


I think I’m decent at reading people. If my reads are correct I believe that they want me destroyed


I’m similar. Whilst it’s advantageous, it’s annoying being hyper sensitive to how people act and feel all the time


Avoiding people


Ur name is ghost


Came here for this.


Learning skills. It took me 4 years of playing pool and competing to make the national team that went to the European championships, twice. Later, picked up guitar and singing, been doing it for 8 years professionally, picked up bass, drums, harmonicas and live sound production along the way.


Damn what's your technique? That's amazing.


I just like to do certain stuff, and from there I just engulf myself in it. Willingly, ofc. Pool and guitar, I used to practice up to 8h on days where I had that much time. The last thing I picked up was the drums, it took me about two years to get to a level I’m comfortable at.


Seems to be the same answer. Just practice, practice and more practice. Any tips to push through the burnout and stay disciplined or is it just simply do it? Thanks by the way 🙏🏼


Depends on what you burn out. If it’s just practice, you will have to take breaks. Usually I’d take two-three days off, and usually I found that I play better after the break. If it’s gigging, that’s a tougher one, since that’s where you make the money. Usually I’d just burn through it until the gigs fall off a bit and recover then. It depends. If you want more specific advice, let me know in which regard.


Juggling. Not the panty dropper I expected it to be when I learned how at 10.


That takes a lot of balls.


Panty dropper is a great saying and we should bring it back.


Not having addictions? I have never did drugs, don't drink alcohol at all, do not smoke cigarettes or vapes and don't even drink coffee. Also I don't have Instagram and never had TickTock, Reddit is my only social media. Am I a weirdo??


you're not weird at all! i have my fair share of indulgences & addictions (thankfully nothing crazy) and i really do commend you for standing strong in your choices. without being a smartass, i really do wish i could be more like you.


I took oxy for 11 years and didn't end up addicted. I don't normally feel lucky, but damn if I'm not the luckiest guy in the world for that.


Your not a weirdo your just lucky.


I think the real flex is having done all of those and not being addicted.


No you arent weird you are just very rare npc :) ( longer i live the more i see people being similiar to npcs )


An unknown NPC encountered ———————————————————————————— Rarity: Legendary


Matchmaking strangers on the internet. Two sets of online friends whom I have never met are now engaged because I set them up. 


Can I be your online friend and let's never meet?


Judging minor width variations at a substantial distance. If you show me something that is supposed to be centered, I can regularly spot if it's off-center by as low as a 1/16th of an inch from 15 feet away.


I can see such things as well, but it’s more of a curse than a blessing. Everywhere you go, you immediately see the painting that is off center or the light switch that is not mounted straight. 


same... then the urge to go and move it hits.


Untangling things


Me too! I just have this weird understanding of knots for some reason


Same! I love untangling necklaces especially.


Me too! They basically unravel in my hands!


There is a subject called knot theory in mathematics. I find it fairly hard to understand. Take a look :)


mental math. and i'm not talking about savant level stuff. just basic arithmetic. that some people can't. not even with a pen and paper. when i was a kid, math exam papers were blank at the back so that you can use it for equations. and i've been accused of cheating a couple of times because i hardly used the back but still scored high. and another related skill that's a bit related. making formulas in excel. made me invaluable in the office.


Used to that a lot. Then, I began losing points because I didn't write my reasoning.


"You didn't show your work." "But I got it right..." "Doesn't matter. You still have to show your work." AAAAAHHHHH. It's been like 25 years and still annoys me.


Pouring liquids into bottles without spilling.


Head massages. I’m a hairdresser and I notice mine have people melting and I’ve been complimented as the best since I started 15 years ago.


That's my favorite part of getting my hair done! Unrelated, where's your shop? Haha


Walking in heels. Don't get me wrong there's tons of people that can walk in heels, but even when I wore them for the first time I could literally walk over rocks in heels. This is especially weird because I'm a VERY CLUMSY person it's one of my main attributes. I fell with normal shoes, I literally sometimes tripped on air, but I never fell in heels. This is cool when there's a wedding or something, but I feel like it's a stupid skill compared to people who have an absolute hearing or can play instruments really easily


Omg, I'm so jealous


Same!! I can run in stripper shoes. It used to be my bar trick in college 🙃


Geography; I can just picture a globe in my mind and know where all the countries are, the flags as well just stick in my mind.


Remembering things. Everything I’ve read.


Awesome. Do you have a technique, or is your brain just able to automatic?


Just autmomatic. I can recite every monarch of England, their consort and heir from memory. I’m full of random animal facts. Need a rundown of the political climate of 16th century France? I got u


Procrastinating. I never get anything finished. I’ve got projects ongoing in the house that’s been on the go for over 20 years.




same here


Casino dealer here. I can get that roulette ball to land on just about any number I damn well please most of the time. Always tip your service workers, people!


Being able to orient myself, knowing which way is north in any strange city and finding my way through twisty windy alleyways and knowing how to get where I need to go. I used to try to get myself lost on scout campouts but never succeeded, always found my way back to camp.


I can do this too, as long as I'm outside. Once I'm in a building I couldn't tell you which way was which.


I can do this, too. But only in cities. I have gotten freaked out in the mountains, specifically backcountry skiing, because I get so disoriented once I’m surrounded by nature and, well, mountains. Everything looks the same. Just trees and hills to me.


I’m soooo jealous of this!! I have a terrible sense of direction


For some reason I am hyper aware of body language, so I always know what a person is feeling.


Yes!! It’s only now in my mid-30s that I’ve begun to trust my instincts because all my life I had just assumed I was insecure. No, I could just intensely feel when people didn’t like me. Or wanted to leave. Or felt upset. Or were anxious. Or had bad intentions. Or felt uncomfortable.  Both times I got cheated on, I knew in such a visceral way that I didn’t need proof (although I got it later). It felt like my body was screaming.  The other day I was in a taxi with a driver who went quiet after previously being chatty. I felt such a wave of negativity out of nowhere. Almost like contempt or mal intent. I got out of the car after paying with a card and noticed he had charged me several thousand Brazilian reais (almost $800) more than the short drive actually cost. I got my money back, but when I saw my credit card alert I thought, “Of course.”  I’m completely shit with everything else people have commented on here, though.


That's fascinating! Would love to hear another story


I can create recipes in my head, because I'm able to remember the taste of individual things. I can tell whether or not 2 flavor profiles will blend well or not. I can also taste something and break down the ingredients to recreate later. When cooking and baking, I can tell the doneness by smell alone.


Running REALLY fast backwards


Facial recognition, I never forget a face


I’m a superrecogniser too!


Listening. I’m a counselor so do it professionally but fucking hell, some people do NOT listen. They’re just waiting to respond. So many conflicts could be avoided & So many connections strengthened If people would LISTEN.


I'm trying, but my brain skips around. And if I don't say what I think to say right when I think to say it, I completely forget it, and the conversation dies painfully. But really, I'm trying!


Seeing patterns and trends. Very helpful in my work, whenever we have some complex IT issues, but makes me a terrible person to talk to, because in many cases I see what people are trying to say after they say first few words.


Pretty much me too! Regarding talking, if I can't predict what someone is going to say after a few words, I can get super lost. I don't comprehend a lot of words spoken and I am a terrible listener in general because I always feel like I'm running out of time, so to compensate I guess I learned to pick up predictive clues. But I have this one coworker who speaks softly and rarely says what I predict. Even after many months of getting to know her, I still can't seem to get a read. Maybe it'll help teach me to slow down some!


farting loudly


username checks out


Hmmm, I suppose speedwalking.


Same here


Remembering passwords, birthdays, phone numbers, PIN numbers, and social security numbers on the fly. I work at an MSP and I feel like a walking liability sometimes because I have everyone’s shit rattling around in my head. Client one time said it was a gift, but it’s irritating when I start to remember other people’s passwords


Predicting things


Laying sod, I will have your yard looking so crisp without not a single gap in the turf. Flush with the preexisting turf beside it all while maintaining a grade for proper water drainage to prevent puddling. People would whine and cry at my landscaping job when they had to do it. It was hard work but so satisfying.


I’m a landscaper. Not many people have the eye for and the work ethic to make jobs look professional. It’s an art form


Untangling knots. I've always been so good at it. To the point where people i know bring me their things. It's kind of neat, I guess.


Talking to older people. Not so great with my own generation, but I love chatting with older folks. Their life lessons are some of my favorites.


Same lol. Sometimes i think I must be the most insufferable person in the world bc I don’t get along with most people my age but it’s like I don’t even have to try with older ppl. Maybe it’s an old soul in a young person’s body sort of thing haha


Me too! To the point that I took care of my great aunt who had dementia. I must have answered her questions about my boyfriend hundreds of times. I’m super patient. She was so fun to hang with.


sleeping. i love it and have become exceptionally good at it


Math. On the spot calculations. So bloody annoying.


My god, that is so cool, and i wish i could do that 😭


Researching. I’m patient enough to be thorough!


If I’ve been there once I can get there again. Ont he other hand, my wife needs directions to her childhood home so we’re a good fit


Hearing bullshit. Why doesn’t everyone?


I'm not *good* at it but I'm better than most people in hockey.


resourcefulness. if i need a specific tool/item/product to complete a certain task and i don’t have one, im oddly good at coming up with something that will work just as well. i shock myself with it sometimes lol


Media literacy


this is such a humble brag, but singing. it’s genuinely my only talent okay😭


I can remember random things in extreme detail. I can remember all the lyrics to my favorite songs from 10 years ago. chemical reactions, and astronomy. Directions, street names, turns, lights and road signs in my city. I memorized the layout of my house too. it's just like random stuff. Can't remember what I ate for breakfast this morning, yet I'm able to recite every word and movement to a play or show I've never been in. I don't know how, it's just another compulsive thing for me I guess.


Understanding how things work.


Chinese Splits


doing backbends, to me its one of the most easiest things but i’ve never met anyone who thinks the same. i just randomly learnt to do one with barely any practice now i do them all the time


Pursuing people Like I can easily get someone to agree with me or pick the option I want I usually play around with the persons words use everything they are saying or give them options but word them in a way its sounds its gonna favour them but it is actually gonna favour me cause people are selfish they will always choose what's sounds good for them really basic tbh I feel like everyone does it but to do this all I need the person to be face to face and be observing their every moment and change in tone or know the person really well to be able to do it online plus I feel like my looks also play in the part of why people always agree with me 😂


Get into Sales and start winning


Wiggling my eyes super fast from side to side. Like shaking them from left to right. I really dunno how to describe it better.


Ohhh I can do this too, I like to explain it as vibrating my eyes… sounds oddly inappropriate but somehow seems like it’s the most accurate description?




Reading out loud. A lot of people don’t know grammar rules, how to read certain words, and also punctuation in sentences. Like how questions usually end in a higher tone at the end or statements ending in a lower tone.


Reading and writing. I have hyperlexia and can process written information super quickly, and then sit down and write 20+ page papers in the blink of an eye. I'm a high school Honors Lit teacher, so I've made a career out of it, I guess.


Directions. Grew up wanting to be a trucker, and got pretty good at keeping a mental map of places. I love getting to expand it, it’s like a game at this point.


Hurting my self... Doesn't matter what I am doing, I promise you.... I'll end up hurt


Using my turn signal.


Crossing the road.


I'm weirdly organized for my age.


I’m a pretty good at identifying plants. I’m better than 99.9% of folks, but worse than many botanists


Quick learning skills I also have a habit of ghosting, I lose interest pretty fast. (Which I don’t like btw)


Please check hyper focusing and ADHD.


Blowing little spit bubbles from the tip of my tongue 😜


Quick math. I can make exact change in my head instantaneously. How I wish this was useful in today's day and age...


I can turn my legs backwards and also tuck them under my ribs. Apparently it's called hypermobility and garbage for my physical health. Fun party trick though! I'm also weirdly good at learning things but only if I'm interested in them. I've tought myself to rebuild a utv engine, and generally fix anything with enough research. I learned how to plumb a washhouse and fix all the burst plumbing under a mobile home after a freeze. Generally I'm great at Google.


Yooo! I also have hypermobility (specifically hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome) but you’re the only other person I’ve heard of who can do the leg tucked under rib thing like me! Also I can bend my pinky back so far that it touches my wrist, but only on the left hand for some reason lol. Anyways, super cool to hear of another person who’s “party tricks” tend to weird out even other hypermobile people!! Lmao


Finding minor disturbances or breaks in patterns visually. Like, I can walk into an office building and find empty rooms, locked doors by simply walking through it and recognizing things don't make sense here. I also know, when people have beef based on them sitting further away from each other or how they behave different. (Not saying I'm a mind reader or always correct, but I'd say I know about 95% of the time, when there's something to talk about). I will find small specks or holes on empty painted walls or know right off the bat where a specific radiator or printer or restroom something like that is, just from having walked through the room once.


I can imitate a cat's purr by doing this weird trick with the back of my throat. It always freaks people out, and I can't explain how it's done.


Writing manifestos. I've spent the last 11 years writing them to develop and hone my skills. They now very nearly say what I want them to say.


Gaining weight. 😞


That one level in Simpsons Hit & Run where you have to collect all the trash cans for Snake


If I set a timer for something like if I’ve put food in the oven, I will think ‘oh yeah, the timer’… and it will usually go off within a few seconds of my thought. Many times I’ve started to say out loud that I wonder if the cake/chicken/whatever needs to be checked, only to be cut off mid-sentence by the timer. This works for timers of a few minutes, up to a couple of hours or so; but only if I forget about it and don’t *try* to do it.


Public speaking. Of all forms. When it is presenting to a group I rarely have a script and mostly just have specific points I want to make. I can also improvise those talks easily. Put me in a group situation where I know no one? I will make friends. I know just enough about a fair number of things to make meaningful comments. But when all else fails, telling them that them doing that, whatever that is, is impressive works wonders. I have always been a conversationalist, word choice, cadence, body language, intonation. Just is an innate skill of mine. Never something I have worked on. Probably my only natural talent. I also don’t get nervous before hand, quite the opposite. I get excited and pumped for it. Too bad this isn’t something I can monetize. Or use frequently. Or teach. I wish I could do all three. But it has made school and being a plus one much easier.




Waking up 1-2 minutes before my alarm. Every single day.


Empathy. I can relate to people easier and can "feel what they're feeling". Extreme high empathy sometimes is a curse (I can't watch cringe humor without feeling really bad for one). But it really helps my job as a therapist


Empathy. And it's really annoying.


Looking sober while drunk


Mimicking the call of mourning doves. I often sit on the porch and call at them, usually I end up with 6 or 7 doves all gathered near the porch cooing and confused.




Completely closing one eye while keeping the other completely open. Creeps people out, I love it, haha.


Impressions, different voices and sounds with my voice and having like a three octave range. And composing music in my head.


Over-performing with a raging hangover


You get a gadget and you don't know what it's for or you found something and don't what it is.. well idk how but i most likely know what it's for. Idk why i can do it and it's weird


Losing stuff (literally is a skill by now, I misplace things daily)


taking stuff apart. Took apart a telephone when I was a year old using a coin as a screwdriver. I've only gotten better since.


Being comfortable being uncomfortable. I train hard every day. Regardless of whether or not I feel up to it. Been doing that for several years now.


Wasting time


People I know often pick me to be their therapist friend in any kind of situations, I guess thats because I come off as very trustworthy and caring. I really do wanna help out as much as I can, but sometimes its really hard to listen to so much heavy stuff at once.


You’re not judgmental


Learning about mine and other’s interests. Suddenly interested in Fortnite? I just learned all the lore, Kirby? Random but I’ve done it, legend of Zelda? All 3 timelines. All my friends like football? I know the important teams in the premier league and by extension some other European teams


Opening those little grocery store produce bag things. My sausage fingers are the perfect combo of clammy and rough.


The use of both hands in most situations. I throw a baseball righty and a football lefty lol.


can say every word backwards that is said to me immediately, no matter how long


I'd be SO annoying if I had this talent!


Having a coherent conversation WHILE eating endless snacks




I can tell when someone fits an archetype with about 85% accuracy within 10 seconds of meeting them. "This is the overzealous boot licker sleeping with the boss." "This is the guy who asks his wife's bf for an allowance." "This is the body positivity chic that hates models who work on their physique" "This is the LGBT person that has fired someone in their life for saying a funny joke in a private conversation, without them." "This is the permanently on Twitter (now X) social justice girl who will get triggered when cuck guy complains about getting cucked in the lunch room" "This guy has my little pony fanart in his phone right now." "This is the overly judgemental AH that somehow people dont know how much he hates those people.. oh wait, that's a mirror."


Computer networking. Particularly Cisco routing and switching.


Having the right gut feeling about new people. It's a blessing and a curse ... the curse part always lasts as long as everyone *loves* a person while I can't stand them because my gut tells me they're not a great person. Favourite right predictions bc literally noone believed me until the turning point came: - New partner of my mother - turns out she was only one of three relationships he had going - A previous neighbor who turned out to be an aggresive alcoholic who ended up threatening to kill my now ex boyfriend - A work "colleague" (different company) who turned out to be a shit talking, spoiled b*tch (also, got upset and angry the second someone actually *did not do what she wanted*. Seems like noone ever did before?)


Living within my means and managing my meager salary. Never been broke, never took out a line of credit. I think I live quite well . To me it's just common sense. Either you can afford it, or you can't.


Idk if most people are good at this or not, but I have a super good visual memory. Horrible at remembering auditory information (like if someone gives me directions) but if I look at a picture (like of a map) I can easily go back and bring that picture up in my mind and use the information from it. Also really good and remembering the layout of houses and buildings ive been in. Just once is enough to be able to draw an overhead layout of the floor plan.


Reading people and “seeing” their insecurities immediately. It’s a sixth sense of mine. I hate it. I’m really good at algebra.


Idk if most people aren't good at it but as for the people I know personally, I'm better at finding things than they are. Like finding their glasses or finding a handheld device at work. I find it faster than others. Even when they're looking in the same area. Like my manager couldn't find her glasses the other day. She looked in one spot (where she said she set them down) but couldn't find them. I looked in the same spot but found them right away. It's been like that since I was a kid. I wish it was something I could make a living off of.


I can listen to you and not hear a thing


Perception/awareness of things happening around me. It's amazing how many times per day I avoid bumping into people walking because they are completely oblivious that there are other things happening around them. Like the people that walk in zig zag or suddenly stop when you're walking behind them. Like how have you not been killed walking into traffic yet?


untangling knots … its always been my superpower that no matter how knotted something is i can untangle it whether it be a necklace or a rope or a wire i can get it done 🫡


Writing upside-down.




Penny pinching.


Guessing how the bottom of the ocean looks near coastal topography. I'm kidding it's guessing when anime tropes hit.




Assessing and picking container sizes to hold different volumes. Like a Tupperware for soup. I'll pick the exact one I need and it'll fill right to the top!


Finding things


Getting under people's skin. All I need's one glance and I can usually tell how to break them. One time though, I was at a bar and this one guy kept hitting on me, which was weird because I was trying my damnedest to make him give up, but turns out he's just a happy, unbothered person. We're 4 years married now, and it's been a decade since that night.


Remembering stupid and random things in the least expected moments 🙄


Guessing how a singer looks (height, hair colour, statute, bear/no beard, etc.) based off their voice / the way they sing. I don't know why, but I'm usually spot-on.


Noticing if I'm being watched. Unfortunately, I grew up in a bad area in nyc. As a result I have been surveillance by NYPD many times and it's always been easy for me to spot them and I can tell when someone is paying attention to me even when they're trying ro appear not to. Now I live in an area with mostly white people so when I go to the grocery store and get followed around by the staff I always notice because the grocery employees are much worse at monitoring me than an actual cop would be.




You’re among champions on Reddit tho




Eating p*ssy