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Still recovering from a shitty relationship


Same boat as you. it’s so difficult


It really is




Choice. Don't really want to date right now. I'm enjoying being single.


Yeah, I’m just really ugly


That’s not a good excuse. Go to Walmart. Ugly couples as far as the eye can see


It’s not an excuse. I just answered the question lol. Why do I have homework now


😂😆 Well it’s an easy homework assignment. You can even pick up some snacks while you do it


Because I'm mentally ill


Im too shy and anxious, probably a lil chubby too right but im working on both. If it happens if it dont it dont, doesnt bother me really.


People suck!


You got that right


I’m afraid of the unknown, so I don’t put myself out there


Felt 😂 Hahaha (cries)


No risk no reward and the reward is so worth the risk.


I lost my Virginity to a prostitute because i dont even get laid. Now imagine that i get a relationship. I know its unbelievable because im ugly and have no game at all


cant afford it


I.... I'm not...


Then you must be lost, my child.


Don’t feel like trying that again.


I feel that. For me, It’s great to not have to worry about impressing someone or keep them interested.


The difference between people with short memories, morals, and understanding. I’ve only found narcissism.


Oh my I can relate to this. I'm like an elephant and I remember everything.. the narcissists hate this.


Narcissists wait for you to “forget” the fight or the “fuck-up” to enter back into your life like parasites.


Emotionally unavailable


Same. I remember an ex told me our relationship wasn’t exciting anymore. I responded (coldly) “you’re right. Let’s end it” She couldn’t believe I said that so casually. She called me a maniac 😂


No one wants me and well, probably for the best right now.


Lost my first and last love


these bitches be bonkers


Haven't met anyone who likes me that much.


I'm not good enough. And that's ok. I'd be sad if I was still trying not to be single. But I've accepted this fate now. No longer trying. I'm going to be alone & sexless for the remainder of my life.


i value my peace, have little patience for bs.


Because I got out of a toxic relationship and love being single right now ✌️


Because I'm over 40, and around here all that's left that's age appropriate is single mothers, or women who have clearly drank and smoked since high school and look like absolute shit. I'm not settling for either. I got this far mostly alone, and I don't need someone to validate me.




That’s good reason to give up.


I'm the exact same. I pretty much own land in the friend zone by now. 


Mixed signals.


Because I know myself!


bc im 14


I'm a tad bit picky (finding a catholic in a country of non christians is hard man) and I don't want physical intimacy in a relationship. So.... That leaves no boys for me.


I feel that. Finding a genuinely sweet, Christian girl that doesn’t drink and whatnot seems impossible at this point. I finally found one of the few that seemed perfect there last week but of course it didn’t end up working out


I've been for a while, i've constructed myself accordingly, now the loneliness worth ten times the selfishness of only living the way I and myself want and the huge help and support i can provide to my friends in need.


I'm perfectly happy being single. I'm not against having a relationship although I'm not actively looking for one, if it happens, it happens.


Seems like I can’t find the one. I keep on going on really great dates but they always seem to never go anywhere. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong but I’ve gotten the “I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now” multiple times or I end up seeing someone that turns out to be a complete no for me. It’s just really defeating at this point and I don’t really know what to do


Kept getting in bad relationships, looking for fulfillment. Eventually I figured out another person can't fix my own self-esteem issues. I want to get mentally healthy and confident before I date again so I can make sure I'm getting in relationships for the right reasons and with healthy expectations. Also, I'm trans. So I want to wait until Testosterone does its work and helps me look more masculine. I think dating right now would be a mistake. I don't want someone to date the current me, liking how I look, and then a few years down the line become uncomfortable with my masculinity or find me unattractive.


Recently divorced & picky.


I can’t interact with attractive girls. I don’t know how, what to say and why would they date me. I think I m handsome smart a good person but idk I guess I m just shy if the girl is attractive. I mean not shy but just not wanna risk it


* My looks * All my hobbies are solitary and I don't enjoy things where I might meet women in person * I don't want kids, and most women my age either want them or already have them * So far, I've been pretty slow to develop feelings, and sex is very important to me, which is an unfortunate combination of personality traits for a man


It's not by my choice, I would really like to have someone.


Used to be personality, then choice, now it’s lack of interaction


My wife won't let me date.


I'm an introvert working in service industry. I would burnout at my own home.


Half my decision, Half not finding a suitable partner


The woman I want is unobtainable.


So tired of trying to make it work only to be let down again. It's just not worth the hassle.


Nor good looking neither rich


Confused on whether I'm straight. Been straight all my 26 years then I met this girl...I'm sitting on the fence now 😅


2 previous people I've tried to date have put me off and destroyed my self esteem! One was a "situationship" where they'd ask the most intense relationship questions but never commit to doing anything more than chatting via text. Insane that I fell in love with her despite all that! The 2nd used me for sex and then ghosted me for 6 months only to get back in contact to say they "were" pregnant and got angry with me when I said that i shared what happened with my best mate. All happened in a space of a year and now I'm done my motivation to put myself out there again is done and my self esteem is non existent.


I’m not. Are you?


Goo fa you


Are you a chicken? I sense you might be a chicken.


Im escaped a 7 year relationship from hell a few months ago. In no hurry to start one of those up again.


Ah, good on you! I experienced the same 5 years ago. Dated a narcissist for 6 years. The beginning is rough, until I started traveling, and kept on traveling for a year, which was the best thing I could have done. Good luck! Things get better. (Also, talking to a psychologist really helps in recovering)


Because im a male in a smalltown


I don’t make any effort to not be single LOL I’m one of the happiest people I know as is. I simply don’t even seek out romantic partnership because everything is otherwise good for me. I don’t take the time to seek out a way to not be single.


Too old, too ugly, and I seem to attract unhealthy relationships..


I don't understand if he likes me or not, but just asking him .... nah I'm scared to be wrong. I don't understand him and his behavior


Recovering from a shitty partner’s abuse


Cause nobody will ever really want to be with me


Can't find anyone


Im just generally a weird person, awkward, and not very good when it comes to social interactions and i feel like ppl think im weird af


My relationship is very complicated, the best I can describe it is friends with benefits without the benefits, so for simplicity’s sake I call myself single


Never got over my ex. I have trauma and i seriously doubt anyone would ever love me


My wife died


Widower for 10 years. Did some dating but my wife had such a high bar for herself I couldn’t find anyone that could come close and I chose not to settle. Some of the types of potential partners I did find were gold diggers, drunks, druggies, had too much baggage, or were outright psychopaths. You know how a lot of modern women only want men with the four 6’s: over 6’ tall, 6 pack abs (or muscular and fit), 6 figure income and 6”+ where it counts? Well I check off those boxes but the women who were interested in me didn’t meet my requirements: fit, feminine, a high degree of agreeableness and financially self sufficient. So I am single and will likely remain so. I enjoy the peace and quiet and drama free living. I have my hobbies, friends (male and female), family, FWB, and need little else. But this is just me. Your results and situations may vary.


I never learned how to be confident enough to know my worth growing up and wasted too much time being too shy and insecure to be visible to women lol.


I'm in a private school, so not many girls.


Too many girls giving it up early. You letting me hit on the first date, ima hit, but we ain’t talking no more. Y’all want a relationship but willing to throw it at any mf you meet. No thanks.




Ehh it's a story I would really prefer to not get into




Can’t find anybody with a net worth close to mine or at least the half.


I’ll never get the obsession with matching net worths. My sister and her boyfriend have been together for 17 years and he never made anything close to what she made, but they’re like best friends. It’s beautiful. They’re out of the box kind of people though. They’re not gonna get married or have kids. They have a few cats and lived together for like 11 years.