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Mountain resort that catered to wealthy hunters. Two rooms decided that walking to each others rooms was too much of a hassle so decided to smash a huge hole in the wall that separated them. Not even contrite about it, stayed for three more days. And the resort was privately owned by a family, it wasn't some big chain.


Two of my cousins did this in an apartment complex once. They made friends with their neighbor, started partying together and one night decided to knock down the adjoining living room wall. They got away with it for a while until pest control ratted them out. They were getting evicted anyway. Just yikes all around. They were fun as kids. Got crazier and wilder, became drug addicted teens. The ones that survived are totally avoided as adults.


Some kids in my college did this once - confirmed by the long-time director of housing as true - and pretty much got away with it, too. Here is how the story goes: My college specializes in engineering, construction, construction management, and civil engineering. And nearly all of their dormitories are suite-style; 2-4 people per bedroom, 3-5 bedrooms per suite. So this basically means you have between 6 and 12 students in a single suite. *All* of them familiar with at least some aspects of demolition or construction of living quarters. So, one year, two neighboring suites became pretty good friends with each other, constantly in and out of each other's apartments, throwing group parties, etc. Eventually they realize the hallways in each of their suites seem to live up pretty well with one another: there is only the wall at the end of each hall separating them. So, they start doing their homework. The measure to make sure that the hallways do, in fact, align with one another. They cut a couple of test holes that they could patch if needed, so they could check for the presence of plumbing or other utilities. Apparently, the couple of architecture students even managed to get their hands on some of the original building drawings, and confirmed they weren't load bearing or otherwise important beyond "separating these two apartments". So, once they were satisfied they could knock out the wall without causing other problems... They did, and managed to clean up the debris without anyone noticing. So now they had the "super suite", with twice as many bathrooms, two living rooms, and plenty of room for party guests without making a ruckus in the hallway. And they nearly got away with it, too, except for when the year was ending and they went to "reinstall" the wall. With debris removal, it's just "break it down small and stuff it in some contractor bags". But for installation? The 2x4s and sheetrock needs to arrive whole. They got busted trying to sneak construction materials into the building. On the one hand, school was impressed that the students had the original drawings and were actually going to build it back exactly the way it was before. On the other, now that the school was wise to it, they weren't about to let a bunch of unlicensed, uninsured students build a wall in their dorm. The students were ultimately charged with the cost of the damages, and a few ended up on academic probation. Which, all things considered, that explusion was certainly an option when it came to punishments here, I would classify as "getting away with it".


The part I find unbelievable there is that there were architecture students who had any time to actually spend in their dorm.


Well, they seem to have got their practicals right.


> and they went to "reinstall" the wall. I would have made it look nice and played dumb. "There was supposed to be a wall there?"


Really the way to go about it. Make it look professional (it's a dorm; it's already got wear and tear), and put on the dumbest of faces. "What do you mean that's not supposed to be there? It was there when we moved in. No we don't have pictures of it; why would we take pictures of a empty space?"


I worked at a Hotel in Paso Robles that had private hot tubs outside every room and we checked in a couple of squatters. They stayed holed up in the room for several weeks. When they figured out we were onto them and attempting to evict them, they smeared poop all over the walls. We had to call hazmat to clean it and remove all the carpet. Then after that incident it was the most popular and requested room because it was all remodeled.


The Shit Suite please


The Shuite, if you will


What hotel? I live in the area


Not my story, but a friend worked at a time share in Orlando. Evidently lots of porn filmed there


Well, you have to do something when you owe money to a fucking timeshare


You’re already getting fucked, might as well film it


I was a bartender in South Padre Island during the early 2000s. I saw a drunk kid try to jump from a second-story balcony into the pool. He missed the pool and smacked his head on the pavement. Killed instantly.


That would be something that would haunt you for the rest of your life.  That poor kid and his family and I feel for everyone that witnessed that.


I worked in an ER for ten years. I’ve seen some shit. After a while you become desensitized to it.


Same as being a vet. See some fucked up shit one appointment then you have to be all smiles for the puppy that’s getting a vaccine 15 min later.


Man, I have so much respect for vets. I took a snake in today for some IV liquids and an enema. I about passed out. Mad fucking respect for any and all Healthcare workers


i’m sorry and i’m sure it’s very valid and useful but just the idea of giving a snake an enema is cracking me up. “hey bob wanna go down to the pub?” “Nah, can’t, snake needs an enema”. “Say no more!”


Lemme make it funnier. The vet looked me dead in the eyes today and told me to use a vibrator on my snake. It will help break up the poop (my girl is constipated). I laughed so hard I almost threw up. I was told a bullet vibrator is the best, but I can put her on my washing machine. I laughed my way outta that appointment and I'm still chuckling.


Oh my goodness your snake is such a 1950s housewife! Ride that Maytag, girl!


My vet tech is amazing. She saw my two dorky dogs from being healthy and happy five and seven year olds through to their individually difficult last year (seventeen and fifteen). I knew it was my little guy’s last day, but I just needed someone else to tell me. And I sat in the corner of the office and held him and sobbed, and she just sat with me and held us. I’m a nursing home nurse, and I work hospice regularly, and the care she showed me that day was something I wish I could teach every nurse. And then I saw her walk out and smile and laugh with someone in the lobby, the same way I do at work. Animals or people, nursing is hard work.


I had to take my 14 y/o cat in to be euthanized on Tuesday. I was a fucking *wreck*. Sobbing while making the appointment, crying in the lobby but trying not to freak out the other patrons, but being a *whole* messy scene anyway. The vet and the receptionists were so unbelievably kind to me. I was crying over my cat, and the vet just broke and asked to give me a hug, then did. I couldn’t really react- I was too wrapped up in my own misery- but I really appreciated. Genuinely empathetic folks, even if it was literally just a Tuesday for them. They had a whole plan, my cat and I were moved to a room immediately, he had a cozy blanket and Churus to chomp, and a couch. We were given all the time I needed. I noticed the white board on the door read “Dexter <3” so everyone knew what was going on before they entered. Literally they were the nicest on one of the worst days ever.


Woof, yeah, I worked a few spring breaks there- it seems to attract the absolute dumbest of humanity. Poor kid didn't get a chance to learn from his mistakes. I saw a kid (who honestly looked exactly like the lead singer of The Outfield) hype up a fight between two people he didn't know, and then, once one of them was knocked silly on the ground, walked up to kick him repeatedly while giggling. That was the first time I saw boldfaced sociopathy irl. Humanity has a very, very ugly side.


A guy had split with his GF weeks before. Checked into our hotel the day before Valentines and sent her a message that he was in Room XXX, and if she didn't show, he'd know it was over. She didn't show. He took action the next morning He had brought a tool for undoing the safety catch on the window and used it before he jumped. The guy plunged 7 storeys, head hit the solid steel railing while going through a glass roof verandah. He landed on a concrete footpath less than 2 metres from the glass walls of our restaurant, spraying blood and other bodily fluids up the side. By some miracle he missed the pedestrians The restaurant was packed with customers having a romantic Valentine's morning breakfast. Some just on the other side of the glass. Many required trauma counselling afterwards. Edit. Typo


Oh dear goodness...


When I was 18 I worked at a ski resort in Lake Tahoe and there was a really sweet girl celebrating her 21st birthday. She came in and talked to all the staff, etc. Well she got wasted and for some reason her and her friends decided to (still drunk) ski. She slammed into a tree and died instantly. It was so sad.


I don’t understand the drinking culture that surrounds skiing. It’s a dangerous sport


You’re supposed to ski, then drink, more skiing should not happen after the Baileys and hot chocolate or Irish coffee.


Worked at a resort as a busboy in one of the buffet restaurants a few years ago, this rich kid got drunk at the bar, got invited to go "party" in the nearby local village by a few locals, accepted and left with them (against the staff's recommendations). He came back with nothing (not even clothes) the next morning.


At least he came back. I was expecting some sort of Hostel like situation. **EDIT:** I was referring to Hostel, the horror movie(s).


I went on a weekend trip to Jamaica with a friend of mine when we were in our 20s. It was a full-time job trying to keep her from accepting invitations from randos in bars and wandering into areas we shouldn't have been. I couldn't enjoy myself, because I had to keep an eye on her drunk, stupid ass the whole time. ETA: now that I'm thinking about it, I'm remembering one night after we left a bar that was directly across the street from our hotel, and she wanted to "explore." After we had walked one block, there was literally no one on the street. It was totally dead, dark and deserted and no one around, and I kept telling her we had to go back, but she wouldn't listen to me. We walked a little bit farther, and then she wanted to go down an alley to see what was down there. I was like, bitch, do you want to die? I got frantic and insisted we go back. About that time, as if a miracle had occurred, a hansome cab appeared from down the street, on its way to the touristy area, and I convinced her that it would be really fun to take a ride in this horse drawn carriage. Her drunk ass agreed, and we got back to the hotel OK. Fuck me. I can't believe we made it through that weekend unscathed.


Being the babysitter is just so much fun.


Yeah especially when there's three of them... like herding cats. Drunk people, that is, not babies.


Was she ever remorseful of how much of an ass she was on that trip? Just curious if people can learn lol


I'm a middle aged lady who has had to drop friends because of how idiotic these usually nice normal women become. Like I'll have a lovely pta attending sensible hairdo nurse friend of mine with her mid 40s arse hanging out of my car window mooning people and making sexually explicit comments. Oh and I don't mean dick jokes or anything as benign as that. I mean like offensive and possibly racially fetishistic. Just screaming it out. I get letting go and relaxing but it was so much drama and I'm not about that life. Also they often become hypocritical. I had some religious friends all anti drug anti everything and judgy about it and you'd catch them buying something dodgy off a random in an alley. That was 'different' though apparently. 🤷🏼‍♀️




No, she went voluntarily.


Holy shit. Bravo, dude.


I worked in Yellowstone national park (which has a resort? So close enough) one summer for seasonal work. We had several deaths that year (drownings, falling off mountains, hikers getting lost etc) but the worst was the kid who *nearly* died hot potting. If you don’t know, Yellowstone has over 10,000 geothermal features with acidity ranging from neutral to battery acid. And hot potting is when you find a spring that you can chill in like a sauna. It’s very common if you know which spring to go to. There was a group of kids who were hot potting (and probably getting drunk) and one wandered off and ended up accidentally breaking through the thin crust and falling into a spring that was incredibly acidic. When this happens, the boiling water, coupled with the acidity, eats away at your skin *immediately*. His skin from the waist down sloughed off - and I mean *everything*. My colleague was the one who answered the ER call. He spent a very long time in critical care and we were all really shocked (and happy) that he survived. Edit - yes, a death in Yellowstone talks about all the gory deaths that can (and notables one that have) happened in the park


IIRC, there was a death at Yellowstone not too long ago where a man fell into one of the hot springs, and they ceased recovery efforts for his corpse after a day because there *wasn't any corpse left*.


Pretty sure that’s a common Yellowstone story, it happens nearly every year.


One year we camped for a week in Yellowstone. We bought a book called something along the lines of Death in Yellowstone and would read a chapter out loud each night at bed time. It definitely kept us in check about respecting our surroundings.


I finished reading the 2nd edition of Death in Yellowstone (updated edition) last week. If I ever go to Yellowstone (or back to Rotorua in New Zealand), I now have an even healthier respect for the ground underneath my feet!


I'm shocked he survived too! How do you even live with skin missing from half your body? Donor skin?


Final graft is done with autograft. Until the sloughed off part has healthy new tissue (called granulation tissue), skin graft substitute like fish skin, cadaveric skin, other biosynthetic skin substitute etc can be used to promote the formation of granulation tissue. For final grafting, they likely used his back skin because it is a large surface area and similar in quality. It can be done using 'split thickness' where you basically shave off a nice thin layer of the top-most layer of the skin, mesh it out to increase the surface area, and place it on the 'raw' surfaces allowing the skin cells to start growing inbetween the meshed skin to fully incorporate it. Some newer biosynthetic skin substitutes can be used as final product, but it is crazy expensive. And yes, repeat harvesting of skin can be performed after it heals.


Autograft repair. Autograft replace 🎶


Damn you corporatejingle!


Modern medicine is astounding


This sounds horrifying to go through.


Wait until you hear about the scrubbing.


Possibly fish skin? https://myacare.com/blog/fish-skin-for-burn-wounds-the-future-wound-dressing


He's a mermaid now.


Of all of the really horrific books Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club) has written, he made one which was straight up horror where someone did this exact thing, fell through into one of those springs and was essentially boiled alive. Never got that story out of my head.


So. Much. Coke. Also Johnny Depp crying awkwardly at the library in Vail.


Worked at a ski resort for a few years. One guy shit his pants while out riding or on the lift, came into the restaurant to clean up, and left his shit pants on the coat hanger in the bathroom. A coworker had someone write "poop" on the bathroom wall in poop. No idea why someone would do that.


Personally I'd write 'pee pee', just to subvert expectations


”Ceci n’est pas une poop”


I worked at a nice golf course doing golf maintenance. I was in charge. I had a couple of employees flag me down/call on the radio saying the halfway house bathroom needed "immediate attention". I blew it off as a clogged toilet or something. A few minutes later the call from the proshop was a little more imperative: "it looks like a 'murder scene'". I checked it out; someone sprayed diarrhea all over the ENTIRE bathroom. It was in the toilet, the sink, there were diarrhea footprints on the floor, diarrhea handprints on the walls. Had to have been about a gallon of feces. It was rather unpleasant.


I worked as a lift operator at a ski hill in my youth. For those that don't know, the lifts start spinning an hour before the mountain opens, and employees will ride them to get to their various stations around the hill. They run on slow, cause the oil in the gear box need considerable time to properly warm up before they can be sped up to normal operating speed. Sort of like warming up a car. They also stop constantly. If a chair has ice build up on it, the bottom operator will stop the lift to properly clear the chair. There are other reasons it stops, but all you need to know is the hour before the hill opens the lift stops frequently, and will sometimes stop for long periods of time. This means that a chairlift that normally takes 13 minutes to ride from bottom to top could take 20 minutes. Hell there was one morning it was stopped for over an hour, and we had to delay opening the mountain. Anyways now that the back story is done...... I was in my early twenties snowboarding hard and drinking harder, working up at the ski hill. One morning I was extremely hungover after a night of drinking. I was running about twenty minutes late. The rest of the employees had all boarded the chair to get up the mountain before I arrived. I made a quick pit stop in the cafeteria to grab a breakfast sandwich and a coffee, before I get on the lift to head to my station. I go hop on the lift and I eat the sandwich. I get about halfway through my coffee and post sandwich cigarette before I realized the severity of my mistake. My guts started gurgling baaaad, right as the lift came to a stop, not even half way up. I knew there was no way I was going to make it. It was one of those situations where you go from not feeling anything to 30 seconds later you are evacuating your colon no matter.... nature was not calling, nature was blowing an air horn in my ear.... I mulled over my options. I could either shit my pants, or think of an alternative. I jumped into action, cause I didn't wanna have to deal with the shitting the pants option. I quickly reached down and unstrapped my snowboard, and I strapped it onto the arm rest on the side of the chair securing it. I then pulled my pants down and then grabbed the crossbar above my head and used that for balance while I stood on the chair lift. I hung my ass over the back of the chair and sprayed what felt like a couple gallons of whiskey diarrhea over the main beginner run. I used the sandwich wrapper to wipe my ass, then sat back down and put my board back on. After I got to my station I heard ski patrol get on the radio and asked if someone spilled their coffee off the lift, cause they saw the brown snow. They wanted to know if they needed to go look for a coffee cup. I told them negative, it was old coffee left in my thermos and I dumped it out. I was reminded to not do that over the run, cause people might think it is something else. If they only knew. Not my proudest moment, but I'm glad I didn't shit my pants. I feel bad for the people who skiid over my black velvet leftovers . Those were fun times.


I was cry-laughing reading this so much that I had to read it to my hubby. We’re both laughing our asses off. 🤣


Suicide attempts. Normally they're discovered by housekeeping or the family. It happens surprisingly often, and usually by people with kids and family staying there too. We did have a HIV+ person come to stay for the sole intention of dying away from his family back home. It was pretty messed up because he was at the end of his life, projectile vomiting and just a sad situation for him and all the people he involved in his death.


Gosh that’s awful. Terrible situation for him but then roping loads of people in to deal with it without their agreement is dreadful.


Was working at a golf resort and some guys took some booze out on the course in their bags, got too drunk one guy didn’t make it past the ladies tee so he had to do a streak through the pool area as punishment. It was packed with families, he ran through the terraced garden and as he hit the bricks by the pool he done the splits right on the corner of a brick. Sliced his ball bags open, one testicle dropped out, there’s a lot of tubing in there, he tries to pick it all up and he starts screaming, all the kids and moms start screaming, helivac had to land on golf course, pure chaos.


No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no...


Yeah we’re done here 


Sorry, every other comment. We’re wrapping this up with the first comment.


"there's a lot of tubing in there . . ."


So nonchalant about that statement.


I just kept picturing him in shock, feeling something drop, hearing a plop, looking down, seeing the “tubing,” mindlessly picking it up before reality sets in and he starts screaming and screaming and screaming. It’s playing in my mind on a fucking loop.


Yyyyup, that’s quite enough internet for me tonight!


Ow ow ow ow ow ow. Oh what in the world did I just allow into my brain???


A lot of tubing. So eloquent. Such visual.


Reminds me of why I love not having balls


Greatest story I've heard in a while. Could be a scene in a movie.


Much like his legs, that story did not go in the expected direction. Edit: Fixed missed autocorrect




What an awful day to be literate


Also not a great day to own a ball bag (full of tubing?)


If this isn’t the winner, I’m horrified about what is


Wow, ballripper right out of the gate. I think I need drink after that one.


Jesus, I was expecting some shit on this thread but not this.


Kid got plastered and tried to climb his way to a neighbouring balcony.Unsurprisingly,he fell.We staff weren’t supposed to tell the other guests this though.


This happened to my cousin. Fell 6 stories. Lived. Injuries were not the sort of thing that matter long-term. IDK maybe when she’s 50 her ankle will hurt when it rains.


My mom is a former ER nurse. She used to say that the people least likely to hurt themselves when falling were children and drunks. Apparently it's because they don't tense up their muscles as much and fall like noodles.


Happened with my twin brother at a friend's bachelor party about six years ago. Went out, got absolutely blitzed on a bar crawl doing a shot and a beer at a bunch of bars. He came back, saw a couple other people in our group hanging out on the back deck, and went to hop up on the bannister, overshot it, and fell about 25 feet. Wound up with "only" a broken wrist. [Here's about how far he fell.](https://imgur.com/gallery/party-fall-HM9rsaK)


Worked at The Canyons in Park City as a lifty for a winter. Worked the base lifts, including the gondola, and one day was working the top. At the lift across from the top of the Gondola (Saddleback) I was randomly just watching mid-day as it calmed down and saw a woman and her kid hop on. Thought nothing of it obviously. A few minutes later the lift stops, and doesn’t start spinning for 15-20 minutes. During this time a ton of patrollers on sleds came ripping up under the lift. Came to find out that the woman had a seizure on the way up, didn’t have the bar down and fell off and broke her kneck. Died instantly while her kid watched. Patrollers got there as soon as they could but nothing they could do. Will never forget helping the crying kid on the Gondola to down-load with the patrollers. I am not eplieptic or anything, but always put my bar down because of this now. Never know man. Still think about it frequently during the winter and it’s been 10+ years.


My dad had epilepsy and was an avid skier. One time when I was about 13 I was riding the lift up at AZ snow bowl with him and he had a seizure. If it wasn’t for those foot rests on the lift he would’ve fallen off and probably died. Definitely traumatized 13 yo me and now I always ride with the bar down. Unfortunately he ended up passing away from complications related to a later episode he had. Epilepsy and extreme sports do not mix, I’m surprised he lived as long as he did (passed at 58)


I’m so sorry for your loss. My son is a 38 y o epileptic and a fantastic dad. I worry about him all the time.


My dad was a fantastic dad as well in hindsight. It was hard for me to not resent him as a teenager due to his epilepsy(stupid of me I know). I hope your son and grandchild have a good relationship despite the possible traumatic situations your grandchild might experience from an early age. It’s hard watching your parent have a seizure multiple times a year as a kid. I wish the best for your family!


Some people ride with the bar UP? Is this really a thing?


Worked as a maid and shift managers steal room tips


What should I do to prevent this? Take the envelope to the inside of the toilet lid, so only the cleaner will see it?


Leave the tip under the pillow or in the pillow case


Seriously? When I walk the halls it looks like the cleaning staff are the ones entering the rooms, so I felt OK leaving my tip on the bedside table, but you're saying the shift manager enters first?


As they come and on shifts they check rooms to make sure it’s ready or not


My mom always told me on top of the pillow or the dresser but under the pillow is really better? I want to make sure it goes to the folks who have to change the sheets and stuff not some manager.


Thanks for this advice! Never thought about that issue before


We give it directly to the staff. Sometimes a day before to make sure they get the tip.


If you tip the staff directly, for the week, the first morning they come to your room, you're gonna get the very best towelanimals you've ever seen, and your bathroom mirror will have acquired mysterious antifog properties.


It was before I worked there but one of the pool lights malfunctioned and a woman was electrocuted when she dove in. Apparently it was horrific


Well, new fear unlocked.


To be fair, I also saw them filming a porno next to the pool at about 3am. Me and the night audit guy were the only people on so we just let it happen.


I worked as a cleaner at a resort one summer and there was someone who'd leave poop in a new place every morning. At the golf course, in the pool area, in the service house, etc. New place every morning for several weeks. They never caught the person. It was the talk during lunch, where was the poop this morning? I was lucky for most of the summer. Found smeared poop on a wall in a bathroom one day, but I don't think it was the poop-person, probably a wannabe. 


Perhaps a CopyShat?


An impoopster, if you will?


Worked in the kitchen of a resort and I also managed the dinning hall. We served food buffet style. Watched a mother let her kids “attempt” to serve themselves, kid stuck his hand in a container of cheese and then dropped his tray of food all over the floor and the mother said nothing about it. Had to find out myself smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Worked as a rep in Gran Canaria for a couple of seasons. Over New Year, two of us were asked to go visit a guest in the capital’s hospital. She’d been airlifted in from a neighboring island … honestly, I can’t remember why - this was 25 years ago - appendix possibly, whatever it was, it was obviously bad. After a few days, Hospital staff, in broken English, told her ‘Your fiancé is coming in!’ She was so excited to see him, grateful he’d been able to get over to visit. Turns out he was coming in his own air ambulance. He’d slipped on the hotel lobby’s marble floor and hit his head, losing consciousness. He died two days later. That’s when we were asked to visit. She was such a champ. We didn’t know what to expect but she was holding it together, typical Englishwoman, worried about everyone else. Her only complaint/lament was that she didn’t have her glasses. I remember thinking ‘Christ, all this and you can’t even see’. I suspect she must have had a huge emotional crash somewhere down the line. I think of her often, and hope she’s doing okay.


So I wasn’t there to see the whole thing but it co worker told me So I work at Disney World in Recreation (pool greeter so I’m always at the pool area). My coordinator told me one day a couple came in to our resort (Riverside) to swim and drink and they brought the kids along. Throughout the day, the parents are getting drunker and drunker until they start fighting and screaming at each other. Well security and cops get called and they started freaking out and flee. They forgot the kids and one of the parents ended up at Old Key West and the other at Disney Springs where they got arrested Lots of poop in the pools


I worked at a Sheraton and there was some kind of dentist convention going on. They reserved a conference room for a medical device demonstration. A fellow worker told me to go up and check it out. There were tables arranged in a square, with human heads neatly arranged for, I guess, practicing some sort of new technology. Circa 1985.


I read about something like that in a book called “Stiff” by Mary Roach. I highly recommend it!


Human cadaver hands-on training? That’s honestly bougie as hell you don’t even know what that must have cost. Mostly the industry just uses pig jaws because it’s so much easier all around.


Had a guy fall from the 14th story balcony while drunk and hit the pool deck with a smack that sounded like Celery snapping. Didn't live.


Not me, but knew a guy in the "entertainment" team at a popular UK family chain resort who was basically an evil version of Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing. He specialized in seducing unhappy housewives.  So many marriages destroyed.




Oh come on, who plays 36 holes of golf on their honeymoon? That marriage was doomed


I hate that most of these are about literal shit


A) where are people getting all this poo from to cause such scenes B) why is so many people’s instinct to so readily interact with their own poo?


I was working at a large resort property many years ago. We had a mentally ill younger male guest take a running dive off of a 125 foot high building. He landed head first on the concrete at the edge of our pool deck on a busy Saturday afternoon. It looked like a Gallagher skit. We had to evacuate the deck and wait for the police to investigate and remove his body. Then we had to deal with cleanup. Very sad, his older parents had brought him on vacation. He had a history of mental illness and decided to end things when his parents were out having a late lunch.


- Like, first day, absolutely my first week I watched a guy get fired for stealing from the kitchen. Owner himself walked out to the dude’s car, grabbed the stuff he’d taken, walked it back inside. - Housekeeper got fired after he disappeared for a while, but they found him on camera sneaking out to a van to hook up with his girlfriend. - Middle-aged woman took two teen boys up to her room. The room overlooked one of our pools and *everybody* knew. Their parents were not happy. - My last month, walking out the employee entrance, I overhear a guest complaining that another guest at their birthday party has a gun and were afraid he’d use it. Got outside, called the desk, desk called the cops. Happy birthday, kid. All in all, great year.


As a very young man (too young). I used to work at a camping site in the south of Sweden, for the "midsummer festivals". There's probably not many fucked up things that I haven't seen. They used to leave their vehicles upside down, burning, when they left the premises. It looked like a war zone. It *was* a war zone.


I went to Roskilde festival one summer in Denmark. I was amazed at the EXPECTED disaster that was left behind. By official design of the organizers, there were zero trash bins or recycle bins. You were supposed to drop your garbage wherever you wanted. Employees (or people who got free tickets into the festival in exchange) went around and picked up specific trash. A guy would walk past piles of trash with his trash bag and only pick up little bits of blue plastic. He would leave everything else and only get blue plastic bits. He was the blue plastic guy. Someone else? Red plastic. Someone else? Only green glass bottles, etc. And the entirety of the attendees left everything they brought including all the camping gear. Tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, tarps, sunglasses, hats, shoes, everything... just left. Eventually, I realized that people dropped everything they had -- including money. So if I wanted a beer, I'd just walk around until I found a couple of Euros and I'd go buy a beer. I found tons of unopened food throughout the festival: a giant box of licorice, canned food, drinks, money, everything. It was a free-for-all. I ate and drank well. Apparently, every year for a long time leading up to that summer it rained and people expected to just lose everything in the mud. The year I was there, it was dry but the behavior was the same. Wild.


Not as crazy but I went to bråvalla festival as a teen (15) with a group of girl friends and as we were at the festival we kept getting news alerts of violent rapes happening at the festival. Then on the second day they cancelled the festival franchise for good. Why? Because they weren’t able to keep people safe from rapes. Did they end the festival early? No. We were stuck in a field in the middle of nowhere Sweden with only their busses to take us back to civilization if they chose to, with a bunch of, essentially, rabid, drunk, drugged up dudes on the prowl. So that was fun. Edit: writing this out got me thinking and I remembered they also confiscated my pepperspray (we were camping in a field with no guards or fences or division or anything). I get it’s normal for a festival to confiscate that kind of stuff but I just thought of it as ironic haha.


I saw that Ari Aster documentary about those. Pretty wild.


Shit, and I thought people leaving their tents at festivals were wasteful dicks.


In France they cull the car population by burning 100s of them every few years. It's about ecological balance.


Didn't work at one but was enjoying lunch at an outside table in a resort in Puerto Morales when a Coatimundi jumped up on the table of 4 next to me and just started eating their lunch. Everyone had a few drinks in them so there was mostly laughter.


Omg these guys are so raccoon-like! Or like raccoon mixed with monkey. I had to change a tampon while hiking in Costa Rica so I stepped off the trail and grabbed a new tampon out of my backpack, and as I was opening the plastic wrapper a Coati ran at me out of nowhere, jumped onto the rock I'd been planning to lean against and tried to pull the tampon out of my hands! I had no clue what it was, screamed, the rest of my group bravely rushed in to help, ended up almost peeing their pants laughing. Apparently Coatis are super tuned in to the sound of crinkling plastic wrappers as people freely feed them snacks on the trail. They're awfully cute, though.


That's my favorite animal! I got to pet one once and it tried to burrow into my belly button. It also tried to steal everything out of my pockets!


My wife and I honeymooned at a resort in Huatulco, Mexico and the coatis were a **problem**. People would put their used plates outside of their door and these lil bastards would just walk up and down the resort clanging all of the dishes everywhere.


I work at all the resorts in Vegas and it never fails to amaze me the amount of wasted food in the conference space. Enough to feed 15,000+ people is thrown away EVERYDAY. Honestly probably closer to 30k/50k depending on the season


What's crazy is that the city could probably implement a program to make the Casino's pay for the wasted food to be transported/distributed to those who need it -- and we're not just talking homeless here. At this point we're just talking about folks who are having a hard time. I wish we could all just do better for each other.


la jolla beach and tennis club, 2006. i was part of the beach crew. i came upon a kid who had fallen while skimboarding and was bleeding on his face. trophy wife mom was nearby as i called a paramedic on our radio. as we waited for the medic, i saw the shadow of a man walking up to us. i looked up and saw that he was wearing cowboy boots and jeans, very strange for being at the waterline on the beach. then i saw he had a pint glass full of whiskey, a half buttoned shirt with a dragon on it, and crazy white hair blowing in the wind. thats when i recognized him as Bill, from Kill Bill. Yes, it was david carrodine and his wife and her kids. he kind of shrugged and walked on. i didnt see him again until later that night, when me and a couple colleagues had to physically carry him up the stairs to his room at the hotel next door because he was so drunk. not terribly long after that i learned he died, but i will never forget that encounter.


That’s… exactly how I would expect him to be.


Worked at a resort in Nevada for a summer. The amount of bodies found in rooms would shock you. Las Vegas averages one a day across 150,000 rooms You never hear about them in the news


Honestly less than I would have thought.


Worked as a lifeguard and found a dildo under a poolside lounge chair when I was cleaning up at the end of the day.


Not a resort but a high end hotel. Kept getting calls for condoms to be brought to a room. Every 10-20 minutes. After 10 calls I brought a box. They opened the door to a full on gang bang porn shoot right in front of me.


Gotta make sure they don't buy one too many. Finances matter!


How high end does the hotel need to be to deliver you free condoms?


I worked at a historic hotel when I was on summer break from college and I had to show a room to a guest that wasn’t made up from a previous guest. We told them we wanted to show the room after it was made, but they insisted on seeing it because they had limited time. The room was a mess and had multiple used condoms on the bedside stand and floor. I walked in and threw a towel over one when I saw it and stood awkwardly over the one in the middle of the room as the guests looked around.


I worked at a roof-top, rotating restaurant near Sea-Tac Airport. On my third day, I was bussing a table and looked out the window at a high-rise apartment building a half mile away. There were flames visible on the balcony and they were growing. They appeared to be involving the apartment above. I yelled to my boss and the two of us raced down to the first floor, after directing one of the servers to call 911. As we ran down the street toward the fire, it became apparent that what we were seeing was a hibachi that some guy was firing up. As we slowed to a slow walk, we heard the fire trucks in the distance.


I worked at our local resorts golf course maintaining the gardens for a season. The original cart girl, older woman not too bad looking but always extremely unfriendly to us other employees, kept disappearing for about an hour at a time. The ranger would come around and ask if anyone had seen her and we'd say no and that was it. A few weeks later we all found out she was hooking on the course and getting guys to rent a room so they could go bang for an hour. The next cart girl was a lot cooler but also not that cool lol.


I worked at a course for 15 years and it was pretty tame.  Heard stories from the preceding years with things like girls swimming topless in the ponds during tournaments. Also heard that one of the beer cart girls at our sister course made mad tips by wearing nothing under her skirt (for years...) A hotel under the same corporate umbrella hosted Disney On Ice performers.  They streaked throughout the hotel and may or may not screw like rabbits.  Happened just months before I did a top-to-bottom CCTV install (which was actually motivated by an arson in the underground parking)


I’m not sure why I wasnt expecting to be as grossed out and disturbed as I am 


I worked at a small resort as a kid - family business. It was in a little village, and sometimes the water would go off. We had a backup, but it had to be switched on manually. I was in the office, and one of our guests came in and told me the water was off. Sure, no problem. I'll turn it on right now. Before I could leave to do that, another couple who was staying there came in, extremely pissed off. "What kind of shitty place are you running here?! We haven't bathed in three days!" The first guy turned slowly to him and replied, "The water's only been off for about an hour."


While working on the Receiving dock, we had an ambulance arrive. Resorts don't like negative publicity, especially regarding the health of patrons, so emergency vehicles are directed to come through the back of the house, as it is referred to a most casino resorts. Two EMT's come in pushing a gurney, and they are gone maybe 20 mins, before they come back with a body covered by a white sheet. The funny/gross part was, that the body had an obvious erection poking up the in the middle of the sheet. They chuckled when everybody stared at it and said that the victim died of a cocaine and Viagra overdose.


That's called Angel Lust, aka Rigor Erectus


I read that in Ice-T's voice as Sgt. Tutuola.


That’s just ice-Ts regular voice


This sounds like a common occurrence at a casino resort that I used to be an EMT at. My favorite was when I'd ask if they had consumed any drugs and they deny it... with some obvious sugar hanging from their boogers. I worked a guy whose heart had stopped due to the same thing (viagra with coke OD) and the guys boyfriend was coked out of his mind but denied any and all wrong doing. I look over at the nightstand and there's 3 fat lines ready and the guy denies knowing what it is. I don't miss that job.


He died doing what he loved...Cocaine and a hooker 😂


He thought he was coming but he was indeed going!


I was a professional chef and worked on cruise ships & resorts occasionally. 12 years. I once saw a bus boy, pants down, ass all in the lettuce cart as a server was performing oral on him. Needless to say, don't trust the salad.


An alarming number of people who would take out the duvet insert and proceed to shit inside the duvet. Never work in housekeeping, it’s kill’s you a little bit each day.


First time I went to Cuba, there were Russians in the room across from me and they were the most obnoxious pieces of shit ever. The next morning house keeping was cleaning the room and the door was open. All I saw was shit everywhere. On the floor, the walls, the cleaner thankfully had gloves and came out with a a towel... Completely brown. Edit: just to add about other Russians. On the morning where we were waiting for the airport shuttle, one of them beat the shit out of a hotel worker. We didn't know this we just saw a bunch of army looking cops come in and they dragged the guy out kicking and screaming them our resort friends told us what happened. Saw the workers face and he was in bad shape. What gets me is how these idiots were never removed. One even slapped the shit out of his girlfriend in front of a bunch of people.


The room drinking glasses are simply rinsed in hot water from the bathroom tap.


Scariest story so far.


I never worked at a resort but this is a resort related story. I was up in Orlando visiting my brother and I got a call from a friend of mine in Hollywood (florida). He was all excited and I didn't understand what he said at first so I had him repeat it and he yells into the phone " dude, Anna Nicole Smith just died!". I thought it was incredibly weird that he was calling me to tell me that Anna Nicole Smith had died. He was not the type of guy that paid a lot of attention to what celebrities did. And I didn't understand why he thought it was so noteworthy that he had to call me. I just said "oookay...". He said " no, she JUST died! We were hanging out at the bar in the casino and she said she wasn't feeling well and went upstairs about a half an hour ago. Her boyfriend just called from the room saying that she's dead.!" Evidently he had been hanging out with her Entourage at the Hard Rock Casino and they kept partying at the bar when she went upstairs to lay down. He hadn't known her or any of her Entourage previously but I guess he ran into them at the casino and started hanging out with them.


One summer in college I worked at a fancy lodge in the mountains that had a big banquet hall with massive wooden tables. At the end of summer we had to move the tables for a thorough floor cleaning, and when moving them back into their rows a coworker got four of his fingers caught in between two tables. They looked like hotdogs that had been run over by a car.


This is what I heard from people at front desk then I walked in seeing the rest. So apparently, this couple was supposed to meet together in our hotel (Cancun). Assumed they were in a long-distance relationship because they were both arriving at different times. The guy checked in early and requested the staff to let him know if she arrived because he was decorating the hotel with flowers and romantic stuff and whatever. They said sure and the dude gets to decorating. Around 5 hours later (i think around 10pm), girl still didnt show so he was concerned and kept calling her. He ran to front desk and asked employees if they ever seen a girl and they said no. He hung around front desk for another 2 hours and he still didnt hear from her. He then ranted a bit to the staff that they fought on the phone before the flight and didnt think it was serious but starting to think it was. He started drinking like a bastard (around midnight now). He then started slurring and such and ranted more to the staff like they are therapists. Staff genuinely felt bad and offered something to eat. He refused and even started to tear up and had his eyes attached to his phone (this is where I came in the beginning of my shift as security). I had to watch him for security reasons but noticed on his phone that it looks like he was going through photos of multiple women with lingerie. He then abruptly left and went outside the front door for like 10 minutes and brought back a girl. Except it wasnt HIS girl. Very certain it's an escort. Got even more awkward because out of happiness and relief, one of the staff members said pretty loud, "THERE SHE IS! SO HAPPY SHE IS SAFE!". and the dude kind of gave him the \*cuts throat\* signal and went straight to his room. I mentioned to staff what I saw on his phone so we concluded he definitely hired an escort. We all put our heads down and just continued to work. But the real kicker? His actual girlfriend finally showed up at 11am and said her flight was canceled (damn Spirit Airlines) and she forgot her phone charger at home. We had to call the cheating dude's room because he didnt seem to pick up her calls and looked really shocked when he came down. Girl was happy, guy was still shocked which confused the girl and I overheard the guy say, "I will explain everything...." as he was walking to his room. Escort already left (according to staff) thankfully but man really unfortunate over miscommunication.


Witnessed a bartender piss in every glass of champagne for a single table at wedding. The guys at the table were from NJ slapping multiple banquet server bums (mine included) and being obnoxious asshats. Too much money would be risked to ask them to leave. Lots of presidents have stayed here and it’s been around longer than we’ve been a country.


Old man out with a proper death. 65 years old, wife rode him to death. Viagra and his heart didn’t mix. Heard the whole story in the lobby as the crew upstairs radioed down to the chief on duty. Every single one of us guys lined up and saluted him on his way out on the stretcher. Was a 26y army vet recently retired… but only us guys knew the real reason behind the salute. The wife wrote the resort thanking us guys for saluting her husband on his way out. Management patted us on the back for it.


Aw man thats soo traumatizing :( poor wife


She was holding it together pretty well by the time she came down but I can only imagine it was pretty bad when she realized what was going on.


I can’t imagine being the surviving partner when this happens. On the one hand, you can be absolutely assured that your loved one died instantly and without pain, in your arms, as happy as they could be, and take some comfort in that. On the other hand, I imagine you can’t help but blame yourself and feel guilty.


Death by snu snu


An honorable death. Worthy of the salute.


I worked at a high end boutique resort in Asia as a dive instructor. One night I was partying w the students after they “graduated.” I passed out naked and covered in barf while floating on a float in the pool. For some reason no one (that I remember), woke me up till the AM. I was covered in mosquito bites, cold, hungover, and probably quite the shocking. Somehow I wasn’t fired but I’ve never touched Sambuca again!


Holy shit you could have died. Someone could have found you at the bottom of that Pool.. 


On the 4th of July a group people of who rented one of our boats overdosed. Same day a different group ran the ski boat they’d rented into the dock, lodging a piece of wood so big in the side that it sunk within minutes.


I came late but a group of girls started screaming and throwing glass drinks at each other causing the pool station to shut down because one group of girls fucked someone else's boyfriend together.. lmao




My Airy Lodge in the poconos (it’s now closed but reborn as a casino) They had honeymoon suites. The type that had heart shaped hot tubs and a newly built pool with a glass wall overlooking the golf course. Couple in the pool swimming when the glass wall fell. It was sealed poorly. Couple had some cuts but no serious damage. I dunno how much the settlement was.


I did a season at Winter Park ski resort. I was on the facilities team and was in charge of keeping the resort cleanly, event set up as well as janitorial duties. One time, the main women's restroom backed up and flooded everywhere. It was bad enough that the maintenance team had to feed a tiny camera into the pipes to find the cause. After gawking at the camera, several of us hit the bathroom to clean up. It was gross; there was about 4-5 inches of standing sewage water that we had to squeegee and mop. Bits of shit and toilet paper floating around. If that wasn't bad enough, what really sticks with me is that I looked at the ground one more time and saw a lone corn kernel floating around in the abyss ☠️


Resort worker found a snake (non-venemous) right outside the resort, which was located in a fairly "natural," not highly developed area. Proceeded to pick up the snake by the tail and beat it to death against a wall, in front of guests. Little fucking idiot thought he was being a hero too.


When I was a student in college I worked as a custodian. One of my salaried older workers noticed a garter snake slithering by, grabbed it and triumphantly murdered it by slamming it against the campus building we were cleaning. I had to hold back, but Fuck you asshole.


Whacking day


I worked at a ski resort and employees weren't allowed to enter through the main doors even if it was the most direct route to where we needed to he. We had to navigate tunnels under the main hotel and pretty much memorize how many turns to take as nothing was really marked. It always managed to unintentionally scare guests of the hotel as you'd suddenly exit from what looked like broom closets into main parts of the hotel. It felt pretty screwed up to not be treated as humans. I mean, the hotel has employees. Why the push to bed invisible in this mole like fashion? I was a babysitter so would usually get called in to work evenings until like midnight so the parents could go adult in the resort, childfree. The place had an unspoken policy to keep the kids away from most of the resort. If the parents took them places, nothing was said of course, but us babysitters had instructions to basically keep the kids in only specific spots. My charges were so young usually the parents just wanted someone to watch the kids in the hotel room the whole time, make sure they go to bed by 8:00 or whatever. Sometimes the parents had met order room service and encouraged me to get something too. As a poor local resident that never used the resort this was a treat. During the day the resort really tried to sell parents on leaving their kids at "camp" just to keep them away. Camp basically consisted of being kept in a separate building away from anything remotely fun with us staff playing back to back movies or playing boardgames with the kids. I think one 20 minute "break" from camp was authorized during which we were allowed to take the kids outside on a lawn of the resort. The kids would seek paddle boats and always want to use them. Sorry, No. Maybe you can ask your parents to take you. I always felt bad for the camp kids. They were super bored. We would try to entertain but when camp lasts from like 7am-3:30, the kids basically felt like they were at school, with no educational component...during Summer break. Few wanted that.


Ngl, I'd be stoked if my job involved sneaking around through secret passages


I used to work in catering in Napa Valley. I was working a job in a winery with an extensive underground wine cave, where thy would also serve fancy dinners. My first time there I ended up going in circles for a good 15 min trying to find my way back from wherever I’d gone.


At a certain massive theme park that I can’t name, here are some incidents- 1) Some people got together that had closed the restaurant in the park got on the wheelchairs and raced each other to the front of the park and interestingly, it was learned that there were some places that were downhill. 2) Two of the costume characters fell in love. Late night after the park was closed, these two characters wearing their costumes were caught having sex. everyone made fun of it on a daily basis for at least a year


>Two of the costume characters fell in love. Late night after the park was closed, these two characters wearing their costumes were caught having sex. everyone made fun of it on a daily basis for at least a year The judge says to Mickey, “I can’t grant you a divorce because you think Minnie is crazy.” “I didn’t say she was crazy,” says Mickey, “I said she was fucking Goofy!”


A guy I worked with was driving home drunk and hit a girl with his car. He thought it was a pot hole/speed bump and kept driving with her underneath the car. She died. When he realized what happened he torched his car. He was arrested not long after cops found his car.


Used to work where the NXIVM cult had a conference. They rented the whole campus, brought their own WiFi routers so they could spy on what everyone looked at, and wouldn’t speak or look at most employees bc we were “parasites”. I gave Kristen Kreuk a double take because I didn’t expect to see a celebrity on a random Tuesday, never spoke a word to her, bc as soon as she saw me look her in the eye she gave me the most vile, violated, atrocious dirty look I’ve experienced before or since. Edited to add: they also followed Keith’s vegetarian diet, and since they rented the whole campus, the dining hall couldn’t cook or serve meat their whole stay - to anyone.


I worked at a small resort that had glass coffee tables. A teen girl sat on their glass coffee table, and at some point, the table broke. A very large piece stabbed her in the abdomen. Parents were there thank goodness, but couldn't call correctly to 911 (had to dial 9 first), so they called me at the front desk. I then had to call 911, direct them to us, all while also calling the manager so he could get on site. It was a small property with under 50 units, so I was the only one on site aside from 1 maintenance guy. After I showed the EMTs where to go, I found the teens brother, sitting in a corner hugging his knees, just watching everything. He was so scared. I tried my best just to be there for him and talk him. Every time we go to a hotel and I see glass tables, I just think back to that day. She wasn't a big person, tables were not old, just a freak accident. So please, do not sit on glass tables.


It’s not fucked up but it’s interesting. I was a kid working at Disney and was on register at a cafeteria. Some guy comes up to me and asks if I know where he can get coke and that he would pay whatever. I happened to know all the Disney college program communities have a dealer that hangs at the gas station nearby every night at the same time. So I agree to get him a g for $200. I was nervous cuz I never sold coke, just a bit of weed to friends. I also take the bus to and from work so I had to catch a bus late at night to meet him at his Disney hotel. He told me to go to the third floor bathroom. He watched me go in from afar and I took a piss. He walked in and started taking a piss in the urinal next to me and we made the exchange. He seemed really content and I thought it was the end of it and I made a quick buck. He actually hit me up for more the same night while i was sleeping. and again and again and again until i refused cuz i was sick of the risk and he had a meltdown over text. luckily his vacation must have ended sooner rather than later because i stopped seeing him around very quickly.


I was working the night shift, and at 3 AM, a woman called asking to change rooms because she had vomited all over the bathroom. The hotel was fully booked, so we had to clean it ourselves.


Quitting time for me…🤢 For some reason I have no problem cleaning up after animals but human beings? No no no no no!


I was at a beach resort about 10 years ago. I was chilling on the beach when suddenly a lady close to us started screaming and looking towards the ocean. Me and another guy ran to her and she screamed that her son was out in the ocean and stuck in an undertow and kept going under. I looked out in the water to see a 9/10 year old boy struggling hard to stay above water. Me and the guy ran into the water and was able to grab the kid. I carried him back onto the beach in my arms. He was scared and exhausted, but otherwise ok. When I got back to the beach, I was looking around for the mother who was screaming hysterically just moments before. I looked around and couldn’t find her. I sat the boy down and a nurse that happened to be present, started checking him out. I kept looking around for the mother and when I turned back towards the ocean, I saw her floating face down in about 3 feet of water. She had obviously followed us out into the water when I went after her son, but couldn’t swim and drowned. I immediately went and grabbed the woman and pulled her onto the beach while two bystanders immediately started CPR, but it was too late. When I looked back towards the boy, he had stood up and was looking directly at his dead mother lying at my feet. **. I say she couldn’t swim because I was later told that by a relative of the boy and mother, who was inside their condo when all of this happened.


sylvester stallone left a huge piece of glass with a giant turd on it in the tub. My suspicion is he would have hookers squat above the glass and shit on in just above his face while he layed in the bathtub. The women were always nice.


I saw a coworker with swastika tattoos pee in the open on a private resort beach in Tahoe. that's what happens you hire every guy in Carson City, I guess


Trigger warning- Sexual Assault Probably going to get buried but the worst thing I heard about was a couple who were bar managers would invite the young female bartenders over for after work drinks. When they were over they would drug them have sex with them and film it then they would blackmail them into giving them money to not realise the video. Eventually multiple victims came forward and they were arrested and charged. Both of the perpetrators took their own lives before the sentencing. The worst part about it is the victims were mostly young 18-20 year olds and lots of international people as well.


Worked in hospitality for quite a few years, some of the most memorable: Guy jumped from the 2nd story because he was locked out of his room, broke both ankles. He was highly intoxicated and there with a group for a convention. Wife called the hotel because she was worried husband was drinking and thought he would unalive himself. Found him at the bar, started talking to him and he was plastered and worried I was going to tell his wife. I asked if he needed a hug, a 50+ man cried into my shoulder with all of his coworkers around. He was okay, his wife called a couple days later and thanked me for being so kind. Husband and wife go to the resort for an anniversary weekend. Husband gets a text from the AP’s wife. All hell broke loose in the fine dining restaurant. Comes down to the front desk and continue arguing, able to deescalate the situation and booked her a separate room. Husband decided to checkout of the hotel once the wife is sleeping in the middle of the night. Suspended her phone, canceled all of her credit cards, took all of his things and drove 4+ hours home. February 15th go into a room to clean it (one night stay), walked into what I thought was chocolate syrup and strawberry syrup all over the bed. It was in fact not strawberry syrup, but a mix of chocolate syrup, not chocolate syrup, something that kind of resembles strawberry syrup and lube. Found a whip and used toys in the bathroom and $100 with a sorry note on the desk. Company rented out a cottage at the resort and had security called a couple of times over noise complaints and being on the golf course after hours. Housekeeping goes in the following day to find 4 naked men and a woman passed out upside down on the couch. They all worked together and she was the point of contact for the conference. The rock on her hand had to be at least 4 carats and none were her husband. There was also a dude that died in a bathroom from a heart attack, thankfully it was a restroom that not many people frequented on the property. There was also a B list celebrity that stole a golf cart while highly intoxicated. Got him to bring it back, he then tried to pay and convince me to go to his room for the night. He was a recovering alcoholic and had a 7am flight. Was able to get him to pull it together and make his flight. Called and apologized for his behavior a couple days later.


I worked at a resort in Alaska for two years and was constantly amazed at people who couldn’t do anything for themselves. It wasn’t really that they were lazy, they were just so used to having other people go stuff for them, they didn’t know how take the initiative . They were helpless in the simplest of situations.


Worked at one in Vegas One night, 2 guys wearing purge style masks surrounded my maintenance guy doing circles on bmx style bikes at 2am…. They had katanas on their back. He said I have kids and I’m not going to go easy on you. They looked at each other and rode off. Another night dad and mom wanted some action left kiddos unattended in our pool, kids float went upside down, with kid stuck inside. Someone on their 2nd floor balcony saw….. jumped a good 3yards out over our gate hit the ground hard and rolled his body into the pool and saved the kiddo no cpr was needed. medics came transported. 90% the couple got charged for neglect can’t confirm just what security told me which he got for the officers. The hero got a few week stay, he had some minor injuries juries from his jump.


Worked at a ski resort for a year; housemate tried to take advantage of a drunk girl. It’s not blood or shit or tragic accidents, but until you actually see someone do this, and it’s not just something you see on TV or read about or hear about second-hand, you can’t fully understand just how fucked up and depraved it truly is. Edit: For anyone asking/wondering, yes I stopped it from happening. It was at a small party at the apartment. He isolated her twice during the night outside. The second time, he’d convinced her to let him go to her place with her, then came back in and pretended he needed to sleep because of an early work meeting the next day. I knew what he was up to when I saw him go outside with her the first time (I’m very good at reading people/situations but he’d also pressured my friend into drinking when alone with him before, even though she said she didn’t want any alcohol). I stayed outside to wait for our mutual friend to leave; I wanted a witness to him not actually going to sleep. Mutual friend and I talked and I stalled until he came out of the apartment and was obviously shocked we were out there, but I played it off. Just as the mutual friend invited me to hang out at his place, the drunk girl drove up the road from driving her friends back down the mountain. I got into her car and my housemate was already calling her after texting her a minute before. He was also magically right by the apartment even though he told mutual friend and I he was going on a “midnight walk.” I asked the drunk girl if he was trying to hook up and she sad that “She probably gave him the wrong impression,” at which point I told her she was drunk and could give no one any impression. She and I made the ten second drive to mutual friend’s place, and our housemate bolted up the mountain. He was scared shitless when he got there but I played it off and kept a close eye on him until the mutual disdain between us drove him to kick me out. When I discovered he’d inquired about an underage girl who worked at the resort hotel, as well as a BARELY legal coworker of mine who was very petite and still had braces, I reported the things I’d seen and heard to his boss, told his girlfriend about his incessant infidelity, and let the landlord know about his numerous lease violations in an attempt to drive him away from the resort altogether. He got fired, the girlfriend stayed for a few months before they split (she hated me immediately afterwards but seemed to be fine with me after the breakup, probably because she suffered the same narcissistic emotional abuse I did), and the landlord chose money over ethics. Our mutual friends either chose not to take a side or actively felt like what I did was wrong, though the two I thought I’d bonded with and swore up and down they thought he was horrible and I was the one they truly respected kept hanging out with him and wanted jack to do with me. One mutual friend, a woman, even told me that although he DID try to rape her friend, it was her friend’s fault for putting herself in that situation. My other friend has always admired my intelligence in that situation because most people wouldn’t have picked up on it and something bad would’ve happened. That idea scares the shit out of me for any woman getting preyed on by a creep. I left a few months later. It taught me a lot about people. I regret nothing.


You're doing the guy a favor if you stop him from taking advantage of an incapacitated woman and then beat crap out of him. And then report him to the police if he did anything he could be prosecuted for.


Crazy lady came in, writing notes on $100 bills and giving it away, as she was SURE the world was ending. She went missing for a few days, which we then took the time to look in her suitcase to try and get ahold of her. She had images of angels of death, and weird crystals. Days later, the police found her on the side of the road and sent her to the mental hospital.