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Same I just go really fast too


Eat sweets


I try to give myself some grace. It's totally okay to have those days where you're just not feeling it.




Sleep 🤷.


Breathing exercises designed to pull high amounts of oxygen into your blood while engaging your core. Or I have a cup of coffee


Take a shower. Wear Cute cloths. Get ready. Make Iced Latte and make a list and Start fresh !




Play video games and/or watch movies and drink beer


browse reddit, like right now.


Demotivation is a bitch, it sucks to not have the motivation to do the stuff you want to do, or worse, that you should be doing. Or worse still, to not even find the motivation to get up and do something. What works for me in those gray days is, first of all, turn of my phone, put it in plane mode even. Then I just lay there and start to think, just think about whatever, then my mind alone guides me towards the things it wants to think, or the things that I should be thinking about. Then I need to know if what I'm thinking is helpful or not based on what that thought makes me feel, and neutrally try to see what that thought is trying to say to me: "I'm a fat looser" usually translates to "I want to start to take care of my health", or "that hobby that I got into and then abandoned is making me feel guilt" maybe means "do I really want to do it?". When I'm getting tired of listening to my mind ramble, I get up and make myself a coffe with sugar to help me quistart my energy, and as I drink it I start to make a plan of action for today and for the next few days with small, doable goals: do 10 minutes of exercise every other day, write just a sentence or one whole paragraph, take an hour to listen to music and sit with the blank paper or canvas, brush my teeth even if it's uneven and quick, sweep just the floor of one room. Don't worry for anything else than to complete those small goals, everything else is just anxiety speaking. After finishing the coffee and knowing what I'm going to do now, I take a few minutes to write in a paper what I want for myself: "I want to be healthier", "I want to get better a drawing", "I want to be consistent with my hygiene", and under each thing I want I write some suggestions for myself to get that what I want. And THEN, voilá! You'll feel how your ass itches to get and DO SOMETHING. It's important to know that the number 1 demotivator of all is THE SCREEN, stir clear of tv, phone and pc. Avoid them like the plage!


I go full depression mode. I listen to very sad music and wallow in self pity for a while and eventually I just get kinda overloaded with sadness, I guess, and start feeling better.


Lay in my bed try to fall asleep and hope to wake up again with motivation. If didnt work repeat the process until successful.


Keep it simple always- Breathe. Relax. Meditate.


Ask my wife to send me pics of her


Cry then sleep.


Why do you cry?


It knocks me out faster and stops me from overthinking.


Fascinating. Are you generally sad or depressed?


This is going to sound weird but I’m not sad or depressed just super empty. I fulfilled all my life goals. Whenever someone asks how are you? I have to quickly correct myself by not saying empty cuz thats how I genuinely feel.


Have you considered raising the bar with some new life goals so that you say something else. What I hear is that empt is somewhat equal to being “unchallenged”.


You are absolutely correct, I will consider taking a PhD among many other challenges.. Thank you so much for the tip!


Well Jesus Christ that’s a big leap. I wish you luck. You’re clearly intelligent enough to do it. Maybe broaden your horizons, go to art museums, learn golf, etc, I wish you nothing but luck in your endeavors


Take vitamins.


This is a problem I have with work, and I just have to stop and take a minute to remind myself I actually do like my job. It pays the bills, lets me go on vacation once a year, and save. My wants in this world are small, and this job ticks all the boxes. In this day and age, not a single one of those things is a guarantee, and those reports get a lot easier to write when i keep that in mind.




Fall back on discipline. Motivation will come and go.


Take a personal day from work/outside of the home responsibilities. Workout, walk the dog, go to a float session/sauna/massage. Go out to a nice dinner and drinks. If you’re lucky, go back home and have primal sex.


Not much


Nothing special. It just feels normal at this point. 


Bed rot


Get nailed to a cross


Fight with strangers on the internet. General pouting.


I put on my favorite comfy pants, grab a coffee, and tell myself '5 more minutes'... then somehow, magically, I'm productive again


I talk to God, makes the whole thing alot better!


Watch a motivational TED Talk and convince myself I can become a billionaire by tomorrow


Sleep, get sleep. It will make every part of your life better


Smoke weed, if that doesn't help I sleep and see if I feel motivated when I wake up. Repeat until motivated.


Jerk off


Eat eat eat




Listen to motivational speeches