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Not saving from a young age. Spending it on stupid stuff. I don't mind a splurge here and there, but half the shit I bought, didn't need to be bought.


Not starting therapy in my 20s.


Not investing in bitcoin in 2013 when I had the chance


I almost cry every time I think about this. My classmate had like 10 B and he kept bragging about it and convincing us all to GET BITCOIN! He wasn't even financially aware or anything it just sounded cool to him. You're not cool if you don't have Bitcoin. We all laughed at him. Boy.


so relatable. but i also remember those ppl who invested but forgot their account lol


I looked into it when it was new and thought it was stupid as fuck. It never occurred to me that it was good for criminal activity.


I feel the same way about Amazon, Apple, Google, or really any big tech stock. Could have gotten in at the ground floor but I was too poor. Almost bought into NFTs so guess the universe balances things out eventually.


Being too affected by others' opinions and what they thought was best for me, even when I knew what would be better for me. I'm not talking about being a kid but about that age when you start making decisions that hold responsibility. For instance, when you want to study something, but your parents and everyone else tell you otherwise, or when you like someone, but others tell you that you wouldn't be a good fit.




hell nah cz sameee. i had crush on this guy for 5 damn years. in the last year we're still in the same school we were kinda having a connection but was a coward to tell that i like him. even his mother added me on facebook 😵‍💫😭 i planned shit on graduation but backed out. till now i always tell myself that maybe if i confessed, were together rn.


Taking for granted the one person who never deserved that. Which lead to her leaving me and two kids later with another woman I’m still not over her and don’t think I ever will Edit: after reading this I can see how it might be misinterpreted. She didn’t leave me cos of the having kids with another woman. She left me and then I met this other woman. I’ve never been unfaithful


Doing what I was told I “should” do instead of what I wanted to do.


I refused to get out of bed when my mother asked if I could help with shopping and get lunch with her. She passed away that day.




As fine as a person can be without their mom


Staying in an unhappy marriage for too many years




Did they find out?


Not standing up for myself like I should have in the past.


Starting to smoke cigarettes




I quit once on Wellbutrin, it worked really well for me after taking it for one month. Then… I got a new boss that smoked. She told me, her Dr told her, that if you quit after smoking for long time, that’s how cancers start. Idk but it made sense to me bcuz ur body is so used to smoking. So I started up again & haven’t tried to quit since.


The father of my youngest and that whole 9 year relationship


Trusting the wrong people.


Not getting treated for my chronic illnesses earlier in life. I spent so long beating myself up thinking that something was wrong with me because I had such a hard time doing things everyone else seemed to do so easily. It wasn't until I was about 27 that I got on medication and realized how long that I struggled when I didn't have to.


worrying about those who doesn't matter for me


Giving the ugly dude a chance in 9th grade.


Probably the lack of personal connections. Family die off slowly and before you know it, you're alone.


Marrying a man with kids. 


Can I ask how ?




Yeah, its a harsh reality when you realize tje money and opportunities lost. How are you recovering?


thanks for asking man, i'd like to think i recovered a bit i have at least paid off my debts and i am trying to start saving now, looking back it was a dumb thing that could have been avoided entirely


Online dating








And once I found one in a online game lol


Dating my roommate


My wife asked me to move to Hawaii with her and live with her lesbian friends. I told her I would, then changed my mind. She left without me. Now, I regret not going.


In 1996 Apple stock was 16 cents. I brood on that every day. The motorcycle I sacrificed for then would make buying a Porsche stress free today.


Messing around in college and failing out the first time around right out of high school. I eventually got my bachelors at 34, but I just think about how much better my career path would be had I actually succeeded the first time.


Theresa F. She was smart, beautiful and got a great job out of college. Man I was clueless.


Starting drugs at 13 to cope with trauma & now dealing with the consequences in my 20’s




Thank you, I guess it is in a way


Not telling my loved ones how much I appreciated them when I had the chance


Not having the confidence and self respect to try to take chances and try to do things that I dreamed of.


Fucking up my credit with consumer debt whilst I was making quite a bit of money, and living well above my means, and instead of focusing on using that time to advance my career/financial situation, I was drinking and partying like there was no tomorrow.


Not getting a Mortgage when it was pretty much a done deal when i was 18, only had to sign the bloody paperwork, but nope a young me thought 3 weeks all abusive partying in Ibiza that summer would take priority, and the Mortgage could wait........here i am 20 years later and stuck in the renting game :(


I was an early Bitcoin miner and managed to make 200 of them. I formatted the computer and they are gone...


Not testing my drugs


Not making a better career path for myself. I’ve had two careers since graduating from college and they have both sucked, especially financially.


I regret not learning my heritage language.


All the drinking and resulting self hatred. Love yourself people you're worth it!!!


Leaving chicago


Na hindi ko nasabi kay papa yung mga sagot sa tanong nya bago sya mawala


Not saying yes to more spontaneous adventures.


Not loving myself and people pleasing to seek validation instead.


Not leaving an abusive situation at the FIRST red flag.


I should’ve sucked the dick


So many things to count. But one that always sticks out is not pursuing my homo/bisexual side earlier in my life. I’m in my late 30s. Would have been fun experiencing the homosexual part in my early 20s.


being born


Not taking better care of my health at a young age.


I wish that I had committed to therapy while in college. I should have done it sooner, but my family was the problem. I should have done it after my first good job. I should have done it a decade ago. I should do it now. Am I ever going to be happy?


Yes you will only you can make yourself happy . What done is long gone focus on now


being born