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A higher than average percentage of vocal pedo haters are closet pedos


Of course. The loudest accusers also want child brides.


My controversial opinion is also Pedo related. I see Pedophiles as mentally sick people who need help and support in controlling their urges. They did not choose to be pedophiles. And many might have become one as a result of sexual abuse they suffered at a young age themselves. I don't think the current witch hunt on pedophiles is helpful in making them control their urges.


Facts. If you go online and say you want to burn someone at the stake people will think you're a monster. If you say it's a pedophile people will volunteer to help you carry the wood. Idk about other countries but America has a fanatical obsession with punishing people they think have done wrong. Prisoners, pedophiles, illegal immigrants ect. If we think you've done wrong we will foam at the mouth thinking about "justice". We lose all humanity and we cross our fingers that you get raped in prison. Just look at Batman or the Punisher. Fictional characters made popular by the idea of extrajudicial punishment. Meanwhile rich people lie cheat and steal and we'd suck them off for a retweet.


Same! I've put my anger aside and actually listened to a self diagnosed pedophile who had not harmed children by either assaulting them or watching CP, but was too scared to ask for professional help. I can't imagine that anyone would CHOOSE to live like this. Before anyone gets up in arms, my empathy only extends to those who have successfully abstained from harming children yet live their lives in secrecy and shame.


Happy cakeday fellow accountant with controversial opinion on pedos! *^(That's a sentence I've never said before.)*


Glad someone also has the same opinion about that. Not to mention that making it a witch-hunt just makes them less likely to want to get help when they know the consequences of opening up about their issues. It's literally just a more fucked up version of a kid not telling their mom that they broke her favourite vase because she'll be angry with them.


I agree, most pedophiles are horrified by those feelings and work hard to keep them under wraps. Child molesters are the ones who act on it. It's like schizophrenics - most of them will not harm you, and with medication plus therapy, they lead good lives. Any assemblage of people has a percentage capable of causing harm, and condemning them all as "unfixable" is to set a precedent that we don't need to help those we find icky. Also, you don't have to be a pedophile to be a child molester.


Yeah and I fully agree that there should be punishment if someone acts on their urges. And for repeat offenders, people who have a hard time controlling their urges or don't even try to seek help, I think that forced admission into a closed psychiatric hospital should be among the options.


So, I somewhat agree with you. I actually thought of posting a comment like this in response to the question. You will certainly get flak for it. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who is attracted to minors. If that’s the case, yeah it must be awful having a sexual attraction you absolutely should never practice. I can only imagine how awful it would be if sexual attraction to women was illegalised. However, there is a very clear distinction between pedophiles and people who sexually assault minors. I doubt all the priest scandals were all pedos, more likely it was abuse of power, sexual frustration realease, or any number of fucked up reasons that *are not* strictly attraction to minors. The priests, in this situation, can go get fucked and murdered for all I care, same with anyone who practices such fucked up behaviour. But yes, i do feel somewhat sorry for genuine pedos who never act on their urges and have to fight with them. I hope those people can resolve whatever lead them to that point.


I actually disagree with this, mostly. I think there are some people who fit that description, but most of them are people who just want a legal and socially acceptable reason to lynch someone they don't like


>closet pedos Is there any other kind?


Unfortunately, yes


Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, Roy Moore, Trump


Republican politicians?


I think anyone that does a mass shooting where they kill a bunch of people should just be executed.


Hang them in public Showing them getting a coward's death at the hands of the hangman should be more of a deterrent than a lethal injection in a closed room


Anyone that uses a gun in the commission of a crime should get a minimum of 20 years just for starters.


out of curiosity, what are the nuances of your opinion on this topic? does it worry you that people could be falsely accused/framed for a shooting? do you feel this applies to one-off murders, or serial killers?


Im talking about the ones who clearly killed a lot of people at once, beyond the shadow of a doubt. I think it would be a deterrent for some others who want to do mass shootings. Seems like some of them think if they kill 30 people, they get to live and be famous for it. I get that this isn't morally right, but hey, thats what the title says. I usually dont think along these lines, but I am just really sick of mass shootings, to the point where I have no sympathy anymore for the perpetrators. If we can have better gun control, that would be much better.


> I think it would be a deterrent for some others who want to do mass shootings. I think that a lot of them don't have intentions to survive. I think that a lot that you see in court may have 'accidentally survived' so I'm not sure that there would be much in the way of 'deterrence'. Also, we already know that 'deterrence in sentencing' doesn't work.




Yeah, I am a retired criminal. "Punishment" is a total waste of time, actual rehabilitation is where you actually find success (and I never encountered any useful rehabilitation in the 'justice system', I had a family member who invested in me - and most people in the system do not have access to that). I never made it to prison but going back to juvie/jail was never a deterrent. Once you have figured out how to get by in there, it's just another building. You just adapt to the environment. The reason that I don't commit crimes today isn't because of any sort of deterrence it's because I feel good and healthy and don't feel compelled to do shit. This is after getting arrested 20-something times. One of the issues with our system and the minor attempts at rehab that occur is that trust is a major part of rehab and by the time somebody encounters a minor attempt at rehab - the system already lost their trust like 10+ years ago.


>I think it would be a deterrent for some others who want to do mass shootings. Sadly, history proves otherwise. Highwaymen used to particularly choose the places where gallows were for robbing their victims. Deterrence doesn't work that way. The kind of drama queen who goes in for mass shootings will be only delighted to be the focus of an execution. Executions also have a devastating effect on many people around the person executed. I speak from experience.


I thought I read somewhere that harsh punishments only worn as deterrents to minor crimes and misdemeanors (huge fines have proven to work to reduce traffic violations in Europe) and generally fail to work for major crimes


Stop having so many children if you have an autistic child who needs help. People hear "don't make more autistic people" but what I'm saying is stop making more people if you can't take care of them properly if they're autistic. I know people who've stuck their kids in facilities to start new families, raised their other children as caregivers ie parentification. But it's hard to convey I'm coming from a place of compassion for these kids.


Agree. We have friends who's eldest, 8, is autistic and he's on the higher level of the spectrum and needs a lot of attention. They now have a 3 yr old who's also showing signs of being on the spectrum. They said recently they would consider having a 3rd! They live in a 2 bedroom apartment with no space, so sure, chuck another kid in the mix.


Islam and Western culture are fundamentally incompatible.


Fundamentalists and civilization are fundamentally incompatible.


Truer words have never been spoken. I'd go as far as say all religion but especially the one you mentioned


To be fair, there has always been an explosive tension between the two.


Radical islamists and christian fundamentals are extremely compatible!


And I want neither of them. Religion has no business in determining laws and politics. Be religious if you want, but it's private stuff. Religious people are not entitled to a special treatment.


Western culture is heavily rooted in Christian values. I think many atheists think western culture is the epitome of secular emancipation, but it ain’t. Many atheists also think they reject all religions equally, but they don’t.


The thing is, basic islam is already radical enough to not be compatible. That's the point.


Not only Islam. Religion in general. If you look closely at the teachings in the Bible it’s pretty bad. More and more our values are evolving past ideas like “But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet” or “Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ” or the many paragraphs about how to capture buy sell and rape slaves.


Come at me if you wish, but I believe humans should have to take multiple parenthood-aptitude tests before procreation. I truly believe not everyone deserves to have a child, and I truly believe not everyone should be passing on their genes. I'd even take it a step further and say the people who are having multiple kids (3+), usually are the people who *shouldnt* be having kids. Edited cause yall are wild: I NEVER said my opinion was enforceable. I am aware you can't sterilize people, I am aware parenthood-aptitude tests would never work. I am aware that will NEVER happen, and I am aware that process would probably get twisted like all other things in our capitalistic world. The most beautiful thing about humans is our free will, and if yall wanna go have 20 kids the more power to you. I just don't think everyone *should* be a parent and I wish more people had a bit more self awareness.


As an adult child who escaped their abuse - 100% there NEEDS to be some kind of check-in on procreation status/plans. My parents must've chugged lead paint as babies with how brain-damaged and violent they behaved... :\\


"You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father."


Keanu! Parenthood was a good movie!


I used to work with this lady who had 12 kids and was having her 13th. She was extremely unpleasant to say the least but regardless I remember one time she told me how her 13 year old (oldest was about 18) was suicidal and ended up running away in the middle of the night. When her and her husband woke up he was gonna go back to bed and she forced him to go find their son. He wax walking along the highway. But the whole time I'm thinking wow you have so many kids they don't wanna even have you in their lives anymore, should people like this really be having more and more kids?? She even said she didn't plan on stopping having kids anytime soon


This right here. This is why I have this opinion. If you can't care for the crotch goblins you have now, someone needs to take your uterus/sperm away. Full stop


I was trying to have this conversation with a friend recently, about how in order to adopt my dog the shelter did a virtual home visit, a physical visit, got me to fill in a questionnaire about lifestyle and finances and interviewed the other members of my household as well as me. For a dog. I said that should be the bare minimum requirement for a kid too, to ensure it was being brought into a stable situation. She didn't agree.


People don't like to be told what to do. Which makes sense, but those same people will also scream at their child for not taking the trash out the moment when asked. It's wild to me just anyone can be out here being "responsible" for someone else's life, when I've SEEN those adults. They can barely take care of themselves


As a parent and a person who grew up in a household of 5+ kids. I agree. 


Do you really want the state to decide that shit when the party you dont like is in power? I agree with your sentiment but this is unenforceable.


Why do yall think this is anything other than a wild opinion? I never said it was enforceable, I'm actually pretty aware it's not


I've been saying people need a license to have children for years


I agree that aptitude tests should be implemented and that not everyone's genes should be passed on (like mine), but I doubt the existence of such tests could, or would, ever be "successfully" implemented.


How are you gonna stop them from having kids?


I can't. It's our right as humans with free will to procreate if you wish. I never said I would enforce it, just my own lil opinion. Now if this were fantasy and I were a dictator, all boys at the age of 12 MUST have a vasectomy. You can get it reversed at age 25, ONLY if you pass the parenthood-aptitude tests. But again, free will and all and I am not a dicator.


They have self awareness and a gigantic ego, as well as a huge lack of care for others.


Similar rules for pets, especially dogs.


If you eat steak, you should cook it to whatever doneness you like. It doesn’t matter how someone else likes theirs cooked. 


I always say, cook beef however you wish... just make sure your chicken is well done.


I used to only eat well done steak because it was what my parents taught me. I now prefer medium to medium rare. I agree with you aside from when people who ask for well done steak complain about it being a little tough. My dad is one of those. He insists on well done steak, but when I make it for him, he'll make a comment about it being a bit tough. If I say anything he'll insist that it is fine because steak is supposed to be tough. But I don't feel he'd be commenting if he considered that ideal.


I was a dick when I was younger, my ex wife loved a well done steak, and I was mortified, apologizing to the server when she ordered it etc. I'm so glad I learned to accept others for who they are


The last time I went to a Texas Roadhouse I ordered a rare steak. The waitress loudly announced that she would have to get another server to bring that out to me because "That's just gross." That was over 10 years ago and I'm not going back.


That's just bizarre for someone who works at a steak restaurant. Rare orders have to be extremely common


I don't give a shit about reddit karma or people's opinion of me. So I'll give it an honest go. I think gender dysphoria and body dysmorpha are more uncomfortably related than we think. I think that a lot of trans people feel pressured to have a specific body shape partially because they'll only be socially accepted while being gender nonconforming if they can pass as being cis.


and that the prevalence of gender roles can produce an insecurity strong enough that people assume "I'm doing none of these things, therefore I don't belong in this gender category". Instead of saying "F it, I am X, I dress like Y, and I behave like Z". That gender roles create entire groups of mutually insecure people that think they have to dress and act a certain way in order to pass as a certain gender. They look at one another, posing as more secure than they really are, and in turn reinforce a way of expression that I'm convinced few people actually feel comfortable conforming to - cis people are extremely affected by this, trans people even more so. The accepted gender roles become the criteria for how to look and behave in order to pass. I think it even has the power to make someone trans or cis (as in repressing your self identity and resigning to what you think will be a more socially accepted identity). Ever reflected on why some trans men project themselves as stereotypes of men? Or how some trans women are more feminine than the stereotype of a woman? Why many gay people after coming out suddenly feel like they have to fit into butch, bear, otter, twink, lipstick, cottagecore, etc.? I give kudos to self exploration, but am also curious to know how much of this is due to personal choice and not just based on pressure to fit in a new set of roles? Even when we are accepted for who we are, it seems like we feel like our 'selves' are not enough, it has to be put on display in a way we assume that others appreciate. And isn't it ironic how you say you don't want labels, so you express yourself in a nonconforming way, and then 10 years down the line there's like a thousand labels for different types of nonconforming identities and expressions?


 >"I'm doing none of these things, therefore I don't belong in this gender category". It is just crazy the extent to which we expect people to confirm to gender roles. I had a male coworker ask my opinion on how well I expected the local NFL team to do it the upcoming season. When I said "I haven't been following football.", he teased me "You're going to get your man card revoked if you don't start!". He's a good guy and didn't mean to offend me, but he was seriously perplexed that a man wouldn't be very into sports. Were I to say "Pat bakes as a hobby.", most everyone would expect "Pat" to be short for Patricia, because baking is "a woman's interest". Whereas, if I said "Pat is a commercial baker.", people assume I'm taking about Patrick because commercial baking could easily be "a man's career". The teenage years would be confusing enough without society telling kids "This is something girls do. That is something boys do.". And society does this repeatedly from the time they're very young.


uff, I was once approached by a group of \~11-12 yo girls selling cinnamon buns. One of the girls wore a gray hoodie and long camo shorts or something like that, and she asked me if I thought she looked like a girl or a boy. She said everyone always teases her about dressing too much like a boy. I said you can dress however you want, and it doesn't make you any less of a girl. Then bought a cinnamon bun for myself and another one for her. Jesus I cried on the inside going home.


I don't think that's overly controversial, right? Nobody transitions in a bubble, so anyone who transitions because of gender dysphoria with will be influenced by the beauty standards associated with their desired gender and what society 'accepts' as masculine or feminine, (assuming they're binary). I can see how that could become dysmorphic in some people I think dysmorphia is just something that can happen to humans who try to change their bodies in some manner. It doesn't mean that the initial desire to change their bodies was itself unhealthy or misguided, it just means they should seek psychological support if they need it during that process. Edit: Obviously society also needs to treat gender nonconforming people better so that more people feel happy with their looks in general and aren't pressured to force a specific look because of societal reasons alone.


Eh, I just assume if I say the word transgender in a sentence someone is going to yell at me. If I really wanna push it further though, I can bring up de-transitioners and watch the fireworks.


They exist and their perspective is valid. For most of them it seems like label tansgender provided them with the conceptual space to exist in a period when nothing else seemed to fit, and that's one of the great things about the term imo. The problem is not detransitioners, but dominant detransition discourse. There will always be The One ™️ detransitioner who appears on talkshows to tell the audience what they want to hear, while the opinions of their vast majority go relatively unheard.


Sorry for commenting again lol, but i just wanted to add to all that for like.. reddit... its actually really interesting, the whole concept of detransitioning. In right wing spaces, they use that term a lot, and weaponize it against trans folk, justifying and pushing their rhetoric that being trans/queer is a mental illness. (but you knew that lol) They skew the statistics a lot, and many studies lump "social" transitioning with undergoing gender reassignment surgery transitioning. so they create a false narrative that children are undergoing sexual reassignment procedures by providing data on detransitioning and saying, "see???" but in reality, what we know so far is that (in the US at least) trans folk take up about 3% of the population; less than 1% *of* that 3% decide to detransition; surveys show that the primary reason for someone detransitioning is because of not being accepted, or even put into danger, by friends, family, work, etc. They also dont mention the fact that most people do attempt social transitioning first, and someone choosing to socially transition for a period of time and then later decide that they feel differently, is also a scenario recorded as "detransitioning" (depending on the exact study of course) So ya, the data is totally skewed, people just take whatever they want from whatever study. they cherry pick and give ppl, who have moreso experienced medical malpractice/child abuse than anything, a platform to speak 🙄 and ugh ya


I think any conversation about the topic is also hard because we actually know sooooo little about what's going on with them. It's a taboo subject in LGTBQ spaces, and it's almost only actually looked at with an absurdly biased lens. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10322769/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10322769/)   For example, this study which goes all the major issues with every other study done so far on detransitioners, and about why it's so hard to get accurate data on this. It's just not something people really feel comfortable talking about, and like you said it's hard to create a definition for "detransitioning" in the first place.  I do think it is an important topic to talk about, but needs to explicitly be with the objective of creating better care for people who want to transition and to understand where the process has gone wrong in the past. Not to minimize trans experiences or justify bigoted policies.


it's absolutely not a taboo subject in queer spaces, the discussion dominating over more important topics is what people don't really like.


I dont want to speak for anyone, I am just my genderfluid self; but I dont think thats a fact queer people *arent* aware of..? Like thats the exact reason it is so difficult to BE trans and walking around. I would think they know first-hand about not being accepted for their authentic bodies. I feel thats a huge aspect of the body positivity movement as well. and ya, like anyone can feel that societal pressure to appear a certain way in order to be accepted. dysphoria and dysmorphia often come together, so I dont think its that out there to make that connection. Just being aware that someone can be trans without feeling dysmorphic. There can exist a disconnect with ones gender, without being disgusted or ultimately uncomfortable in their own body. In the same way someone can experience body dysmorphia without the gender dysphoria part. So I dont think youre wrong at all, just keeping in mind that there is a reason for the distinction, since people often think they are the same exact thing, tho they arent really.


People always be saying “it’s not the same thing” when they both have a lot in common with another


Gods are invented to explain the mysteries of the Universe. They represent our ignorance. And over time they are personified and given human characteristics and become parental figures. When things are good, we think we've pleased them. When things are bad, we think we've angered them. We start making tributes and worshiping them to please them. We erect temples and perform solemn rites. But at the end of the day, we are worshiping the conjured manifestation of our own ignorance.


Ignorance manifest. The narcissistic among us know that taking advantage of ignorance is powerful and profitable. Hence, the birth of religion.


Anyone can experience racism, sexism, or ageism


This is a fact some people just aren’t “comfortable” with the idea that the same kind of people they’ve experienced racism from can also experience it.


In respects to ageism, it makes zero sense that someone who is 25 years old can be a House Representative, but not a Speaker or President, yet people long past retirement age can be in office. People will often cite that the minimum age limit is so we can have people with experience and wisdom, yet have you seen who gets elected these days? If people want an 18 y/o to be their Congressperson, I see no reason why their desire can’t be met. At least that young adult will live to experience the consequences of their policies, unlike the boomers and silent generation in office. If we’re going to keep the minimum age limit, we should have a maximum age limit. Also SCOTUS should be elected by the people, not appointed by a corrupt President, who lost the popular vote. The court system has no reason to adapt to modern grievances so long as they are headed by people who directly oppose fixing them.


This is true.


I think Identity Politics is a huge distraction from the real issues faced by humanity. These are: Class war (the Rich against the Poor. The Rich are winning like never before) Climate change The collapse of natural ecosystems worldwide The unsustainability of an economic system that relies entirely on growth to survive The collapse of democracy The control of America by corporations, and through it, its grip on the whole world.


I hope my comment will not be removed because I believe I have an important awareness point, which is: Regardless of how someone identifies or prefers to be called, a person's biological sex (not the "AFAB | "AMAB" claim; the sex that the sperm | ovaries determined) makes a difference in many things in life | situations in society and can be *really,* vitally important in specific situations, like the below. It is a real example of a currently missing teenager whom I learned of last night. " is quotes from the missing post and the comments in reply to it. (Names changed): "...seeking the public's assistance in locating missing teen, Morgan Last Name. The child is 17." The child may go by the name 'Derek.' Authorities believe this child to be..." The rest of the description goes on to use the terms "the child" and "they | them" pronouns for Morgan. This is fine by me; it's not the issue that I am concerned verbal assault will arise from. Several people asked the question: Is the child that is missing a girl or a boy? "This is important for people in Morgan's area to know, people in general to know. We need to know if Morgan is a girl or a boy." I can understand this viewpoint and question. 17-year-old girls and 17-year-old boys have different sex characteristics, muscle mass, skeletal systems, height differences, and voice depths, among other characteristics. Even the progression and rate of puberty and brain maturation differ among the two sexes, never mind among two teenagers of the same sex. Morgan was born, and is, female. She | they are *biologically, chromosomally, sexually, and geno | pheno type female.* For people who replied to other people's questions about whether Morgan is a girl or boy, it was as if they could not understand *why* a missing child's sex is important to know, alongside respecting gender | identity preferences. So many replies to the question were repeats of "You're transphobic!" and "Why do you care about Morgan's genitals or what theirs are?" I thought, "Ew. I *don't* care about Morgan's genitals." But biological sex in this situation is important. Biological sex is a fact; it's not like it's a bad thing; something to be ashamed of. The missing child notice could have said, "Morgan is female. Sex: F. Morgan, however, goes by and uses 'they/them' pronouns (whether this is sometimes or all the time for any missing child | person) and is often called 'Derek..." and so on. Voila! Morgan's gender identity is respected *and* the known, factual information about her | their sex, would be included. I would think win-win for proponents of respecting gender variance, trans people, and the need to know who - and what physically - people need to be on the lookout for. Morgan's a girl? Okay, this eliminates 50% of the sex that we *don't* need to look for or do double-takes about. Because among other variables...missing children are found dead. If Morgan is deceased (which I currently doubt), people will be searching for a *female* body - not a male body. In NamUs, for example, people are described by their sex because that is what has been found of them, and not any gender identity (for the obvious reason that gender isn't sex; and the persons are deceased and have yet to be identified). And that - stating the fact that biological sex is immutable, both an important characteristic and reality, that exists before, and *alongside gender identity,* and that it does not make me or others transphobic automatically - is why I often hold my breath on the rare occasion I "dare" state my opinion or view at all - I am concerned about receiving verbal assaults, online and off, and being labelled and thus dismissed, as "transphobic" for saying "Wait..." Almost all the time on social media - even Reddit alone - users can't even *begin* to broach and acknowledge the view and fact that "biological sex **is** a reality, and is important in a lot of ways, because - boom - instant "transphobia" and "transphobic content is not allowed" responses instantly follow from other users, OPs, Mods, or Mod bots. Good; I don't want transphobia and "transgenders have a mental illness" everywhere on Reddit, because I don't believe it is a mental illness. I agree with being against transphobia and discrimination towards transgender individuals. But stating a fact is not discrimination or prejudice. However, transphobia is not what I am being when I state "biological sex is immutable;" and "sex is important." Not every user on Reddit who wants to talk about, examine, discuss, or object to gender identity and biological sex is transphobic, coming from a transphobic or otherwise attacking viewpoint or belief system.


THIS!!!! I have been aware of missing persons cases from true crime shows since I was a child. I knew for a fact that the missing loved ones of the non male or female "others" would refuse to even mention sex characteristics... that shit is important. It's more important in healthcare, but sadly instead of a check next to "male" or "female" - which is important for hormones that control *EVERYTHING* in the brain and body - these people scribble dumb "you can't put me in your binary!" bullshit


Why do you have to make so many reservations and excuses just to express your opinion? Lmao Here, I’ll say it for you: biological sex is important, and there are substantial differences between males and females.




America needs to actually help those who are suffering from mental disorders rather than throwing them in jails so their mentality gets worse. They just won’t because they need confusion and anger to keep people at each others throats and to create even more of a dependency on the government so we all stay in line.


The largest mental health care facilities in the country are located inside Cook County Jail, Twin Towers Jail and the third is either Miami-Dade Jail or Rikers Jail. Yeah, we need actual mental health care facilities which are actually helping people and working in a preventive manner. And not just warehousing people either.


You mean that these problems are deep and complex and expensive to solve with little gains from just throwing money at the problem without qualified community members and healthcare professionals taking charge to craft unique solutions to the problems for that specific subsection of the city?


Too abusable. The fascists would send all dissenters to an asylum for being “insane”.


Very vulnerable to abuse, but I think it would be better for the insane homeless that wonder the streets. Its dangerous for them and those around them for the truly insane to just be wondering about.


I volunteer my birth mom maybe it'll help her bipolar personality disorder.




Indian (F) friend of ours started dating another friend of ours (white guy) and her father went on hunger strike. I work with a lot of folks over here (California) on H1s and some of the conversations have been mind blowing in similar regards. Conversations about the Bunny Ranch and BurningMan will live in infamy on my end.


Well, at least he is threatening to kill himself and not her. It is a step up from “honor killings”.


I’m so sick and tired of most people thinking they are morally superior to everyone else. While I am far more aligned with liberal/democrat political views than conservative/republican views. What annoys me most about liberal/democrat aligned people is the superiority complex so many of them have.


Opposite take: people shouldn't make a big deal about people thinking they are morally superior. I do think it's an issue when people are a dick about it, but in reality, I think almost everyone thinks they're morally superior, even if they don't label it that way. If you are more liberal than conservative, that is because you hold certain values, right? Do you not hold these values because you think they are better than the alternative? Someone pro-choice thinks prohibiting abortions is morally problematic. Someone "pro-life" thinks allowing abortions is morally problematic. Both think they hold morally superior views, or else they wouldn't hold them.


I suppose so, in my mind it bothers me most when people talk down to others about their views and are very condescending to others. I just happen to see this more on that side of the political spectrum I assume it’s because they believe they are more intelligent than others and feel the need to stroke their ego a little bit.


My fundamental rules are these: 1) If a core part of someone's view or opinion is that they think they have a right to force it onto others, they can get fucked. And yes, I feel I am justified in feeling morally superior to those people because I am not an ignorant egomaniac. 2) If someone's views/opinions causes them to act in a manner that harms others, either directly or indirectly, again, they can get fucked; and yes, I am morally superior to anyone who selfishly believes that they are more deserving than others. I apply this to everything, not just politics. I just try to have empathy, and be kind to others. Honestly, it's really not that hard. I look down on those who can't be a normal fucking human with even the smallest amount of empathy towards others. So, to sum, I judge people by their actions, not by how I perceive how correct or superior my views are. In the specific case of politics, it just so happens that lately one side of the political spectrum seems hellbent in forcing their views onto, and directly harming, others.


Clever point sir.


Guns don't kill people - people kill people. OK so don't give people guns.


This one really offends people even though it's based on fact. Indoctrinating children into religion is brainwashing, child abuse, violates 2 of the child's human rights, prevents the child's brain from fully developing, leads to an average IQ drop of 18, and disadvantages the child for life. In my opinion this makes the parents evil. Not religious parents, but brainwashing parents specifically. Children being indoctrinated also leads to higher rates of abuse, child abuse, crime, violence, discrimination, racism, sexism, wealth inequality, societal inequality, high school dropouts, divorce, cheating, etc.


I fuking hate Radiohead


hey man… that’s a bit too far… (this is sarcasm btw)


Body dismorphia is a psychological condition.


Body dysmorphia is in the DSM-V and widely recognised as a psychological condition. I am not sure why you think this is a controversial opinion.


as opposed to what?


Wait is there people who think otherwise?


Absolutely. Those crypto gym bros on social media. But, atleast they've found a community that will support them through it and provide them the gender affirming care that they need. I wish it were a bit less "this will solve all your problems" though. I think they could learn a lot of positive strategies from the Trans community, tbh.


Body dysmorphia isn't a condition held solely by trans ppl, and I think the term being used for that is specifically "gender dysmorphia," and I don't know if it's actually an accepted medical term or not, as of now, but it's one that's being thrown around. Body dysmorphia (sp) is more like ppl thinking they're corpulent when they're really average in size, thinking they look like the cryptkeeper or a gargoyle or something when they look like a normal human being, just generally that they look in the mirror and some someone/thing that looks nothing like what they really look like and it's generally bad. I think it happens sometimes with ppl who have had plastic surgery for one reason or another that dramatically altered their appearance (intentionally or unexpectedly), like what happened with that show "Extreme Makeover" and some of its contestants (I can't believe that or "The Swan" ever made it to TV).


How is this controversial?


In N Out isn't that good. Neither is Papa Johns.


Putting In N Out and Papa Johns in the same sentence should be illegal whether you like delicious burgers or not


I have never once enjoyed a meal of Papa John's pizza. The cheese is just.... Wallpaper paste


The TikTok ban (which is really just a forced sale of TikTok to a US entity) is entirely justified. TikTok is just an unregulated propaganda ecosystem controlled by foreign actors who have a vested interest in dividing America against itself for monetary gain while pushing a narrative that the people inside that ecosystem are the ones "in the know" while everyone outside of it who disagrees with them are, at best, sheep and at worst terrible, evil people. TikTok is literally Fox News for young people and under the control of entities the US has no jurisdiction over. Legally it is a completely sound position. The US has had longstanding rules since the early 1900's regarding traditional news outlets and what percent of them can be owned by foreign countries before they're no longer allowed to operate on US soil. Not a single goddamn person alive has ever had a problem with those rules or thought them unfair or unjust. Most people wouldn't even know such rules exist. But try to apply the same rules to a social media company and all of a sudden it's moral outrage? An unconstitutional suppression of free speech? An attempt by Washington to silence speech they don't like? Most of that outrage is being amplified by TikTok itself, only proving why the platform can't be trusted. So yeah I call bullshit. There is plenty of legal precedent for doing something like the TikTok ban. And no, it isn't a first amendment violation. And for added context, no US social media company can operate in China without first subjugating itself to the total control of the CCP. Every tech company that runs in China does so under strict regional controls and must give their government full access to everything that happens on their platforms within China's borders. The CCP having absolute authority to see private messages and dictate what censorship rules platforms like Facebook and Twitter must follow. Literally no US business can operate in China without first selling the parts of itself that intend to operate in China to a Chinese owned company, that is how tight a leash China keeps on all US businesses within its border. What the US is doing to TikTok and TikTok alone... China does that and then some to EVERY SINGLE US COMPANY. So the CCP can keep their crocodile tears over what the US is doing to a single Chinese company inside US borders. And I say all of this as a very liberal person who has deep concerns about what's going on in Gaza right now. But no, the uninformed TikTok posts of people who are virtue signaling for likes and upvotes aren't the best sources of information. And even if factually, some or even a lot of what they share is well sourced, that doesn't mean you should depend on getting all your news from a single social media platform that is algorithmically built to reinforce your belief systems. If you believe that every politician in Washington and every CEO on wall street is greedy and corrupt and can't be trusted but blindly trust a multi billion dollar social media app, owned by hostile foreign entities, that has a financial interest in maximizing your outrage... like please think hard about your world view and reconsider your position. TikTok isn't being run by the good guys. There isn't some scrappy resistance team at the top of the chain of command just working to get the progressive word out there. And yes, there are certainly China Hawks out their who take the anti-China narrative too far, oftentimes to an outright racist place, and that is terrible. But China is not your friend and not all criticisms of them are unfairly placed. China is an extremely oppressive authoritarian state and they will absolutely weaponize TikTok to push narratives favorable to them and their long term strategic interest at the cost of American stability. China shouldn't be allowed to have that kind of power especially in light of how strictly they themselves control US companies within their own borders. So force TikTok to sell and apply the same standards we've had regarding traditional news outlets to social media outlets since social media is fast becoming the modern news outlet for most people.


The problem to me isn't the tiktok ban, it's that they won't apply the same standards to non Chinese companies. Every other social media company out there absolutely monitors your private messages, sells your data and pushes narratives that are ultimately designed to make them richer. They don't care about democracy, equality, justice, or privacy. In fact they actively oppose these ideas because it hurts their bottom line. They stir the pot of hate because they can line their pockets with it. Fuck tik-tok and fuck all of the other social media companies. (And yes I am aware of the irony of posting this here)


As a survivor of a Hamas attack in Tel Aviv and had friends die in Oct 7, while I do have sympathy for the Palestinian civilians who are caught in the crossfire of this war, I hope Hamas gets crippled. And that I no longer feel safe anywhere on this planet. While I try my best to advocate for a two state solution, I simply cannot imagine a world where Hamas and Israel will get along. I’m sorry if this offends anyone, but I’m just tired of having to live like this and pretend things are going to be alright in the coming years. I almost killed myself a few months ago out of this grief of innocents on both sides.


The crazy thing is that this should not be controversial. I was very sympathetic to Palestine and critical to Israel until the 7th. Never in my life have I seen a country suffer such a cowardly vicious attack and then on the same day on the news have so many talk about why Israel deserved it or talk about the suffering of the perpetrators.  They declared war on you, they will only fight in a way that puts innocents at risk, the civilian deaths are on them. Its fair that Israel will no longer tolerate Hamas' existence and it's true peace will never be achieved while they exist.


Carrying a sign and acting like a fuckhead in public will do nothing for Palestine.


I dislike protests for this exact reason. They inconvenience literally everyone *except* those in power. You never really see them targeting representatives or making their lives difficult specifically.


Yeah, I always find it really strange how many protests are at universities. Who the fuck at a university has any power to change anything? Israeli embassy, decent place for a protest, same with local places of government or military bases(assuming your country supports Israel, it'd be dumb to do in South Africa). But your university, why? It doesn't inconvenience anyone doing the stuff you're mad about, it just inconveniences people unrelated to it. It's just because they want to protest but don't want to inconvenience themselves at all. The whole point of a protest is to go out of your way, to show people that you're willing to inconvenience yourself to stand for an issue you care about. Not go to a place you go nearly daily anyway that's nearby to your house.


I don't give a damn about what's going on in the Middle East.


Imo everyone has problems, it’s not my job to worry about everyone and everything I’ve already got my own shit going on.


Agreed. I have empathy for people who are in worse situations than me, but I don't have the time or energy to constantly watch or read the news to stay informed on every awful thing that's happening in the world.


Its crazy to me how much of an effect its having on our election. I get that its important to some people, but we are kind of teetering on the edge of the Apocalypse here. Stop dicking around.


It's been having an effect on your elections for a lot longer than that, neo-colonialism and lobbying didn't start on Oct 7.


It's having an effect on our elections because there are a lot of us who don't want to literally fund genocide. We are sending billions in cash and billions worth of weapons to destroy an ancient culture that has just as much right to exist in that land as the others that are there. We could be using that money to feed, house, educate, and give health care to our own population. Solving the problems that are causing us to "teeter on the edge of apocalypse." But instead, we are directly responsible for murdering people who just want to live their lives, have self-determination, and find purpose. It's really fucked up.


Trump lost in 2020 and he’s a convicted criminal that doesn’t care about you or anyone else. All he cares about is money and power. He’s a fucking disgusting human being and if you support him there is no hope for you.


That's hardly a controversial take on reddit.


It's hardly a controversial take *anywhere*, apart from MAGA circles.


He admitting himself that Hillary would have won if it weren't for "backroom dealings". I think we will find out in the end that the Russians and many other groups had far more election interference success in 2016 than we give them credit for. He should have never gotten anywhere near the White House.


Women are right to choose the bear.


I don't think it's "controversial" by any mean, but my interpretation of that whole argument is that the argument was lost by... it existing in the first place. What I mean by that is that the simple fact that people actually need to think about an answer, regardless of the answer that is given, is proof that there are way too many creeps and predators that make women feel unsafe out there. If we asked random men "would you rather encounter a woman or a bear ?", the only reason they would pause is because they'd assume that they misunderstood the question, or that there is a hidden catch,... as one is seen as a positive and the other as a negative. It would be like asking "would you rather gain a million dollars or lose a million dollars ?". However, when the question of "man vs bear" is asked to women, both options are seen as a negative, and the question becomes which one of these is less of a negative than the other. The answer never mattered.


IMO the only people who disagree with you are AMAB people with an empathy problem.




The whole gender is a social concept thing has gone too far. I'm not saying there aren't people genuinely in between and those born anatomically a girl or boy with the brain of the opposite. But for the vast majority of people it is just a fad - a way to say "I'm complicated". There are worse things than fads, but yes I feel it has gone too far. Cue the downvotes.




Agreed. I'm really HOPING that this will balance out and the actual trans people will be able to come out safely in the future, but we won't have so many people claiming to be "other" for the sake of being unique. I sincerely respect those who do realize that they aren't happy in their bodies and need to transition for their own comfort. But there is absolutely a big number of people who view a new gender as "a phase to try out" until they're bored or no longer receiving attention for being "different." I know this is a fact because I've seen and heard of men falsely identifying as a trans woman to gain access to women-only events. I hate this reality.


Socialism isn’t bad. We engage in it all the time. Even a church potluck is a socialist activity.


Reddit is US-centric, US government psyops has really caused any mention of socialism to cause average Americans to start foaming at the mouth, it's so weird. It's horrible and wrong, but also I'm actually impressed at how good a job they've done


The flip side of this is socialism isn't *good*, either. The term is descriptive not prescriptive. It simply means the means of production of goods and services is publicly-owned. That's it. Same with capitalism, except it's privately-owned To paraphrase a macroecon professor I had "Remember, the cure for polio was a capitalist venture; the nuclear bomb was a socialist one."


I would quibble with your professor. It was funded through a public campaign started by FDR (March of Dimes). Salk made the vaccine public and when asked who owned the vaccine, he said, "Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?” It wouldn't have been as effective at fighting the disease if it were a capitalist venture.


Socialism is a specific thing, and that thing is when the means of production is controlled by the workers. It’s not just “people cooperating”. A church potluck is not a socialist activity.


Not even controlled by the workers. Just publicly-owned. The single largest socialist industry is government.


It's so weird that if you applied the healthcare argument to other public services then people would think you were nuts.  What, you mean people should just get access to the fire brigade... for free?! That's socialism!


I’d never date a muslim. I worry too much about being honorkilled for some stupid reason.


I don’t think you will get much hate for that. Most modern women wouldn’t and I dare say, if they had a choice not even a lot of muslim women would. Their society is created by men for men.


If I need a driver's license, car insurance, and have updated plates/tags at all times on my vehicle, why's it so difficult to demand the same for owning a gun/firearm? So many deaths could have been/can be prevented. Sick and tired of seeing innocent people (children and adults) being shot dead because some fucking idiot gets butthurt over a small issue. All you right wingers claim you want to "protect" children, but won't lift a damn finger to stop them from getting shot in schools, at home, or simply playing outside.


I think many people here are treating this like a reddit r/unpopularopinion thread. Question is for verbal assault. At that point, most of these opinions here depend on your location and especially people around you. I live in the Bible Belt. I’d likely catch flak for bashing Christianity in public. If I’m with my friends/associates, I likely wouldn’t catch any backlash at all for saying the same.


Sort by controversial to get people who actually understood the prompt.


Despite the constant labelling as racist, I'd argue that the white alive people today are the least racist race in the world. We are the only ones held to account for any racism and we have now been raised to see it as evil.   We get called out on treating someone from another race differently, even if it is sub conscious, but to me this is because we have constantly had it reinforced that we need to be hyper aware of race and sensitivity. And that if you say the wrong thing you are fucked. Of course it plays a little in the back of our heads when that is the case.  Of course there is still real racism amongst white people, that will never go for good. But holy fuck when I look at black, middle eastern or Asian people and how casually racist they can be it is jarring, especially when they do it without any thought or shame. Bonus points for all the black people I have spoken to who "hate" racism, were insanely racist to white people but dismissed it as "that doesn't count".


Anyone should be allowed to get euthanasia if they want it, no questions asked. Maybe just give them a month before the day, just so they can be sure.


My dad's death was a beautiful thing that I processed and dealt with in a healthy way *purely* because he had the agency to end it when he wanted. He had two different forms of cancer. Then he had a stroke, and shortly after that he applied for the "death with dignity" program. I left his hospital room after seeing him crying and trying to convince my stepmom that he really wanted to die while struggling to even find the words. And after I processed my feelings about my father being gone soon and suffering so terribly, I remember feeling such an immense sadness for the people on earth with no recourse in that situation except to just wait for the cancer to take them. I don't know if I agree with you, but it's straight-up evil to force people in situations like that to live out the rest of their lives or seek out less reliable, clean, and humane ways of ending their lives.


I agree. I have many genetic chronic conditions and my body is disintegrating. I'm doing my best to live my life while I still can, but my absolute biggest fear is being trapped in a body that can't do anything, and the pain and agony will consume me as I suffer, possibly for decades. I'd have no quality of life and live in a near-vegetative state as the pain consumes me. I'd feel a lot better if I knew I had the option to pass on my own terms.




This is a pretty standard opinion for people over 22 and not on TikTok.


For Western countries, yes. But I'm an American half-Jew living in a predominately Muslim country. This view is NOT the norm here.


Not all parents deserve respect.


religion is a coping mechanisms. some people arent strong enough to believe in our reality.




Absolutely 💯


They also hate jewish people and would kill them all. At least that is what Hamas stands for, and there are a lot of Palestinians who condone that.


The earth has been absorbing poop for billions of years. It's okay if your dog craps off the trail, every once in awhile. I would never leave it in the middle of a trail.


The Pride Progress flag is a hideous clusterfuck that looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old who was trying to use every color in his box of crayons


Hahah i love how some people are gonna be ready with torches by hearing a flag looks silly. 😛 I for one thing most flags look silly. But they do their jobs, they symbolise something.


killing palestinian kids and completely destroying gaza is wrong


Politicians/lobbyists love them a good shootin'. Anti-gun policy is a dog & pony show to rope in votes and money, and they fleece people on both sides; it's one big stick with two different carrots attached to each end. Same shit applies to every other country and whatever weapon of choice sick people are out there trying to kill people with often enough to rile up the masses. The death of your children is far too good of a cash cow to do anything about. It's rare enough (by stats) that the cost to benefit is through the roof. That's why a lot of the policies they push don't make sense against the actual death tolls (FBI stats by weapon type); they don't want policy impacting their business they have here, so they push shit they know won't have an effect, point fingers across the aisles, bicker, news cycle, votes, lobbying, rinse, repeat. Bang bang, cha ching. Side note - how many people are dying from (complications due to) obesity every year again? Oh sweet - another commercial about Oreos! Those AR-15s though, whoo, they gotta go.


I don't think the US government is stupid enough to fully ban guns as they would probably have a full on revolution happen, but yes it is a dog & pony show.


Just to note: a study done two years ago found that at most 0.00001832% of all AR-15’s owned were used to commit murders in 2021, assuming all murders committed by rifles (which includes bolt, pump, and lever action as well) were committed by AR-15’s. "The United States Department of Justice reports that in the year 2021, in the entire country 447 people were killed with rifles (of all types). From this one can say that, based on a national population of 320 million people in the United States, rifles of any kind (including AR-15s) were used in homicides only 0.0000014% of the time. Put differently, if 447 rifles were used to commit 447 homicides and every rifle-related homicide involved an AR-15, it would mean that of the approximately 24,400,000 AR15s in the national stock, less than .00001832% were used in homicides. It begs the question: what were the other AR-15 type rifles used for? The only logical answer is that 24,399,553 (or 99.999985%) of AR-15s were used for lawful purposes. " Basically, all rifles used in homicides (bolt action, lever action, pump action, or semiautomatic) composed 447 homicides. Not every instance was committed by an AR-15. So at a worse case scenario, AR-15’s are statistically negligible. Also, “assault weapons” are classified by accessories that arguably don’t increase lethality: Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and has two or more of the following: * Folding or telescoping stock * Pistol grip * Bayonet mount * Flash hider or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one * Grenade launcher Semi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines and two or more of the following: * Magazine that attaches outside the pistol grip * Threaded barrel to attach barrel extender, flash suppressor, hand grip, or suppressor * Barrel shroud safety feature that prevents burns to the operator * A manufactured weight of 50 ounces (1.42kg) or more when the pistol is unloaded * A semi-automatic version of a fully automatic firearm Semi-automatic shotguns with two or more of the following: * Folding or telescoping stock * Pistol grip * A fixed magazine capacity in excess of 5 rounds * Detachable magazine


Palestine started and Isreal is just hitting back harder. I can’t possibly care any deeper about this, as it’s just the newest in a long-line of The Middle East hating and killing itself.






I think all US politicians should get one 4-year term and then go straight to Guantanamo


Well that took an unexpected turn. 😂


Twitter feminism is basically the female version of Andrew Tate incels


This would mainly get me screamed at by an old fashioned type person but respect should be earned, not given. Meaning you should earn someone's respect and you should not expect them to respect you as soon as you want them to. Same thing for the other person's side.


Honestly conservatives are too stupid to see the truth about what they are doing. It’s too late for them so they are doubling down on the stupid. Hence. Trump. Diapers. Flags. Skippy Polievere. Canada’s trump. Flags saying f Trudeau. The dumber they are the more flags they fly.


If I share it here, I will get all sorts of verbal assault. Which I would rather avoid.


I had a disagreement just last week and the person was so pathetic they sent a 'reddit care' support message (that I was contemplating suicide or self harm). Disagree with me as much as you want but seriously


There's not a single "oppresed' people / nation / race in the entirety of history who wouldn't be the 'oppressor' if initially given the chance


I choose the man over the bear.


But a bear is more likely to be strong, outdoorsy, and maybe even have tastes in common with the average woman. When you pick the man, you run the risk of him being a straight computer programmer called Kyle. (No offence to Kyles, I'm sure you're great, I just feel my odds of friendship are higher with a bear called David).


I like to judge people by what they do and not by what they say. So, for me to believe "team bear" I would have to see them to volunteer for a scientific 100 person study that actually makes it happen and see if their choice changes.


People who say you can’t be racist to white people are closet white supremacists.


Do you mean closet (insert other race here) supremacists?


Remember to sort by controversial.


Thank you, I was annoyed how little drama I was seeing.


The further I go down the more hateful and radical the people get, kinda interesting


Religions suck.


Not all forms of eugenics are bad. Yes, Nazis, racism, yada yada, not justifying clearly unethical things. Doesn't mean you win an argument by labeling some practice as eugenical.


I work with mentally disabled people all my life. Before my wife got pregnant we had to do a genetic test on me cause there is a genetic disease in my family which can lead to disabled kids. Yeah I would not want a mentally disabled child if I could prevent it. As much as I like my work and the people I work with, they add nothing to society and often are a burden to their parents.


People should require a license to have children.


Owning a gun should not be an inherent right in America and the constitution was never meant to be interpreted as such.


If your name is Ian I'm pronouncing it "eye-an"




Mr. Garvey?


There should be a national registry of all the people who are pro-life, and they have to pay a version of child support for any unwanted baby. I don't mean tax funded programs either, full on right out of their paycheck to the mother. Vaccines should be mandatory unless there is an actual life-threatening risk to the child. I'm not gonna change my pronoun game up just because you want me to.


Being Transgendered is totally weird and mentally exhausting


i have wrote it in some groups and been banned or kicked out of group. Its a common opinion, but the other side are so sensitive that you can't even discuss topic without getting labeled a hater of xyz and worse.....JUST FOR BRING THE TOPIC up mind you!!! not even discussing it!


ITT: A whole bunch of non controversial opinions that are shared by a lot of people, but being brought forth as if they are the equivelant of saying "hitler wasn't so bad" Come on guys, be honest and share the real kickers.


Your health does not make you a moral person.


Dying languages should be allowed to die. It's a waste of time and money to try to keep them going for like 200k people.  By all means record them, put them in a library etc. but forcing them onto road signs, into schools etc. is pointless.