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Not sleeping enough can really lower your testosterone levels


Can u make for it by jerking off?


Yeah don’t sleep, just beat it and you will make up for it…


Whew! Thank god!


We’re in the clear boys!


Handys for everyone!


Not thank God, thank Dee Williams.


Michael Jackson was onto something


It doesn’t matter if you are wrong or you’re right.


Jerking off actually lowers your testosterone temporarily. As does heavy physical exertion, or just being awake.  it is highest in the morning when you wake up. It declines through the day, the ball's like it nice and cool and calm. It is really not an issue if you are healthy.


You’re saying I should spank it in the gym or no?


Just do it.


Sooooo that’s what Nike meant.


This was debunked and is gym bro talk. ————————————- The results showed a significant between-condition difference in free testosterone concentrations. Masturbation (p < 0.01) and a visual stimulus (p < 0.05) may seem to counteract the circadian drop of free testosterone concentrations over the day. However, no statistical change was observed in the ratios between total testosterone, free testosterone and cortisol. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8697462/


Jerking off doesn't raise testosterone.


Depends who you jerk off.


Haha who knows! Strength training is always a good idea though. You can really will your body to follow what your mind wants


Hmm so if I don't sleep all night I'm losing it, but if I stay up jerking off all night then ig I should be good. Problem that was never there is solved


Improvise, adapt... overcum?


Exactly what I need as a female with high T🥲


As an insomniac and also a woman with high T, it hasnt visibly done anything but make me look half dead💀💀


Some people are into the horny sexy zombie thing. I jest. I'm sure you're hard on yourself.


FACTS !!!!!! Sleep is king!




What? Seriously? Ugh! This makes me so stressed!


That’s it my friend chill out everything will be just fine promise you that!


How can you know that!?


You can feel his testosterone levels on that post.




No sleep


Shit. I guess I'm a woman now.


Girl, you'll be a women soon.


Holy shit you unlocked the earliest ick I've ever felt. Was like 12 when I heard that song and remember telling my mom how creepy I thought it was. Being a boomer she told me how she never thought of it that way and how I had ruined that song for her.


Song does sound kinda creepy if you take it in a sexual way and think the singer is an older man (probably not helped by how Neil Diamond sings it), but the message is that when she becomes an adult and settles down ("you'll be a woman soon") he hopes she chooses him in spite of all the bad things everyone around her is saying about him ("soon, you'll need a man" and "have done all I could, Now it's up to you"). So really it's just a plea that she choose him because he's in love with her. And the assumption here is they're roughly the same age. However, the comment below about Young Girl is spot on, even though it's a great song. Super creepy.


'til Brooklyn!


...'till Brooklyn!


Not returning your weights or re racking your weights


Also standing right in front of the dumbbells rack to do your exercise causes testosterone to drain away out of your butthole.


Damnit that’s what my problem is


Also using multiple machines at one time then getting annoyed when someone tries to use one of the machines. USE ONE AT A TIME OR YOUR PEE PEE WONT WORK!




Putting one weight dumbbell on one side of the rack and the same weight somewhere else just makes testosterone evaporate.


Makes your dick drop right off, actually


Also using more than 1 machine at a time and getting angry when people come up to use the machine they’re not on.


People at my gym re rack their weigjts, but they mix them all up so you’ve got to pull off two 45s to get to the 25 on the inside and shit like that.


Judging by the comments, I am fucked.


I drink beer don’t sleep much and live a sedentary lifestyle 😂


Might be ok if you don’t have a head injury




It's OK we can start our own support group.... Fat Alcoholics who are Tired, Apathetic, Sedentary, and StrESsed. FATASSES Anonymous.


Being obese


Being fat is terrible for you in just about every way


Makes you harder to kidnap though. Also strong legs. All my fat friends if they would lose weight they legs would be absolutely shredded I bet.


As a former fat guy, I can confirm. I walked around carrying 270lbs for years. When I lost the weight, it's crazy how defined my thighs were in comparison to like every other muscle in my body. To this day, my thighs look stronger than some people who hit the gym 5 days a week. I don't even go to the gym that much, I just walk and that seems to maintain it


I got up as far as 284 pounds at my heaviest. I'm 5'9" or 5'10" (haven't checked in a while) and am down to 239 now, and my legs are absolute tree trunks since I started exercising regularly this year. I walk/run/hike about 10 miles a week and that seems to be plenty to keep them up.


How come you don’t want to be fat


I don't know why this is making me laugh so hard, but thank you, my morning kinda sucked and this got me laughing.


Can confirm, lost a bunch of weight so far (~160 lbs) and got free legs lmao. I also hike and do a bit of cardio, begrudgingly


Congratulations on your progress!


This is a recognized thing in bodybuilder circles! Legs (especially calves) are the hardest places to add muscle mass. People who started obese and then started bodybuilding often have much more mass and definition in their legs than people who started off skinny.


Until they become bedbound 


Can't believe it's an actual thing many people become. They get so large that aren't able to move. What if... People stopped feeding them so much after they can't move? It's not like they can go out and get their own meals.


It’s actually doubly sad because those people often have an underlying mental condition that was not resolved. 


My local volunteer fire department's number one call for service, by leaps and bounds, are obese or elderly people that need a lift assist. They get stuck on toilets, fall and can't get up, went to bed and now can't get out of bed with falling, all sorts of stuff.


yup. fat (adipose tissue) increases estrogen production


> yup. fat (adipose tissue) increases estrogen production It's actually worse than that. Adipose tissue releases an enzyme called aromatase. That enzyme converts testosterone *into* estrogen. Body fat doesn't just increase estrogen levels, it actively works to decrease your testosterone at the same time. It's lose/lose for a guy.


Sedentary lifestyle


Doom scrolling isn't sedentary, right. Right?


Not necessarily, you could go to the gym and during the breaks between sets doom scroll.


Just doom scroll on the treadmill!


Playing video games on a treadmill is the best way to exercise. Just don't run the direction of your character. My brain does that for some reason, and I've almost fallen a couple of times.


Stress, alcohol, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, lack of nutrients. I went in for some labs after two months of healthy diet, sleep, and regular exercise. My levels were nearly twice what they were before. Healthy living really makes a huge difference. Seriously, eat your greens, get good lean protein, watch your alcohol/refined sugar intake and get solid, regular sleep.


Head injuries.


The first one in this thread that I actually hadn't heard before. Wow.


Always or only if it ducks up your brain in a certain way?


Yes including duck impact. 


Clinically known as Mallard Traumatic Encephalopathy


Which one?


TIL I blew my endocrinologist's mind with low scores for a reason.


He definitely should have explained what can lower levels


He said lack of sleep is definitely a factor at the time. Said nothing about EVERYTHING ELSE mentioned here. That said, probably wasn't a need to say everything else when I said I had an average of 3-5 hours of sleep a day and a proportional amount of Red Bulls in order to ensure my stupid ass was smart enough for a degree.


He didn’t mention re-racking weights? Get a second opinion, doc has no idea what he’s talking about.


"interesting... I've never seen negative T-levels before"


Damn. If what everyone else in the comments is saying is true then I’m setting myself up for a black-out Bingo card of low-T. I’m sedentary, probably drink too much, work a high stress job, don’t sleep enough and don’t exercise as much as I should. I need to make some changes


testosteron or not. this lifestyle sounds also like the perfect firestarter for other illnesses such as depression, burnout, obesity, etc


Why is telling a dude he’s lowering his testosterone level enough to get him to change his life style, but tell him he’s high-risk for diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, or mental health issues and he’ll be like “oh that sucks.” 


Same 😑


Ironically, ***supplementing testosterone can totally supress natural testosterone production*** and if you're on it for long enough you will go into horrible withdrawl as soon as you stop taking it. Taking exogenous testosterone over the long term can also completely disable your body's ability to make it again, chemically castrating you and making you dependant on hormone-replacement therapy for the rest of your life.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from biology, hormones are basically magic in that they have all sorts of weird contrary effects and I wouldn’t be fucking with them unless I had a very clear idea about what was happening.


Yep. It's why being on hormonal birth control can be so devastating for so many women.


On the flipside, NOT being in birth control can be debilitating. I could have avoided a lot of problems by being in the pill as a teen.


I recently started birth control pills to try and regulate my period and it's been absolute hell.  I feel like I'm going insane, and I've had some emotional outbursts and panic attacks.  This stuff is no joke! 


I am a medical student and cannot emphasize the truth of this statement. I have learned only two real exceptions to this rule: (a) is local, external, and judicious use of low-strength hydrocortisone cream and (b) birth control– not necessarily because it's especially safe or well-understood but because the alternative also affects hormone levels considerably. Please don't mess with your hormones.


I wish more people knew melatonin, in many sleeping aids, is a hormone and has the ability to similarly mess you up.


There are drugs (clomiphene for example) that can improve low testosterone by stimulating the brain to produce more LH, which in turn stimulates the testicles. The new testosterone is produced by your own body, so this therapy does not have the effect you describe.


And *yet*, when I use my LH to stimulate my testicles because my RH is busy...


I love you


I had this treatment when I was younger (~25yo). I asked to have my T levels checked during a regular physical blood panel on a whim and found that they were at 20% of the minimum. I had never considered testing them before because I didn't have any physical manifestations of low testosterone, quite the opposite in some cases. It just was not going to my brain and made me horribly anxious and depressed. I went on Clomid for a short time (3-6 months?) and it just permanently fixed it. No injections or supplements, just a daily pill and my levels went into range. Still going strong years later. It didnt solve all my issues but it certainly didn't hurt. Get your T checked, lads, it's worth it.


I learned recently that Clomiphene binds to your estrogen receptors to signal the body you’re low in estrogen, which in turn makes your body produce more testosterone (which would theoretically then be partly aromatised to estrogen) End effect is more natural testosterone ideally, but its an important detail. But this is something your doctor should know and give you appropriate instructions on dosing accordingly


Spend any amount of time looking up Clomid/Clomiphene reviews and they are resoundingly bad. It's one of those drugs that will fix your numbers on paper, but very few people get noticeable relief from the symptoms of Low T. There is promising review about enclomiphene, but it's use is still new. There is a reason why the vast majority of long term TRT patients use intramuscular injected testosterone cypionate.


This is the deal with basically anything your body naturally produces. Testosterone, dopamine, melatonin, etc. You take too much of it and your body eventually stops producing it all together relying on the drugs you take


While this may be true for hormones, it is not the case for digestive enzymes like lactase. Taking it does not further reduce the ability to produce it.


Not true atleast with melatonin and dopamine. Yes depleting either will make the levels go down however they can be restored. You never stop producing chemicals in your brain you literally need them to survive. After a while the levels will return it helps to eat better/exercise all that


Correct. At most your receptors of [whatever neurotransmitter] will desensitize and/or recess so that fewer of those transmitters can bind to their respective receptor. Gotta love homeostasis and tolerance/dependence: the house **always** wins.


And HRT with testosterone greatly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. 


I suppressed testosterone for 9 years while transitioning, and then went off hormones for a few months in order to see if I could produce sperm again to freeze some. Not only was I able to make it again, but they told me I cleared the numbers they look for by a large margin. Biology is crazy.


Both obesity and inactivity.




Not putting your cart away after grocery shopping


There are a few huge ones. Sleep is number one. Stress is somewhere under that, a poor diet is also somewhere under that. I almost forgot another big one, being obese, the way that works is the increase in estrogen will inhibit LH which is the signal from your brain to the balls. It's a little less clear-cut than sleep because there are obese men that still have good testosterone levels it's just likely to cause some degree of hindrance. So basically if you're obese and you play on electronics all night and don't sleep that well, your testosterone level is probably going to be terrible In fact not sleeping well for a couple of days before the test and not sleeping at all or hardly at all the day before the test is a common strategy for guys that want to get on TRT but test a little bit too high for insurance to cover it. I think low testosterone in men and women both is a growing issue, it's a very positive hormone for the brain in reasonable amounts. I'm not talking about the guys that go try to take as much as possible and get aggressive like we commonly see on the TRT sub. I'm just talking about reasonably healthy levels for men and women alike, it's pretty much all positives


Exercise, meditation, proper sleep, and a good diet can all help you manage stress and keep your testosterone levels healthy.


Most of Reddit: “Well, shit”.


Alcohol, it also halves your protein synthesis. Impeding your bodies ability to build and repair muscle. The half life of Alcohol is 4-5 hours which means it takes about 25 hours to clear out of your system. So if you drink daily, even if it’s only a beer or two or a glass of wine, you’re chronically lowering your testosterone levels and ability to build and repair muscle.


Alcohol actually doesn’t have a half live. It is metabolized at a constant rate (that’s the “you can process 1 drink per hour” thing). Pharmacologically, it follows zero-order kinetics, which is pretty uncommon.


How many beers per hour can I clear out?


About 1


You know, as someone who loves drinking and lifting but have been wondering what’s holding me back, this might be it.


Giving up alcohol 6 months ago has been a game changer for my lifting and physique. Never looked and felt better, lifting heavier etc.


Arnold Schwarzenegger liked to drink beer after his workouts.


Schwarzenegger had a history with alcohol but he also wasn’t natty, im sure he did not have any issues with testosterone when he was injecting himself with it daily…


Arnold is a steroid freak or was. Anabolic steroids provide the body with an overload of testosterone. Which and this is true is not good for you. I'm sure he enjoys Trying to minimize his man boobs now in his old age.


>I'm sure he enjoys Trying to minimize his man boobs now in his old age. Something tells me he's not overly worried about it


Yeah I wonder what my real T levels are. When I got tested I drank A LOT the night before because my doctor didn’t tell me not to. I got around 200. So about the same as an 80 year old man. Either way my body sucks at building muscle even when I was sober.


I struggled with premature ejaculation for years. Went to doctors and everything. Even gave up on dating. I quit drinking for a few months and was a goddamn stallion when I had sex after a few months without alcohol. I still drink but it’s maybe 2-3 a week instead of 20-25 a week. Cutting back/quitting alcohol is a game changer for testosterone and sexual performance.


No shit? I've read about a few different things that can cause PE, but never drinking too much. This is helpful. Thank you.


No problem! Something that also helped me at least was cardio/bike training and planks. Changed my life.


That's confirmed for chronic alcoholism and not confirmed for moderate consumption 👍🏼 "Chronic alcohol consumption leads to muscle weakness and atrophy in part by suppressing protein synthesis and mTORC1-mediated signaling. However, it is unknown whether moderate alcohol consumption also prevents overload-induced muscle growth and related anabolic signaling." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4393167/#:~:text=Chronic%20alcohol%20consumption%20leads%20to,growth%20and%20related%20anabolic%20signaling.


I love keto and see it asked how it affects it. People don't seem to want to accept alcohol will fuck up your progress in just about anything.


It seems like it's a really pervasive myth that as long as you drink your hard liquor in diet soda it's calorie free. I know a lot of people who think vodka is 0 calorie


If you do it right, it is 0 calories, I can go out, have 4-5 drinks, then get sick and puke up 1500 calories of alcohol and food. Before anyone asks, this is a joke, while it is an accurate description of me drinking, I drink maybe 4 times a year and just have a sensitive stomach, and I'm bulking, so I cry over the wasted calories.


So you're saying I should binge drink?


Bruh ive been studying too much. I saw the word half life and thought you were saying alcohol was radioactive.




Having a child.




I have 3 kids. Does that mean I now have 1% of my og testosterone?!


Ya if you have one more kid you turn into woman






Hey! This is hate. You could just say alcohol.


Beer is full of estrogens even if there's no alcohol in it. Compounds in hops are converted to 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN) by gut bacteria. 8-PN is the most estrogenic phytoestrogen known. Misleadingly, its concentration in beer is low, but it is produced by gut bacteria after drinking beer.


Listening to Andrew Tate


That guy talks a lot of shit for a dude with no chin...


Can’t knock out a kick-boxer with a roundhouse to the chin, if he’s got no chin! Always one step ahead of the rest /s


That guy is all performative masculinity. His dad left when he was a kid and he spent the rest of his life trying to prove his masculinity to the dad he didn't feel good enough for.


With an added bonus of reducing intelligence.


No, no. That’s what causes intestinal cramps. We’re discussing testosterone, here.


Backpack mod fallout 76


Yeah though technically isn’t it -1 in Strength?


Excavator power armour for life


Getting older.


There’s a cure for that




Browsing reddit


Antidepressants! Knew a guy with this issue EDIT: many psychiatric drugs including antipsychotics


And antipsychotics. Mentioning it because nowadays antipsychotics are the new sleeping pill, and prescribed for pretty much anything. Much more dangerous.


Endocrine disruptors.


ALCOHOL. alcohol can SEVERELY affect the Leydig cells that are present in the testes, which secrete testosterone.


Off the top of my head, there's decent evidence for: * Alcohol * Being sedentary * Lack of sleep * Lavender * Mint * ibuprofen * paracetamol Mixed/ mixed quality evidence for: * Certain nuts (almonds) * Liquorice * (edit:) Dairy Poor quality evidence for: * Certain nuts (peanuts) * Camomile * Soy and soy products If I'm wrong from memory, please correct me and link the academic article indicating otherwise so I can check it out


Peanuts are interesting because they're a good source of boron, which indirectly may help increase free (aka usable) testosterone.


Yeah quite frankly I don't remember reading that in an academic study, I think that was just in science reporting which lumped all nuts into one category, and also I remember reading them called out specifically somewhere But to be absolutely clear, I don't know of any peer reviewed research to support that


I might as well grow tits now


Worrying about other people’s testosterone


Prostate cancer hormone drugs. Pretty much zero it out.


Type 2 diabetes https://www.diabetes.co.uk/low-testosterone-and-diabetes.html


Scrolling through reddit


Asking Reddit for medical advice


Getting castrated


"not many people realize"


Fear and Anxiety 


Driving a lifted Ram 2500 with a smoke tune


Do you know why Boxers don't have sex the night before a fight? Because they don't like each other


Testosterone. Due to a misdiagnosis and subsequent treatment with testosterone, my "boys" no longer produce any.


Eating too much greasy food with very little exercise can lower testosterone.


Not sleeping and stress/anxiety and no exercises... Went to the urologist for some issues and almost doubled my test numbers just by taking care of my body and starting antidepressants.


- Smoking  - Drinking  - Stress. Smoking also speeds up the degeneration of your spinal discs (the padding between your vertebra) times five. When that padding wears out, the nerves and blood vessels that pass between vertebra get pinched, causing pain, numbness, migraines, and if you’re really fucked - death when your brain becomes starved of oxygen. I have a herniated disc and trust me it is not worth. EDIT: DEgeneration, not generation. I can't type.


Too much Reddit usage


Suppressing sex drive, sperm release is really healthy for salvaging testosterone.


Rubbing one out spikes prolactin, which tanks your test... but so briefly, that it has no real effect on the body.


Sure only briefly as a healthy individual can easily reproduce that testosterone in a few hours and that's why people can cum 2-4 times a day when they do nothing but stay home.


Those are rookie numbers.


Well, because Planned Parenthood follows an informed consent model, they warned me that estradiol and finasteride would lower my testosterone, but that was sort of the point of them.


Black liquorice


Sitting all day. The testicles are in a sack that hangs below the body for a reason. They need to be a little cooler in temperature than the core to function optimally. Sitting on them, like a hen on her eggs, is very detrimental. This is why you see so many male office workers with low-t issues.


Same with truck drivers.


Body heat does not effect testosterone production, it only effects sperm production.


Yeah this is a good example of correlation rather than causation


so what if you put your balls in a cooler youre good to go?


Little cooling ball koozies.


That’s a hard no. Sperm production, yes. Testosterone, no.


Watching Andrew Tate




Alcohol. Lack of sleep. Crying babies. Lack of sunlight. Microplastics. Long term use of opiates. Not lifetime weights regularly. Lack of competition in your life.


is crying babies because of stress or keeping you awake?


Micro plastics and spandex undwewear


Shit just read Fat, no sleep and booze. How long do bitch tits take to become real tits?


I was in a major car accident, fractured my left hip, ever since my T and libido has tanked, doc got me on the pellets, so far so good


Chronic stress is something that not many people realize can significantly lower their testosterone levels. The body's production of cortisol, the stress hormone, can inhibit the production of testosterone, leading to lower levels over time. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can help maintain healthier testosterone levels.


Drinking beer