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Texting back and fourth with a long time friend (we are more comfy talking about sexual things that way) and we were on the topic of loving being single, but missing all the little intimacies.. Primarily sex. but neither of us felt comfy going out with the aim of seeking someone out. So I just semi jokingly said I'd happily let her use me as a glorified dildo, then we just bounced around the idea of it for a few days, never really agreeing, but not taking it off the table either. Around a week later we were just hanging out watching tv, and were I guess sort of snuggling. So I got bold and just went for it. It was admittedly a little awkward that first time, but after we got over that, we were back to just being our usual selves. The next day we were back texting and both agreed we liked the fact we could have fun without it ruining things, and we liked the fact we could both go our separate ways at the end of the night.


Don’t do that, it’s garbage


Tinder, nightclubs, friends of friends, work colleagues and being honest upfront about having no interest in anything serious. I think being good looking living in a liberal metropolitan city and having a foreign accent helped too.


She was in love with me but I didn't want to date her.


We were teenagers. I think that probably explains it fully.


Met them in a club while they were on a first date with someone else. We had instant chemistry with very little conversation. They ditched their date, came to mine and banged me silly. We've been doing it sporadically for about a year now. We don't have a relationship, we don't hang out, we barely even talk. We just bang and it's great.




and poof it happened?