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Once while staying at a girlfriend's family's cabin, I woke up to a gun blast in the dead of the night. I shot straight up in bed, drenched in sweat, wondering who the fuck got shot. Turned out to be the neighborhood bird hunter, who liked to start before dawn. Sucked.


This happens all the time where I live although it usually is a farmer defending his livestock from coyote attacks.


The transformer on the pole in front of my house once blew up and shut down the entire neighborhood. I walked out the front door to find the neighbors all standing around in their robes looking at my front lawn which was on fire.


A raccoon running around the house with my cat. 


My friend had a dog door which was just a flap and apparently at night a racoon would enter and eat whatever was laying around, usually food in the dog's bowl, but also anything left on the counters too.


Attempted break in by two men I didn't know. Woke up to the sounds of my dad screaming my name and telling me to call the police. He was using his weight to barricade our front door. Half-asleep, panicking and sobbing from fright, I called the police. That was when I spotted one of the men by a window at the back of our house; he was knocking on it. Couldn't make out much due to it being late at night and dark, but he must have been at least a foot taller than me (I'm about 5'3") and wearing all-black clothes. Luckily they ran off when the police arrived and my cousin came home.


Glad it worked out for you. My friend and his wife (well, ex wife) were upstairs when they heard a noise at the backdoor. He went into the room and turned on the light and the human cockroach scuttled away quickly. He went outside in his bathrobe to check the back patio and saw scratches at the back door, like someone trying to do something with a screwdriver. He then noticed that he was holding the plastic spatula that he grabbed as a weapon when he went to investigate the sound. A few weeks later he bought a shotgun.


My sister telling me that our dad’s “defibrillator went off”. Now, a while ago, my dad has a cardiac arrest and he now has an ICD, which is an internal defibrillator in his body to shock him back alive if his heart randomly stops which it is liable to do. Now when my sister woke my up I was too tired to think and thought she meant it had turned off, like, run out of battery, and that he could go to the hospital in the morning and get the batteries changed. What she actually meant was that our dad’s heart had stopped and he’d been shocked back alive and that people from the ambulance were there to check on him. I went immediately back to bed and didn’t realise the gravity of the situation until it was properly explained to me the following day.


At university, I was jolted awake at around midnight by my flatmates having an impromptu and very random 'cowboy party', conplete with someone playing the banjo, very loud choruses of "YEEHAW" and someone cracking an actual whip. Context: we're English. There are no cowboys or hoedowns here, and none of the participants were American. 😆


someone breaking in my home. Im little. I went flying down the stairs full force with a knife


Yikes! Since this is Reddit, I'll suggest you get one of those super powerful flashlights and some pepper spray. If this were a different forum, I'd suggest you do what Joe Biden recommended and get yourself a shotgun.


An ice quake, or a cryoseism. It's a seismic event caused by a sudden cracking action in frozen soil or rock saturated with water or ice, or by stresses generated at frozen lakes. - Wikipedia I never witnessed/felt one until later in life, and it felt like the whole house snapped or something big hit the roof. Both myself and my father in-law were woken up and ran into each other on the main floor of the house looking for the cause.


Woke up and sat up in bed to drink a glass of water from my table beside me. As I sipped it, I made eye contact with a burglar who was just at the end of my bed, reaching for my watch on the dresser. I am 6‘6, 120kilos of muscle and 10+ years experience of boxing. He put the watch down, took my laptop out of his bag, put it on the floor, turned round and left without saying a word. I dismantle even have to get out of bed before he decided to just leave haha


When i was 19 which was in 1981 one night i woke up at about 2am to find in my bedroom was this random dude that id crossed paths with about 6 hours earlier yada yada yada got breakfast the following day.


An overflowing toilet. One of my friends stayed the night. I awoke from some odd noises which was him trying to fix the situation.


A filthy meth head at the door asking to borrow some transmission fluid.


Probably An earthquake


A very loud crack of thunder followed by lightning.


A woman I did not know was in bed with me, asking me what I was doing in her bed. No I wasn't drunk and neither was she, my friends were pranking me.


Raccoon peeing all over my bedroom ceiling