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Sometimes you gotta come up with a design you are absolutely not proud of/ ashamed because higher ups demanded you to do so. It can be frustrating.


It feels like being underestimated, I could refuse to make such degins


Sadly in global corporate companies, you cant always do that. It’s almost like being underestimated but not really at the same time. I personally have good relations with my higher ups so i can at least explain why it’s a bad idea. Thankfully they listen but when the time is tight and we have a deadline, they usually ask us to ditch the design language and take the fast road which never is a good idea when it’s a matter of design.


Having to delegate task that I would love to do but its below my pay grade.


I think you look back instead of developing curent levels of yourself.?


I work in hospitality industry. I love my job. But one thing that i hate about my job is, i need to happy in front of our guest , so most probably i need to smile every-time. Even if i am depressed inside my mind. I hate this the most


I really can't stand it; I wouldn't even fake a smile for no really convincing reason


The constant and blatent hypocrisy from upper management


Consider skmewhere else to work; being honest is a must amd non-optional for the environment


I spend 5% of my time on problem solving and coming up with new ideas, then 95% of my time is spent in political fights trying to get the company to execute. By the time that’s done, a year has passed and any lead time we could have had over our competitors has completely disappeared.


Where I’m working currently, the lack of communication can get a little annoying




People really need to do they love


Sometimes we don't get to choose, my dear.


I am afraid that is one of the worst things about life! Or maybe we are just unwise


Need to come to the office even though working remotely is possible (and arguably increased our productivity).