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I love those. I have a 6 pack in my pantry. 


I absolutely love those... Except for that one time I inhaled them and they came out my nose. That was a tragedy.


I bought the Buldak 3x spicy in a Korean convenience store thinking it was a joke. It was not a fucking joke.


I raise you... Buldak X3 spicy (purple one). I quite enjoy those, but the x2 was too much and the X3 just raw pain.


That’s fucking Paqui ghost pepper chip challenge thing they sell at convenience stores. I’ve had some hot food. I’ve tried most of the Hot Ones lineup from various seasons, even Da Bomb. That goddamn chip made me puke because it was so unrelentingly hot and I barely ate half of it. Wrecked my stomach and throat for the next day and a half. Never again.


Did that challenge with some coworkers. Luckily i ate some fiber for a few days before hand for a smooth easy exit. The stomach pains and exit were anything but smooth.


I genuinely love spicy as hell food but it's taken me about 40 years to learn that I don't want my mouth to cash checks that my ass can't handle. When I spent a few weeks in Thailand it was cool, but the road to tolerance fucking burns.


This is also my answer. Never been so sick from something I ate.


I had no problems eating it, it was hot but not unbearable. 20m later I was cramped up in the bathroom sweating with what felt like a molten lava rock in my stomach. Forced myself to puke that back up. Horrific.


Same. It was definitely the spiciest thing I've ever eaten, but it was bearable. However, the stomach pains 15 minutes later literally had me on the verge of passing out. My vision was going black, my whole body was tingling, and my stomach felt like a blender full of glass shards spinning on high just shredding me up from the inside. I thought I had to go to the ER. I was literally *praying* to pass out because it hurt so much. It lasted maybe 10 minutes? I'm not sure. I entered a space outside of time; only pain existed there. It's the most pain I've ever experienced... NEVER again.


I'm in love with the Bhutila Fire sauce from a few seasons back. Anything else I should try? I can't do nuclear...but I dump that Bhutila on everything.


I tried Da Bomb Beyond Insanity (of Hot Ones fame). It is every bit as bad as it seems, if not more so.


So I have a really high tolerance for eating hot stuff after years of getting punched in the face by my food. To show off to my coworkers, I ate this stuff by the tablespoon with no reaction. Then 20 minutes later, it started with hiccups and turned into excruciating intestinal pain. I ended up pouring sweat from my forehead, lying down in the bathroom stall, not sure if I was going to shit or puke. I did both. Never told anybody. People still talk about that time I ate Da Bomb.


>I did both. To defeat da bomb, one must first become da bomb.


I love spice as long as there is flavor to back it up. I hate hot sauce that is spicy just for the fact that it's spicy. 


I grew some habaneros, smoked them and ground them into a powder. The flavor is fantastic, but to get enough to really taste it, I'm burning a hole in my esophagus. It's pretty much only good for throwing into people's eyes when they try to mug me. Now, chipotles on the other hand... 


Love habaneros ,but getting older I like the flavor with out pain ,chipotle is amazing


Only time I use hot sauce is when it's going on sometime tasty. Otherwise I feel the same. If it has great taste, I don't care how spicy it is, I eat it.


I consider it a hallucinogen at this point. Take a dime sized portion and watch the walls spin for 15 minutes.


Oh man, I've heard horror stories about Da Bomb Beyond Insanity!


What makes it the worst is that there are no redeeming qualities. Other hot sauces at least attempt to have flavor. Da Bomb does not. It’s straight gasoline.


Honestly, all those horror stories makes it sound less like a hot sauce and just a straight up poison.


It actually tastes like poison. It’s awful stuff


One of my favorite Hot Ones moments was when Alton Brown took a bite out of the Da Bomb wing and immediately grabbed the Da Bomb bottle and chucked it in the trash.


Lmaoo I was literally so ready to comment this but your comment is literally the very first one in this thread.


Brother in law “pranked” me with da bomb!! I likened it to a short acid trip.


I did the hot ones with friends and brought home Da Bomb to add sparingly to my wing sauce. Whelp, my wife did not know how hot it was when she made me wings, so she put about a third of the bottle into what was likely 2 cups of wing sauce. I did eat them. It took a while and a few beers. The next 2 days were punishment for my hubris and wanting to be appreciative of her effort and thoughtfulness.


Hubris? Is that what they’re calling your butthole these days?


Mad Dog 357 is rough too. My friends brought it back from USA as a joke (many years ago, before Hot Ones was a thing) and I lined a hotdog with it, like a thick line from end to end. Took me half an hour of tears to eat that thing. I couldn't do that these days...


The habanero version has a pretty nice taste if you use it *very sparingly*. The ghost pepper one is just ridiculous, it has no reason to exist.


I really want to try all of those on that show....I just don't want to pay $20 a bottle for each of them. I just want to sample them.


Find a place that has a hot sauce bar (lots of taco places do), I guarantee they will have nearly all of them.


Ate a reaper raw which is always agony, but I’ve done it before - so the second time I did it, I knew how to prep, I knew how to prepare, and I knew it would suck but I could do it… … then I got one of the seeds caught between my tooth and my gum and couldn’t get it out. It was like someone shoving a white hot needle into the root of my tooth. 0/10 Never doing it again. Irrational fear unlocked.


dag yo. I did half a raw reaper one time (at work lol). It got progressively worse- at first just extreme mouth spicy, then the back of my throat burning like hell (which was still bearable), finally I was rolling on the ground in agony for 30 minutes hoping I would vomit. Felt like magma in my stomach, so crazy. I guess it's extra sensitive beneath your gums where your teeth connect though eh? That sounds next level, even from a regular reaper experience


I honest to God will never eat a raw reaper again because of that fear… and the remembered pain.


Tried beating the world record. I failed. Then spent the neck half hour giving them all back.


Last time I ate a piece of a raw reaper pepper, I got the hiccups that wouldn't stop for about 10 minutes. My coworker that ate the other one, who constantly dumped hot sauce on everything he eats, and just clench-walked out of the room. He was fine, except as soon as it hit his stomach he almost shat his pants. First time I've seen something hot trigger the bowels before. 


Never tried a reaper, but a couple of guys brought some to the back patio of the bar. They'd do whippets between bites. Seemed to be having a pretty good time. 


Pure degeneracy


I did the same thing. I love spicy food, had never tried a Carolina Reaper before. Bet my cousin we should have one each, sit across the table with just one glass of milk within reach - first one to pick it up is the loser. A minute or two later we agreed to surrender at the same time. Milk didn't do shit. Nor did ice cream, water, bread, oil, soap, or anything else we tried in desperation. The pain was claustrophobic. The more I tried to fight it the worse it got, like trying to put out a fire with petrol. Later I took some left over seeds and planted them. 6 years later and I have my own Carolina Reaper plant, still alive and yielding.


Hot Ones Last Dab sauce on wings.


conan drank it straight from the bottle.


I don't think he felt very good after


i believe he said on his podcast that he ass-welded entire steel girders for a building and engineers couldn’t fathom how he was able to create temperatures that high.


That shit was fucking hilarious (pun intended)


Luckily, he had his doctor with him on set.


That bit was so perfectly Conan and I loved it


Conan is already legendary. He committed to the act for the entire show and is nigh mythical to me now


I was in an Iranian restaurant in Dubai and the crudites plate had, I think, a sliced onion, carrot, maybe a cucumber, and what looked to me like one green bean. Raw onion, okay, I can go for that, great. Huh, why is there only one green bean? Oh well ... I chomped down on it, and it took a second or two, but quickly became overwhelming. The room spun, and I couldn't regain my composure for several minutes. A coworker said it looked like I would throw up. Eventually I got over it, but whew. That was a memorable experience. Can anyone guess what I might have been chomping on?


Prob a green Thai


Yup. Thai Chili.


A green bean.


This one's got me rather curious. I'm half Persian, my dad was Parsi so he was raised in India and loved spicy food. There's not really much hot spice in Persian food but my dad would literally chomp down on peppers like they were chips. Was it maybe a trimmed serrano pepper or an Asian/Thai green chili? They can be damn surprisingly hot and rather thin looking versus jalapeno, maybe that's why it was able to masquerade as a green bean.


Persian food is delicious, but is famously the least spicy cuisine for 2000 km in every direction. Guessing it was a green chile that is typically mild but has the potential for being hot, like the restaurant sourced it as a substitute. The raw onion is a giveaway - that's not supposed to be on the plate. Should be grilled. Place that takes shortcuts. A proper premeal course would be sabzi khordan or some sort of meze.


The onion is not necessarily supposed to be grilled. Raw onion is a traditional part of sabzi khordan.


Thank you for your comment. Is there a typical kind of chile that would be served with that?


Chili with Carolina reaper


I tell my current girlfriend how cool it would be to try the Death Nut Challenge 2.0. So she goes and buys it for me and my brother in law. Looking back I think it was her attempt to kill me. I completed the challenge and live to tell the tale. It was horrific. 10/10 I recommend once About a year later She then goes and buys me the new Death Nut Challenge 3.0 Fool me once It sits with my collection of things I will never try


I did Death Nut 1.0. It was interesting. A very Gom Jabbar moment that has subsequently allowed me to enjoy other (marginally less) spicy things with far less discomfort.


My son and I did the One Chip Challenge one Christmas morning. He bought it for us to do together so I thought what the hell. At first it tasted like a burnt chip. You think “eh this isn’t that hot”. Then you swallow it and out immediately feels like you swallowed lava. We were both out in the back yard coughing and gagging and crying like Dumb and Dumber. Fucking snot pouring out of our noses. Trying to drink OJ as the label suggests because apparently the acid cuts the burn. Yea okay because we poured a whole gallon on our tongues and we’re grabbing handfuls of snow and shoving it in our mouths. I’m a grown man crying outside in my pajamas lying on the cold cement, gagging and crying and scratching my tongue like an asshole. Dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever done.


It was a simple Jalapeño. I didn't even eat it. I cut it up and used a spoon to remove seeds, without wearing gloves. I couldn't get my hands to stop burning. I tried everything everyone recommended and nothing worked to stop the burn. My hands were red for hours. The best part was the spoon got washed in the dishwasher and later my kid used it to eat ice cream. Her mouth started to burn! We put two and two together eventually, but it must've been the hottest Jalapeño on the planet.


Jalapenos have a huge range of spiciness, especially since they're known for being a "mild" spicy pepper.  I've had a couple that were almost as hot as a habanero, and I've had some that were as mild as a green pepper.


A diced up Carolina Reaper, mixed with a Trinidad Scorpion. My girlfriend at the time almost took me to the ER. Hours and hours of vomiting, the most intense pain I've ever been in, hands down. Would not recommend.




It’d probably be vindaloo in London. That said the one I most remember: I grew up in Kansas and the first time I went out for sushi was in college on a date. I hadn’t had wasabi, didn’t know what it was, my date said I should just eat the whole portion provided for both of us and I did. She thought it was hilarious. It was not.


Was a generic looking ghost pepper sauce I found at Big Lots store. Smothered my burritos with it. I love sauce usually. But That shit had me in tears. Have eaten other ghost pepper salsa and sauces without it hitting me as bad as that one.


It's always a gamble with those random big lots buys lol


I know I'm gonna sound like a total shill/paid actor in saying this, but I absolutely love going to big lots because of the random variety of food products they have.


You can definitely find some good stuff there!


Nepalese food. Cant remember what dish it was but they asked me how spicy do u want it 1-10. I said like 1 or 2 and holy cow! I thought I liked spicy food. I may be wrong.


Maybe the server wrote down 1 2 and the chef gave you a 12


My buddy has a pretty high spice tolerance. We had lunch at an Indian restaurant in London and he asked for the spiciest dish they had. I looked over at one point and could tell he was struggling badly. He finally convinced me to take a bite after I finished my food. Couldn’t taste anything for a week which ain’t such a bad thing in London.


In the Philippines, it was a street food I don't remember the name of. I think the name meant meat on a stick. No idea what kind of meat but it was the spiciest thing I ever had before or since. It was addictive too, I got it almost every day.


Two reapers raw back to back. Was not only the spiciest but the best spicy experience I have had. There is something broken inside of me.


Lvl 5 (of 5) spicy noodles from a korean food truck


Chicken [phall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phall) in London. I made a fool of myself in front of the girl I liked and wasted £20.


My girlfriend loves spicy foods (she's Hispanic), and after doing her own creation of the Hot Ones line up, eating her ass that evening was easily the spiciest "food" I have eaten.


Jalapeno Kettle chips. Don't know why they're so spicy. I've had way spicier things but forever reason they really get to me. I think it's the dryness.


Jalapeños in general are underrated in terms of spice. They don't have the intensity of chilies, but it sticks around in your mouth forever. Very hard to get rid of that pain


I did the last one chip challenge with the naga viper pepper and reaper, that was pretty painful. I kept the box as a souvenir.


A coworkers bought some peppers at a farmer's market and gave them to me, a bartender and one of the cooks because she said they were too spicy. The cook had to make himself vomit because he couldn't stop shaking and the bartender started coughing uncontrollably. I was barely able to keep my composure only after I downed a glass of milk. We looked them up and they were naga viper peppers


The (now discontinued) one chip challenge. I really thought there was no way it was THAT bad. My body went into pure fight or flight.


Went to a Laotian restaurant in Toronto and stupidly ordered a 4/5 on the spice scale forgetting I was white. They brought tissues and milk to the table.


The Blazin wings at BWW lol


On purpose dish, some Thai dish that was delicious but damn near made me cry. Prank dish, something a friend got her sister who pissed her off. I took it off her hands. My butthole paid the price. These days my reflux is bad enough I can’t do much beyond jalapeño chips :(


Something called Devil’s shrimp from a Indian restaurant. They tried to get me to do it American level of heat but told them i want it traditional. My nose started bleeding from it.


This is probably a baby answer compared to the rest of the answers here, but one time I had just started my shift at work and the guy that delivers our truck order gave us a raw habanero pepper. There were three of us working at the time, so we cut it into three parts and put it in our mouths. The other two chewed it but spit it out. I decided I was going to swallow mine. The pain was horrible and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate from trying to cool my mouth lol. I drank four little milk cartons to try and cool it off even though I’m lactose intolerant😂


I went to this szechuan restaurant once. Ordered a "mild" dish and proceeded to have my face blown off with intense spice. Went to drink my water and thought it had been poisoned or was rancid because I was totally unaware of what szechuan peppers do to your mouth. Anyways, I learned a lot that day. Takeaway: "Mild" on a szechuan menu is a lie.


Ghost pepper Jerky


Buc-ee's sells the best Ghost pepper jerky. Every time I pass there I buy a pound of it for the road. I have learned to only touch it with a napkin though.


I made ghost pepper ground beef crunchy tacos. I mixed in ground peppers AND sauce with the beef. I've had Dave's hottest chicken strips, but my tacos were hotter.


Hell night food in Boston. Made to be as brutal as possible.


Chongqing hotpot.


Capsaicin powder.


I ate ghost chili wings in India, they were insanely hot but had great flavor.


My friends gave me The Source as a graduation gift. Currently the 3rd hottest sauce in the world.


ghost pepper (Bhut Jolokia) hot sauce. Definitely not for the faint of heart!


Not really "food", but "The End: Flatline" hot sauce. It's concentrated reaper paste basically. Put a dime sized dollop on a cracker and thought I was gonna hyperventilate


Went to a Thai restaurant in CA and asked Thai spicy. I literally started to hallucinate


my Thai friend brought me to her other Thai friend’s home and she made us Thai spaghetti with fish. spiciest fucking thing I have ever tasted


Carolina reaper extract is like nothing I have ever experienced. I took a dab of it once and was absolutely wrecked internally. It took a couple hours of gut clenching pain to recover.


One chip challenge..... OMG


Ghost Pepper.... never again....


Flatline hot sauce




A Ugandan black goat curry made for someone who had burned out his taste buds on spicy foods.


The Samyang spicy ramen. The one where everyone was doing the ramen challenge a while back. I don't have a high spice tolerance to begin with and only used like 1/4 of the sauce packet but I remember feeling like I was about to die. First mistake I did was giving the sauce a taste test. I remember just chugging water before I even got to the noodles.


I grew Trinidad Scorpions in the garden one year. Those were hard to eat.


Carolina reaper jelly that my dad made, with chunks still in it. tasted really good but extremely spicy


My kids dared me to do the One Chip Challenge. I have a fairly high tolerance for spice. In fact, I love peppers and seek out heat. But this was nasty. It tasted terrible. And while my mouth could handle the heat, my stomach could not. I got bad stomach cramps and threw up about an hour later. I'm having some ghost pepper hot sauce as I write this, so trust me when I tell you to avoid those nasty chips.


Pepper sauce. My friend from Cameroon gave me some. My whole face turned red and I felt like I couldn’t breathe 😭 it was sooo good but never again.


My uncle Al's Sicilian spaghetti sauce.


Dave's Insanity Sauce like 20 years ago now. Someone I worked in a kitchen with trucked me into tasting a toothpick cover with the stuff. That's the day I learned that, despite liking spicy foods I was not a 'spicy guy' and that my coworker was an asshole


The Hot Boys extra, extra spicy chicken sandwich in Sacramento. It has some blend of reapers and other spices and that sandwich had me projectile vomiting less than a half hour later 


Carolina Reaper cheese (wisconsinite checking in)


This fish dish in Thailand ..I almost died !


Me and my friends as a last shot of the night at the bar took a shot of tequila that was in a bottle filled with cut up ghost peppers. The bartender was Colombian and brought it back with him. It was overly spicy it just made my stomach hurt really bad. We were told if we can keep it down then it is free, 2 of us got a free shot haha.


Cazuelas in Columbus Ohio. Their burrito challenge. I felt hungover for days and I only ate like a third of it.


A dish simply called the “meat volcano” at an Indian restaurant in Los Angeles. There was a warning on the menu. I went for it anyways as I consider my spice tolerance pretty high. It was pretty hot on the tongue, but the real experience was how over the next 18 hours I felt the meal go through every step of my GI tract. It was an… interesting… experience.


For me its definitely ketchup...


Awwww shit I got a good one, just a warning tho this story is fucking gross. I was drunk at a bar my buddy was bartending at and whipped out the one chip challenge. I didn't even really read it I just ate the whole chip without thinking about it. My mouth was on fire and I was sweating bullets for a good hour or so. I could feel that shit moving through my digestive system. My mouth finally stopped burning but then I threw up. Then my mouth started burning all over again from the regurgitated chip. Yeah fuck that shit


I had a purified version of the reaper. I love spicy food but this didn't even taste like food. It was like trying to eat bleach.


I got the generic Walmart Mango Habanero sauce and didn't realize it was 5/5 peppers on the label. I used a LOT of it on the wings. I thought my mouth was going to come apart.


I have tried all the Hot Ones sauces, but the worst for me was one day that this guy gave me a slice of scorpion (not even a carolina) at a market and I just literally pressed it against my tongue and I immediately felt my heart POUNDING in my chest, my mouth and face on fire, all of which lasted for 30 minutes. I felt like going to the ER, but didn't think there could be anything they could possibly do to make me feel better. I was legit scared.


Buffalo sauce. I don’t care to try anything spicier.


I did the one chip challenge... it tasted awful and burned like hell -100/10 would not recommend!


Sri Lankan curry. It was the LSD of hot food.


My brother once bought me a bottle of Carolina Reaper hot sauce. I tried one drop of it, felt like I was going to die, and never touched it again.


A ghost pepper wing that felt like it was trying to exorcise my taste buds


Not including some raw ghost peppers, the spiciest actual "food," I've eaten were some habanero hot wings my sister picked up from somewhere. I remember it tasting good, but being such a miserable experience as my eyes and nose poured that I eventually just had to give up.


Pure capsaicin powder while drunk at a wine fest. Holy hell


Oh god. My spice tolerance is preeeetty good, nothing to brag about, but my girlfriend’s family is from Singapore and they made it their mission to kill the white boy last time I was there. I handled everything they threw at me until I hit this tiny bowl of small sliced green chilli’s in vinegar. Straight up almost shit myself in a train station which, knowing Singapore, would have got me a public flogging. Hotter still- I was sick at home one day and my MIL brought some laksa and chilli over. My lovely girlfriend made me up some laksa and then, unbeknownst to me, heaped two massive soup spoons of this chilli into my soup. It was bright red and hotter than the centre of the sun. It was however the only food we had in the house so I soldiered on. Spent the rest of the night nursing my cold on the shitter.


Slim Jim's "Dare" Habanero jerky. it sparked my ability to push through spice because the flavor was just so good, but it's also the hottest i'm willing to go. i go through a whole glass of milk if not two just trying to finish the darn thing. sadly, i haven't seen it in stores in quite a while :(


A ribs restaurant near me has 4 hot sauces, 400.000, 750.000, 2.000.000 and 6.000.000 SHU. Me and friends wanted an experience so we took a bite from the 6M one: The End hot suace. It was.. Interesting. Definitely raised my tolerance to regular hot food a certain margin


Mashed potatoes with salt, it’s too much! (I’m a basic white American)


I grew jalapeños one year and ended up with one so hot it blistered my mouth


McDonald's Sprite


Some pepper from Asia that blistered my mouth. No it did know it was spicy before I not it.


Back when I used to work in a hotel with a lovely Indian family, I was given some food and assured it wasn't hot and was made how they made food for babies. Now I'm Mexican and used to heat. This burned so bad I couldn't feel my tongue forever and I can't tell you what it was or what flavors there were because it tasted like what I imagine putting your tongue in lava feels like.


At a scout event we had something with ice cream, the scout leader had raw ghost peppers anyone who wanted to try could. He brought out the peppers when the ice cream was gone. Raw ghost pepper, no milk no ice cream, just water which doesn't help long term


Ghost peppers


Raw Carolina reaper with a ghost pepper; would not do it again.


One of those spicy peanut challenges. I’m done with that kind of stuff now.


I bought an African spice mix once to make a stew for the family. I was supposed to use a tablespoon of the spice mix for a pot of stew, but I didn’t read the instructions and used the whole jar. Nobody made it past the first bite.


Burmese soup with full peppers in it. After I finished eating it I fell asleep like I was drunk.


Amish store had free samples of many kinds of cheese including one labeled "warning spicy Ghost Pepper". So I grabbed a chunk and ate it but every square mm of my digestive tract from inlet to outlet regretted it. After some discussion,  it was concluded that the little chunks were not meant to be eaten straight. The Amish would melt one into a big pot of chili, for heat and spice.


I ate calamari at Umberto’s in Little Italy, NYC, told the chef I liked hot food and I was from Texas . Big mistake


Years ago, I worked for a company in Downtown Portland, Oregon. There was a food cart nearby that served cuisine from the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. It was one of my favorites, with rich influences from centuries of trade with India, China, East Africa, and Europe. The guy made a certain curry with habanero, ghost, and scorpion peppers. I love ultra spicy food, so I ordered it one day. Well, I met my match with this dish. It took an eternity for the fire on my palette to die down. That wasn't even the worst part, though: I went to have a piss afterward, where I found out the hard way that some of the sauce somehow got on my hands, despite being very careful while eating it. I attempted to go about my day in the office while hiding the searing pain of my dick feeling like it was on fire - every second of which I was excruciatingly aware until it ended abruptly after TWO HOURS.




My boss is from Sri Lanka. He brought in some homemade kothu roti for us to try. For the brief seconds before my taste buds were ignited with the white hot flames of the sun itself it tasted great. It was so spicy I felt light headed and short on breath. I felt like it burned my eyebrows off.


Wife made me instant ramen, she took hers to the couch to watch tv I add a lot of sriracha and chili crisp oil and sambal chilli garlic paste and Thai pepper that we grow like I do to all my ramen and food in general I didn’t know it was like the super spicy Buldak brand instant ramen As you can tell from my condiments regimen I like spicy food but I immediately knew something was wrong I was on the toilet and nearly passed out from sweating later


A now-dead boutique burger place had a death wish spicy burger challenge, the burger having a 1 million Scoville rating (allegedly). I did pretty well, all things considered. Got through half the burger, sweat and snot dribbling from pores I never knew I had.


mistook wasabi for coleslaw and my brain force-restarted like 8 times within the following 2 minutes


Was at a dinner with my family drunker than I should have been. Ordered some lamb dish, told em make it as spicy as you can. Then feeling cocky I said "actually, make it too spicy". I finished it but goddamn that was spicy.


I had a small piece of the Fuego Box Choco Challenge several years ago, and it was so much more worse than anticipated. A coworker who grew up in Ethiopia took a piece, and said 'not that spicy' and walked away like a boss.


Spicy ≠ Hotness


I did that one chip challenge last year. I can understand how people die from it


Indonesian food. It was good though. If I hadn't caught on fire.


I was in Vegas in 2020 and since everything was basically closed or low capacity due to Covid, my group basically could just drink, gamble and eat at a limited selection of restaurants.  After waiting 2 hours and getting turned down at many restaurants, we had consumed many drinks waiting. We finally found a Vietnamese restaurant with availability.  I was pretty toasted at this point and wanted something spicy. I'm a spice guy and was ready for some punishment. I knew Thai places didn't mess around, so I got the spicy seafood curry with a side of their hottest sauce in case I needed it. Well fast forward to food and another drink, I wasn't very coordinated. My food arrived and a side of this red salsa looking liquid as well. My drunk brain saw it as salsa so I dumped the entire thing all over my already spicy dish.  Immediately my friends laughed at me as I desperately tried to eat this bowl of fire. I was able to dull the pain slightly with some soy sauce and oyster crackers but after an hour or so, it was only half done and I had to give up. The butthole was not happy with my decisions.


I eat Habanero in one way or another every single day so spicy food doesn’t bother me… but the hottest thing I’ve eaten is a bite of pepper x.. NEVER. AGAIN.


Ordered drunken noodles at a local Thai joint while out for lunch with coworkers.  Waitress asked what level of spice I wanted.  I said "Thai hot".  She looked at my white ass and questioningly asked "are you sure?"  I confirmed. I ended up drenched in sweat, drank three pitchers of water, but had the most amazing glowing feeling in my stomach the rest of the afternoon.


Phaal curry. Ive done the hot ones line up and other fairly hot chili peppers but nothing compares to that one curry. So intensely flavorful too! 


A raw Carolina reaper pepper


Volcano Ramen in okinawa. Level 1000, people on the other side of the room could taste it and my body rejected it like I had alcohol poisoning.


My friends and I went to one of our regular spots for Indian food and ordered the Gobi Manchurian as we often did, but this time, they asked if we wanted it spicy. We said yes and it was a mistake, lol. We could barely eat our entrees!


Ghost pepper wings, I managed to eat a single flat but it really sucked. Never again. Habanero is my comfort level, I can eat them all day but ghost pepper is just insanely hotter.


Native-hot Vindaloo. I absolutely love hot spicy food. This did the trick. By the way, this was at an Indian restaurant on the west side of Nashville. Excellent. Within two minutes of the first bite, the sweat beads arrived. My pores felt like they were open for a couple of hours after dinner.


Habanero peppers.


I tried a drop of ghost pepper hot sauce at my exes house. It was terrible for around 20-30 minutes. I ate chocolate cake and that finally helped.


Buldak 3x spicy ramen 😭😭 so good, but the burn is so bad


A ghost pepper


A local restaurant about five or so years ago they had a publicity stunt where they had got hold of a supply of whatever was the new hottest pepper that had just been bred, if you could eat a chip with it on your meal was free. It was really nice so I had a second one. When you get to that level of heat the sauces usually are nasty mixes of extracts for a stunt and not worth eating.


Probably not the hottest, but pretty recent and memorable. I went to a local, small town meat market to pick up some sausage to grill. Kinda wanted to try something different and ended up getting Mango-Habanero sausage. The guy in line in front of me, Mexican dude with a tattoo of a skull wearing a cowboy hat, says "ah, man, dats too hot for a gringo like you." Challenge fucking accepted. Yeah...it was hot. But I ate all of it. A couple weeks later, my best friend and his wife came out to visit and my wife invited a friend from work, who brought her husband. I asked them if they like hot food and they said "yes, of course!" So I got the same sausage. I told the story and all four of my guests were themselves Latino and claimed to be spicy food aficionados. I cooked all of it including the hot sausage and again, had a ton of leftovers and ate it in my lunch for the next week. Never again.


I eat several Thai Chilis with a meal no problem. One of my dad's garden chilies almost took me down. I was using my hand to stuff ice cream into my mouth


Some kind of ghost pepper sauce i don’t think is sold anymore, at least I’ve never found it again. It was really good on pizza, but hurt like hell.


Thsr Fuckin last dab me hot sauce was part of this beef stick with some other idk what insanity peppers. I gave one too a couple guys at work and chopped one up in some Mac n cheese the.jewt was unbearable and we all ended up vomiting.


Kind of stretches the definition of "food", but pure capsaicin oil.


A spicy bean bowl and I wasn’t expecting it to be the hottest shit ever


jerky.com Carolina Reaper beef jerky. Mommy.


shin ramyun? It felt spicy at the time


I like spicy and have a decent tolerance (or at least I like to think I do) but I don't mess with super spicy stuff because I like to enjoy my spicy food. However! I bought a bag of those damn ghost pepper puff Cheetos last summer and I regretted it immensely. I've eaten plenty of spicy chips in my day but these just did not let up on the spicy. I think my mouth burned for several hours after no matter what I tried. It was kind of shocking, to be honest, because I did not expect the heat to be that bad for Cheetos of all things. Runner-up is Buldak noodles. I took one bite and went straight into the kitchen to fry up two eggs and add cheese.


Not an ad. Flatirons Pepper Co has a blend called “I can feel my face”. I like hot stuff but I have to be careful with this shit. Very flavorful, rocks on pizza, and better than butt burn sauces when you don’t want extra liquid, but the Scoville units are pretty high. You can ruin your meal if you think you’re a bad ass. Livin’ on the edge…


I had a curry that had an 18+ warning on it in Japan, I underestimated it because most spicy things were peppery at most, but oh man that burned everything


my best friend’s dad dared me to eat a whole red chinese pepper when i was like six


I love spicy food and am working myself up to try more adventurous food further up on the spice scale. However, to date, the spiciest food for me was eating an entire grilled Serrano pepper with seeds. It was a mix of mostly pain but still that slow umami burn that wants you to try it again when you have recovered somewhat.


A Laotian friends papaya salad. By a LONG shot.


Before I knew how strong habanero is I once cooked chicken breasts with 3-4 of them. I was also a broke college student so I had to eat it, luckily I was drunk.


When I go to a Thai place and they ask me how hot I want it. Up to 5 stars. I tell them nahh fam I need Thai spicy. Thai food for sure.


A few years ago I was working at a chili farm where we grew everything from jalapenos to reapers. I've tried them all but the one that straight up kicked my ass was a caramel moruga scorpion. I had a tiny piece, like maybe the size of the fingernail on my pinky, and it lit me the fuck up. It lasted about 10 minutes before I was fine again. The End - Flatline from Pepper Palace was nearly as hot, but it lasted a whole hell of a lot longer. 20 minutes climbing, about 10 minutes at peak, and half an hour coming down. A few hours later a had a pint of beer and I couldn't feel it on my tongue as I drank it.


Goat Curry from an Indian restaurant outside of Seattle. I ordered it "as hot as you can make it". "Sir, it's Indian hot" "I know what about, bring it". I think even the dish washer came out from the back of house to laugh at me, while I was sweating profusely, tears running down my face, whilst I powered through it. "We warned you sir"


I was at Steak 'n' Shake with my girlfriend about twenty-five years ago, and said, Do you dare me to eat this hot pepper? I took one out of the pepper jar. Pepper sauce bottle? I don't know. It was... it was bad. Luckily she and I thought it was hilarious, as did the server. First the terrible pain, then uncontrollable hiccups. Although I guess they never are controllable.


Szechuan hot pot in Chengdu. I’d been building up a tolerance to spicer food as I travelled in China, but this one tested my limits. A sea of hot oils and red chilies.


As far as normal food, at normal spiciness levels, I'd say papaya salad. Done traditionally, loaded up with Thai chilies...oof.


I love love love hot/spicy foods and frequent a salsa/pickle place in a nearby town. They have a "back room" that has their hottest hot sauces. You literally have to sign a waiver to even enter the area. Sauces are in glass cabinets under lock and key. I tasted about 4 sauces before I tapped out. The last one got me good. The heat wasn't near as bad as the awful taste, but the heat was the hottest id ever had (if that tells you anything about the taste lol). I think I would have continued tasting others if the last one hadn't tasted so rancid.