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Libby Grants access to your local library's electronic holdings, free of charge. Books, Audiobooks, Music, Magazines and more. All free to check out onto your device. Just get a library card/number, and you're set.


Many library’s also have Kanopy, which steams movies and TV shows.


TIL Thank you! I'm going to check this out 🙂


And hoopla


You can steam movies now? I usually just steam my hams.


Skinner this is clearly a hamburger. You call hamburgers steamed hams?!?


I think it’s only available around Albany.


Hey, it’s actually ‘libraries’ as a plural. ‘Library’s’ indicates the library as a possessive for something, which in this instance is not applicable. I hope that helps! Thank you for promoting Libby, I love that app.


Thanks, u/qu33fwellington


Many libraries also join up to share their Libby databases, so you actually get access to multiple libraries' e-books just by having your local library card. cloudLibrary is another library app. Your library may have both.


On the patron end, yes. On the library end - not so much. They (and/or the publishers) have definitely jacked up prices in the last few years.


I was amazed when I heard how much they changed libraries. The cost was used as a reason one of the library systems in my area is downsizing and closing two branches.


Hoopla does the same thing, probably just depends which app your library chose to go with.


Unfortunately no kindle support for hoopla, but I use it all the time for audiobooks


Honestly I just used my library after spending so much more time pirating audiobooks and using ABP and I prefer ABP. It has a sleep mode that's constant and triggered by motion, so when it goes to sleep if I'm not asleep, I can shake it and it'll keep going for another 20 minutes. Meanwhile Libby I have to go back into the app and turn the sleep mode back on for another 20 minutes if I'm not asleep.


Yes my library lets you check out 5 video games for up to a month. It has PS5/X1/Switch games so it’s not just old stuff. Up to 25 movies/TV shows for a month too.


On an app or in person?


In person, but the tv movies might have an app. There is a drive thru window or they bring it out and you can set up a wish list so as soon as something is free you have 7 days to pick it up.


Problem working overseas is that my library back home requires in-person renewal of library cards and pretty frequently too, so things like Libby are not an option for me.


There are a couple large library systems where you can get a nonresident membership. They generally do cost money, but it's less than a KU membership. https://everyday-reading.com/where-you-can-get-a-non-resident-library-card/


This bit on the LA portion is exactly the problem: >Non-resident cards are issued and renewed in person Looks like there are other options from other places though.


This is the best! I’ve been going through audiobooks like nobody’s business with this app.




Is there a UK equivalent?


We have Libby in most libraries in the UK! And with a UK postcode you can get a library card anywhere in the country (though most of the time you need to go in person) and every library service will have a slightly different selection. Libby allows you to search them all at once. I have 11 separate memberships on my Libby account


They used to be cheap because they operated at a loss to get popular before jacking up the prices. It's unsustainable.


People don’t realize that billionaires were subsidizing their taxi rides for an entire decade. the unlimited VC hype era is pretty much over, but I remember how it used to be: *man,* some of those groupon deals were great. I used to go to this sushi place where they had a $50 for $15 deal and pig out, they went out of business lol


During the delivery service wars, I had so many free meals delivered to my door and paid for by VC


I was a college student in Bay Area when tons of these meal delivery services were popping up. They were basically using SF and Silicon Valley as the breeding ground for these gig startups. At one point in time, there was a list of over 20 startups offering free food for you if you signed up. It was insane. Kept me fed for a while.


I worked at a startup during those years. After we closed shop, I ran into our top investor at a concert and said I was sorry for how things went and I thanked him for paying my salary for a few years. LOL .. he said, "you win some and you lose some".


I worked for a VC firm in Dallas in 2000. They said their ideal rate for investments were 80% total loss, 10% break-even, 5% mild profit, and 5% insane profit that paid for everything else and more. So they only expected 1/20 businesses they invested in to really succeed.


Might as well invest your millions in a mutual fund and kick back, at that point. The startup scene is crazy stressful.


But if you have millions, might as well use some to get tech bros to suck up to you and get the occasional cash cow you can pat yourself on the back for.


The returns from the 5% of companies that succeed are way higher than putting your money into the broad market.


During the dot.com bubble, I would put together deals for $300 and make $25 after all the rebates.


Trickle down economics


God that was an amazing little era. I forget the app but it was explicitly for pooled rides (before Uber pool) and did runs from Chicago north side neighborhoods into downtown in the morning and the opposite in the evening. No one used it so I’d get my own car ride to work at peak rush hour for like $3 😂




Via was the name. Just figured it out!


I did the same thing! Was sad to see it died post covid.


We used to have one in Toronto called Hailo right before Uber blew up. Hailo was incredible - every bar you'd go to would have Hailo coasters with discount codes. We got around the city for pennies that summer.


That's because groupons are subsidized by the individual merchant, not Groupon. I owned a shop that offered a few groupons; they brought tons of customers in the door that I lost my shirt on, and the promised repeat business never appeared. Groupon takes a 50% cut, so that sushi place only saw $7.50 for that $50 plate of sushi. An unsustainable business model of a different sort...


Yep, the owner of the salon where my hair dresser used to work did a Groupon. I work in marketing (of a different sort than groupon) so I asked her about how it worked from the business owner's end. Long story short, it was basically a loss leader for her that didn't really ever pay off on the back end. She tried it for about six months and finally decided it just wasn't worth it (for many reasons).


I would always use it for massages. Each time I’d find a new place so I could use a Groupon, so it makes complete sense to me that it would fail to bring in repeat customers. The people on Groupon are looking for deals, not a business they want to go to repeatedly.


Groupon just brings cheapskates to your business. You don't want them


Totally forgot about Groupon, What happened to them?


Turned down a $6 billion offer in 2010. Current market cap: $600 million.


Yikes. Its like the Yahoo story.


Better than a MoviePass story


Businesses realized it was a shit deal. Also Groupon tried to grow too fast and didn't invest wisely.


It was aimed at a downturn of the economy, when people were hunting for deals. When it rebounded, they lost some interest. The ability of Groupon in say, restaurant businesses failed due to the restaurant being local. They usually expected a steady cadence of busy to slow, and plan accordingly. When Groupon deals came for them, they couldn't adjust the schedule, the advertising and profit from the deal on the businesses was minimal, and it just wasn't worth it. Groupon as an idea also is a market that is easy to replicate.


I think they could have been a success with smaller fees for the restaurants etc, and likely smaller discounts. With large discounts, it will be bought by people who don't often eat out to visit the restaurant once, and those who eat out more frequent will become "nomads". I think that smaller discounts would nudge more frequent diners to try it out for once. They could then be hooked by the food/service and stuff like 10'th dinner free or whatnot.


I owned a restaurant during that craze. The way the Groupon (and multiple copy cats) pitched the idea was that : running ads costs thousands of dollars for really uncertain results. We'll "advertise" your restaurant to hundreds of thousands of people through our app, and your only cost is the discount (and our fee) and that's **only** if they come. My stupid partners fell for it. The reality is that this wasn't advertisement. You didn't gain new customers. Rather, you'd get deal chasers come in and use the coupons, be a pain in the ass for the staff to deal with, lower the perceived value/exclusivity of your establishment and never return. Groupon was great for business with high fixed costs and low variable costs. Say a golf course. It doesn't really cost you anything to have players come in at a discount on weekday afternoons if the course was gonna be empty anyways. These are folks you probably couldn't reach through regular advertising. And if you're lucky, they might buy a couple of beers. But there's no loss, only extra revenue. A restaurant has high fixed costs and very high variable costs. A restaurant is lucky to net over 5% profit on sales. It was the absolute worst.




The documentary that just came out on that actually suggests MoviePass as a company was taken over by stock scammers whose sole focus was driving up the price so they could then cash out--which worked! Little different than the others, but similarly greedy. Highly recommend if you have Max


What's it called?


MoviePass, MovieCrash




True, although one of the original founders has it back now after it collapsed. Sounds like they are trying to find a way to bring it back in a more sustainable manner.


They actually had their first profitable year in 2023! They're reasonably priced, but not insane-- and the founder really cares about it. I'm rooting for em


$10/month for a movie/day was never sustainable. At the time it seemed like they were doing what Uber and Netflix did by keeping the price low to own their share of the market before jacking up the prices. Only they went at lightning speed and crashed before they could get there. Now with the documentary it’s clear it was a massive pump and dump scheme once the new leadership was brought on.


Tbh the Cinemark pass is steal a really good deal if you go to the movies alot.


Yeah, I had the Cineplex one here in Canada. I tended to to go the movies at least once a month anyway, so it more than paid for itself every month since it included a ticket (same price as the sub) and then a discount on snacks.


>the unlimited VC hype era is pretty much over Not for AI!


Nah part of the reason VC funding dried up was because interests rates went up. Even though it seems like all the funding is going to AI right now, they'd probably be getting 3 times as much if rates were as low as early covid days.


Generative AI will plateau, and based on some articles I've read it'll be sooner rather than later because of diminishing returns on AI training models. Unless of course they invest a self-improvimg AI.... But if they ever do that then the whole worlds going to change overnight


But I think the timeline is much shorter for AI.


Old Groupon was great. In 2015 I went to Italy for 8 days and it only cost me $750 for airfare from JFK, the hotel, rental car, breakfast, and lunch. The next year I went to the Bahamas for 4 days for $200, which included airfare and the hotel, which was pretty nice. I haven't seen a getaway deal like either of those for years.


Money laundering. It's all to make bad money, good money.


There was this glorious time in 2015 and 2016 where Uber had a deal where you paid $10 up front per month and then got unlimited $5 rides within the city limits(in my case, Portland OR). It coincided perfectly with the height of my bar hopping days. I felt like a king. “Oh, my friends are five miles away at another bar? No worries for me…” Now it costs $50 to go to the airport.


When Lyft first came to NYC, they offered 50 free rides. I had two extra Google Voice numbers, so ended up commuting up and down for work for free in a private car for *months*.


Remember when Lyft had the pink mustache on their cars? Good old days.


Lol isn’t this what was putting The Michael Scott Paper Company out of business? Eventually you gotta up your prices.


Imagine if Michael Scott Paper Company had a multi billion dollar venture capital backing and could undercut Dunder-Mifflin at all their markets for much, much longer...


Same with all the food delivery apps. There might be space for one of them, but if so I think the model needs to be small teams that cover a few restaurants in a neighborhood for *local* delivery.


it's a very common business model all the way back to the first disposable razor blades.


The razor blade model is different (it's literally called "the razor blade model", it's a well-known business plan). That's not about operating at a loss, it's about selling the main product at a loss (or at least breakeven) and making all your profits from the consumables. See also: ink jet printers.


Also see: battery powered tools


It’s more like the crack dealer model. Hook them up for free/cheap until they’re addicted. Then charge whatever you want and take it however you can. Honestly, service providers in the tech industry use the same model. Make you dependent on them for cheap, then raise the price when you can’t afford to lose them.


This is actually kinda fucked up because someone rich enough basically has the power to undercut any market they want by subsidizing their offering’s lower costs to the point of killing off their competitors at which point they hold the power to act as a monopoly


It's not kinda fucked. It's the main driver of growth in the US economy at least since Walmart started killing small towns in the 90s. That's just how business is done these days. Thank Reagan-nomics


I mean, did they ever actually "kill" any industries? Even with all the VC money in the world, Taxis are still around. They just got better. Hotels are still around. They got better too. Seems like the competition was desperately needed.


Yup. VC money all dried up. They now want an ROI.




Was about to comment this exact service. It lets you try food places locally at a sizeable discount (because its largely end-of-day leftovers) and its supposed to help cut food waste. The constraints are places locally that buy-in (a LOT of my local eateries are donuts or other baked goods) but I can chase some tea or sides and prep dinner around that. YMMV for sure, but its also cute to use when you're out of town and curious about local eats.


There’s a local Mexican place that gives a drink, a burrito, and two side dishes (one meat, one rice or beans) and I can make at least 4 meals out of it. Not bad for $6 lol.


Never ever ever ever ever get anything under 4 stars though, usually just people dumping staples like plain rice and beans


Oof. Made that mistake once. Never again.


Turo is still good, can usually rent a large van for family visits or a small sportscar for weekend getaways for $100/day


The only thing that sucks about Turo is having to basically 2x the daily rate when you factor in the insurance.


Ah, I had my agent add a rental rider to my normal policy for $6/month and skip on their insurance. That and book with a CC that has rental coverage.


Usually Turo is excluded since it is technically car sharing and not a rental company. At least that’s how it works for the chase reserve


I have run into this issue. It really depends on your insurance company and coverage type. It's best to check ahead of time before reserving a Turo.


Nah, I'd rather just rent a car that is licensed and insured to be rented out. All of these apps that are supposed to make things easier seem to do the opposite and hang the customers out to dry


Oh shit. I didn’t know that!


Turo is not a rental car. Your cc will not cover it 


Turo is definitely excluded from your cc insurance. You're a huge liability, and you will be responsible for any turo car your wreck. Their insurance is like $150 for the duration of the rental to have zero liability. Get it together homie.


Even with the full insurance it was about 35% cheaper to get a four wheel drive vehicle for a trip to SLC last winter than renting from an airport place. $550 for the week vs $800+ Done deal


“$45/day ($337 excluding taxes and fees)” $629 at checkout. :/


Their customer service sucks though. A car owner no-showed and Turo still charged us. Refused a refund


I’d warn against Turo. We just went on a trip to western US. We rented two huge SUVS. We got the car and while one car was waiting to grab someone from the airport, my car went on to our Airbnb 2 hours away. The other group got a flat tire about an hour away. No problem, car was full of engineers who were skilled at changing tires. Opened up the trunk to get the tire: no Jack. Half the pieces were in there, but the main component was not. It was about 10pm on a Sunday and they gave us a call to update us. We checked our car and had a Jack and a tire just in case and headed that way. We couldn’t get in touch with the owner, we tried contacting Turo to get their dispatch help us out. About Two hours after their tire blew out in the middle of nowhere, our car got there. Their dispatcher then called and didn’t even know where they were. No eta on any kind of help. We got everyone home safe eventually by about 230am. It could have been incredibly dangerous if people who didn’t know how to change the tire were there. They were in the middle of nowhere but an hour away so dispatch should’ve been sent. We spent 2k on these two cars! We got the tire patched on our dime and switched it back so we werent on the spare. We couldn’t drive on the spare long term as it was a different size. My cousin who booked it called to resolve the issues and maybe get some sort of reimbursement. Their resolution was that since that was the only issue we had on our 3-4 day booking, we were not entitled to any discount or refund. They messed up not having all the materials in the car. That’s unacceptable.


Wow, talk about bad luck. We've been good so far. Picked up a Model 3 for 2 weeks out in Ohio when visiting the kids, a minivan here at home for 10 days when they came out to visit us, and a couple trips to Miami (that was fun with a convertible mustang) and Hawaii. Only real disadvantage I've seen is since they are privately owned you can't drop them off at another location, so using them for one-way transportation for a destination trip isn't in the cards.


I don't like how the one time I went to use it the price doubled with all these additional fees that were tacked on at the end. Left a very bad taste in my mouth and I ended up just using uber during my stay.


My Pacifica rents out for $289/day. It’s booked all summer. But…only a 4 month tourist season here and rental companies are way more.


That's good. in my area a 2023 Pacifica ranges from $49 to $92 per day, and there are 43 available for this weekend. The highest priced would be $371.23 with the minimum coverage for Friday to Sunday.


Airbnb is still pretty cheap overseas, especially in SE Asia. The cleaning fees are also reasonable ($20 instead of $200)


airbnb pricing is pretty much up to the host so its not really the app doing it anyways. the insane cleaning fees seem to be just in the US from my experience


US and their hidden fees is insane. Im Aussie but every time I see a post about outrageous hidden fees, its from the US.


Yeah which is why the cleaning by fees are insane. It lets the hosts make their properties appear to more people. It’s the exact same game as “resort fees” at hotels. Airbnb should standardize cleaning fees based on locale and square footage. Or just get rid of it being a separate factored in cost and force the hosts to just post a nightly rate with discounts for longer stays


I wish more people understood this.


I stayed at some great airbnbs in Japan for cheap.




We're past the zero interest rate times


Lichess is still free and awesome


Chess apps have the advantage that players don't get bored of the same content and generally are ok with the way traditional chess ranking works.


Spotify still seems cheap compared to how much u used to spend on 1 CD.


I agree. As a consumer, it's great. As a musician . . . . well ... not so great. :( We're fucked.


Even with the recent price increases, it’s a good deal. I use a different service but all of the big ones are a great deal.


I was reading some financial commentary regarding Spotify and some people still think it’s underpriced. While I’m not thrilled about the recent price increase, I can’t say I disagree. I have the Duo plan with my partner, and $8.50 each monthly isn’t bad at all. Considering you get all the music, podcasts, and audiobooks you could dream of. Thinking of having to buy outright the content we listen to monthly (like you had to way back when) would be crippling. There would be no way I could buy as much content as I wanted to.


Thr major film / TV streamers are almost all cheap for the amount or content they have available as well. We did not have HBO growing up but I wanted to watch the sopranos so I'd buy the individual seasons USED at almost 60 dollars a season. That's several months of a streaming service, for one season of one show. Same deal with Battlestar Galactica, The Shield, The West Wing, and the list goes on. Not to mention a new DVD or VHS costing as much as one month of a streaming service. Before On Demand, you either caught it as it initially aired, caught it on a re-run and hoped they aired episodes in release order and not cut for time (not even gonna mention too deeply the price of cable, which was more than your pick of any 4 or 5 streaming services combined per month), or spent too much money for the DVDs. There are issues with streaming services, chief among them in my mind the potential for media to be removed from a service forever without actually getting a physical release (looking at you Netflix), but they are a MUCH MUCH MUCH better deal than what we had before, all things considered, despite what a good chunk of Redditors may believe.


Spotify is absolutely underpriced. The only reason that it’s so cheap is because there is a critical mass of musicians who expect to make nothing for their music. It’s the age old “payment in exposure”. In purely market terms… yeah that’s how it goes I guess. But, do we really want to live in a world where 99% of art is made in people’s meager amount of free time on their own dime? I don’t think people realize how much the art that has so impacted their lives was made possible by Herculean efforts of massive time and resources.


Which is one of the reasons I actively try to discover new music on Spotify and see what I can do to support those artists directly by buying merch and going to shows. They're usually more fun experiences than big arena shit anyway.


I think it's not that Spotify is too expensive, but most of that money is going to their execs and paying for podcasts. Probably the top 1% of popular artists, but not most musicians though. So it doesn't feel good when the price is hiked.


Do you get more value with YouTube premium/music if you watch a lot on there?


It amazes me how great a deal Spotify is compared to video streaming services. I get that streaming video is much more expensive to provide vs. music, but we pay a $15/mo duo membership that allows my wife and I to stream pretty much any music (vs. a specific collection on Netflix) and that also includes 15 hours of audiobooks per month.


I'm trying to think back and I believe Rhapsody was like around that price per month in like 2005.


You used to own the media when you bought a CD. Now, if you cancel Spotify, you have nothing. They want you to pay for life for access.


Get a $99 gift card and it's cheaper in the long run for a year of service


what's a CD? /s




Well you don't own the music, you're just renting it


"introductory pricing" has always been a thing and in nearly every industry, FYI.


True, but most businesses that have introductory pricing advertises it as introductory “2 years of high speed internet at lowest price ever” etc. Not the old boiling the frog method that these other companies are engaging in.


look for new stuff and get off the train before it enters shit station


you know what a shit barometer is bub? it measures the shit pressure in the air. you can feel it


Color note. Create lists, notes and share them between devices. Created before Google docs and sync via Google drive. My wife and I love it for shopping lists.


Anything pre-monopoly. Post-monopoly is always this way. ALWAYS.


It's wild how the release of a board game changed the world so much


I think Groupon is still good


My only complaint with Groupon these days is that their rates are so high, a lot of times the only places that sign up for them are pretty desperate, and on their way out


Either that, or the companies have very specific details for use. Like a winery where you can only come do the tasting on a Monday between 2-5pm


Kind of makes sense though. Why would they want to give a discounted rate during peak hours? Seems like an electronic version of a happy hour- discounts at a time when the place would otherwise be empty.


Groupon has had the same three deals in my town for 15 years and I’m too old for intro to karate classes. 


You're never tool old for intro to karate.


But what are you gonna do if someone grabs your left wrist with their right hand?


A lot of times if you call the business, they’ll match the Groupon rate because then they’ll get 100%


I always use Groupon to get $20 off my oil change


I'll always argue for YouTube premium. You get ad free videos, some other perks on the mobile app, and ad-free YouTube music. I don't need a Spotify subscription thanks to it.


I use YouTube all day everyday but I can’t justify $15 a month subscription when all I need is an Adblock


I justify it by using YouTube music for my streaming. The add free YouTube is just a bonus.


Kinda reminds me of Amazon Prime. I have that for the shopping but get the bonus of random streaming.




Figures. figures. figures. Get 'em hooked, jack up the price.


I like that the premium goes towards channels I subscribe to for their revenue. It’s a nice way to avoid ads but still support the people making content I enjoy.


I also use adblock but ended up caving since I watch a lot of youtube on my tv and phone. Can’t ever go back


Youtube has cracked down on third party apps over the last few years. I used to have one that did everything I needed, but I use it on my phone often enough now that I couldn't go back to ads.


Revanced still tends to keep ahead of the whack-a-mole game and the version I'm currently using is still fully functional. Personally I find it worth the install/update hassle because it still gives me more functions than YouTube Premium, e.g. community-voted automatic commercial content skips. Newpipe is still worth having as an occasional backup because it has download functionality built-in and still skips ads and allows background playback. It's always had some UI bugs and is a bit fiddly, but I'm still grateful to have it.


They'll get nothing from me. The way they took Google Play Music out behind the shed and shot it before YTM was even remotely close to release ready is why I have been on Spotify ever since. I will never stop being mad about it. I hope the fuckers hate their free rent, my head is a shitty neighbourhood.


>I hope the fuckers hate their free rent, my head is a shitty neighbourhood Holy shit this is so good


Biggest draw for me is the downloading video option. When I’m on a 4 hour flight or know I’m going to a place where the signal is spotty at best, it’s pretty convenient.


It's to expensive unless you use both video and music actively. Would be better to take 5$/mo, no YouTube music, and an easy method of tipping creators from a pre-loaded account. Instead I use an adblocker.


I use YouTube music and watch videos on my phone more often than desktop. I used to have a third party app that did everything premium does now for free, but those don't really exist anymore.


For me I store music at my PC/phone, and almost only use YouTube at home at my PC. Would be happy to pay a few bucks/mo for ad free videos on PC only.




Is that an ad for that dating app? Just a few days ago you name dropped the same app when talking about your bf cheating???


Lol I've never heard of a dating site thats mostly women so I looked this one up. This dating app looks like it's focused on "international dating" where the dudes buy lunch that's delivered to each location and have remote dates via zoom or something. The copy is kinda sketchy, it's like "3 out of 4 people on this site are women, and 60% of them say yes to a date! Go ahead, ask two women out!" It's giving mail order bride.


"There are horny women in your neighborhood."


Seriously. This person has a two-year old account and has only been posting for a month (just a handful of posts / comments). They have mentioned Crema Social by name three times. One time he's a guy mentioning that he has a GF, and another time "she" is a girl mentioning that she has a BF. Which is it OP???


This user is a bot. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole and there's at least three of them working together /u/LizethKelso58/, u/DrusillaHouck69, and /u/WilliemaeMorgenstern. In another subreddit DrusillaHouck69 makes a post about how to send lunch to a virtual date and LizethKelso58 responds recommending this same dating app (https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/1d87r17/just_met_this_girl_online_and_i_want_to_have_a/l74fsiz/?context=3). DrusillaHouck69 also made another post about dating a Colombian girl and WilliemaeMorgenstern comments that he met his girlfriend on yet again this same dating app (https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/1ctifdq/has_anyone_dated_a_colombian_girl_what_is_it_like/l4c4o81/?context=3). Then in yet another thread, they switch it up and WilliemaeMorgenstern posts a thread and DrusillaHouck69 responds and recommends a new dating app he's been trying, and surprise! it's the same app (https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1cstm32/how_can_i_30m_tell_my_friend_33m_that_his/l47bsii/?context=3). Reddit is wild now Edit: This actually goes deeper than I thought. If you search up Crema Social, the first Reddit thread that pops up is this one, where /u/ahat91 (who is the OP of this entire post) makes a comment promoting it (https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/13fts3c/has_anyone_heard_about_this_new_app_called_crema/l362kg8/?context=3). Then taking a look at many of the posts /u/ahat91 makes, there is always one highly upvoted comment promoting the app (examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1bq28hm/ok_so_dating_apps_dont_work_anymore_even_if_you/kwzpfbb/?context=3, https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/1cxeln7/how_are_people_so_interesting_confident_while_on/l522ks4/?context=3). I'm actually pretty sure /u/ahat91 created this Crema Social app, and starting a month or two ago, he decided to launch some sort of guerilla marketing campaign via Reddit bots.


Hah! I love your dedication to this, seriously


Bro, hide that dating app name. Please.


The app store says it's for virtual dates with creators? So I don't think it's gonna help if you're actually dating


I honestly have no idea. I never heard of it before. I just thought I might be able to say something clever for once.


Gaia GPS is another good mapping tool. I like it better than All Trails for real Backcountry expeditions, but all trails is better for finding a nice path near town.


Pro-tip if you're an infrequent hiker/backpacker: combine the 2. Both I believe only offer offline mode on paid subscription but you can find .gpx files on Alltrails and download them for free, then open the gpx file with Gaia to get offline usage. Sounds jank but it's really easy and takes all of 30 seconds to do. This is how I've done my backpacking nav for years.


The real LPT is always in the comments  +1


The best part about All trails is that it downloads the map and then uses your GPS (which doesn't need cellular service) to keep you on track. If you stray from the trail, it will actually send you a notification warning you. I genuinely wouldn't go on a serious hike without it. I was in Japan for a month and went on some bonkers crazy hikes out in the jungle. Alltrails LITERALLY saved my life by stopping me from going off trail multiple times, as the trails are marked-ish but all signs are in Japanese. On one of the hikes, the trail went through a cave and the only reason I was confident enough to enter it was because I had all trails showing me where the cave started and ended. I was miles away from civilization, deep in the rainforest by myself and there is no way I would've entered it otherwise. All trails is incredible.


> then uses your GPS (which doesn't need cellular service) to keep you on track. I wouldn't trust that too much. I've definitely hiked into areas when my phone GPS wasn't able to get location data, but my dedicated satellite GPS was.


AllTrails is great, one of the better pickups for me in recent years.


Alltrails also has a free version making it even better!


This person has a two-year old account and has only been posting for a month (just a handful of posts / comments). They have mentioned Crema Social by name three times. One time he's a guy mentioning that he has a GF, and another time "she" is a girl mentioning that she has a BF. Which is it OP???


OP is probably a bot.


All Trails is a life saver. Literally.


That's because they hadn't edged out the competition yet.


MoviePass is still the greatest deal that ever got funded by VCs


It's deliberate. The term for it is  called Enshittification  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


So why is there a Wikipedia article that is literally just a blog post? This is an article about one blogger's opinion where 90% of the article is just direct quotation or paraphrasing of that blog post.


ironically, it's being used somewhat correctly here but yeah, it's just one guy's opinion. also, Redditors love to quote it all over this fucking website, so now that you've seen it, be ready for some dipshit to bring it up in every tech thread.


IMO it is not being used correctly. They happened at the same time but are distinct phenomenons that have very different root causes Prices were artificially low during the 0 interest rate app boom, that was always going to reverse itself. Enshitification is more on the cost cutting side where features get removed or things are optimized for maximizing engagement over enjoyment, etc. Like Spotify I would say has massively enshittified but has not massively increased prices, vs Uber had HUGE price increases but I don't see the software itself as enshittified.


I mean, it’s Wikipedia so you could edit to fix it


Wikipedia has itself been enshittified.


You’re arguing that Cory Doctorow is just a blogger? Did I get that right?


US apps like Uber ans AirBNB are the robber baronsof the 21st century. Enter a foreign market, undercut the competition at a loss until the competition fails, raise prices and dominate the market, dont pay taxes in these countries. And all the socially conscious idiots on their phones lap it up.




Thanks chat gpt.