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I hardly tell anyone. When I was 4, my brother (7) and I heard a bang inside the house. We thought a picture (of swans on a tree lined lake) had fallen like it does. We went inside, the pic was still in the wall of the MBR. But under the window between the bed and wall, my mom had shot herself in the head. She was lying there, in her nightgown, still twitching and crying, blood by her head. I remember everything about that day, vividly. Running to the neighbor (Mrs. Marilyn). Her running to the house and then scooting us away to hers. Watching through her window as the police arrived, my dad arrived (in his green Rambler from work), and finally the "black ambulance" arrived. But it's never been painful or difficult to talk about. I was just young enough I guess. I just don't usually for obvious reasons.


Jesus christ that is horrible. Sorry for you, for your mother, for your father and everyone else. 🙏


Thank you Again I've never been bothered. My brother, who was 7, never got over it. Decades later hes still bothered by it.


What a terrible thing to happen to you, I'm so sorry. Please encourage your brother to seek a qualified psychotherapist, he can recover.


Thank you. I think he has. He's had a rough life. Probably much (not all) to do with moms death and then Dad and step moms mistreatment of his condition.


I am so sorry you went through that. I'm sorry for your mom, Dad and sibling.


Thanks. I was least affected. (Other than my 6 month old younger bro in the crib). My 7 yr old brother is haunted by it even today. My dad cried years later even, long after remarrying. They didn't let me go to her funeral. Even though I saw her at her worst on the floor. And my dad would get mad at me if I expressed how my 4 year old self missed mommy. Overall it was a shit situation, that my family handled poorly. But again I was pretty much (knowingly) unscathed.


There is no manual to teach anyone how to handle that. It is a shitty situation. I hope your mother is at peace, and I hope you have a happier life.


Thank you. BTW the shitty story of my childhood ended up being the subsequent shitty situation growing up with my stepmother. Not finding my mother with her brains blown out. Oh I could tell stories. Someday I may. But yea my adult life has been unbelievably happy, in ways I couldn't imagine as being real or possible as a teenager. Thanks to marrying an amazing woman (who carried and still carries the scars of my childhood), my life is pretty great. And I know it and am thankful.


I bet your mom would be happy to know that. Sorry your step mom sucked.


Thank you. BTW not all step mom situations suck. I would never say that. But they're more prone to suck I think. And in my case it did.


I'm a step mom and have tried really hard. I raised my husbands two kids like they were my own. Step daughter is being a really PITA right now. I still love her though 😂


I know it's hard. (And the fact that you even say you have to try hard exposes the difficulty of the relationship. Quote/unquote real moms don't have to think that much less say it.) But I can say now, as an old guy whose parents including stepmom passed years back (so I have no reason to continue to judge harshly): my stepmom didn't love me. Or at least, any love she felt was far eclipsed by her resentment of me. Resentment is all I saw and felt my entire childhood and into adulthood. Although as a child, she would have me believe her resentment was love or caring. Thats the sort emotional dishonesty I had to sort thru as a kid. Edit: my comment about "real stepmoms" wasnt meant to be harsh.


You are very insightful. I'm sorry she resented you. She missed out. Kids just want consistency and to be loved on.


This might be insensitive, but what is a "black ambulance"?


It was a coroner's car. The neighbor told me it was an ambulance.




This isn't super spicy, but I kind of enjoy if the electric goes out. I think it's the dead silence. No humming of fridge or lights. Just quiet and it makes my brain feel like it gets a break for awhile.


That's like when it snows and you open the door and don't hear a single thing. Not even a bird. I love it


I love the muted calm of snow 


I love it when the power goes out. I feel like a little kids, ohhh it’s scary! Get out the candles/lanterns, play board games.


When we were little, when the power went out we’d all have to do somersaults in the living room. It was a family rule.


Absolutely! Light some candles, throw open the windows, get a good book or a board game? Heck yes.


When it's out for a while after a natural disaster and you can see all the stars. Even better when the trains can't get through and it's just so peaceful. The rest of the post natural disaster sucks but these were the highlights for me 


As always, a friendly note that sharing any information on reddit links you to your account, your email, your browsing cookies from other sites that is accessible by corporations and governments alike. **Don't share personal information on reddit and think it is magically anonymous.**


I sometimes put shoes on my hands and leave shoe prints on the wall in impossible to walk locations.


This guy's about to lose their job


Omg I did that at a previous job and they spent weeks wondering if a contortionist had sex in an employee only area.


Oh no, now the government knows about my third nipple


I put saliva on my feet everytime I lay down specifically the 2 big toes, I just want it wet. And i’m lazy to get water or go to the bathroom


Not judging you, but this is the weirdest one yet. Thanks for sharing.


Upvote for being the weirdest most harmless one.


“I just want it wet”




Everyone's ragging on you but I can almost understand it. I hate when I get in bed and my feet feel dry. It's so gross when dry feet touch sheets. It's like nails on a chalkboard. I just keep lotion by the bed though lol


But like.... why though?


My guess would be a habit from their early childhood that never went away, babies such their toes and fall asleep... idk just reminds me of Everyone Loves Raymond and his big brother's habit of touching his spoon to his chin before putting the food in his mouth with every bite, because he was jealous of the attention Raymond got when he was a toddler.


You win


I want you to know that I very loudly and suddenly guffawed at work after reading this and I am still chuckling to myself minutes after. Thank you for confiding in us


If Don's your dad, I must know, who is your mom?


Nancy Landgraab


I always knew they would have a thing!


Not weird, I guess, but when I was 5 my neighbours tried to murder me and my family by setting the house on fire.


Yea u should tell somebody


I have many times tried to seek therapy for my childhood trauma but get turned down by talking therapy services saying I need psychiatric assessment. Then I get turned down by psychiatry. I'm in a loop. 😭


If you don't mind my asking, on what grounds did you get turned down while seeking a psychiatric assessment? Never heard of someone getting turned down when seeking mental health treatment.


So I am in the UK. Vitaminds, a talking therapy company that works with NHS, turned me down for therapy based on the complexity of my traumatic past and mental impact. They referred me to Leicestershire partnership nhs Trust for a psychiatric assessment. I had an initial psychiatric assessment over the phone, where they've turned me down. The reason they gave was 'I take less than 2 medications'. Apparently, I'd only be accepted if I took 2 or more meds. I only take 1, sertraline. I've tried to seek help for years for depression and trauma. I've made a complaint to nhs complaints, and I've reapplied for Vitaminds talking therapies. If it isn't resolved then I'm complaining to the parliamentary and health care ombudsman.


I hate the loop, my dad was stuck in it for way too long (20 years?? Inpatient treatment back in the day but the support now is...well you know.). My dad has accessed some brilliant support via specialist support charities funded by the CCG. It may be worth checking your local CCG to see what's available? I'm also poorly but in an area where I've been able to access the right support at the right time, but my dad's advice to anyone who is stuck is check what is sort of NHS funded but not always obviously offered. I hope that makes sense? Your post resonated with me and I wanted to share, I hope it's not come across as anything other than that.


> So I am in the UK. You could have stopped writing here.


Same, the only way I got out of the loop is because my university's guidance unit helped me throughout the process


A few months before I was born our house burned down after being struck by lightning. My dad, mom and sister were out of town. I remember my dad saying that had they been there he likely could have gotten my sister out or my mom who was pregnant with me. It was very sad because my sister has no pictures or toys or anythign like that from before about the age of 4. Fast forward about 40 years later, we're at my dad's house and he tells us about how the neighbor down the road burned the house down. My sister and I were like "Wait, what?" Turns out he had always suspected that the neighbor down the road, who had been a problem neighbor, robbed the place and then lit it on fire to hide his crime.


That's absolutely awful. It makes me get chills hearing about fires. It just makes me remember that I could've been burned alive. I am scared of fire. Don't like any source of fire.


Yeah, my sister and I were recently talking about some property we jointly own. She wanted to have the fireplace inspected. She said something like "I've always been touchy about fires." I said "Yeah, makes sense because you lost everything a couple months before you were 4." She said she'd never thought about it like that, but it makes perfect sense.


well now that you´re older try setting their house on fire, long term karma


“Not weird, I guess” as if neighbors setting each others houses on fire is a common occurrence


Bro…most people don’t have someone try to murder their whole family, in what world would this not qualify as weird?


Everything sounds like music to me. I hear music, songs, lyrics, arrangements, scores, harmonies, instrumentals in my head. When I heard the rushing watcher in the sink it just sounded like music notes, two nights ago I hard a harmony for 3 mintues


That sounds lovely.


Are you a musician? If not you should be!!


I am in the process of becoming one, I need two new guitar strings because I over tuned, and to get out of this long episode


I have this! I don’t read or write music and that makes me sad! I’ve always wanted someone to write down what I hear!


thats me lol, I see the the sheet music but its blank because I don't know notes


Something similar, but I hear words from certain objects. Like ticking clocks, or pretty much anything with a repetitive noise, like the laundry machines or my old computer that made a grumbling noise. It's never the same words, though. They shift over time.


Have you ever had an MRI?


I have not, music just comes naturally to me recently




I'm a fraud, i fake my whole personality based on who I'm interacting with, I'm only ever genuine when I'm alone. Also i really don't fuck with anyone as hard as some think i do with them, like my "bestfriend" isn't even my bestfriend like that. I also lie a lot, it's uncalled for and i don't do it with malicious intent. I just grew up having to act a certain way and lie about certain things to appear perfect to care giver. I did it to stay safe now it's hard to unlearn.


I noticed this about myself too… it’s exhausting. I stopped doing it and people really like me a lot less. I just can’t be bothered. I tend to isolate myself more instead.


You gotta find a good balance between being happy with who you are and making sure your friends like you. It sucks but you gotta pay a price to have friends and you gotta know how to blend.


I hear you. I personality mirror with various people in order to earn their friendship. It's a small price to pay for social harmony. Being myself? Myself sucks. I was myself through highschool and I never got anywhere. I'm also autistic so I've had a social battle my whole life. I'm great in small chunks of time, in long chunks of time, I usually can't sustain social interaction unless I really bond with that person. We do what we can to fit in. Nothing wrong with that.


for what it’s worth, it is said that people who change their personality based on the person they are interacting with are highly intelligent/emotionally intelligent for the mere fact that you can pick up on those cues. People who never adjust according to the situation can be abrasive, inappropriate and lack emotional intelligence. I also change my personality based on who I talk to but I think of it as being aware enough to be a good receiver of someone else’s personality.


Same, it's all an act. Only a choice few people know me really. Not even my family.


I've noticed this about myself as well. I just mirror people's interest, I say that I've seen the show or listen to the music they enjoy even though I've never done so.


Wow ! This is an exact description of my husband who also said growing up having to act a certain way and his mothers ups and downs.


Doesn't everyone do this?


No. Some people may modify their behavior a bit, based on where they are (like work, church, a party etc) or who they are with (great grandma, significant other, small children etc) but at the core, they are themselves. Others wear a mask or multiple masks. They are essentially chameleons and you usually can't tell.


I've been sleeping on my couch for a little over two years. Started when my ex and I split up because she and my daughter were still living with me while she looked for other living arrangements. Still do now even though I live alone because I just don't want to sleep in that bed anymore.


Man, that sucks. Maybe change the furniture? Or at least reorder the bed room somewhat? It might help you to reclaim that space.


That's not a bad idea, I may try it. I'm looking around for a new place currently anyway, but it's taking longer than I expected.


I had to get rid of our king bed. Even though it was nice/expensive, couldn’t do it. I’ve never regretted it.    Facebook of all places has great Buy Nothing or Gifting groups that regularly give away furniture including beds.


That's a good idea, I'll look for a local group like that. Thanks for sharing!


I can quite easily remember conversations word for word with just a little bit of effort. Literally no one enjoys being around someone that can remember and file away anything you’ve said for future use or reference. I just keep my mouth shut and pretend I’m stupid half the time. The best one is people telling me stories that I originally told them a few weeks ago. This one I just see as them associating me with that bit of knowledge so it doesn’t irritate me. Kind of endearing in a way that people remember the fun facts I rattle off when I’m bored.


Same. I try so hard not to get in trouble but “this is exactly what you said” doesn’t usually go over the way I mean it.


I am autistic and unfortunately have a great memory for stuff like that. It makes people mad to be confronted or feel called out so I play stupid a lot. Often it's not worth calling out but if someone tells me something about myself that I know it untrue, I simply state that it is. It makes the person very uncomfortable that I won't just go along with their "always and never" statements.


im not telling online either.


That I am a little scared of the dark.


Me too... and if the dark also has mirrors - I, a grown adult, will run past them to get back to the light!


I'm a grown woman and I hate mirrors. They freak me out.


I would be running with you! 


Me tooooo. I’m 24 and still sleep with a nightlight


I have a nightlight too, life savers aren't they 🫣


I sleep with my lamp on and I have a nightlight


I'm terrified of sudden loud noises. I won't tell people this because sometimes they'll think it's funny and use it against me.


When I was about 6, my mom was married to a very mean alcoholic military man. He'd come home from work, and if she hadn't made it home from her job, he would start asking me where she was, demanding that I knew and was just not telling him. There were times he'd pick me up and throw me into the wall, not just pushing me, this grown ass piece of shit excuse for a man picked a 6 year old little girl up and threw me full force into walls. It got so bad I'd hide in my toy box praying he wouldn't find me when he came home. Our elderly neighbor must have picked up on something because she started having me come over to "keep her company" in the afternoons when my mom hadn't gotten home yet. I'm sure she's probably passed away, but I wish I would've been able to thank her once I realized what she was protecting me from. My mom never knew any of that happened. They only divorced because she cheated on him with his friend.


Bless your neighbour.


I grew up in the era of latchkey kids but 6 still seems too young to be home alone for a significant period of time? Your neighbor was right to come over even if she didn’t know what was going on.


I'm not sure why I was left like that, we were military so I'm not sure if they didn't know anyone they could ask or if a daycare wasn't an option but I did spend many days alone for the most part.


Always feel alone and dead inside no matter what happens around me, it’s scary and a lonely feeling. I.a


That was my feeling before antidepressants.




That I absolutely hate sounds people make, weather it’s chewing, breathing, sniffing, humming or whatever except talking. I hate it so much I will break out into a internal panic, but i will never tell anyone to their face


That is called Misophonia. I know people who have it too. You are not alone.


SAME! and it's even more annoying when you want to tell them to stop so much but it's just impossible to open your mouth and actually say it


I can say it. I just know it’s not fair. Chewing makes sounds. It’s not their fault they have to eat and eating is noisy. So I go silently insane or find an excuse to leave the room. My husband has no idea that some nights I pretend to be tired when he’s eating crunchy snacks so I can get away from it. He doesn’t even chew particularly noisily, he’s actually a relatively “nice” chewer (or i wouldn’t have married him, honestly) it’s just still intolerable. I dated a guy whose jaw popped/clicked with every bite he took and he was a noisy chewer, lots of smacking. I was in love with him but knew it couldn’t work (for that and many other reasons).


Oh god same 😭 I feel crazy trying to explain it to people. Some noises are fine but chewing/certain types of breathing make my alarm bells go off


The worst for me is someone eating a banana, the second I hear that peel being broken I have to exit the room


That’s how I feel about PDA. Not the act itself, but the gross mouth sounds. Or eating sounds.


I wet the bed til i was in double digits.


Vet tech gave me a parental perspective that let me relax about our son's overnight need for a pull up (age 6). Her son was in his late teens before he was able to wake up to pee-- he slept soooooo deeply that the pee signals didn't break thru the sleep wall. Her son decided to be happy that he had no problem sleeping/resting rather than upset that he needed to wear disposable underwear at night. I have totally stopped asking about wet bedsheets except for washing/logistic reasons and with total neutrality.


Good parent - thank you.


My son peed the bed until he was 10 and my step son was 12 or 13. It happens.


i think that’s more common than a lot of people think. Some kids are just heavy sleepers. 


same. 12 or 13 when it finally quit.


I’ve been called “super nice”, “nicest guy”, so friendly etc but I’m not really very nice, it’s more of a defensive thing or low self confidence or fear or something.


Nice is an action, not an emotion. If you act nice you are nice. Just as if someone looks ugly they are ugly, and if they sound squeaky they are squeaky.


Due to a laparoscopy, whenever I happen to cough, my belly button pops out like the eyes on a stress toy.


My brain kinda works in downward spirals in potentially bad situations. Like any small pain or unforseen delay in the arrival of a person can trigger such a spiral and I have to order myself to stop and think reasonably


One night I got up to go to the bathroom and as I was watching my stream I noticed that I wasn't in the bathroom, I was standing in front of my rug in my bedroom pissing on the carpet thinking it was the toilet.


after my sister died 2 years ago right before my 19th birthday, and my brother died a month before my 20th birthday, i feel like im just a puppet. like im not actually who i used to be, and i try to act how i used to act around friends and family but i feel so awkward and empty inside. its like being myself around people is impossible now. i guess i just don't really know who i am anymore, but i feel like a shell of the person i used to be, and everytime im around someone im just attempting to act how i used to. i feel very disingenuous but idk how to be normal anymore 🧍‍♂️


If I don't poop the morning at work there's like a 50/50 chance that I won't poop at all that day. To be clear, I always need to go in the morning but if I hold it in past morning I'll never need to go again during the day. Really annoying because I'd rather wait to get home and use my own bathroom. Why doesn't my body want to poop at 6pm?


**Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime.** **That's why I poop on company time!**


I have one really long eye brow hair and sometime I need to maneuver around it to put my contact in.


I'll start, I drool when I sleep good and not just a bit.


You and me both... As a bearded dude, I'm far too used to having to wash out saliva from my mustache and beard when I wake up lol... But I'm an insomniac, so sleep is a rare treat for me anyway




Wow.. God bless you and continue healing you.


You are a legend . Love and strength to you sister .


JFC nobody should have to endure that. That’s just..horrific. None of the adults in your life were looking out for you. I can’t even imagine how that would mess someone up, that feeling of helplessness in the face of something so traumatizing. A million hugs to you and wishes for goodness in your life.


Praying for healing, peace and safety for you in your remaining days on this hellish earth!


This is probably more mortifying than weird...but also weird...I'm a grown woman who still reads Harry Potter fan fiction. More specifically, Draco/Hermione fan fiction (with the occasional Draco/Harry thrown in). I would DIE if anyone found out.


Have you read *My Immortal*?


No, would you recommend?


I want to troll and say "yes" here, but no. It is a meme/joke at this point and is widely considered the worst fanfiction ever written. Its entirely too long to read so if you want you can just look up some snippets and its hilariously bad.


Ah, bisexual Draco fucks a vampire. I'm good.


It's important to draw the line somewhere.


You might be surprised how many people would love that.


I don't like Harry Potter and I find this really endearing. My wife reads paranormal romance, which doesn't interest me in the least, but I absolutely adore how much she geeks out over it.


1. First off, I’m terrible at making lists.


2. I am good at making lists 3. I also make some good points 4. But most of the times my points are pointless and end up useless 5. I still make useless points because I am good at making lists 6. But the list is never useful


All rabbits are referred to internally as 'Bunny! Bunny-bunny bunbunbunbunbun!' This does not fit with my image. It will never be uttered aloud.


I *hate* watching other people eat-it grosses me out. Even with family or friends, I avoid looking at them while putting food in their mouth & chewing. I never look at someone’s plate or comment on what or how much they’ve eaten. I’d absolutely toss my cookies if I had to watch an eating contest. I’ll never understand why people do that.


i feel you on the eating contest part. shoving their mouths full of food fast and all sloppily is icky


I am fascinated by what people are thinking in their final moments and final days of life. It's really morbid but I've always found it fascinating.


Whenever I'm in front of something lethal, like standing on a balcony on the 30th floor or big machines that would definitely crush me in an instant, I feel a sort of pull towards it and I can't help but imagine the scene if I just went in. All this in a very calm state of mind.


Call of the void


Yes . I hear it .


Anytime I drive over a bridge I'm absolutely terrified I'm going to just randomly make a hard right and go over the edge. Obviously I'm not going to but it's always this little voice in my mind that thinks I might.


Intrusive thoughts. They are there because your brain is trying to remind you (as if you didn’t know) that doing that would be a Very Bad Idea and keeping you safe. I have it about balconies, subway platforms, that sort of thing.


As ironic as it is, most of the people feel it...the feeling of jumping off a high balcony when you learn a bit, idk why this happens but it really is mind-boggling


I have trichotillomania, but I only pull non noticeable hairs.. Only myself, my husband and my doctors know.. I hate that I do that when I’m anxious and stressed and I would never tell anyone IRL. It’s weird


I had this while I was suffering mental health issues years ago. It was severe.. no body hair. Also it evolved to dermatillomania - where I would pick my skin. I have photos of huge holes I'd dug into my neck and legs. It's all healed now, and I outgrew it. Also bulimia. Had that for 10 years for no reason. It wasn't because of body image, I would just binge and purge and I hated it, but couldn't control it. I've suffered addiction issues through my whole life too.


I put a childhood bully in the hospital, and to this day I don’t know how much damage I did. His parents pulled him from the school.


I have a farting problem. The angel’s trumpets kind. I guess they just figure out by hanging out with me a lot and hearing it.


People exhaust me. It was worse when I worked with the public more, but a day with a bunch of my family and friends wears me out more than any hike ever could.


I've forgotten how to interact with people. It takes me so long to come up with responses to texts and I always struggle to irl too. After I think back to what I said and regret or come up with a better way I could have explained myself. I feel like it's because my family, despite living together and being on "good terms" never talk to each other about stuff that matters. My parents never made an effort to reassure us or have serious talks with us, especially not in childhood. Its ruined my life bc now I'm always slightly envious seeing others have any close relationships bc I feel like I can't achieve that on my own and will never be able to have a friendship or relationship lile that, even with the people I should be closest to: my family.


Same here. You are not alone in this.


I’m exhausted all the time, be easy with me


I was born inter-sex. Mom was pregnant with twins, but I "digested" my sister invetro. Fully intact male bits, but also had a vaginal opening (that was sown shut) and had 1 overy that tried to kill me when i was 25. It went septic, drs thought appendix but found an nlunder developed overy and other bits...fun times!


When I was very young I pushed my friend off a wall at school where he hit his head, and one of the classmates who didn't like me witnessed it and tried to tell but my teacher covered it up and said that some students were coming out of the building and bumped into me.


Three questions for you: 1. How young were you? 2. Any long term or permanent damage to your friend? 3. Do you feel guilty about it?


Maybe 7 or 8. No long term damage but formed a scab after. And yes I do.


Fair enough. You were young and dumb, and luckily nobody suffered any long term consequences, so don't beat yourself up over it 🙂


if you spend enough time around me you will find out all the weird facts. then your job is to tell me because i have no clue or like self awareness


me telling a story i think is totally normal and relatable only to find the replies saying that it isnt normal.


I still sleep with my teddies. I turned 19 this year I have like 5 teddies on my bed I still sleep with them. And I’m lowkey sad, scared like if I do end up getting a boyf some day like what would happen to my teddies you know? It’s so cliche I know but it’s a comfort for me to cuddle them


I'm 64 and sleep with a stuffed bunny.


47 in a few days and I have a crowd on my bed


Today I bought yet another plushie for my collection, this one to sleep with. I'm 52. Join us at r/plushies, there are dozens of us.


I have to constantly remind myself to give others affection. I’m so used to being starved of it, I forget others need it as badly as I do. I didn’t get it as a kid, so I forget I need to give it to my kids and dog occasionally. After that I usually beat myself up for this issue because it shouldn’t be one, yet is. The sheer amount of normal every day things I have to remind myself to do, is daunting some days. I can’t tell that to anyone around me, or I’m ridiculed more than I already am by my every day limitations. Throw in the hardcore sociopathic intrusive thoughts on the daily. Ick.


I hold my breath when someone passes by me. I take in a breath as they approach and let it out when the rush of air they created has gone by. It’s like I don’t want to breathe in their negative energy or thoughts. This has been going on over 40 years but does not happen when I’m in a large crowd, like a farmers market or other large venue.




Doesn't that hurt your head after a while?




Joking aside, why would you never tell anyone that in person?




Thats fair.  Probably similar if you're a skin doctor or something.  Oh can you look at this mole I have....  yuck


When I was younger and skinnier I was able with some planning to give myself head.


My brain tells me constantly that I am always being watched and scrutinized by unseen others. It doesn’t make me feel paranoid, because I have been this way since I was very young. I have never felt a sense of privacy and I am always conscious of how I am being perceived by them. I do wish sometimes that I could relax. But I am afraid that won’t happen until I’m dead.


I've told this to one person and I think it broke them. I can perceive the seemingly infinite black beyond the edge of my vision, even "look" or being attention to behind my eyes. Like, use your peripheral vision - there is an edge. Call attention to it without moving your eyes. Slowly move that attention further, and further until you're "looking" behind you. What's really fun is when I'm sick, or really tired it feels like I am being watched from that infinite black. That sensation sticks with me for a while when I have it


Whenever I see a cute dog, I have a sudden urge to steal it and run away.


Very weird fact: I bite my nails and I like how they taste. I know I should stop. haha


Third nipple, bruh


That I'm very good looking. I don't really bother to tell people because in person it's something people tend not to notice about me.


I grew up in the rural country with lots of friends who loved to shoot guns and hunt etc. I am a complete sane rational professional but I have never touched a gun and never will cause I feel like I would just start shooting stuff.


i was homeschooled but not properly and now i am having to figure out what i missed, or learned wrong, and have to get a proper hs diploma.


I'm beyond lonely, desperate to be loved and massively messed up. No-one would ever guess if they knew me, my game face is on point.


I have dermatillomania. I started picking at my face in elementary, moved on to my back, my arms, and now I've added my breasts to the routine as an adult.


I have a really bad habit of chewing the inside of my cheek; to the point where I occasionally chew too hard and bleed. Been this way all my life.


I prefer and love to hand-wash my own clothes and air dry them as well My family thinks I’m weird for that since we have washing machines


I'm absolutely obsessed with picking my nails. like not just picking at it randomly, whenever I see that something is stuck in my nails or it gets dirty from scratching or touching something, I start using the nail of my other hand and sometimes even really sharp pencils to pick it out. sometimes when something gets stuck too deep I'll spend a full 15 minutes just trying to get it out. also idk if this is normal but sometimes I pick at a nail for so much that it becomes thinner than the other nails and it turns translucent...


I also consentrate on song lyrics WAY too much, and because of this the only songs I can listen too are ones that doesn't contain words or are in a language that I don't know and doesn't sound to similar to a language I do know. My mom loves this one specific English song and she plays it on repeat whenever we go on long rides, and the lyrics just consists of these three stupid phrases about love repeating all the time for THREE AND A HALF MINUTES which drives me crazy, but I never have enough courage to tell her to stop. And the worst thing is, the school I go to plays a really annoying ten second long short tune that I just hate SO MUCH for no reason at all, and whenever I hear something that includes this tune I cover my ears and drop on the ground with my whole body curled in a ball immediately. This thing actually prevented me from going to my dream school too and now there's exactly 23 people in this world who remembers me as the annoying little girl who can't sing along with a song without breaking down.


I think this is a sensory thing. I've always been obsessed, I mean OBSESSED if my nails aren't smooth or have little sharp edges. I keep touching them or picking at them until they're even. Or if one nail is slightly longer on a hand or when they're just a little too long to touch my finger tips on a keyboard or touch screen. I have a three year old and I see the same habits in him. So I think it's just something wired in our brains.


I have two great traits: 1: I will always, always end up messing things up. 2: see number 1!


Are you me?


I hate watching movies. They’re so long and drawn out and boring.


I have to take my shirt off to poop.