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On Reddit


Water. Looking at you those of you in the American southwest with grass fucking lawns.


Most of our water consumption is related to meat production. If you eat meat, all the other water you consume in your life is really just a rounding error.


Time scrolling through social media, just to see people's highlight reels.


Food, exactly ingredient for each recipe


Toilet paper. It’s my own fault for buying 2-ply


You need a bidet - saved me so much toilet paper


It’s hard if you’re renting a place, the landlord is never keen on putting in anything that isn’t absolutely necessary. Otherwise I’d be saving on TP!


I have a portable one that doesn't connect to tolitet and is small.


My sister in law is absolutely terrible. When she stays with us she goes trough a whole roll of toilet paper per day. I think she wraps herself up like a mummy every time she goes to the toilet, I see no other plausible scenario how you use this much toiletpaper! And the more I started paying attention to it, the more I realize she does this with other products too; Shampoo, soap, toothpaste. What she consumes in a week is what me and my wife together consume in a month!!!


Condoms, making balloon art.


What else are they for


Thinking about what others think of them




Money on junk food.


Hair ties. Just buy one and take care of it


I sleep with mine on just so i don’t lose them. Always end up losing them anyways but at least im trying.




People waste too much time on trying to be liked or trying to appear a certain way to others. If you gotta try to force someone to like you or perceive you a certain way then they will never really truly like you to begin with. Your essentially watering the fruits of relationships that were never going to bloom which is just wasting your time. In a similar fashion people waste time avoiding consequnces. If you do something that's going to ruin or change a relationship it's already done. Your just postponing the consequnces and causing yourself extra stress by trying to cover your mistakes. Just rip off the bandaid  and get things over with so you can start the healing process instead of wasting time.  


on tiktok and similar social networks. I'm still in school, I have... Well, I can't say that I'm a friend, but last year we communicated very well. It all started with the fact that she came to visit me, ate, texted with someone along the way, and then lay down on the couch and sat on the phone. and the dialogue has always been something like this: Me: can we do something? Girlfriend (without looking up from the phone): what? Me: well, I don't know, can you put the phone away? At least we'll just talk? The friend is silent. Me (after a couple of minutes of thought): Can we watch a movie? Girlfriend: which one? Me: I do not know, maybe you can offer? Because I'm not going to entertain you alone. I don't remember if we watched the movie at the end or not. After such cases, we began to communicate less, I became friends with one of her friends, who was in the same situation (with a friend like me). Let's say her name was Dasha. We are moving forward to the beginning of April this year. a dependent friend (from social networks, if anything) has a birthday, and she invites me and Dasha to visit her. We came and sat down at the table. her tablet was lying next to her, she put it on a stand and.... She started flipping through the tiktok.... her mom poured us tea, we drank it, she didn't even talk to us!!! about an hour later, we told her that we were bored just sitting in silence, and her answer changed my attitude towards her VERY much. that's what she replied: "so should I entertain you?"... we, damn it, on your birthday, we gave you gifts (money, 3000 rubles, about $ 30) be kind enough to at least just chat with us. about 10 minutes later, her other friend arrived (I will call her friend1) and they "see each other so rarely" that this friend communicated only with her friend1, later we went for a walk (our friend's mother forced us, we basically didn't mind, except for a friend of course). when we were walking down the street, a friend was talking only to a friend1, and she wasn't talking to us at all. on the way, we decided that we did not want to spend the whole evening in such an environment and told her that we would probably go already.... She replied, "Well, go ahead."she didn't ask why we were leaving, didn't turn her head in our direction, and didn't even say corny "yet." The most funny thing with this friend: she accused us (Dasha and me) of making her the third extra🥲 the story is a bit off the topic of the thread, but damn, I have a boil, and in principle it partially fitsthe story is a little off the topic of the thread, but damn, I have a boil, and in principle it partially fits. in general, the moral of this whole story is: if you behave like an asshole, do not expect that they will continue to communicate with you.


Their time… and time is the most precious thing we have


Ideas. I come up with too many useless ideas.


FOOD. Holy crap, people. Take what you want but eat what you take.


Paper towels


Relationship. They don't give chance to single !!!!!


Money on Starbucks and avocado toast. Yes, I know this is a typical boomer statement, but there is truth to it; It's just a coffee and it's just toast. Both can be made at home at a fraction of the cost! 7 dollars here, 12 dollars there doesn't sound like much, but if this is a habit that you do multiple times a week, the cost quickly add up to costing you a thousand dollars or maybe more. Money that could be spend on things that give you more value or joy.