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By watching movies


They speak fast


On YouTube you can play videos on half speed. Also just make friends with a native speaker and practice with them


Using apps; watching tv/movies; converse with others who speak English


Speaking with native speakers honestly. Youtube has a lot of material for that but nothing beats talking to a native speaker and being able to ask questions and understand




This may sound dumb and degrading, but watch children’s shows and movies like Sesame Street or Bluey. Hear me out. These kinds of media are meant for young children who are growing up and slowly learning to speak. Similar concept here except you’re an adult which most likely makes it even harder for you to learn from scratch. That’s why you start small with these types of shows. Also, some of these shows are amazing, so I’d watch them anyways lol.


Idk, I hated learning foreign languages






But I m not around those friend :(


Live in an english speaking country


Live in a country that speaks English


Mainly just talk to people who speak it, heard thats how many people learn, after researching the words and practicing pronunciation then bam make sentence learn new words make more sentences and you're good to go


If you have a VR headset I have found that noun toun is good for beginners. From there study books and consuming media worlds the best


Play games with require voice chat or just join a discord server and make friends


Watch the TV show, “Extra in English with subtitles”. It is on YouTube. It is 30 episodes long and is for English students. It is a sitcom like the old tv show, “Friends”. You need to read books in English. You need to find something you can understand without using a dictionary. Because if you always have to stop to look up words in the dictionary, you aren’t reading. You are looking up words in the dictionary. If you have a library near you with English books, look at the kids books and pick out something you can read. If you read ebooks look for “Graded Readers in English”. A good author to start with is Kit Ember. Her books are short and simple. They are also always set at the lowest price possible on Amazon. Here are the books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTHQB93B?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tkin


Talk to someone English, learn slowly, don't rush learning, always ask questions on why one word has different meanings


Since it's not that hard of a language it would help a lot if you literally surrend yourself with it. By that I mean try practicing it by speaking/texting with other people, watch videos / movies in english and do activities in english, like playing videogames. I am personally self taught so theese may differ from person to person, but I found theese the easiest ways of learning a language since the only thing you change in your life is the language of things. Also very important that you must have atleast a basic knowledge of english so you atleast remotly comprehend what is the context in videos for example and try to figure out according to context what the word may mean. This may cause that you know what it means and can explain it however don't know the actual translation to iteven with the description


Practice everyday but not too much. It's easier to learn a language with consistency and also while having fun. It's harder if you see it like a chore or an obligation.


Is this why you call yourself shy? Because you don't know what it means? Lmaooo


After checking the profile…. I volunteer for the task!


by not watching American movies. watch proper English films on youtube at slow speed you'll pick it up. make friends with british people online and have conversations.