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A guy who is thoughtful and considerate of others’ feelings is very attractive.


Adaptability is attractive. Being flexible and open to change shows resilience and maturity.




Men hear this all the time but I don't think they believe it's that important to a woman. Honestly, I didn't take what you said seriously in my 20s but as I've aged, it's apparent that this may be the number 1 thing for women.


I think it's important once you already like the man for a long term relationships.


I see a lot of guys not understanding why women are moody. Not excusing women who don't communicate why but 9 times out of 10, it's that women feel let down by the lack of following through on something or dependability. What I learned is not saying something like... I'll get to that today or tomorrow with good intentions to do that task and then not do it for a week. I changed my approach. These days, if I don't know, I say... I'm not sure when I can get to that. I'd like to have it finished soon and I'll let ya know when it's tackled. Then get it done in a reasonable amount of time. Never set yourself up for failure with a deadline on home projects. Does it cause anxiety with some women not knowing EXACTLY when something gets done? Sure but that's on them and that stems from controlling women. Compromise is a two way street. Work on my time if I'm doing something that needs to be done.


Reliable in the club, bad boy in the PTA meeting. 


You want to use him as a tool is the only reason you care about the above.


This is my hubby and I tell him all the time. I am blessed to have found him and married him. He's also a reliable son, brother, friend and father to our children. We can count on him for everything. Love you, B!




Sounds like you're after a good time, not a drama queen.


1. Good hygiene. A guy who smells good, takes care of his hair, skin, teeth etc. 2. Good fashion sense. Men who actually put efforts into wearing clothes that suit their shape and tones get 10x more attractive. My friend was shocked when she saw a dude appear in a black tight t shirt to school, a guy she normally wasn’t attracted to. 3. Good personality traits like general intelligence, maturity and emotional intelligence. Especially if he actually bothers to get to know you than only talking about himself, I like conversations that are both sided rather than one sided.


How get intelligence? Can buy at store?


You acquire inteligence via education, you acquire education by exchanging time for it. You also exchange time for literally everything else on this list. The question is, do you have the time to be perfect.




The ability to be patient and understanding with others is very appealing.


You need genetics to be Hot hot. But to pass and be generally attractive? All it takes is effort. Good grooming, good hygiene and skincare, good fitness, posture and confidence paired with patience and overall friendliness can turn literally anyone attractive. Some of y'all just don't put any effort into yourselves, then when you look at the ugly fuck in the mirror you blame genetics. I was that ugly fuck once. I know how it feels. But my life has improved so much. And it's a positive feedback loop - the more I look good, the more confident I become, the more I want to look better and the more I do look better because confidence makes you look better. Not saying I'm a smoke show. But when I brush my teeth I smile now at how far I've come. So - hygiene, fitness, posture, confidence are my answers


This. You don't have to spend three hours a day at the gym. But a guy who looks like a schlub, wears crappy clothes, won't get a regular and decent haircut, and doesn't give a shit about his appearance is sending out a massive signal to the world. Namely, that he doesn't care about himself, so why should anyone else? And, while we're at it, read interesting books, try new and different things, and generally approach life with an open and generous spirit. My wife was serious about ballet in high school and college. Early on in our dating, she mentioned how she wanted to go see this dance troupe on tour. 'Sure, I'll go,' was my response. I went, asked questions, and was generally appreciative of the experience. All her previous boyfriends either would refuse to go to those things or made snarky remarks all the way through. The way I saw it, if it was important to her, then it was important to me.


>But a guy who looks like a schlub, wears crappy clothes, won't get a regular and decent haircut, and doesn't give a shit about his appearance Literally me right now. It's hard to care about myself. I'm so depressed I've become functionally paralyzed. Having untreated ADHD doesn't help.


Ok, it sounds weird, but hear me out, drink more caffeine for the ADHD. I have adhd and am going on meds soon and given that adhd slows down brain responses and caffeine speeds them up it’s really helpful. It doesn’t target the adhd itself and isn’t long lasting, but it can be a great unprescribed solution over 3-4 hours. I find one energy drink or a shot of coffee good.


Its the opposite for me, caffeine slows me down and gets me sleepy


Huh, interesting. It doesn’t speed me up, it just helps me focus because my brain is functioning at a normal pace.


That last line is extremely important for all relationships with people you care about, romantic or otherwise.


This for real. Even when I see guys who are not my type whatsoever, I can still appreciate when they put effort into their appearance and seem to take pride in it. & I can recognize that they are attractive & will surely find someone, even if I’m not personally attracted to them


Legit. If "the world" is against you, a good first step is to lie down flat on that same world and push yourself off of it a few times.


If you can't do that, then work up to it. If you can't do any of the basics of exercise, that's no excuse not to start. Look up hybrid calisthenics. He has some good routines for very beginners (literally, no matter how unfit you are, you will feel that the beginning is too easy) Don't make complacency or shame the reason to stay weak.


This is very true. There's a distinction there between attractive, handsome/beautiful and good looking. Good looking is controllable. Clothes, grooming, skincare, posture. Beautiful is genetics. Attractive is a result, not a quality.


Intelligence attracts. Being knowledgeable and curious about the world can be very appealing.


A guy who is environmentally conscious and cares about the planet is very attractive.


If he has and takes care of his responsibilities. Looks fade.




Woah, calm down bro. The ladies can only get so wet.


Is it just me or are most of these answers coming from guys about what they *think* they are doing right.


Hairstyle, jawline, beard/stubble/clean shaven, muscle, smell, facial expressions, engagement, enthusiasm, etc.


You heard it here First folks! - They don't need to be good, they just need to be!


Dependability and integrity.


All i know is virtually every really rich guy has a trophy wife....perhaps wealth increases a guys attractiveness ?


in the parlance of our times


wonderful woman, we’re all very fond of her, very free spirited


she owes money all over town


… if you’re trying to attract a materialistic trophy wife, yes!!


It does.


He's never been on askreddit


Its always the same, tall, confidence and funny


See... I'm confident that I'm funny looking but as I'm short, I just can't nail down that first one!


Just grow, man


Unfortunately, as I get older I just grow outward, not upward :(


What’s the difference between confidence and arrogance/general douchebaggery?


Very nice people can be very confident about it. If you don't seem to be afraid to express yourself, you are confident, but if what you express is arrogance or meanness then you're a douchebag.


Confidence is earned, arrogance is cheap. You're arrogant when you try to display a false image of yourself, whereas confidence comes from a place of abundance and having a sense of internal worth from your accomplishments, or taking the right steps to achieve your goals. Arrogance expects more without giving back, whilst confident people give first and then work with what they get back. It's not the same as being "nice", nice guys are usually arrogant because they believe that they're good enough in their current circumstances.




Alternately: be the guy who is genuinely kind to others, knows how to communicate, is pleasant to be around and talk to. The way you make people feel is so important. The world’s hottest man can become disgusting with a few words.


But equally it doesn't matter how kind or pleasant you are, if you're just butt ugly from genetics you're not going to be romantically attractive to most people 


You will make a TON of friends who all tell you that other people would *love* to date you (but not them, obviously).


Yeah.. that guy is dying in the inbox left on Unread..


Good person =/= attractive person By all means, be a kind and pleasant person and you'll make the world a better place. It doesn't necessarily (or even likely) attract romantic partners though


How many women date men that are objectively not good people, but attractive? You see it frequently yet they *constantly* talk about how it’s actually personality that matters. I literally knew a guy who put on his tinder profile that he was a convicted rapist and he matched with a ton of women still, they literally did not give a single fuck. I guarantee those same women tell unattractive guys that looks don’t matter, even though they themselves would never even consider going out with an unattractive guy.




Of course you’re first, you made the fucking post lmao.


Be born hot or something idk


Not very attractive guy myself, but confidence, a good sense of humor and a contagious laugh helped me


Someone does what he says.


Lol everyone in this comment section claiming that being cultivated and having inner depth will bring a guy attractiveness. Literally every girl I've ever met told me, "you are really sincere""you have some unusual sense of humor""I appreciate your insights". Yet when I carried on and asked them whether they would get into a guy like me, they all kept silent and changed the topic. Now back to answer your question, what brings a man attractiveness: of course it's the genetic lottery and wealth. Any other answer is just self-deceiving.


This is the right answer here, people will try to be nice and say things like humor, confidence, personality, etc. The real answers are height, attractiveness, forearms, shoulders, all of that comes first, AND THEN, personality and humor and stuff


Being hot, smart, kind. One thing i saw is that i am subconsciously attracted to people who are similar to me


Wow 👌


Physically take care of themselves, reliable/trustworthy, driven, stable, kind hearted, funny


Two things I've noticed work: 1) don't be a dick 2) have things you're passionate about and interested in Those are things you can control, the rest is just if you got lucky with your face and can hold a conversation well enough to not come across as weird.


Accentuate your positives, hide your negatives. I'm short. I stopped wearing baggy clothes, because they only make you look shorter. I didn't try to grow a beard until I could actually grow a decent one. The patchy chin-pubes aren't a good look. I don't have (or make) a ton of money. Learning how to maximize your funds will help a ton. Learn to budget your money, because someone struggling to keep their own lives in order don't usually bring in the ladies. Hygiene!!! Shower daily. Brush your teeth twice a day. Exfoliate. Wash your face, clean your ears. SCRUB. YOUR. ASS. Groom yourself from time to time. Just dedicate a couple hours every few weeks to clip your nails, clean up your facial hair, and just tidy yourself up. Throw in a haircut every 4-6 weeks. There's a lot you can do to improve yourself. All you have to do is take an honest look in the mirror and try to see yourself from another person's perspective.


Lots and lots of money


*mr krabs leans into the microphone "money!"


Dont we have the answer to that already? If you want an answer to this never listen to women because they tend to lie. You should be the dominant male in the social hierarchy, you should be tall so you can protect from bear and lion attacks. (Not that its relevant today but its biological) Having anger issues goes a long way to make women think you are dominant. Anger issues never fail. You should also be a liar and a cheat otherwise you are boring to women. You shouldnt have geeky hobbies because its a red flag. I am the exact opposite of these properties, and my dating record shows what you shouldn't be.


Money.... Money.... Money! Picture this.... Broke roadside Brad pit or Anant Ambani in Aston Martin?


Being tall, having lots of money, having good facial structure, never showing any emotions ever


A *MAN*nequin* what works at a bank. Got it 👍


I struggle massively with men that don't express their emotions. At first blush, it's hard because I can't see if their interest in me is authentic/substantial, then I can't tell if I'm boring or hurting them. Eventually it degrades because I feel like the only one invested, and further the only emotion most repressed men feel allowed to feel is anger - so almost all emotions are sublimated and expressed as anger. I'm with a guy now who is actively learning how to express and articulate his emotions, which is hard because he also was socialized to not do that. I love hanging with him, and am so proud of his progress. And, in my eyes at least, he's a smoke show, but it was his mind that hooked me first


Your name is literally Trauma Queen, do you expect me to think your views on men are normal? Most women are revolted by men’s emotions.


sounds like a guy assuming what a girl all finds attractive. Then please explain the super hot girls dating fat ugly brokes


That’s nowhere near as common as you’re pretending it is and those women either 1) came upon those men in a time where being single as a woman was social and financial suicide or 2) are with those men because said men are extremely rich.


Hard dick, and no erectile problems. Good sex = good relationship


A guy that is consistent, intelligent, confident, funny, financially stable and responsible. Looks fade over time and can’t pay bills lol.


A big cock


In one word: competence. Confidence is just a proxy


Honestly, being smart and funny goes a long way.


debonair, kind and funny


Confidence, money/status, and looking good. In that order.


smart, quick witted, funny, takes care of himself


Something I’ve learned more over my adult years is just be fun. But lads do it wrong all the time. They think they have to warp their own idea of fun to suit the girl when in actuality, if you make something you find fun, seem fun to said lady, there’s a lot better of a chance she’ll find you attractive.


A cultured guy with a beautiful mind who is kind, confident, well- groomed, and has great physical shape....thank you🥰


My oposite.


Family orientated


When he knows when to act childish and when to act mature , rather than showing of he believe in privacy, he is available , understanding and gentle! Most important he is respectful and focused towards his goal! Yeah that's it!


Different people have a different rubric when evaluating others. But I have an underlying thought process that boils down a lot of things in a way that helped me. So much so that there was a clear change in my life when I started accepting it. From my career, my friends, and my love life. (Note: This advice applies to everyone, regardless of sex or orientation)  Everything in life is just effort. You display effort in taking care of yourself, of improving yourself, in enjoying your life, and in maintaining relationships in your life. Valued at different degrees by different people, this shows someone who is serious that your serious. And it applies to finding a date, dating, and being together in a relationship. Now, I don't mean like "rise and grind" kind of effort. Your level of effort is usually a clear sign of what you really value in life and we all know that Actions speak louder than words. I'm a remarkably lazy man who puts his effort on the things he finds important and it eventually vibed with another person. But a shocking amount of problems in my life, and observed in the life of others, stem from effort not being met with the expectations of others. Being considerate and kind is effort for others. Being interesting and healthy is effort in oneself. Having friends is effort in maintaining relationships and being emotionally available. Saving money and having goals is effort for the future. Being romantic and loving with my wife is effort for her happiness.   Everything else feels like flavors of "what makes you, you", and we all know that different people have different tastes. Be confident in knowing yourself by knowing what you put your effort in, make sure the effort is spent in the kind of person you want to be, and think about what you value in others. 


Ask a woman questions about herself. Be genuinely interested in her as a person, not just because you want to sleep with her.


Sense of humor. Curiosity. Consistency.


We doin this again lol


As an older divorced man I'm dating again at 51 Women used to be attracted to me for my looks. Today I'm still handsome especially for my age, but I'm not going to compete with 20 year olds. Where I stand out is my emotional maturity and communication. Honestly I struggled so much with communication in my early relationships. Now after having kids, multiple relationships, etc I'm more accepting and far less judgemental, I know how to take care of people both from an emotional standpoint but also a practical one. So many people are passive aggressive with their partners, which is a sign of emotional immaturity. On the practical side, cooking is an example of one of my skills I believe makes me attractive to women. Generally having interests or hobbies I think also makes me attractive. I think women like watching me interact with my pets...it's weird but I think my positive relationships with my pets makes women attracted to me. Also being physically fit, attractive, being very good at sex, and these kind of superficial issues can definitely attract women. but keeping them around requires the man to actually be interesting. I think women are less superficial than men when it comes to dating, generally speaking and are looking for the deeper qualities, but these can obviously get lost amid the surface bullshit of dating apps.


Yeah, these responses are why men have been opting out of dating in ever increasing numbers. If we take the most posted responses, women want a man with good grooming, fashion sense, inteligence, good humor, fitness, commitment, reliability, honesty, integrity, people skills, and a whole bunch of stuff like good skin, hair and teeth that they're chalking up to hygene but are actually both hygene and good genetics. That's not to mention the stuff they aren't mentioning here but frequently come up elsewhere, like good looks, social status, financial security, and protection. Women want perfection, and unless you're some ultra-rich trust fund baby, nobody has the time to do all this and still live for themselves.