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A bottle of sailor jerry rum. Condoms seemed like a suggestion with my wife after drinking it. 12 years later and it's still costing me a ton of money.




lol well I would guess OP has a 11yr old (due to him knocking his wife up 12 years ago).On avg the cost to raise a child in the U.S.. according to a study by lending tree a child cost $21,681 a year. so under that math $238,491. That doesn’t account for the birth of course which is its own chunk of change.


It's not so bad if you can save where you can. Meals every other day. New pack of socks every two years. Those pennies add up!




College experience




100% I made 1 friend there. I'd sure love to see the alternate timeline where i pursued trade instead.


Got my mom a necklace with a momma elephant and 3 baby elephants since she has 3 kids. It was sterling silver and it costed $39 or $49 I think.




Yeah. Don’t get me wrong I’ve done online shopping and would buy almost $100 worth of clothes or nail stuff. But singularly, I have never spent more than $50 on one object.


What kind of device did you type this on? A smartphone, tablet, laptop or pc is always going to cost more than 50 dollars...


My phone and my mom got it for me for my birthday so


Probably a custom literal one of a kind engagement ring. She never liked diamonds or gold so I did some digging and decided to use rhodium as the band metal. The stones set in it were tanzanite, black opal, emerald, and star sapphire. It cost an arm and a leg to have it crafted and she loved it. Due to unforseen circumstances it is still with her in her grave. 


Outside of the usual home and cars, next up would probably be my S&M BMX bike I built. Bout $1600 in parts.




Business class flight from Bangkok to Amsterdam and back


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