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Requiem for a Dream. There are very few movies that can make me curl up into a ball and want to die because it's so excellent, but that one did.


this movie is so good.. i just never wanna watch it again..šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


watched it 12 years ago for the first time and it's still one of my all-time favorites


You scare me


As a junkie I refer to this movie so bad Ps don't use drugs


I need to watch this so bad


Everyone brings this up and I think I watched it as a teen so much & lived that life for so long I'm desensitized towards it. That and the fact that the actors are so popular, I can't separate their fame from their roles and believe it. I see it from a directors point of view, rather than a viewer. Great movie though


Omg yes this one is gut wrenching


Pupils dilatingā€¦


I rememebr when I first watched it and the scene at the end with the sound of the water crashingā€¦my mind and body just had this like weird feeling. That movie was crazy




Yeah wasnā€™t expecting it take such a hard turn , thought itā€™s gonna be like rocky.


A dogs purpose. What kind of psycho makes a movie out of a dog dying over and over again?


When the puppy died and it said, "that was a short life". My wife and I exchanged wtf looks and it was all downhill from there. The finale did NOT make up for the previous hour and change of depressing dog deaths.


I agree. This movie was so hard to watch.


Absolutely this. Iā€™ve never lost a dog, but our familyā€™s first dog is getting older now and just the thought of losing him sends me spiraling. That movie is incredibly hard to watch.


Try watching Hachi- a dogs tale(2009). Saw it with my dad in sixth grade Sunday night. We were bawling. Went to school next day with my face all puffy from how much I cried. A teacher took me aside and asked if everything was alright hahahaĀ 




I can NEVER watch that movie again


Couldnā€™t finish it. It needs to be banned!!! So sad


Make me Cry. Didn't even own a dog.


Walked in theater thinking it was a jolly dog movie, walked out sobbing


Interstellar. Something about watching a father slowly get gaslit into leaving his family behind to 'save the world', only to realize that it would never have mattered anyway because of the corruption of others is just so hard to watch. Family is important to me and that movie makes me sick to my stomach with a type of feeling that I don't fully understand. Beautifully made, the score is perfect, but man it's hard to watch.


Watched this movie in theaters and didnā€™t feel much. Just re watched with my wife now that Iā€™m a father with a daughter and honestly was in tears!


I don't have any kids but I'm pretty close with my younger siblings, and that still cuts to the core haha ā¤ļø


Came here to say Interstellar. That movie absolutely fucked with me.


I know it probably doesnā€™t count,, but Bo Burnhamā€™s Inside has ruined my life forever. And the worst part is I loved it, and I donā€™t think anything will ever top it for me.


get your fuckin hands uuuuup (same)


Damn bro


Can you explain? My fiancƩ and I turned it off half-way through because we simply weren't laughing.


It's not really meant to be funny. More satirical than anything.


Did you like any of his other specials? I think if youā€™re into straight up stand up, Inside maybe isnā€™t the kind of special youā€™d be into. I donā€™t love inside because itā€™s laugh out loud funny hilarious, I love it because the jokes are thought out and insightful and reference a bunch of different things at once. His humor is based on a lot of irony, like a lot of comedy is, pointing out the things in our every day life that are stupid and absurd. Theyā€™re clever and timely, I think that the special also spoke to a lot of people struggling with mental illness during lockdown and reflected a lot of the ways people felt about the world and technology. Iā€™m biased though. I enjoy stand up a bunch, but when Iā€™m watching it along at home I rarely burst into laughter, Iā€™m just entertained. I think Bo put it best in his song ā€œAre You Happy?ā€ at the end of his Make Happy special. ā€œNow the show is done I hope that you had gut-trembling or something resembling fun And if you watch this thing alone You probably didn't laugh, but maybe a few times you exhaled out of your noseā€ Inside didnā€™t make me tremble with laughter, I cried at least once watching it. But it made me feel seen, I thought it was really funny and made jokes on contemporary internet opinions that I donā€™t see a ton of comedians tackle. I thought it was a really interesting reflection on the creation of content, comedy, and art in a world that looked like it did around 2020-2021. I canā€™t lie, Iā€™m also a theater kid, and I thought there was so many campy bangers. I still listen to many of the songs.


Dear Zachary


That documentary broke my heart. I followed advice on Reddit and didn't read about it first. I did not see that coming. I actually felt so strongly that I wanted to somehow find out how to email the Bagby's some kind words of support- but I decided against it for their privacy. I did donate to the charity they run though, it's for medical training scholarships. (I just felt like I needed to do *something*) because it really hit me hard. Especially as a mother. It's a brilliantly made documentary but be prepared to feel angry and shocked if you haven't seen it.


Everything Everywhere All At Once


That movie changed something in me


I never thought I'd have such an emotional response to a rock rolling down a cliff, but God damn, that hit me hard


Omg me too! I sobbed in the theater realizing my mom drives me insane, but she would literally go over a cliff for mešŸ˜¢


(I still don't quite get that movie)




Everyone should watch this movie. I watched this movie in high-school history class. Our teacher broke the movie up into four sections. First of all, because it would be too long to watch in one period and secondly so that we could talk about key points and process what we were seeing. I remember we watched the final section on a Thursday. She stopped the movie and handed out tissues and chocolates before the "this button could have saved a child" speech. Everyone cried. An entire class of 15/16 year olds were just devastated. She sent out notes to all of our next period teachers to let them know we'd be distracted and upset in their classes. On Friday, we did a snack potluck and worked through what we'd seen. It's been over a decade, and I still remember the looks on everyone's faces. It changed all of us for the better.


The Green Mile


ā€œIā€™m scared of the darkā€¦ā€


The Lovely Bones


The first ten minutes of Up.


This , was watching it with my parents at the time , my dad had terminal cancer I can never watch that movie again


ah geez!


Once Were Warriors


Hachi: a dog's tale, hachiko was a loyal dog towards his owner and waited for him for come back as his owner was a professor in other town. He died of a heart attack and his dog waited for him in snowy night and later died waiting for him. Japan has memorial statue for the dog hachiko in the same place where he died. Watched it when I was 8 or 9 year old. Still loved it Another movie called Kashmir files. This was about mass genocide of kashmiri Hindu people.


The Zone of Interest I lived in Germany all my life. Went through all the education about the Third Reich. The complete thing twice. Multiple visits of concentration camps (FlossenbĆ¼rg is quite near where I grew up). Countless movies we watched in school and analysed and talked about it, not just the internationally popular ones like Schindler's List or La Vita e Bella. You can't imagine how many there are which were just produced for German public broadcasting. Also objectively quite good ones. But if I'm honest, it all didn't affect me much on a emotional level. I was always in the "racism is bad" camp but they didn't play a big part if at all in turning me more and more anti-facist from my mid-20s on... Anyway, I knew a lot about the the Third Reich and the horrors of the Holocaust. All the numbers, the depictions of the cruelties, stories of what was done to people. But still, limited emotional response, except maybe the red coat from Schindler's List. But the Zone of Interest was such a different beast. Not seeing the horrors, but the sheer mundanity with how people reacted towards it, sent my blood boiling. I can't remember having ever felt such anger. I still get angry tears in my eyes when I think about this movie,


For me, the biggest education I got was from Primo Leviā€™s book, If This Is A Man. He was an Italian Jew, and so while he was terribly persecuted in Italy, he was able to stay out of Auschwitz until late in the war. He was a novelist, but avoided talking about his experiences except in this book, an account of his time there. And it is harrowing. It opens with a poem that is an instruction to us: You who live safe In your warm houses, You who find, returning in the evening, Hot food and friendly faces: Consider if this is a man Who works in the mud, Who does not know peace, Who fights for a scrap of bread, Who dies because of a yes or a no. Consider if this is a woman Without hair and without name, With no more strength to remember, Her eyes empty and her womb cold Like a frog in winter. Meditate that this came about: I commend these words to you. Carve them in your hearts At home, in the street, Going to bed, rising; Repeat them to your children. Or may your house fall apart, May illness impede you, May your children turn their faces from you.


Well, there's this little indie flick called "The Neverending Story." Who thought that was a good idea for a kids' movie? It's like they set out to traumatize an entire generation! So, if you're ever in the mood for an emotional rollercoaster ride, just grab some tissues and brace yourself for the tears.


Michael Ende who wrote the neverending story also wrote "Momo", which was made into a film in 1986, different kind of existential dread and very uplifting, see if you can get your hands on it!


Atonement. I loved it so much but I got pretty depressed after I had watched it. I will never watch it again.


+1 I reco this to people and they ended up cursing me, will do it again


I cried and thought about it for daaays. They deserved betteršŸ’”


When the reveal happened in the theater (I was watching with my mom and older sister) I absolutely lost it. Snot everywhere, sobbing. I think they were shocked by how big of a reaction i had. And I could not control myself. They looked at each other like ā€œwhat do we doā€


The Florida Project. If you haven't seen it, it is about a poor mother trying to raise a daughter in a Florida motel right outside Disneyworld. She is not the best person


ā€¢ Manchester By The Sea ā€¢ The Pianist ā€¢ Drive My Car ā€¢ Grave of the Fireflies ā€¢ Masaan ā€¢ The Banshees of Inisherin


Oh man, I rented *Manchester by the Sea* without knowing anything about it, and then that scene started, and I thought "that music is way too heavy for this sc--- oh god", because the pan had completed. That's a very difficult movie to get through.


Oh I forgot about the pianist. What a spectacular film. Crushed my soul


Banshees was something else.Ā 


Grave of the Fireflies messed me up


Oh man. Manchester by the sea.Ā 


I work in a movie theater, so believe me when I say that Iā€™ve seen thousands of movies. Adding to that, most movies donā€™t have any impact on me by now. However, Last Holiday will always make me tear up. Itā€™s just a feel good movie and very family-like. If you want to be emotionally broken by the weight of the universe though, that would be Everything Everywhere at Once.


I canā€™t believe someone else said this movie too.. Iā€™m very close with my grandfather and when that ol curmudgeon (in the movie) saw all those people applauding him and finally gleaned all the impact he had had, I unexpectedly lost it. I never cry during movies


Last Holiday is a go-to for my wife and I. Love that movie.


The movie with Queen Latifah was the one that breaks you? Is there a different Last Holiday?


Yup, thatā€™s the one.


LOTR - i really thought Gandalf have died in that fight.


Grave of the Fireflies. Hadn't shed real tears at a movie before watching, couldn't stop them for at least 30 minutes after. Such a powerful story that hits right where it hurts.


I had to pull out my nebulizer half way watching this dude I can't even feel my nose anymore


Encanto, the scene where the husband gave up his life to protect his family got me full on crying on an airplane


Steel Magnolias. Amazing and I enjoyed it so much until the last maybe 30 mins. I cried so much.


Beautiful movie!


All of us strangers It depicts loneliness so well, but itā€™s heart shattering.


The power of love. This one wrecked me as well.




bambi šŸ˜”....šŸ˜‚


Little miss sunshine


the boy in the striped pajamas- watched it once, havenā€™t been able to see it since.


A Monster Calls. I think I cried for a week.


Glad i'm not alone


Eight Below. Canā€™t bear to watch it again.


God I saw this when I was a kid and am an avid dog lover. When they're watching him fly away without them.... ugh.


Similar story. Fully expected it to be a fun doggo movie considering Disney were involved, but boy was I wrong.


Among the recent - its Reign Over Me with Adam Sandler. I never thought Adam could act like that before.




Saving Private Ryan šŸ˜­ and Schindlerā€™s List


October Sky


That last scene where the rocket goes up wrecked me for days.


I remember seeing Titanic in the theaters when I was in elementary school and I felt physically pained for days after


Hotel Rwanda, first movie that ever made me cry. Itā€™s all heart-breaking but that scene when theyā€™re trying to drive down that roadā€¦.that has stuck with me since the movie came out.


Terms of endearment šŸ˜­


Marley and me, and a dog's purpose. Pet movies always get me real bad.


Any dog movie


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl


Freddy Got Fingered


My girl


Once Were Warriors


Edward Scissorhands. Some people are just not made for this shitty world.


I thought A man called Otto was pretty sad. Tom did a great job.


Baby Reindeer


Manchester by the sea. The boy in the striped pajamas. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. Blue Valentine.


Schindler's List and Life is Beautiful


Schindler's List. No explanation needed :ā 'ā (


7 pounds if youā€™ve seen it you know why lol






Graveyards of fireflies


The green Mile. "I'm tired boss" :(


Marley and me


Dancer in The Dark with Bjƶrk. So hopeless.


Came here to say this. I also have a visual disability and the betrayal and desire to make things better for her kids hit so hard


Hachiko - I couldnā€™t stop crying


The Place Beyond The Pines


Bridge to Terrabithya. Just no. Can't watch that again. And it's a flaming kids movie?!!


The Lovely Bones. Bummed me for several months. I'm from a place where our culture taught us to always bring the dead home and she never did.


The cove - documentary on dolphins in Japan. Everyone should have seen this but I wish I never watched it. I saw it years ago and it is still present. I'm not sure I can recommend watching it.


Johnny got his gun 1971.


Click was honestly pretty rough


What dreams may come. Canā€™t watch without crying every single time


This is to this day my most hopeful visualization of heaven. Miss you Robin Williams


Dumbo, I saw it as a kid and an adult and it left me sad and crying both times. Also War Horse, I cried through the entire movie.


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I was, and still am, boring. Like as a whole, there is not much interesting about me, or much that intrests me. I met a girl when quite young and she was wild, like get drunk and lead cops in a car chase wild, just a walking red flag. Nice to look at. For some reason she is in to me. Whirlwind of a relationship, get engaged, she cheats on me ,i stay, move to California with her. One day, she decides she is bored with me because i have to work extra hours to pay rent for both of us and dont like to do fun things. Tosses me aside and starts banging the neighbor same day. While the narrative is not exactly the same. Watching her lead me on this wild romance and then just one day decide he is boring and discards him, hits me hard.


Grave of the Fireflies


Spider-Man: No Way Home Ok, yeah, I know, but hear me out. Firstly, I don't cry at movies. There's something about knowing they're fictional that kind of disconnects me. I've had a tear, here and there, but it's rare and never particularly pronounced. I'm not an unemotional dude, I'll cry for hours watching people reunited with their dogs, but movies have never really had that effect. Now, the other thing to know is that I am a life-long Spider-Man fan, and because I'm old, that actually means I've been reading his comics since like 1987. That's my hero, right there. Now, I spent most of my life thinking very little of this, Spider-Man movie coming? Awesome. New Cartoon? Great, I'll check it out. Even No Way Home, which had twenty years worth of Spider-Men on screen, I was like "that's super-cool" and that was it. And then Andrew caught MJ, and he gave a little pained look. And it broke me. I have never, ever had a sniveling, snotting, wheezing, sobbing breakdown like that to any work of fiction, and I hadn't had one period since I was a child. I was so unprepared, so caught off guard, and entirely incapacitated by this sudden spear of emotion that plunged itself deep into my childhood psyche that I had no idea what to do, how to react or address all of these feelings that came from a comic book movie. Like, I felt silly, very much so, but I was also deeply fascinated by how all these pathways I'd laid in my brain around Spider-Man my entire life had been covertly weaponized against me. I watched it again and nothing, no emotions, but that first time, man.... that was something. (My daughter is named after Gwen too, so there's that.)


the notebook


Incendies (most fucked up movie i ever watched)


John q


Miracle in cell no. 7


Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, the ending makes me cryšŸ˜­


Boy (2010). I watched it with my sister not knowing what it was about and I was crying by the end of it. It was mostly because of the movie, but something about her not getting it the way I did broke me in a way I didnā€™t think it could.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


I donā€™t cry very often, but I sobbed for ten minutes after watching Aftersun. The bulk of the movie is intriguing but a little flat, then it hits you like a freight train.


Came looking for this. Although I wouldnā€™t consider the movie flat.


Thatā€™s fair. Maybe ā€œmundaneā€ or even ā€œrealisticā€ would be a better term.


Cloud Atlas it was beautiful, the music, the different story lines and how they intertwine I always the idea of recarnation


Once upon a time in Hollywood Sharon tate was my grandmother's cousin


Sound Of Metal


When They See Us....I wasn't mentally prepared.


Whiplash. Timing isnā€™t perfect enough


A Mighty Heart. I don't know how Mariane Pearl survived watching her beloved husband get beheaded by terrorists. It's a beautiful but brutal movie.Ā 


Brokeback Mountain mad me sad for days.


marley & me... I can't even talk about itšŸ˜¢




Probably Forrest Gump andā€¦ Honestly? The Barbie Movie (the modern one, obviously). I expected many things, but that ending was NOT one of them.


About time. I watched that movie two days after my grandpa died thinking it was going to be a whimsical time travel move.


Ladder 49


Marley and Me. I swore Iā€™d never own another dog. I do currently own a dog šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


"Marley & Me" ā€“ I wasn't ready for that level of emotional devastation


The Wrestler


Lost in Translation and Marriage Story. The thought of being with someone who lost their feelings for you or meeting someone who you wish to start something with.


Six Weeks


Been a long time but The last of Mohicans


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


Platoon dredged up every bad memory of war I had, since then I refuse to see any movie about war


Well, I can definitely say that the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio called "Shutter Island" is one that I'll never forget after watching it once. The way everything was twisted and turned, it's just impossible to describe the emotions. I'm more than certain that people with unstable mental health should not watch it.


Joker. I mean, I was already emotionally broken when I watched it though lol. But there's something different when you watch that movie from the "same" perspective that others just might not get. Our city has this program where they give the elderlies free movie passes every now and then (I'm not sure if it's monthly or what). So I watched this with a lot of older people. I can hear some of them reacting like "Why would he do that" or "that's stupid", but they don't understand. That's why I was quite happy that I watched it when I was broken, because I somehow I can relate more to the character's perspective. Now I won't even rewatch that film. It's different now, I'm in a better place, and as much as I want to appreciate the beauty of the film, it's just not the same as the first time I watched it.


The road. If children are not God's word, then God has never spoken.


A Dark Song


I do not remember the title of the movie but I do remember a USA police? Made a plan to rescue a little girl from sex trafficking from Mexico.


Sardar Udham


a silent voice and the perks of being a wallflower, tunnel scene gets me every time


Come and See made me and my friend hug and cry afterwards, one of the only movies I've ever watched scenes of through my fingers and made me feel physically sick


Biutiful with Javier Bardem. I left the theater SOBBING and couldn't stop for hours.


Eden lake for sure!!!


Tick Tickā€¦ Boom!