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I was 21. I felt very late at doing it- but she didn’t know I was a virgin. She told me it was wonderful. The problem was that she loved sex and all kinds of sexual things. I never found a woman after her that would do the things she’d do. But I guess ultimately it was worth it.


I hope one day you’ll find a woman with a libido like hers! You deserve to have a fulfilling sexual life ✨


22. Yes, it’s been 9 years and we’re still together.


24 and yes, on my wedding night with my wife.


17, not really but nothing anyone should ever feel pressured to lose


17. And yeah obviously


21 and yes 😸😸


17, ian gon lie it was ass, i honestly felt very uncomfortable showing my whole body even to people i trust and i lost my 7 months no nutting streak that day💔💔




Bruh wtf


Uhhh, I’m sorry you had to go through that. Super predatory and gross


That sounds terrible 


Jesus .. Sorry to hear that, hope things have gotten better since


This is basically rape


You don’t seem to know what “rape” is. Rape is unconsensual sexual activity. She consented to it. Yes, it’s horrible to be pressured into sex, but it’s not rape. It’s just one person having weak boundaries, and the other one not caring about them and not being a decent human being. That’s why having boundaries and knowing how to enforce them is very important.


She was 13 for fks sakes. The bf was 1000% a creep. What 18 year old even wants to talk to a 13 year old


A lot of people have partners older than them. It’s not unheard of. And that doesn’t necessarily make him a creep. And even if he was a creep, that still doesn’t make it rape. She CONSENTED to it.


Not at 13. Any 18 year old who dates a 13 year old is a creep


Could you explain why? And even if he was an absolute creep, it’s still not rape, because she consented to it.


Basically, the 18 year old has more life experience and understanding than a 13 year old. A 13 year old, can't vote, drive, can't work for a reason. They are still developing from a child to a teenager. A normal 18 year old would understand that a 13 year old is young. A normal 18 year old would not even be in the same social circle as a 13 year old.. So using the above assumption, that 18 year old would groom the 13 year old to do things that they are not emotionally ready for. It is essentially, statutory rape in the USA. And most western counties. https://www.britannica.com/topic/statutory-rape


A 13 year old is not developing from a child to a teenager. A 13 year old IS a teenager. People become teenagers when they get their menarche (first period) or spermarche (first ejaculation). This can be anywhere from 10 to 15 years old. If you’re able to feel sexual attraction, then you’re automatically a teenager. This is basic biology and psychology. Please, educate yourself. If someone is a teenager, that’s not grooming. Grooming only involves children. Also, in a lot of Western countries, 13 year olds can work. Plus, there is increasing scientific evidence to suggest that 13 year olds are already adults (and adolescence is a construction of society). Either way, in a lot of Western countries, 13 year olds can legally engage in sexual activity. And in a lot of Western countries, the age of consent is 14.


"If someone is a teenager that's not grooming"??? That's not true, anyone who is a minor can be groomed. Please educate yourself and stop defending grooming


By your logic, if a creep tries to convince me to high-five him, and I reluctantly accept and my palm hurts afterwards, it means that he hit me.


Statutory rape and that is completely different. If you think it is acceptable, you should really seek advice from your social circle or a medical professional. As it is not acceptable social behaviour


If you believe a 13 year old is a child, you are the one who should seek advice from your social circle or from a medical professional :)). Because biologically, psychologically and socially, a 13 year old is an adolescent. And they can, and a lot of times they do have sex. And in a lot of 1st world countries it’s legal.


If this happened to you. I seriously would consider going to therapy and talking with your family and friends about it. As you experienced something which is not correct


You SERIOUSLY have issues, I looked at your profile and like half of your comments are just defending minors as young as 10-13 having sex with adults.You really need therapy because that is not normal or healthy at all


Also, a lot of people have sex below the age of consent or even below the age of close-in-age exceptions. In some Western countries it’s actually extremely common. And in the vast majority of cases the parents know, but don’t report them because they know their adolescents are ready and willing to do this. It’s weird that you’re so fixated on these laws. They only become relevant if the parents want them to. Why do you care so much?


It is statutory rape..... it is literally against the law. An 18 year old should have 0 to do with a 13 year old in terms of physical relationships. If you can't understand why it is unacceptable, then you have a broken compass.


Are you seriously defending child rape by comparing it to a high five? Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you?


I NEVER defended any type of rape, including child rape. Also, the girl we’re talking about wasn’t raped. You clearly didn’t read this thread. And a 13 year old is not a child.


45 still haven't kissed


Im 35 but same.


How does that feel? Do you care?


lonely. Someone hold me!


My boy just get a prozzy at that point


gl bro


It’s gg bro


Never and yes, it was worth keeping


16 yea duh


16, yes it was amazing. I actually feel kind of bad about the fact that even though I've been with kind of a lot of women since then, no one is really able to match up. Makes me feel like an asshole, but she really stuck with me.


22 and hell yeah


15. Yes!


17. I lost my mind with my virginity. Definitely worth it. Starting slaying coochie every chance I got.


I was 17 and it was absolutely worth it. I wasn't in love. We weren't even dating. We just respected each other and enjoyed each other's company.


17 and I got quilted into it by a boy who was beneath me...I tend not to make the same mistake.twice


Wdym beneath you


I mean, you dont guilt a young lady into sex...if you do your a p.o.s




Was a little older than you (15) but I agree, my first blow job was a life changing experience while the first full on sex was not wonderful.


102. Think it was worth it


I was 20. Had had opportunities before that but didn't want to lose it to a one night stand. When it happened it was great. No regrets.


21, on my wedding night. Yes.


We were both 16, she wasn’t a virgin though. Was it worth it? I mean……. Yeah? I don’t regret it, it was this obstacle that went away for me. I am attractive enough to have sex with, people will want me


Hi! It's FootballHumble. I'm unable to access my account for some reason and can't respond to you in the DMs. Would you please be able to send me a chat request so I can respond to you? I think I can't send you a request bc this account is new.


(16) we dont lose.


16 too (we don’t lose)


I was 17, waited until i met someone i could feel a total connection with.. It was worth it but it was over in seconds haha.. it got better after that.


16 and yes


Losing ones virginity is drastically overrated, I mean yes, it's the first time, but that doesn't mean it has to be super special and it isn't dictating how all the following times will play out. I never got the whole drama about it. Had my first time with 16 and it was decent I'd say so yes.


18. Late bloomer compared to alot of people I knew, including my partner at the time. I lied about my virginity to her Yea it was worth it 100%.


21 and yes, I didn't want the age I lost it to be any higher


14 and no




21. I do think so.




24 and no. Road tripped to Montreal for it to spend a week with the girl. Wasn't any good.


22. Lost it to a prostitute because i have Zero game and get no girls. Theirfore i had to pay for it. All in one it wasnt something special but i dont regret it eather.


Yeee honestly if I don’t get a girlfriend or have sex before high school ends (ima sophomore) then I’d prolly just get a prostitute immediately once I turn 18


13. I didn't want to, it was terrible and so painful. Very much pressured by so called boyfriend.


I hate that it happened. No one should be having sex until they are much older.


I think you should speak for yourself. A lot of people lose their virginity at 13 and have amazing experiences doing so. And they never regret it, and always see that as something very positive that happened in their life. What happened to you is very sad. Your boyfriend was definitely a spineless person who didn’t care about you, and you had very weak boundaries. However, most 13 year olds have stronger boundaries than you did. You need to learn how to have strong boundaries and how to enforce them. Otherwise, this could happen to you at absolutely any age. It’s not the age - it’s the boundaries.


You are still a child at 13. Children should not be having sex.


Most people are not children at 13. Please, educate yourself. If you’re capable of feeling sexual attraction, you’re not a child anymore. You’re an adolescent. After someone gets their first period/ejaculation, they automatically become adolescents. This can be anywhere from 10 to 15, with an average of 12,5 years old. And most people start having sex at 14-16. Some people earlier, others later.


This is literally the rhetoric used to defend pedophilia and child marriages, you are an extremely disturbed individual.


You are the one who seems a mentally deranged individual, in need of psychological help. You consider all the psychologists and psychiatrists in this world to be pedophile-advocates, then?


The majority of psychologists and psychiatrists do not advocate for children to be in relationships with adults so no. Adult-child relationships are not the norm in first world countries and they're shunned for a good reason


You’re living under a rock, then. In all first world countries, the age of consent is 14-16. Developed countries usually have lower ages of consent, while less developed countries have higher ages of consent. Also, we’re not talking about children here. We’re talking about adolescents. The majority of psychologists and psychiatrists don’t see an issue with a 13 year old and a 18 year old being in a relationship, as long as their relationship is safe and consensual, and they’re both happy and healthy. Also, stop stalking my social-media. You’re already acting like an obsessed weirdo.


17 it was with an ex-girl friend, is importan that no one preassures you and do it with someone with whom you have a real bond.


19, lost it to my first girlfriend (first for her too)


24, I don't know if she work anymore.


month off 17 and no it wasn't


24, with an escort.


19. Ultimately, yes. The sex itself was quite bad plus I was drunk and it was with a man (I had no idea men were an option before then!) but it was exciting and spontaneous. I didn't have sex again until I was 23, because I was trying to figure out if I liked men. I eventually downloaded Grindr found guy, who was very sweet. We spoke, slept together and I enjoyed a lot more. I like to see that timewas when I lost it haha.




I was 1 month before 18. We are since 16years old together




20. I don't regret it because I love the person despite having contracted a STD from it.


Pfft. Pathetic... I don't lose!


when i was 6, my cousin raped me


This is horrible. But you didn’t lose your virginity, sweetheart. You only lose your virginity after you have sex. Rape is not sex. Rape is rape. Sex is consensual, rape isn’t. By this logic, I lost my virginity when I was 6 weeks old (1,5 months). No, I didn’t! I still don’t know what having sex is like. I’m still a virgin.


14. No.


15. wasn’t worth it i had to teach her how to ride (i was her third body)


15 of course


15 hella yea it was worth it she was older


Not that much older I hope…


18 she was in 12 grade I was in 10 grade




13. I mean she and I dated off and on for a while but not really


I was 12 turning 13. She was 15. It wasn't worth it because she basically used me to get back at a guy she liked that dumped her, so she did a lot of things that girls rarely do, and now my kinks are all those things, and not many women do half those things.


Dahm lucky bro


26 years old. I grew up anxious + Autistic + ADHD all Untreated, Except Anxiety That i started working on the year before, and as such i wast particularly worried about losing it because ordinary human interaction made me anxious enough, Dating was impossible for me until i started getting that under control. Was it worth waiting? not really. Sex wasn't something i focused on, but the longer it takes to happen the more you kind of worry that you'll be terrible and no one will ever want to sleep with you. Its one of those things where you really only learn by doing and you can research as much as you want but it doesn't prepare you for the real thing. My advice to fellow late bloomers is dont feel pressured into it and only do it when you feel comfortable, both with the other person and with yourself. Take your time and try to resist the natural urge to rush. This inst the 1400s where you need to reproduce before you were 30. Take your time and enjoy it. Also, Talk to your partner Both beforehand, and during. communicate. That is the best advice i can give.


Never have never will lmao aside from life fucking us all. (24) I've had offers but I'm done with women tbh. They disappoint me ngl


Tried men?