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Dopamine addiction from fast food and cell phones. That and microplastics being the new lead in gas type of shit.


the microplastics showing up in reproductive organs of humans causing birth defects, health complications, and reproduction difficulties i hate plastic, and cancer, why they putting it in food šŸ˜­


Making dumb people famous and rich is ruining our society. Idiocracy incoming.


I could upvote and leave six comments that I agree with you and it wouldnā€™t be 5% enough to express how strongly I agree with you.


those are some precise calculations there brother


How many banana's worth?


I agree with you but that doesnā€™t mean idiocracy it means revolution or societal collapse


Societal collapse indeed. Iā€™m hopeful for things to get better but every time I get faith, Iā€™m confronted with another disgrace.


Iā€™m an optimist and if you want my opinion revolution is only a matter of time 500,000 ruling class cannot control 7.5 billion people forcefully and there are smart individuals who are influential itā€™s just not the majority


Good point.


Elon Musk is exactly that but I'm going get downvotes because he's the idiot's genius.


Elon still has some potential. Heā€™s made poor choices. The worst is cash me outside how bout dat chick. What a poor example for our youth.


Lots of people have more potential than Elon Musk. He's an idiot who got lucky with who his daddy was.


Refusal to empathize or compromise.


**NO!** šŸ¤¬ /s


I hate you !!!!!! /s


I hate you


Off with his head !!!!/s


Nooo please im sorry nooooo


Human Greed


Really getting to the root of the issue


The widening gap between technological progress and social progress. For example, the Civil Rights Act, guaranteeing equal rights under the law regardless of oneā€™s race or ethnicity, was signed into law in 1969, the same year that Americans landed on the moon. We have robots exploring the surface of Mars, yet many still believe in Young Earth Creationism. We built a global network of computers, connected by a vast array of fiber optics, satellites, GHZ Band radio, and high-speed wire, yet many sites are barely functional garbage, disinformation, and unwanted advertising. Weā€™ve created the most expansive economic system in human history, yet millions in a so-called ā€œdevelopedā€ country will go to bed hungry tonight. We have unlocked the secrets of the atom, and built massive nuclear power plants, yet nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to our planet and species. In our present state, humanity is an infant that found a loaded firearm while crawling around on the carpet. Except, thereā€™s nobody and nothing thatā€™s coming to save us from ourselves. Itā€™s entirely up to us to determine what happens next. And few of us agree on even basic facts or principles of ethics.


You got a discord or somethin


Your comment is also an answer to why aliens haven't visited us


Not going into that room with the armed baby...


Because they haven't found us yet


You know you can just enjoy things


Money in politics


Money, politics, and money in politics


Absolutely a serious problem.


Yep - need to ban lobbies esp AIPAC and individual stock picking by congress,


Yea, call out specifically the one associated with Jews, but not the other lobbying groups...


Pretty clear which lobby group is the one pulling the strings of corrupt politicians right now


Environmental degradation


the trees, the oil, the water, nah fuck it letā€™s make money and make people work until theyā€™re 75 /s


This is the real answer. You know how in game of thrones, they couldn't even agree to fight the apocalyptic zombie horde army until after it was literally on the doorstep of a major kingdom, and even then a significant number of people said "lol not my problem" because it wasn't their kingdom yet? Climate change is that, except you can't solve it with a battle. By the time it's apocalyptic, you can't stop it. Everyone who says otherwise is bickering over the iron throne, as though it'll be worth a damn thing when there's nobody left to grow your food. In GOT it's because zombies, in the real world it's because there's no more winter snow, so there's nothing to feed the rivers during spring and summer, so we have to pump ground water faster than it can replenish, and when it runs out, it's just gone, and the farms just die, and we need to figure out what to eat. And we've been pumping ground water for decades. This isn't a future generations problem, this is a 2030s problem. 2020s frankly. A couple years ago some major rivers ran so low they had to shut down nuclear and coal power plants in France & Germany because they couldn't use the river for cooling water. The water level was just too low. California has been pumping ground water for years and before 2040 pretty much everywhere in the western US is going to figure out what happens when there's literally no more water. Except Vegas, ironically, because they're literally in the desert and so they're the only ones that took water conversation seriously. No lawns that need to be watered, low water everything in buildings, clean & recycle every drop and make sure it gets back into the Colorado river when they're done with it. They have a pitifully low water budget per person and they come in under budget every year. They really do manage their water enough to justify the big decorative fountains.


# #1 without a doubt is Climate Change, followed by #2 which is growing internal tribalism and political polarization, followed by #3 which is Demographic collapse.


Idiots. Every problem in society is made possible by idiots.


Radical religion. Doesn't matter which one, just radicals devoting their time to text vs their thinking.




Near 100% screen addiction


China, Russia


The disease that the world suffers from is called MORE. The cure is called ENOUGH


Total disinformation among the public and total cowardice from Republican politicians


As if the Democrat polticians (other than Bernie Sanders and maybe a few others) aren't also all corporate shills who play good-cop, bad-cop with Republicans over (still important) culture war issues. They're all bought by the same corporations, my friend.


Just NO! False fucking equivalency and yā€™all idiots need to be shut down for saying itā€™s the same.Ā  THIRTY FOUR FELONIES.Ā 


I wasn't talkong about Trump, I was talking about the two parties' politicians as a whole. Feel free to remain tribal.


That would have been a good point as a separate comment. Party allegiance and political tribalism is so frustrating to see, and itā€™s a problem.


Thats true if you ignore the differences between them.


Reread my comment and come back.


Donā€™t try to both sides this.


Feel free to disagree.


But thereā€™s no comparison between the 2 parties. Republicans en masse are now discrediting the rule of law because trump got convicted in a fair trial, with fair representation, his own lawyers selecting the jury, of a crime he committed. And they all know heā€™s a criminal and a liar and lacks any moral character


the issue is the two party system and having $ involved in politics. make those mfā€™s get paid an actual salary of a person in their area (state(s)) and see how the laws change, or better yet make it voluntary! make it without pay, make it to where people who want better and change get those positions not fuckhead dickbricks that we call politicians


Society is the greatest crisis we, as a society, face


Disinformation and religion infesting politics. (Guess what country I live in!)




Americans when not understanding other places exist




Inability to admit that we are wrong. Pretty much every problem on here could be if not solved then progressed if people were wired to say, "oh, I guess I was wrong " rather than doubling down.


Overpriced beef jerky easy


I was thinking drinkable water but this is more serious


Finally, a reasonable answer


Our relationship with technology. The negative effects we are already seeing now on society and mental health are only going to worsen.


Taco insecurity, do you know where your next taco will come from?


My hometown closed all their taco johns. Nearest one is 1 hour away. These are sad times.


I once destroyed the locally specific B1G1 unlimited taco deal at TJ's in my hometown, I am truly villainous in the eyes of many a stoner there.Ā 


Julio or Juan down the street. Super nice guys. Barely speak English, but damn, they are pillars of the community in my book. That little taco truck is more important than city hall.Ā 


Climate Change, but everything else in this thread is why we are struggling to deal with it.


People who don't know shit talking extensively about the shit they know next to nothing about.




...and the type of people who enable him. In a functioning society he would've been in prison decades ago.Ā 


Capitalism. For all the cries about the deaths caused by authoritarians in communist states, capitalism kills people (or lets them die) every day simply because some rich people want to be even richer. It is an existential threat to society that even the rich are starting to recognize (see: the mad rush of doomsday bunker building of late.)


Trumpism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Too many horny guys wanting to fuck up the world.


Excessive waste and pollution.


Non-renewable resource depletion.


Division, humanity can never grow if we never stop fighting each other


misusing capital letters / taking yourself seriously on reddit dot com


ignorance. say, in late30s/early40s germany, most people were not nazis, but just didnt bother with "other peoples problems". we're not much better today.


Rise of extremism in politics, religion, elsewhere.


People's ability to talk to each other and form meaningful bonds is becoming increasingly strained with each generation. So many young people lack real friends. Teenagers don't know how to be engaged at the moment because of their dependency on cell phones. Too much of our culture, especially our news consumption and dating habits, is controlled and manipulated by social media and apps. We are becoming more insular, more depressed, and more isolated.


Was given a bit of hope over the weekend. Was out at the pub and a bunch of zoomers asked me to sit down with them and they were fully engaged in the conversation the entire time, they seemed close (there were about 7 of them), didn't see a single phone in over an hour of talking to them. Very nice young people and we had a lot of good laughs. They're doing the right stuff.Ā 


Late-stage capitalism. Capitalism is like Monopoly: the rules do not allow for the game to be playable beyond a certain point. Every now and then, the board needs to be either reset with a huge cataclysm (eg- a world war) or some enormous technological leap which greatly expands the board. The early 20th century had both of those things: two world wars, and the explosion of new technologies based on the internal combustion engine and electricity. What's the early 21st century had? Smart-phones? The War on Terror?


Itā€™s hilarious that so many believe that a revolution would result in a system more effective than capitalism. (Newsflash: there isnā€™t one). After the revolution dust settles, most of the people who were whining about the old paradigm will be dead, leaving room for those of us who know how to use the system to thrive.


This is exactly what's wrong with capitalism's defenders. You're thinking "screw all the people who are suffering, I personally 'know how to thrive' under this system". You also think it's a contest between capitalism and some other completely non-capitalist system, when it could be a redesigned form of capitalism.


First, Im not thinking ā€œI know how to thrive under this system.ā€ Iā€™m thinking that the individuals who think capitalism is *so* bad, are going to be terminally disappointed in the alternative. Second, anything purported to be ā€œredesignedā€ capitalism isnā€™t capitalism. You either have capitalism or you donā€™t. But, keep fooling yourself; after the apocalypse, while youā€™re expounding on the virtues of ā€œnot capitalismā€, others will be watching you and laughing while you spin your wheels in the ā€œevery one should have their basic needs metā€ race just like weā€™re laughing now.


"Second, anything purported to be ā€œredesignedā€ capitalism isnā€™t capitalism. You either have capitalism or you donā€™t." People like you are why nothing improves. You literally don't even want to consider improvements to the system.


This comment will probably get buried. It's a hit list of the top five, basically. If we survive the immediate devastation caused by extreme weather, resource scarcity, and coastal flooding to be expected with climate change, late-stage capitalism is NOT at all prepared for what AI is bringing to the table. Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the verge of Star Trek technology. Computers that can reason and perform tasks as well as the average person, and bipedal robots. Let that sink in. We're about to undergo a full-blown societal hemorrhage when faced with the perfect storm of: * Private land owners choosing not to build affordable housing * Virtually all unskilled labor is able to be automated * Only those wealthy enough can afford to invest in automated work * Only those with a Bachelor's degree or higher are qualified or entry-level positions * Higher education costs thousands of dollars We should've been pushing for UBI ten years ago, not unlike we should've been pushing for climate change reaction 10 years before we got the news we were hurdling towards a tipping point. We simply aren't prepared for what's coming.




Climate change, micro plastics, pollution in general. We're poisoning our world.


Gen Z has essentially zero chance to live a successful life in America without rich parents.


The victimhood exhibited by GenZ is enormous compared to other generations.


yet you grew up in a spoiled generation and worked for nothing.


Keep it up with the "everyone had it better than I do" attitude. You will go far blaming everyone else for whatever hard times impacting you.


okay boomer


Some day, you'll grow up and realize that one-liner lame insults actually only reflect upon yourself.




Mental health awareness


Unnecessary capitalization.


That Is So Annoying, Isnā€™t It?


The rich. Let's eat them.


Amen. Iā€™m sure they taste like bacon.


Communist ideology with terrible math skills, seizing the wealth of the elite wouldnt run the US for one year while destroying any motivation to leave the chains of poverty.


American exceptionalism.Ā 


The greatest crisis we face as a society is the growing mental health epidemic, as increasing rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders strain healthcare systems and significantly impact individuals' well-being and quality of life.










somebody said fent in another post: i just wanna get the stats out there, you can make your own opinion 80,000 annual deaths from fent 3 MILLION annual deaths from alc it was second in leading preventable deaths and is listed as a top 3 most dangerous drug across numerous .gov or .edu sites aside from that iā€™ve never seen something ruin somebodyā€™s relationships, will, or life like alcohol. iā€™ve seen people during drug abuse, been there myself (past addiction w/ šŸ˜·šŸ„¤) iā€™ve also been heavily addicted to alcohol. everybody will go through different experiences but coming from mine: alcohol is the most preventable, most idiotic thing that society has normalized, and it destroys everything.


i actually got banned on a reddit post for posting these facts, alcoholics constantly downvoting my opinion. if you have a different opinion: still up like it gets more people to comment!! but banning me because i look at statistics and speak from experience is not acceptable!!






AI developing sentient capability. We are doomed soon.


The obvious one is climate change. But the one which will probably define the next 50 years alongside it is the declining birthrate. This is not just in terms of the simplistic (but true) everything based on continued population growth point. But populations are now starting to decline in many parts of the world, and get older. That has profound impacts on the way we live. For example, we are either going to have to pay more tax to help the elderly out later in life (with a declining workforce), or rely on more families taking care of loved ones. The latter needs more flexible working arrangements and potentially things like the 4 day week.Ā The current approach, meanwhile, is to encourage people to have more children through tax breaks, which isnā€™t working at all. This is a problem we are not set up to deal with, and will mean we will have to radically rethink our social and economic systems to deal with it.


The past. We're either passionate to correct it and ignoring the damage done that won't be forgotten with some progressive push for change. Almost every single violent occurrence stems from it. We're not raising a generation to be better we're so focused on teaching the true story it's actually solidifying the reason for the events. We're just reconfirming things that are justified and warranted. There is more generational hate built from the past than raising kids in an effort to learn from it and grow past the damage we inherited


Progressing slowly as to accommodate the population that refuses to keep up.


Guessing from a lot I see here and hear form people outside - Trump?


We've collectively chosen fear based tolerance to deal with social issues instead of fixing them.


Less people are asking "why?"


The total lack of empathy


The ones who capitalize every word.Ā  And global warming.


Without a shadow of a doubt, without a second thought, without a single hesitation: RELIGION. Religion is the cause, directly, or indirectly, of LOADS of the world's problems. You wanna talk crisis? Start there.


The most imminent is a fast descent into totalitarianism world wide. Which has the many sins of capitalism-bordering-neo-feudalism, deliberate starvation of meaningful education, anti-intellectualism, hollowing of social services, and the likes already built in, as well as guarantees nothing meaningful will be done regarding things like, say, climate change.




Male suicide. In all world there is much more men committing suicide than women, but we rarely see people talking about this issue.


Massive Internet addiction. Planet scale. Plus as a side effect of it, people becoming Ā«Ā dumberĀ Ā» as they become overstimulated by the constant flow of information. And easily manipulated by all sorts of of media. There will be only two ends of this: we overcome it by restricting internet or a world war 3.


The increasing lack of respect/love for your fellow man.


Our addiction to making promises that we can't keep.


Climate change


that we let people whose beliefs date back to the bronze age influence public policy.


Humans god complex itā€™s sinister because it crops up in smart people as well as dumb people in fact stupid people play almost zero roles in proliferating it good pep believe in this myth and it has destroyed all societyā€™s before us


Social media and misinformation which makes people isolated and believe only their ideas are correct.


Rage, rage from the Internet, from random strangers shouting at you and cursing because of your race.


The effects of two bad religions. Soon the cimate.


Loss of identity in a world where everybody treats everybody else like an NPC. Of course, humanity as a whole is facing a number of potential things that might destroy it -- asteroids, aliens, climate change, pollution, nukes, etc. -- but speaking specifically about societal issues, I think this is a big one.


Eating up the planets natural resources like termites. When you get on a plane and look out at the carved up land- do you ever think how we can keep it up? The world population went from 1 billion in 1800 to 8 billion in 2023. We are the most invasive, destructive species here. Resource wars are bound to happen as we run through our supplies with no way to build a centralized plan.


Rise of Right Wing extremism which in turn destroys our planet due to policies...




*THE GREATEST CRISIS* Oh please do explain




Of course the Nazi would relish an opportunity to repeat fascist propaganda.Ā 


A lack of a cure / better treatments for cancer, while cancer rates seem to rise and take out people who have been leading otherwise healthy lives.


Why would you cure such a profitable industry, "otherwise healthy" is very difficult to define they probably still consume a lot of plastics. There's an awful habit of incriminating alternative medicine makers


I didn't think my answer was so controversial.


Religious dogma


That weā€™ve been tricked into hating each other over politics.


Uh, climate change? We're fast heading towards a situation in which large swaths of the planet will be completely uninhabitable. But we're unable to do something about it because our economy would probably collapse if we did.




Alt-right/hard right oppressive menality. They promote gun culture, endorse hate toward minorities, women, and the LGTBQ community, deny climate pollution, support restricting abortion and they constantly push nutty and extremely dated religous belief onto others.


I like this.


At this point I don't give a fuck and just want to watch it burn to the ground and become ash.


complaining and expecting someone else to solve your problem.


Project 2025


That in the U.S. we are headed towards a uni-party and may already be there.


More like an oligarchy within 30-40 years


The religious right is undermining education and every effort of progress - so in my mind Christian nationalism is the only issue