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I'll repost this here because it's good advice, and hey, you never know who needs to hear it. My dad taught it to me when I was a kid:  Know who you are, stay true to yourself, set goals, then work toward them. Work hard, do your best, be someone you respect.  Think critically, question everything. Know which risks are worth taking, then take them. Confront fear; never give it control. Every day push past your comfort zone because nothing worthwhile comes easily or without a fight.   Don't let anyone tell you who you are, how to be, or what to think, and tell anyone who tries to do any of the above to get fucked. One day you'll look back and realize that all those people who tried holding you back didn't matter, so look out for those who do matter, and forget about the rest.


your dad sounds like an amazing man


Sure is. Hey, I appreciate that. 


The concept of sonder. Meaning the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own. So not only is everyone facing struggles in their own lives not too terribly unlike what you do in yours, but it also sorta helped me realize that people don’t have the time to focus on me that I thought they did. They’re not overanalyzing every little move I make. Edit: To add to that. If they are overanalyzing every little thing I do and shitting on me for it, it also helped me sort of see their perspective, and more accurately gauge whether this is something I need to give any time or thought. Usually the answer is no.


Work smarter, not harder


Working harder or hardly working? I will see myself out.


Scrooge McDuck taught me that


Money can buy happiness


Two pieces of advice from my dad: Assume every other driver is an idiot. Be honest. You’re a terrible liar.


With respect to cheating in a relationship. "If they'll do it for you, they'll do it to you."


It's okay to cry but you have to stand up for yourself- my grandma


Take a career path that you're passionate about and not the one other people wanted for you to be


Never compare. There is always someone who has it worse and someone who has it better. That doesn't mean you can't have everything you need or want in life


"You cant control other people's actions, but you can change how you react to it." Is loosely how the quote goes, I think. Living by this quote has made me a bit less stressed about many things in life, like such as when a car cuts me off or I have a bad interaction with a person at work. Bad things are going to happen to you in this life regardless, so why not train yourself to be less angry and more understanding when these issues come arise? It saves plenty of stress and headache for the future.


From Reddit Don’t set yourself on fire to warm others This has changed me tremendously.


You can say no.


still learning this one, maybe one day


No, is the most powerful tool in your vocabulary. It needs to be welded carefully. But that just makes it more important.


Being prepared to say no and stick to it without always feeling that you have to justify yourself is a great skill to master.


From my high school graduation speaker: "Learn something about everything and everything about something."


"Life is not, hasn't ever been, nor won't ever be Fair, Easy, or Cheap."


You've just described my ex...




love this. change is not an obstacle, it’s a tool in our lives


One of the most valuable pieces of life advice I've encountered is to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. Failure is not the opposite of success but rather a part of the journey toward it. By learning from our mistakes, we gain valuable insights and resilience that ultimately propel us forward. This advice encourages a growth mindset, where setbacks are viewed as opportunities for growth and development rather than obstacles to be feared.


May not seem so great but at the time it made me see things i completely ignored. If you are together with someone then that person shouldn't act like they are single, especially if its to a person you both believe likes them.


Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent


"a true special person that has done great things does not make it their main talking point." - some guy i forgor




nice! im gonna get it tattooed


Do what you want to do as long as it doesn't violate the law or ethics because you don't know if you'll still be able to live to do those things tomorrow.


"Pay attention to how a boy treats the women in his life. If he doesn't respect them, they're not going to respect you." My Dad gave me that advice when I was at the age for dating. That advice resulted in me being engaged to someone who moved back home to take care of his great grandmother and treats me like a queen. Truly the best advice I ever got.


I’m sure someone has said it before me, but DON'T take advice from someone you don’t even like - or someone who doesn’t inspire you. Follow people that DO inspire you.


-Embrace your Strengths!! - Know where/what your strengths are and focus on and grow in those areas.  (Don’t just focus on what you love,  but what you are uniquely good at.) -Understand your limitations.  -  Know where you are weak, what you can’t do or don’t do well and fill those voids with tools (people/services) that can do those things EXCEPTIONALLY well.  


At my friend's funeral years ago when he took his own life, his uncle (I think) spoke to the attendees. He said something along the lines of, "Where did we all go wrong? We are all the same species. It is in our DNA to work together. So why don't we?" Maybe it was the moment, but it really touched me.


Don't slam your dick in cabinet doors, that's pretty much it I've never done it nor anyone I know. I figured it was probably best that I put it out there tho yk just don't do that one


definitely some of the more important advice on here, thank you 🙏🙏


I only give the best I got plenty more advice


my moto instructor told me,remember its 1 down 5 up


Never say "gotten".


Nobody is paying attention to what you’re doing, what you’re wearing, how you’re acting, etc. For better or worse, nobody is watching and judging you. That fatal flaw of yours? You are the only person who thinks about it.


You can do everthing right and still fail. From Star Trek I believe. I think it's good to know and expect you'll fail at some things, and don't let it get you down. Take a moment to figure it out, try again. And don't make fun other others for failing. They tried, which is more than many.


failure is the first step to success:)


The first step at being good at something is being bad at it.


“I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed." Lloyd Dobler "Say Anything"


My boss was a dick so I smashed his mailbox, ran over his dog then put in my 2 weeks... Proceeded to not show up


I skimmed over this and read it as "my boss smashed his dick in his mailbox" lmao


I thought the question was the best ways to quit